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Perhaps codebreaker codes could get you out of this mess?
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I am speechless. The ROM must feel violated after what you did to it. This is honestly one of the rare times that I feel compelled to watch the movie again just to fully appreciate it. I recommend watching the movie with the following script. It's a variation of this, but I changed "turbo" with "nothrottle" because I actually found the run too fast paced with the doors/items being completely skipped. Download Turbo.lua
Language: lua

while true do istop = memory.readbyte(0x7E0009) dstop = memory.readbyte(0x7E05F5) estop = memory.readbyte(0x7E0E18) -- Items, Doors, Elevators if istop+dstop+estop > 0 then snes9x.speedmode("nothrottle") else if istop+dstop+estop < 1 then snes9x.speedmode("normal") end end snes9x.frameadvance() end
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I meant a publishable encode, but if your computer can't handle it, then I suppose that's out of the question. It would be a pity having to re-do all that input.
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Quote: 3/4 00:38 いろいろ更新できそうな部分があるな~どうしようかな…。確実だったらやるんだけどな… It seems there are various improvements to parts and such to do... if it is true, it should be done. Possibly implying that the run is improvable.
Hmm, is there a way I could PM this guy? Are there any other comments alluding to improvements? I don't mind hexing in some improvements so long as it doesn't tamper with the RNG (I suppose that's unlikely). Might be a good idea to translate some Metal Slug comments, there are over 1000 atm 0_o
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Would it just be easier for everyone involved if I redo the entire run using the normal Mupen?
Since you made the run perhaps you have the best chance of making a synched encode? Just a silly thought.
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This topic should be stickied.
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I think it would be a good idea to either mention this was played in hard mode, or that it obsoletes the 2008 run. I already saw a comment in part 1 that referred to the 2008 run, so there could be confusion about that. And obviously thanks for uploading, first part's already hit over 1000 views :) A major concern though, I think nico accounts have a limit on how much you can upload overall. I think it's 8 GB per member (Link). If this is the case, having one channel for TASing won't work, you'll run out of space after like 10 videos. === Edit: I translated the comments for part 3/4, and the first comment at 0:38 seems to imply the run is improvable??? "What to do - there are a variety of areas ... that could be updated. Dattara'm certainly doing that." Anyone know if this Dattara'm guy has a nico channel?
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I'm posting some information I collected, though it's formatted like submission comments, so it will probably look a bit odd. Also included an updated script me and Electrospecter are working on. Speaking of which, Electrospecter is my hero. ========================== !!Introduction Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues is one of those games I enjoyed as a child, and so it holds a lot of nostalgia factor for me. Naturally, seeing as there’s no run of the game currently published, I decided to take on the challenge of TASing this game. For the most part, the run is surprisingly easy to optimize. *No horizontal acceleration *Jumping doesn’t affect horizontal speed *Only subpixel values involved in x position are 0 and 128 *Corner boosting always has the same effect frame-wise *Almost no RNG to speak of *Almost no lag to speak of *Very easy game to hex edit *Fairly trivial to synchronize 2 player input *Ladders can be ascended at a uniform pace equal to your maximum jump speed Basically, so long as you run right for justice, dispose of enemies in your way, climb ladders properly, and corner boost whenever possible, you will achieve an optimal time. However, producing this run was far from trivial because of the efforts to make the run as entertaining as possible. __Optimizing Entertainment__ Below is a list of ways I attempt to make the run as entertaining as possible. *Hit some enemies on the earliest frame possible *Hit other enemies on the latest frame possible *Shoot human enemies with tranquilizer weapons, even though they do no damage *Time shots to create cool sounding firing sequences *Use a variety of burst shooting and continuous shooting *Use multiple weapons on the same enemy *Jump on the earliest/latest frame possible while achieving a corner boost *Making the most out of idle time (eg/ T-Rex auto-scroller fight) !!Frame Data *Running = 2 pixels / frame *Corner boost by jumping onto a block = 9 pixels *Corner boost by falling off a block = 5 frames *Time to partially charge cattle prod = 35 frames *Time to fully charge cattle prod = 70 frames !!Weapon Firing Restrictions Unfortunately you cannot fire weapons indefinitely in this game. There is a limit to how many bullets can appear on-screen at any given time, and it varies based on the weapon chosen. *Default weapons: 3 bullets *Rapid firing weapons: 5 bullets *Power weapons: 1 bullet In general at least 2 bullets must impact an enemy before firing can re-commence. An exception is the tranq bazooka where you can fire again 3 frames after the first missile has visually impacted the enemy. __Combinations__ Below are the weapon firing combinations I’ve determined. *Default + 4 rapid-fire / shotgun *2 Default + 3 rapid-fire / shotgun *3 Default + 2 rapid-fire *Rapid fire + 2 default / shotgun *2 Rapid fire + 1 default / shotgun *3 Rapid fire (no combination) *Shotgun + 2 rapid-fire *Bazooka + 2 default/ 4 rapid-fire / shotgun The rules governing this behavior are quite simple. Basically, each bullet fired has a certain value, and the maximum value allowed at any given point is 5. Below is a list of each individual weapon’s value. *Default: 1.5 *Rapid-fire: 1 *Shotgun: 3 *Bazooka: 5 In addition, when you fire a bullet and switch weapons, the already fired bullet takes on the same value as the weapon you have equipped. This is what allows the freedom to fire a bazooka shot followed by 4 rapid-fire shots, for instance. Normally the bazooka shot has a value of 5, but by switching to a rapid-fire weapon, it changes to a value of 1, thus allowing for another 4 rapid-fire shots to reach the maximum of 5. __Weapon Damage__ *Default: 2 *Rapid-fire: 2 *Shotgun: 15 (5 / hit) *Bazooka: 14 *Partially charged cattle prod: 8 *Fully charged cattle prod: 16 __Enemy HP__ *Bat/little orange pests: 4 *Generic enemy: 6 *Generic black enemy: 10 *Grenade throwing enemies: 14 *Bazooka enemy: 20 *Flamethrower enemy: 22 *Blue outfit enemy: 42 *Dilophosaurus: 12 *Green raptor: 10 *Brown raptor: 22 *Grey raptor: 42 ========================== Now for the code. At the moment it shows things like character position (+sub-pixel pos), speed, player/enemy hp, and weapon usage. The enemy hp is very bugged at the moment, but this should be fixed soon enough. Download Jurassic Park 2.lua
Language: lua

while true do xpos = memory.readword(0x7EB017) xsub = memory.readbyte(0x7EB016) ypos = memory.readword(0x7EB01B) ysub = memory.readbyte(0x7EB01A) xspd = memory.readwordsigned(0x7EB01E) yspd = memory.readwordsigned(0x7EB022) xpos2 = memory.readword(0x7EB07C) xsub2 = memory.readbyte(0x7EB07B) ypos2 = memory.readword(0x7EB080) ysub2 = memory.readbyte(0x7EB07F) xspd2 = memory.readwordsigned(0x7EB083) yspd2 = memory.readwordsigned(0x7EB087) weapon = memory.readbyte(0x7EB040) bullets = memory.readbyte(0x7EB033) weapon2 = memory.readbyte(0x7EB0A5) bullets2 = memory.readbyte(0x7EB098) HP = memory.readbyte(0x7EB03F) HP2 = memory.readbyte(0x7EB0A4) camx = memory.readword(0x7E006A) camy = memory.readword(0x7E006C) gui.text(209,47,"XSpd: "..xspd) gui.text(209,57,"YSpd: "..yspd) gui.text(138,47,"XPos: "..xpos) gui.text(138,57,"YPos: "..ypos) gui.text(183,47,": "..xsub) gui.text(183,57,": "..ysub) gui.text(134,37,"X2Pos: "..xpos2) gui.text(183,37,": "..xsub2) gui.text(48,2,""..HP) gui.text(201,2,""..HP2) local i for i = 0, 40 do enmyx = memory.readword(0x7EB146+i*0x65) enmyy = memory.readword(0x7EB14A+i*0x65)-10 enmyHP = memory.readbytesigned(0x7EB161+i*0x65)-1 HPx = enmyx - camx HPy = enmyy - camy if enmyHP > 0 then gui.text(HPx,HPy,""..enmyHP) end end if weapon == 0 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 3") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 3 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon == 1 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 5") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 5 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon == 2 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 3") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 3 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon == 3 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 3") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 3 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon == 4 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 5") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 5 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon == 5 then gui.text(43,24,"/ 1") gui.text(34,24,""..bullets) if bullets == 1 then gui.text(57,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 8 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 3") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 3 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 9 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 5") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 5 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 10 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 3") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 3 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 11 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 3") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 3 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 12 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 5") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 5 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end if weapon2 == 13 then gui.text(211,24,"/ 1") gui.text(202,24,""..bullets2) if bullets2 == 1 then gui.text(225,24,"X","red") end end snes9x.frameadvance() end
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Did you increase the video length?
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Cool to see some support. It's quickly become apparent to me that TASing platformers is an epic headache of trial and error without the help of some lua scripting, so if I am to continue this project, all my energy will be going into that for a while. Here's some preliminary information I've found, and a very basic lua script I'm working on. I'm not even sure if I'm using the correct addresses yet. Horizontal Position 1 byte unsigned 7EB017 (varies periodically from 0 to 256, increases by 2 when running right, increases by 1 when moving on rope) 4 byte signed/unsigned 7EB016 Vertical Position Undetermined Horizontal Speed 2 byte signed 7EB01E (varies from 0 to 512 in increments of 128, constant value of 256 on ropes, negative when running left) Download Position.lua
Language: lua

function Default() local XPos = memory.readdword(0x7EB016) local XSubPos = memory.readbyte(0x7EB017) local XSpd = memory.readwordsigned(0x7EB01E) gui.text(180,20,"X Position") gui.text(230,20,XPos) gui.text(164,30,"X Sub Position") gui.text(230,30,XSubPos) gui.text(191,40,"X Speed") gui.text(230,40,XSpd) end gui.register(Default)
I really, really suck at lua scripting right now, I can't even get a simple "for" loop to work. I'll probably need to put in some serious time brushing up on programming language, but I'm also hoping someone with more programming expertise can help me out a bit.
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I'm 99% sure there's a much larger japanese audience for Fire Emblem videos, so I would be appreciative if you were to encode my Sacred Stones submission on Nico.
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I'll third that the video is unbearably slow. I managed to get through the first video fine (although 1-2 FPS), but the 2nd one was even worse in terms of speed. Looking forward to the next 3 videos once reasonable playback can be achieved. Also really hoping for a lua script tutorial. Actually, I'll make a request: How to make a lua script that effectively uses information like player speed + position, enemy speed + position, hitboxes, timers, projectile speed, etc. For now I'm going to study the ones available in the game resource section.
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Smv (Raptor Attack + Emergency Stage) I decided to start a serious run, here's a WIP that completes the first level and emergency stage. I'm on the fence about continuing this because I'm worried that ~40 mins of gameplay could get repetitive fast. So tell me what you think. Is it entertaining/boring? Edit: I improved the Smv a bit. In particular, I optimized jumping onto/falling off of vines so that the 2 characters are never separated by more than 4 frames. I also made the parts where I shoot enemies more entertaining.
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Has a TAS that doesn't beat a game been published before on TASVideos?
Yes And that last video needs to be submitted!
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That would only matter if PikachuMan was making the official encode. For viewing purposes only, there's nothing wrong with the unofficial encode in the first post.
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What's wrong with just watching the youtube encode? Is fast forwarding cutscenes really that important?
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
Vykan12 wrote:
I'd likely vote this as the best fighter TAS on the site (assuming publication, of course).
Have you seen the SNES MK2 and UMK3 glitchfest runs? Those are both really good.
Yes. This run has more combos and combat variety than MK2 and more glitching than UMK3.
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This was quite delicious, especially the clever weapon usage towards the ending of the run. Tricks such as jumping over enemies using that spider platform upgrade are always a joy to watch. Unobvious and secretive yes vote.
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Now I understand why forum members are so adamant about having fighting game TASes be glitchfests. Strange and hilarious exploits throughout, and I'd likely vote this as the best fighter TAS on the site (assuming publication, of course).
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SNES Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (USA) "glitched" in 03:44.65 by Tompa. SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (USA) in 1:16:11.05 by Tompa. The inclusion of the word "the" makes the 2 movies appear at completely different parts of the page, instead of side-by-side.
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Yes vote because of the game title. The run's pretty repetitive, I mean it boils down to constant jumping, with variation only provided by the height to which spongebob jumps. Nonetheless, I'd take it for being an improvement to the currently published run. It's obviously more optimized.
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The audio makes my ears vomit mucus, and the gameplay is repetitive. No for bad game choice.
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I know nothing about the game, but I enjoyed it. I would vote between a meh and a yes, which gives a bad pun mess.
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Hey guys, quick question. I recall reading somewhere in this topic a script used to skip door transitions, but I can't seem to find it. Perhaps I'm just confusing this with Angerfist's encode of Cpadolf's 100% run, which cut out door transitions?
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I liked 60 the best, personally. The arm pumping in 20 looked terrible.
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