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I forgot to add, it would be cool if you made your submission comments more detailed. Explain things like: -What was your goal from grinding in Tyrano's lair (seemed to be to get Marle to learn haste) -How did you plan out getting each character to learn all their techniques? In particular, how you figured out how to shuffle your party in the Dark Omen so everyone learns their double/triple techs as well. -How you planned out money usage -Explain some of the equipment decisions you make since it's done way too fast in real-time to keep up -How you distributed tabs (!!!)
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I couldn't notice any changes between revisions 5 and 6, but regardless congratulations on finally finishing the run! For those who don't know much about FE, this run is like 100x more optimized than my Sacred Stones run, and every single move really has been scrutinized to death.
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For a 5 hour movie I found it surprisingly enjoyable until Robo learned uzzi punch. My main gripe is that you didn't use fancy movement that you see in Inichi's run. Also, seeing as you get like 80% of the game's treasures, why not collect them all and have a more complete 100% goal?
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I used to play a lot of Deception but I still found the run meh by the end. I was astonished by the OOB glitches, but they aren't particularly interesting after the novelty wears off.
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so watch out for the submission coming soon!
Music to my ears :)
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You need to remove the comma from the youtube link posted above >_>
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This seems rather unoptimized, even when taking into consideration the game's clunky controls, so I found myself voting no :(
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13k re-records for ~2 mins 42 seconds of gameplay? This run is going to be AWESOME.
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Ridiculous! I just love how you fly through almost every door as though they don't exist.
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You're going to run into even more issues like that down the road, possibly even more serious. I don't know why you've decided to do v6 from scratch but I think you're better off staying as true as possible to the RNG sequence of v5. Wherever there's a long RN burn gives an opportunity to re-align the sequence and hex editing can continue.
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I don't think it has gotten to the point where it's a flame war yet. Let's hope it doesn't get there. I think it is good with the discussion, as one can clearly see advantages and disadvantages with languages, implementations and paradigms--a good thing for any programmer!
Well the other thing is I can't follow half of what's being said since I obviously don't have ANY experience dealing with memory leaks and faulty pointers and whatever else is being discussed (it's mostly chinese to me). Not that there's anything wrong with such a discussion, but the point of this topic was to help a noob such as myself learn how to program at a level where I can become financially independent. Not that my only reason for programming is mercenary (I LOVE coding) but I haz bills to pay.
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This wasn't meant to be a long discussion about programming language flame wars >_> I'm halfway through a great book on Python but I'm kind of hoping there's a better IDE to use than the one Python provides. As a noob I have a bad habit of forgetting indents, colons, mixing up variable types, etc and I'm hoping there's an IDE that's more forgiving with that (eg/ adding colons automatically after an if statement).
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Wow, such quick and informative responses! I have Code Complete now. It’s ~900 pages, so I’m going to devote the next month to reading ~30 pages / day and leave other side-projects (eg/ learning html) on hold. As for writing my own program, I’m thinking of maybe designing a simple pong/tetris game for starters. What else could I make that’s relatively simple but still more of a challenge than just outputting stuff on a console?
Post subject: Learning how to program
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I did a search and browsed through the first 2 pages here, so don't hit me if such a topic has been raised before >_> Basically, I want to learn how to program at a level where I can either become self-employed or a freelance coder... Really any kind of programming skill-set that would allow me to support myself in the long-term. I just started a computer science undergrad program. My experience thus far has been limited to making programs on a TI83+ calculator and a cegep course on visual basic, so pretty minimal. One of my courses this semester is based around learning Java, and I'm loving it so far. But of course I want to go beyond what's being taught in the classroom, especially since the material being taught is pretty elementary (variable types, nested loops, etc). So what should I be doing to learn some programming on my spare time? I'm going through some exercises from a site called Codeacademy but it's also fairly basic stuff. I've downloaded a few textbooks on C++ but they're about 1000 pages each and I'm not sure it would be practical to go cover to cover, probably a more efficient way to learn the stuff. I mean, it's difficult to even decide what language to pick. I've been told Python and C are good choices. Keep in mind that I'm pretty busy and the idea is to devote 1 or 2 hours a day to this pursuit so that in a year or two I can start programming as a job even without my undergrad degree.
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How are we supposed to find the latest WIP on nico nico? I have an account, joined the group Nahoc mentioned and searched for 【WIP】スーパーマリオ64 120枚TAS (the title of the video BKDJ posted) but nothing came up :/ And navigating that damn site is too confusing, even with google translate (some of the pages won't translate anyway). Wouldn't it be better if someone that was part of the project just transferred all the videos to youtube? Not to be all whiny and "first-world problems", but it doesn't seem like too much to ask. All you need is a firefox plugin to download the video and then re-upload to youtube, and that's if you don't have access to the raw video file.
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If you clip through the 765 and 810 note door that would leave 260 notes to collect. You could get that by beating only 3 worlds, meaning you'd only need 7 jiggies.
You also need some moves in worlds in order to beat the final boss.
Which ones, exactly? Still, even if you need the jiggies required to access gobi's valley and freezeezy peak, the total jiggies would still only be 22, which is about 1/3rd of what's currently needed for any%. @Cronikeys:
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Here is a video snuffilmz made of most of the 100% tricks found so far. If there are any you want to add or remove please post them because hes gonna redo it anyway.
That video failed to play in every media player I tried (VLC, BSplayer, Divxplayer, etc) :(
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Anyway, about Seisen, I have my doubts whether it would make a good choice for a TAS.
Actually there's a nico run for that too (see this post). I was bored to tears by that run, and wouldn't imagine a more optimized TAS would be much better. At least a Thracia TAS doesn't have to cope with like 5-10 minute enemy phases (ugh FE4 C4).
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These are great but I'm 1000x more interested in TASing FE5. Movement growth + movement stars = some pretty ridiculous antics like moving Leaf 30 spaces before getting danced.
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He's not really re-doing the entire run. C1 was an exception since the new strategy is easy to work in (just have to do a longer RN burn for Roy's level-up at the beginning of C2). The remaining changes are mostly hex editing better trades.
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I just don't get how you can come along out of nowhere and discover all these tricks for a game as old and popular as Banjo Kazooie =)
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Voting yes for the unique goal
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Well we can't really judge the quality of your WIP without an encode but if you want a publishable run, the quality will have to be comparable to the Goldeneye run on the site (or this Perfect Dark run). That's a tall order to say the least.
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Unless I decide to do an S rank HHM TAS or FE9-10 TAS, this is likely my last major project in the world of Fire Emblem speedrunning. Unlike some of my hack TASes (eg/ FEGirls), I put quite a bit of effort into optimizing input & strategies. The only times I get lazy are skipping cutscenes (I turbo start), manipulating level-ups (not everyone needs to get str/skl/spd on every level-up) and a couple strategy nuances in the later chapters, particularly C9. As predicted, I was able to achieve an S rank and 59/60 tactician stars overall. For some reason chapter 7x's fund rank is impossible to achieve on LHM. In fact, stealing all the treasure barely allows you to meet the LNM funds requirement. Well, hope you enjoy :) Toothache was gracious enough to provide me with an encode. Link to video Lyn HM S Rank TAS You’ll want to watch the vbm running Nitrodon’s tactician stars script. Make a new text document, copy the code, and save as [all files] tactician stars.lua or whatever you want to call it. You may also want to consult SF’s rankings page if you’re unfamiliar with the individual chapter exp/funds/turn requirements. Prologue Turn 3: At frame 1647, if you run the FE_RNGcounter script, you’ll see that I burn ~250 RNs in each diagonal direction 8 times, then burn ~125 RNs 8 times, then criss-cross for ~500 RNs before finishing the RN burn normally. This is really just a speed-entertainment trade-off to counter-act the tedium of watching such a long RN burn. It sucks that I have to burn 4139 RNs for the 1% double crit but there’s no way around it. Since I’m starting a new file, the RNG starts at 8,56,21 (or 47,66,60 as the next 3 RNs). Saving and re-setting gives the exact same RN string. Chapter 1 Turn 2: Kent moves forward for the sole purpose of being in a better position to burn RNs. I can’t move Sain fully, otherwise he’d attract 2 brigands on EP instead of 1, and it’s not feasible to land two 2% crits in a row. Luckily having him DOG Lyn’s square works out. Turn 3: Lyn has to absorb so that Sain stays level 1. This is a necessary condition for satisfying chapter 2’s exp rank. Chapter 2 Turn 2: I can’t break the wall in 1 turn since only Sain is capable of 2HKOing the wall, and I can’t afford a 3rd wall attack since that compromises the funds rank (I’m not kidding). Fortunately this doesn’t end up affecting the final turn count. Overall notes: Because of the chapter’s ridiculously strict exp/funds requirements, I can’t have Lyn attack at all, and can only use iron lances throughout the chapter. Fortunately I can manage to leave 1 brigand alive, otherwise I’d have lost a turn. Chapter 3 Turn 2: Florina needs to weaken the archer in order to satisfy the exp rank. Turn 3: Sain weakens the boss for exp. Overall notes: I tried a strategy very similar to what Roland used in the TAS, but it wouldn’t allow Florina to reach the village (1 space short). Fortunately the approach I used is pretty satisfactory anyway (307/300 exp). Chapter 4 Turn 1: Kent is positioned such that he’ll eliminate as many enemies as possible on turn 1. The rest of the map is basically a race to the reinforcement points. Turn 3: Dorcas covers up one reinforcement point, Kent covers the other. Turn 4: Kent moves out to take care of the 2 remaining enemies, Florina swaps into his old spot to block the reinforcements. Turn 6: Kent weakens the boss for exp. Turn 7: Kent burns 3 RNs in order to manipulate the stats of an enemy merc next chapter. Overall notes: 451/450 exp :) Chapter 5 Turn 1: I move Sain 1 space right so that neither the brigand nor the merc will attack him. It’s better to kill them on PP with lower level units, in this case Erk and Wil. Turn 3: Florina buys 2 javelins. Overall notes: This is one of the few chapters where I could get away with a strategy very similar to Roland’s in his full game TAS. Chapter 6 Turn 1: Wil and Erk team up for the kill to maximize exp gain. Kent moves solely to protect Wil & Erk from the merc’s attack range. Overall notes: Basically Roland’s TAS strat with a few tweaks in order to accommodate the exp rank. Chapter 7 Turn 1: Matthew and Dorcas head east, and Florina ferries over Sain to deal with the remaining enemies. Even though this is a seize map the exp rank is strict enough to basically turn it into a rout map as well. Turn 2: Sain must be hit by the brigand in order to draw a druid to him that normally goes for Florina (she can’t double them yet). Overall notes: 380/350 exp, so I could’ve maybe manipulated more crits. I also can’t remember why I chose to ferry Sain… The magic users seem like a more logical choice. Chapter 7x Turn 1: Erk, Lucius and Sain PP crit, a bunch of people advance, Wil clears out Matthew's inventory, Lyn moves 1 space (gets her out of the range of a cavalier next turn), Dorcas moves 1 space (allows him to hand axe crit a soldier on turn 3). Turn 2: Sain and Florina take out the wall, Matthew steals a vulnerary, Erk uses DOG and crits the archer, Nils dances Matthew who then moves towards a cav he must steal from, Kent sets up for a Matthew rescue next turn. Turn 3: A lot's going on here, but what's important is that Matthew is rescue-dropped into the range of a soldier, with Sain and Florina ahead of him so he can be rescue-dropped again next turn. Turn 4: Ferrying Matthew where I did is crucial for 5 turning, as it allows him to rob the final vulnerary from the merc on the right pillar. Without doing this I'd fall short on funds. The same applies for every other steal in this chapter. Turn 5: Kent only has 1% crit and there isn't enough space for quality RN burning, so I have to settle for crit-less quality level-up. Overall notes: This chapter was pure hell to plan, it took me longer to figure this out than all of the previous chapters combined. There's a wealth of details here that would take forever to describe, but basically there's a lot of spacing nuance needed to deal efficiently with the cramped corridors. Oh, it’s actually impossible to 5* the funds rank of this chapter on HM (hence why I only get 59/60 tactician stars). Don’t ask me what the game developers were thinking. Chapter 8 Turn 1: I choose Lyn as the person ferried because her prf sword doesn't affect the funds rank. Yes, the funds ranking is just that tight in this chapter. Turn 2: Dorcas doesn't crit, Serra heals, Nils does a pointless dance... Get used to seeing stuff like this during the chapter since I have to milk every ounce of exp I can get in order to satisfy the rank (500). I have Florina ferry over Erk since Lyn's level is too high to take on the enemies near the boss. Overall notes: Despite everything I did, I only managed to get 506/500 exp. S ranking is not meant to be TASed >_> Chapter 9 Turn 1: It turns out the torch isn’t needed (knight crest alone covers funds), but it’s way too much hassle to hex out at that mistake at this point. Lyn’s miss on the merc is deliberate (milking for exp). Turn 2: Sain’s miss is also deliberate, for the same reason. Overall notes: I won’t even pretend this chapter’s optimal but it is a total aneurism to plan. I think I managed quite well regardless. There were some mistakes regarding Serra (eg/ should’ve dropped a turn later), and I was expecting more brigand reinforcements to move towards Wil, but otherwise everything goes according to plan. In the later turns Nils and Serra milk for exp, and I barely finish with enough (651/650 exp). Chapter 10 Turn 1: I have to ferry over Matthew since he gains more exp than everyone else, and this chapter’s exp requirement is just as tight as the previous one. Turn 2: Normally I’d want to weaken the enemies in the top-right corner, but they’re so easy to ORKO it’s not worthwhile to manipulate player misses. Similarly, Matthew kills the nearby archer instead of weakening him so that Florina & Lyn won’t get hassled on future turns. Turn 4: Dance Wallace for exp. Turn 5: I have to deliberately weaken Lundgren for, you guessed it, exp. Overall notes: 453/450 exp :)
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