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This game sure has wonky physics, particularly when the bike moves vertically off the screen. Otherwise, everything looked well optimized so I'm giving this a yes vote.
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Do improvements ever get rejected bar cheating? Great run and easy yes from me. The only part I didn't like were when you were forced to kill spawning enemies for a set period of time, and of course the cutscenes, but neither are really the runner's fault.
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Yes vote. I seem to take a liking to videos where I have no idea what's going on, and the chaotic nature of the combos was almost overwhelming in that respect. Visually very impressive.
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This movie could suffer the same fate as NSMB. How much positive bias will it receive for being the first TAS of a new console?
Post subject: Quick plug-in question
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What are the best emulator and video plug-in options for the following games: Banjo Tooie Perfect Dark Goldeneye The Zeldas Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Right now I can't even get Rogue Squadron or Battle for Naboo to work on Project 64, are there any emulators that can play those 2 games?
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Rationale: On this site, publication is slightly better thing than no publication.
That justifies accepting practically any sub-par submission.
This movie is, at least slightly, entertaining -- and the ratings seem to support this. Average entertainment rating currently is 5.8, which is better than "average".
Are you actively encouraging that the site should lower its standards? Explain why this rationale isn’t used on many other runs of equivalent quality that don’t make it through.
If you are angry at this movie being published despite its quality, go ahead and obsolete it.
Again, this is like encouraging sloppy runs to be accepted and published because it can later be obsoleted.
I published this movie to draw more attention to the birth of DS TASing.
If you this were your intent, then there should be more emphasis than the average movie on this submission having excellent quality, so it can be used as a role model of what the site represents. Drawing a lot of attention towards unpolished and only mildly entertaining runs is not going to help the site’s reputation, even if it does display that TASing is expanding across newer systems. Though, what really bothers me is how much of a “sellout” this whole notion is. The game being run on a new system doesn’t dictate preferential treatment in its judging process, and doing this purposely for views is not really any better than a television show sexing up their female characters to increase ratings. A flawed analogy perhaps, but hopefully you get the idea.
I've already admitted this. It didn't matter about the votes in this case, or the precendent, or anything like that.
I can see that Warp’s criticisms about un-democratic voting are being substantiated.
If you think I am going to make a habit of publishing my own movies, you are wrong.
That PCE Dragon Egg run is rather curious.
Also I consulted both mmbossman and bisqwit and got a green light from both of them.
They’re using the same flawed reasoning as you though, so I wouldn’t call that justification.
Think of this as simply a promotional video.
You couldn’t post this as a demo, or in the DS forums as a test run or something? Hell, just submitting it for people to see it was promotional enough. As I said before, this is abuse of power, this is selling out for views, and there’s nothing accomplished by having a poor promotional video unless you’re looking to tarnish the site’s reputation.
a more variety of movies and less concern about it being so optimized before it can be published.
Just because this is a DS run doesn’t mean it made for a very unique viewing experience. And when did the site ever not have much emphasis on technical quality and optimization?
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Didn't notice that, but the fact remains that no one seemed to vote or comment for those 12 days, and there wasn't enough to base off for a publication. I've seen runs that were drooled over and got 80+ yes votes that took much longer to get published than this.
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First I notice this video only has 4 yes and overall votes, but that I can overlook due to the change in the voting system. But then reading the comments, there were only 3 yes posts (Shiny Doofy, ugetab and fruitbane), and none of those viewers were exactly overwhelmed by the submission’s quality. I also find it curious that the video gets published right after a youtube encode is made. First, that’s publishing the video before the majority of the people even get a chance to watch it, assuming most people don’t have PCE emulators handy. That also doesn’t give those select viewers the opportunity to express opinions contrary to those of the very small sample that was used as grounds for publication. In short, I find this publication almost as curious as NSMB, though at least in this case I would’ve voted a weak yes myself.
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Would have voted no/meh to the run, and I was also surprised to see it published based on the ratio of votes, no less this quickly. The run was repetitious, the shell abuse was unimpressive to watch, and I couldn't help but feel lack of optimization in a few places. I have to say I agree with Warp about Adelikat's abuse of power.
This action is consistent with Dragon Egg (PCE), SoTN (PSX), and Kenseiden (SMS).
Don't know about DE or Kenseiden, but SoTN actually had a much larger majority vote, and was easily far more entertaining and optimized than this.
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That was the most screwed up thing I have ever seen. You basically exited the game's own space-time continuum with all that elaborate glitching you did. Edit:
We had this exact same discussion with Earthbound, and the same logic should apply. This is an any% run just like the previous CT run, and both used glitches. The fact that this one is ten times faster and skips a lot of the game doesn't enter into the obsoletion equation.
Explain Super Metroid's categories then. As I understand it, you can have 2 any% runs if one uses "game breaking" glitches and the other one doesn't. That might be considered arbitrary, but there's no denying the viewing experience is vastly different.
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Have you guys seen this yet?
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VBA should not be making 4GB files. It should be limiting them to 2GB afaik. I am unsure why it's getting limited at 4GB, but it's possible that it's not limiting them at all, and your filesystem is FAT32. Please check whether your filesystem is FAT32 or NTFS and report back.
It’s not actually limited to 4GB, the file went to 4.2GB so I conveniently rounded in my account of what happened.
2. This looks similar to a problem that is common in the RTM version of Vista (the first release), but is not identical. As such, I don't think it's a Vista problem but I cannot rule it out. Please ensure you have Service Pack 1 installed and report back.
I should have SP1 as Microsoft’s official website says I should’ve gotten it through automatic updates.
3. Have you tried VBA rerec v19.3? Does it have the same problem?
I can’t find a download link for it on the site or through a google search :/
4. Try a shorter clip. perhaps 30 seconds. Also try recording in a different codec to rule out the problem being uncompressed. Let me know how it goes.
Shorter clips work fine, as do other codecs.
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I recorded for 11 mins which produced a 4GB file, trimmed off everything except for the problematic beginning part and reduced the file size to 6MB using windows movie maker, which caused the sample to lose sound and most of its video quality, though you will clearly see how screwed up the video looks.;12891764;/fileinfo.html I'm using Vista and VBA re-recording v20.
Post subject: Issue with AVI recording (video too large?)
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Whenever I try to record an AVI with the settings "Full frames (uncompressed)", it seems as though once my AVI passes a certain length, a part of the beginning of the video will look really wrong but the rest of the video will end up fine. How do I fix this without switching codecs?
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I had a casual go at a couple levels to see if it'd spark any further interest for me. Raptor Attack Smv Protect the Gallimimus Smv
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It's not like this is a ratings game... unlike the "news" shows that are on TV. Seriously, fuck anything but The News Hour on PBS.
Assuming a run gets published and the viewer in question has never played the game, I'm pretty certain that person would consider the rating given to it in deciding whether they feel like watching it or not.
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Shouldn't you cancel this and re-submit? I'm pretty sure that would help out your below average technical score, since the only reason that seemed to suffer was because of the ending.
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I think it would make more sense to look at possibly improving the current Final Fantasy 6 run on the site seeing as it's 2 years old and a lot of time could potentially be saved from a 4 hour movie.
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Just to remind, the most new tricks got discovered in 2008, while I basicly finished that run in 2007 (with the exception of the last few rooms during the Zebes escape). Exception are the few tricks hero presented in his any% WIP in the later half of 2007, and yes, I indeed considered to restart after them. The reason I didn't do it is because of the excellent luck I got until then, so even including the tricks in the restarted run, there would still be a good chance that I would end up being slower due to worse refill drops in the end, so I didn't bother.
You said that there was a potential to save up to 15 seconds of the run, 90% of which was in the early part of the run. So do you really think this “high luck manipulation” is so intense that it requires more than 13.5 seconds or 810 frames?
No, that run was great and Spoofer deserves alot of respect for pulling something that hard off as a TAS newbie.
And there you go calling spoofer a noob, even though he works with some of the best SM TASers around, not to mention he has other impressive feats such as his Super Metroid Cliffhanger WIP and plenty of serious TASing ambitions so I don’t think it’s appropriate to still consider him a newbie.
But you can't compare his run to a serious, legit RBO because it uses out of room glitches, Grapple Beam etc. As you all know, I would skip both, which will force many additional challenges that have yet to be performed.
There’s nothing wrong with OOB glitches so long as you stick to the goal of the run. Should we start disallowing BLJs in a 120 star run because it uses a technique in a 0 star run?
It's actually the excact opposite, which you would know if you'd read this thread. The only person who disagreed on this is Tub.
Again, you miss the point, please look up the word subjective in the dictionary. Hopefully this'll kick in, even though I know I'm talking to a brick wall. Suppose you’re comparing the physical appearance of an apple to an orange. Both are fruits (just as both the 6% and 14% run are SM TASes) but people will have different opinions about which fruit (and thus which run) appeals to them more.
Where a bot was used to manipulate that luck (who can probaly test millions of variations in a second). It's somewhat different compared to analyzing every variation by hand like I had to.
I really have to wonder, if you’re trying to manipulate a random number generator, wouldn’t it be far more constructive to locate memory addresses and find the most efficient way to burn the RNs until you get the desired result versus weeks of trial and error?
There were many situations where entertainment was prefered over speed, even on this site. My 2 SSF2 movies are a prime example of this. And of course the seconds and frames still exist, it's just that most people (like you, as you stated) won't care about them when watching the video anyway.
This has no relevance to the SM run, as a fighting game TAS heavily prioritizes entertainment over the final time, which is why you see a SSB run get rejected to one that’s 2 minutes slower but has far greater variety. That’s certainly not the same situation as games that undergo constant frame wars, which SM would fit into. Sure you’ll argue that most SM submission have quite a few seconds of improvement, but that’s simply because of how rigorously researched SM TASing is, so there’s a large culmination of frame war tricks.
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I see, the poor hater seem to focus on this few meaningless tricks missing at the very beginning (most of which I wasn't even aware of at the time I recorded it) instead on 90% of the new and ground breaking stuff nobody ever performed before that truly shaves off alot of time in this run, not to mention the fact that it would pwn moozooh's 14% TAS by "several minutes". How pitiful.
Trying to minimize the importance of the missed tricks in the first half of the run does not make it go away. I do sympathize somewhat that there is that effect of tricks being discovered as you perform a run, but at some point you must’ve realized that the run was worth restarting because of the sheer frequency of tricks that had been discovered, making your run seem outdated and sloppy in some regards. It’s more the omission of known tricks that bothers me though, and I can’t think of a publication where that’s ever happened aside from speed/entertainment trade-offs.
But anyway, there is still a yet not fully explored category left: The RBO run. Should I once again be the first to seriously TAS it from scratch knowing that fellow SM-TASer won't dare to do it on their own, just like it was with this run? And then receive similar shit for the true, original effort done on it? I just hope it won't continue this one-sided way where only one does the work while everybody else ends up copying it in the end.
So you think you can find groundbreaking, never before seen improvements to Namespoofer’s RBO run? His run was semi-serious, and the fact that you say stuff like TASing from scratch and original effort implies that you think Spoofer’s run was horrible and not worth any consideration when planning the route for a new RBO run and so forth.
Since when does stating the facts about the run (which I should know best doing countless tests in both, route and strategies) being considered bragging? Sorry, I just wanted to let everybody know by how much this run is improvable at most. Didn't expect that some weirdos still have a problem with that...
It’s been said before, but apparently your stubbornness is infallible. Entertainment is subjective, which is why critiquing your own run is obscene. People have already disagreed with you that the 6% run is less entertaining than the 14% run. Stating absolutes is ridiculous considering none of us are omnipotent beings with 100% knowledge about the game, so there is always going to be an uncertainty about what new tricks, glitches, etc may be discovered. What would happen if someone discovered a way to shinespark through doors or walls or allowed samus to travel as far vertically as they wanted to in 1 frame? Maybe this analogy will kick in. What you’re basically doing is like asserting with absolute conviction that there is a God even though there’s no way to rigorously prove or disprove such a claim.
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Not using the few new techs I was aware of doesn't mean I sabotaged anything. I already said that I think the old techs look cooler anyway, so this stylistic choices only add up to the entertainment level of the run.
Nowhere in your submission comments are speed vs entertainment trade-offs mentioned, so yes, you were indeed sabotaging your run.
And since I still got the lowest possible completion time, it doesn't matter much anyway.
Why do you care so much about the in-game completion time to the point where you deem the lack of optimization in the early part of your run to be forgivable? I can’t really vote on this submission despite having watched it, though I wouldn’t want this run to be published until the optimization level of the run is consistent and no tricks are purposely omitted. I’m not in the same boat as people who think there’s too many SM runs, as I really wouldn’t mind both a NBMB and a 14% run on the site, they just have to be on par with the publications of other SM runs on this site from a technical standpoint. Edit: Also, if this gets any consideration for publication, then those submission comments need to be fixed, as that level of arrogance is embarrassing to the site. Bragging about his own run, constantly stating absolutes, comparing the level of entertainment of his own run to others, etc... although this should be mind numbingly obvious.
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You might also want to watch some combo videos to get an idea of what stuff you could pull off in your run to make it interesting. Obviously try to avoid lame, repetitive infinities if possible, and to also showcase plenty of glitches. Personally, I think doing this properly would take at least weeks, which is why I was skeptical of your first WIP when you said you only worked on it for a few hours, and surely enough I was right. Anyway, good luck with your TASing pursuits :)
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Just a question about the setting up process for the NG+ file. I've gotten all my characters to lv 99 in this game a few times and yet they always need a lot of tabs to max out their stats. Are there enough tabs available in a single playthrough to max out everything Chrono and Marle need to optimize beating the final boss?
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I request an avi :)
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