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You guys need a separate topic for freeruns.
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In 16:23.63 [59018 frames], 1004 rerecords
20$ this is very unoptimized
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I made a messy spreadsheet to track my funds/exp gain in each chapter and was suprised to find I fell short in more places than I expected. Tracking this stuff is tedious to the point where I'm wondering if a script could be made to track funds during a chapter. I'm guessing you'd need to put in a database of the cost/use of each weapon (and certain items), as well as finding memory addresses associated with weapon usage after attacking a given enemy. Or perhaps there's addresses in the memory that tracks funds and exp directly; after all, the game needs to refer to such data when coming up with the tactician stars screen. I haven’t managed to find it so far. So, stuff that needs to be changed: Prologue (113 exp, 1020g funds) [100/848] I was informed there’s a double 1% crit after burning ~1500 RNs. However, after testing this approach turns out to be 790 frames slower. I’ll use the slower approach anyway since it saves a turn and Toothache insists on minimizing the turncount for ranked play. Chapter 1 (197 exp, 1424g funds) [200/1184] I have to give one of the cavs an extra kill in order to meet the exp requirement. Chapter 2 (230 exp, 226g funds) [200/240] I need to kill one less brigand and cut out Lyn’s sword attack on the wall by having Sain attack it twice. Chapter 3 (330 exp, 2960g funds) [300/2632] I can get away with using Wil a bit less, but otherwise hardly anything changes. Chapter 4 (501 exp, 207g funds) [450/216] Using Kent more should cut down on unnecessary exp while meeting the funds rank. I’ll also see if I can manage to block the southern reinforcement 1 turn sooner. --- I also looked into C7x and there aren’t any reinforcements carrying items, so the 3560g funds rank cannot be met. I will try to meet the LNM fund rank of 2600g and see if 60 tactician stars are achieved or not.
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I’m pretty much done messing around with hacks/pointless challenges, so I decided to work on planning the S rank run in whatever form it takes. I don’t know how committed I am to this yet (likely not very much), but I do intend on getting through Lyn mode as a start. So I took Rolanmen’s TAS, changed the last input so an epilogue file is saved, played up to the “Fin” message and made a new movie from that frame. Any earlier and the new difficulties are not unlocked. As others have pointed out, there’s no access to HHM, I’ll worry about that more once I finish Lyn mode (probably by making separate movies). Anyway… Here’s a WIP of the first 5 chapters: (link) Prologue (5 turns) Turn 2: If I crit the brigand on PP, I fall one space short of reaching Batta. Instead, I have to move Lyn fully and crit the brigand on EP. Turn 3: Lyn only has 1% crit and 5HKOes Batta, so 2 rounds are needed to kill him. I crit him on this turn in order to facilitate manipulating Lyn’s level-up next turn. Chapter 1 (4 turns) Turn 1: Lyn PP crits, Kent EP crits, Sain advances towards a future brigand kill. Turn 2: Kent moves into a spot that’s great for RN burning, Lyn EP crits, Sain moves into position for a turn 3 brigand kill. Chapter 2 (5 turns) Turn 2: With Kent & Sain at lv 1, they cannot break the wall without Lyn’s help. Turn 3: Unfortunately Lyn can only burn 1 RN at a time and according to Tooth every attack in this chapter must be a critical :/ Turn 4: Another long RN burn, mostly because Sain only has 2% crit and has to dodge 69 display hit to survive. His level-up was completely botched, but there’s nothing I can do about that without wasting even more precious time. Chapter 3 (4 turns, 331 exp) Turn 1: Lyn isn’t used here since she’s already lv 3 and thus a strain on the exp rank. Turn 2: Unfortunately Kent hasn’t leveled up enough to be able to double, so I have to settle for some non-crits. Turn 3: Wil gets a kill since he’s at lv 1 Chapter 4 (8 turns, 525 exp) Turn 1: Wil inches towards the wall so he can nab the nearby brigand next turn. Meanwhile, Kent takes out an archer and disposes of a bunch of enemies since he’s the only unit besides Lyn who can ORKO. Turn 2: Just a ton of PP crits. Since everyone attacked except Lyn (who recruited Dorcas), I wasn’t able to manipulate EP and thus couldn’t get Sain to crit the brigand he faced. Turn 3: Wolt finishes off the brigand since he is the lowest level nearby unit. The remaining moves are based on rushing for the reinforcement squares. Overall notes: I’ll probably have to re-do this chapter since I went so far over the exp requirement (125 exp, in fact). The biggest improvement would be to position Kent on turn 1 to kill as many brigands on EP as possible instead of having him PP kill the archer. P.S. If anyone has a script for tracking accumulated exp gain in a chapter, that would be incredibly helpful.
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I was bored so I TASed C10 & 11B as well as Sacae Route while differing as little as possible in terms of Toothache’s TAS in terms of unit stats, levels, items, etc. So now I can safely say every chapter in the game has been TASed in some way :P Chapter 10B Turn 1: Thany positions herself on the wall in order to avoid making a bunch of enemies move on EP. This is also true of future turns. Turn 3: I switch to a 1 range weapon so Thany doesn’t counter the archer. She also needs to be hit by the archer so that enemies ignore Roy later on. Overall notes: The wyvern following Thany around the map is Miledy. I can’t seem to recruit her, so I just leave her alone. I could kill her, but then I wouldn’t be able to recruit her in C13. Chapter 11B Turn 1: Since Elphin is auto-deployed and I have only 1 flier, I can’t stealth the chapter. Instead, I have Marcus beeline south while Thany takes out the remaining moving enemies. Zealot rescues Roy on turn 1 so he can do a hand-off to Thany next turn. This allows Thany a PP crit here. Turn 2: If the ballista hits Thany, she gets 1HKOed, so I have to find a different way to weaken her before dropping Roy. Instead, I have her hit by the archer at 2 range next turn. Turn 3: Zealot has to move away 2 spaces, otherwise the ballista will go for him instead of Thany. Overall notes: It might be better to forego using Zealot at all, but I’m too lazy to re-do this :P Chapter 17 (Sacae Route) Turn 1: I need Thany to kill 3 wyverns with a javelin, so it’s better for Miledy to hand off Roy to her on turn 2. Chapter 18 (Sacae Route) Turn 1: Once again Thany has to go Roy-less on turn 1 to clear away a bunch of pesky enemies. Percival is fielded so he can rescue Miledy (and thus keep her alive) once she hands off Roy to Thany. EP is a nightmare since Thany has to specifically get hit by a nomadic trooper (and not a nomad) while dodging all the other bow attacks. I settle for letting Thany miss against 2 enemies because it’s really that annoying. Turn 2: Getting Roy to survive was also extremely annoying. Chapter 19 (Sacae Route) Turn 1: Since there’s a lot going on; Igrene moves to within range of some nomads, Zealot & Marcus crit a couple nomads, Percival moves closer to some wyverns, Thany sets up for a dance, Sue & Shin crit some nomads of their own, the rest is obvious. On EP Igrene has to land 3 consecutive crits since she doesn’t double. Turn 2: Marcus clears the path for Percival, who carefully moves within range of a few wyverns (but outside the range of a javelin wyvern). Cecilia, Shin & Sue and Lalum move to just outside the edge of a wyvern’s range. Turn 3: A cool graphical glitch occurs due to the way I moved the cursor before ending the previous turn (watch the vbm and you’ll figure it out). Percival finishes cleaning up, Thany hits the wall with a silver lance, a bunch of other units advance towards the wall I’m trying to break. Turn 4: Shin lands a longbow kill on the SM so he won’t bother Thany once she passes the wall. Cecilia hands Roy off to Thany and hits the wall, Sue trades for the hero bow and finishes off the wall, Thany advances. Turn 5: I have to move Shin over so he won’t draw 1-2 range attacks through the wall. Thany equips a KL and drops Roy below her. It would’ve been better to either crit the boss or disarm Thany, but the EP was so brutal I accepted Thany’s non-fatal boss-hit. Overall notes: I allowed the use of Shin & Sue since raising them is mandatory for accessing Sacae route. I gave them 10/1 average stats in everything except str/skl/spd/res, where I gave them 10/1 maximum stats. Chapter 20 (Sacae Route) Turn 1: A lot going on here. Sue kills a warrior so that Chad can be rescue-dropped in a spot where he can reveal the boss without using a torch. Meanwhile, Ward rescues Roy and sacrifices himself so Roy will be refreshed in a farther position. This allows me to warp him far enough to seize. The rest is just a standard warpskip strat.
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With the exception of C19 and C22, the remaining chapters are very trivial.
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I testran from C17 to the end, starting from where the most recent WIP left off. I also made sure to maintain continuity between chapters. That’s why most of the videos start in the base instead of turn 1 PP. Basically, there shouldn’t be any surprises left that would make us have to re-do huge segments of the run. First, to address the most pressing concern, namely Thany’s sword Wexp: C1-16: 19 Wexp C17: 6 Wexp (9 if double slim crit boss) C18: 5 Wexp C19: 20 Wexp (21 if boss crit on 2nd hit) --- 50-54 Wexp Assuming you don’t change sword usage in the C16 re-do, you could get the required 51 Wexp by killing the C17 boss normally and wiping out the C19 boss with a slim sword crit. And onto the fun stuff: Chapter 17- When properly optimized, the passive approach (going around the ballistae) is ~800 frames faster than the aggressive approach (going through them). This is true even with a clever strat Toothache worked out where the 2nd ballista is disposed of on turn 1. Chapter 18 *New* Turn 1: Having Miledy rescue Lalum and hide saves a lot of time since no enemies pursue her. Turn 2: Thany needs to crit the merc with a slim sword in order to get an extra point of Wexp. Turn 3: Incredibly annoying EP since the boss has 83 true hit and a berserker healer has 61 hit. Chapter 19 *V3* Turn 1: I am able to save Chad this time by using 3 mounted units instead of 2. Alan gives Percival a javelin and Marcus equips a hand axe so that the 2 range pegasi won’t target them. The spacing of my units in the beginning area is a bit awkward since I have to avoid a ballista’s range. Turn 2: Percival has to kill the falcoknight from there to avoid a ballista attack. I move Cecilia for the same reason. The EP relies on Thany being at low hp and Roy dodging the paladin attack in order to have a clear path to the throne. Turn 3: Surprisingly, Thany can OHKO the boss with an iron sword (3% crit). Overall notes: Time is lost compared to the previous version, but most of that has to do with Thany using an iron sword (2HKO) instead of a killer lance (1HKO), as well as keeping Chad alive. It might save time to swap Zealot and Cecilia, but only if Zealot’s not targeted (they’re both at lv 1 and thus gain exp at the same rate). Chapter 20 *New* Turn 1: Since the beginning sequence is a bit hard to follow; Cecilia moves out of ballista range, Oujay trades Roy an armorslayer, Roy then trades Thany the same armorslayer. Later on Miledy swaps a hammerne for a warp then rescue-drops Niime. Turn 2: Niime repairs the warp staff in order to level-up, which gives her a point of str and therefore allows her to warp an extra space next chapter. Miledy then gives Niime her warp back. Thany manages an armorslayer crit thanks to the Roy support. Overall notes: This approach is considerably slower than foregoing the warp repair, though the repair would have to be done anyway in a future chapter. This may or may not be worth it depending on the gains from the extra warp range next chapter. Chapter 21 *New* Overall notes: A few hundred frames faster than the near-identical older method thanks to the extra warp range. It also turns out that the additional warp range is necessary for Roy to be able to seize, so the C20 turn 2 hammerne use is mandatory. Chapter 22: Couldn’t spot much that could really be improved from the latest attempt. Percival should’ve used the hammer instead of the armorslayer and I should’ve gone for the 1st available crit instead of worrying about his level-up. I also should’ve manipulated one of the armors’ speeds so that Fa wouldn’t get doubled. Marcus and Zealot can trade places, and the paladin on the right should be unarmed. Maybe disarm Roy on turn 2 (the druid would kill Lalum). Niime either needs to be rescued on turn 3 or crit the merc she faces on turn 2 EP.
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sonicpacker wrote:
This is pleasing to see:
That WIP looks awesome :)
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So I guess the ending of the OOT TAS in the workbench needs its ending updated? How happy those encoders are going to be :P
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I think the universe just imploded- Saturn submitted an uncontroversial run! See here for the door skipping script. Yes vote, I liked the Maridia improvements.
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Found this awesome mini-hack recently :D The dialogue is hilarious. =============== FE Zombie Apocalypse =============== Patch (use on Fire Emblem (U) rom) Chapters 1-4 (Full Demo) Vbm Link to video Prologue Yes, that is, in fact, a bird shooting lasers from its mouth :) Chapter 1 Turn 1: Budgie moves towards some upcoming reinforcements. Chapter 2 Turn 6: Pile up all my units onto one square for the lulz. Overall notes: It’s not possible to create a chokepoint to clog up the enemies because of the constant stream of overpowered reinforcements virtually every turn. Chapter 3 Turn 1: I have Kiro rescue the tent, which allows me to move the tent 3 spaces on subsequent turns. By keeping the tent alive, I get a (crappy) award of 3 items at the end. In retrospect I should’ve just let the tent bite the dust :/ Turn 3: The set-up should be obvious- An unarmed Budgie and Dath act as avoid tanks while the remaining units are safely tucked away in a corner. Turns 4-11: Utterly boring, feel free to skip. Overall notes: I’m kind of wondering if it would’ve been faster to take an aggressive approach to this chapter. For some reason the enemy phases take forever despite at most 3 enemies attacking per turn. Chapter 4 Just a shopping chapter, no reason to buy anything since it’s the end of the patch :O
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The angelic robe problem has been resolved :) Also, couple more test runs. Chapter 14 *Newer* Turn 3: By manipulating the hero to have 12 str, a 27 hp/7 def Roy can avoid being attacked, which allows him a clear path to the throne. Chapter 22 *New* Turn 1: I manipulate a Percival armorslayer crit + skl stat-up so that he will have a slightly higher crit rate on EP. Turn 2: Lalum and Merlinus have to move so that Yodel and Merlinus can avoid turn 3 reinforcements. Turn 3: It’s crucial that Thany gets hit by the mamkute, as this directs a ton of enemies from Roy to her.
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Just thought I’d point out some changes discussed over IRC -It turns out raising Roy isn’t worthwhile. In particular, it’s possible to 3 turn C14 without having Roy use the wyrmslayer, meaning he doesn’t require all that levelling required to reach C rank in swords. -Thany is actually raised to lv 12 before being promoted, as this provides a number of statistical benefits. It allows her to ORKO Scott (the C9 boss) with a double slim sword crit, as well as Ain (the C12 boss) with a silver lance, and gives her enough str to borderline ORKO wyverns in C13. -Some other stuff I can’t think of right now Also going to update some test runs based on these new conditions. --- Chapter 12 *New* Turn 4: Marcus is positioned in the only spot where the longbow archer between the walls can’t hit him. Also, didn’t bother to combine the archer miss and the warrior crit due to laziness, so I have to crit the warrior next turn. Turn 7: Some enemy stat manipulation may be required to get the priest javelin 1HKO. Unfortunately Thany can’t attack from 1 range without being exposed to archer attacks. Turn 8: Thany uses the slim sword for the sword rank. Turn 9: Silver lance hit + crit. The rest: Thany-Roy support building. Overall, 16 supports points are gained throughout the chapter. Chapter 13 *V3* Turn 3: I have to move Miledy so she can take out a wyvern blocking Thany’s way next turn. After that she does nothing for the remainder of the map, aside from RN burns. Turn 5: On EP, Thany needs to crit a wyvern and paladin with the slim lance. Turn 6: Thany needs to use the silver lance against the boss. Overall notes: Everything works out nicely now- Miledy doesn’t need to promote, Roy barely gets attacked, hardly any manipulation on turn 5, and the armory is reached. Chapter 15 Turn 1: Lalum must dance Miledy followed by being rescue-dropped towards Percival. Nothing else changes overall. Chapter 17 *Alternate Method* Turn 2: Thany goes into a precise spot, as far as she can go along the coastline without being on land and thus attracting a swarm of enemies. It’s also crucial that she gets reduced to single digit hp so that certain key enemies ignore Roy. Turn 3: Another very precise move, as this is the only drop-point where Roy can manage to seize un-hindered. Overall notes: This is ~200 frames slower than the more pacifist approach, though it could end up being faster in the end depending on how the optimization works out. Chapter 19 Double-checked that an unarmed lv 4 Roy + angelic robe can manage to seize :) --- Everything else seems to check out… Aside from the angelic robe (see edit below), only Thany’s sword rank and Roy support worry me. Sword rank: C9- 0 Wexp (based on new approach) C12- 11 Wexp C14- 6 Wexp (questionable- since more enemies will attack Thany on turn 2, she might need to use KL) C16- 4 Wexp C17- 6 Wexp (questionable- same as C14 if alternative approach is taken) C18- 23 Wexp C19- 17 Wexp --- 67 Wexp > 50 The bolded chapters are ones I just tried out and am therefore 100% sure about. Taking those bolded chapters alone gives us more than enough Wexp (51>50). Supports: 44 turns (from previous post) 5 turns (from new C12 approach) 14 turns (from C8) 6 turns (from C1-7) --- 69 turns > 60 There’s also a couple chapters (C9 and C20 IIRC) where an extra support turn can be gained. In other words, there’s plenty of leeway here. ***** Edit: In C14, Roy needs an angelic robe so that a wyvern lord fails to 1HKO him. This, combined with Thany being reduced to single digit hp, makes the wyvern lord attack Thany instead of Roy, thus giving him a clear path to the throne. Now, there are 2 possible angelic robes- one in C4, and another in C11. The one in C4 was missed in the current TAS WIP (v5), while the C11 robe doesn't seem feasible to acquire (even made a topic about it on Serenes Forest). Now assuming the C11 robe is ruled out, the C4 one must somehow be acquired through hex editing. Unfortunately, Thany is the only viable unit for visiting the village, but to do so would reduce the amount of combat she engages in, which not only throws off the RNG (ie impossible to hex edit) but also throws off future chapter strategies that rely on her having a very specific amount of exp. So, the only solution I can think of is to kill off Bors, which would move Alan into a more favorable position, and thus allow him to reach the robe village while Lance goes to the armory. This raises 2 issues though: since killing Bors would cost RNs, it might make hexing impossible, unless the RNG can be re-synched. Eg/ if killing Bors costs 6 RNs, perhaps a later manipulation will cost 54 RNs instead of 60, and then everything's back to normal. The other thing is that killing Bors will affect the unit positions in C5, and might prevent the 2 turn. C4 Turn 1 Positioning With Bors Without Bors
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It would be one thing if this run was bad in the way a game like Cheetahmen is bad- hilarious and glitchable. This is just pure monotony :(
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Tales of Phantasia NBA Jam Jurassic Park 2 Super Star Wars Trilogy
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Looks good... However a lot those cursor playarounds get really annoying to watch after a while :/ Especially when you just bounce the cursor all over the screen after the tank gets filled.
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i hope as you liked this TAS and
Voting yes out of suspense
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Was expecting such a short run to be anti-climatic, was pleasantly surprised. It was pretty amusing to see child link slay Ganon, and I'm surprised it didn't cause the game to crash or spaz out in some way.
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Perhaps I missed watching one of the improvement TASes, but I found the run truly spectacular to watch. The tricks were abundant, elegant, imaginative, resourceful, clever, just truly a joy to watch the wealth of technical expertise demonstrated throughout. The kremkoin cheat doesn't really bother me because it's in-game, and all the bonus stages are visited anyway, so from a gameplay standpoint hardly anything has changed.
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New mini-project that may or may not get completed :O ============= FE Dream of Five ============= Patch (use on Fire Emblem (U) rom) Prologue-Chapter 2 Vbm Link to video Prologue Turn 2: I settled for 2 crits here, though having Renair land all 3 isn’t out of the question. Furetchen’s crit rate is only 1% unfortunately. Turn 4: I have Renair visit the village in case I need the money, and Kolbane gets an optional kill just in case he’s useful later on. Chapter 1 Overall notes: Not much to say, just a total crit party. It’s possible I could save a turn by ferrying Furetchen to the boss, but that would probably compromise my team’s offence too much. Chapter 2 Turn 3: The thief moves onto a spot where he blocks a reinforcement from spawning. I’m stopping here for now because I need to buy some hand axes for Furetchen in C2.
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Why on earth are you re-doing this?
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I don't get why everyone thinks the rules here are so absolute and every exception to them is setting some kind of horrible precedent. This isn't a court of law; it's a community of gamers looking for entertainment. The rules are there to help guide you in terms of what is likely to be accepted, so you don't spend a lot of time and effort on something that nobody will want to watch. If you make a run people want to watch, then it'll probably get accepted. That's rule 0 right there.
Finally some common sense :) Glad to see this finally accepted for publication.
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This isn't really a hack, but still pointless enough to put here :P FE6 Trial Map TAS Vbm (Animations On, 100% Crits, SM/Berskerer/Nomad Only) Someone at serenes forest wants to see the Tactics Universe TAS continued, so I'll probably work on that some more in the near future.
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Dondon mentioned that he thought C19 could be beaten without a torch, so I had another look at it. Turns out he’s right, which means we no longer have to acquire a torch in the C13 shop, or promote Miledy. Thany needs to reach the space where I have the cursor at. No-torch Chad reveals that space, and with 1 space to spare. I updated the C13 and C19 test run accordingly. Chapter 19 (No Torch) Turn 1: Make sure Chad has a sword equipped because WTD allows him to be 1HKOed. Turn 2: Roy must crit 2 cavaliers and a paladin, so it’s a good idea to acquire the killing edge in C7. Alternately, the rapier could work here if it has enough uses left (remember it needs to have 2-4 uses to kill the C21 armors near the throne), though the paladin still needs to be critted. Overall notes: 0 re-record count since this was pure hexing. Chapter 13 (My approach) Overall notes: Nothing really changes aside from keeping Miledy idle after her wyvern player phase crit. And pretend I didn’t promote Miledy, I don’t feel like hexing that out. Chapter 13 (Dondon’s approach) Overall notes: This approach is only 141 frames slower, so there’s a possibility it could be faster based on different EP behaviour. --- Edit: Opened a youtube account to put all the testruns. Should be in my signature.
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So here’s the weapon use and support tally for Thany from chapters 9 to 20. Chapter 9 Weapon uses- Turn 2: 1 sword use Turn 3: 1 rapier use (Roy), 2 sword uses Turn 4: 2 sword uses (might change if Thany has more str) Support- 3 turns Chapter 10 Weapon uses- Turn 6: 1 iron lance use Support- 5 turns Chapter 11 Weapon uses- Turn 3: 2 slim lance uses Support- 2 turns Chapter 12 Weapon uses- Turn 1: 6 sword uses, 2 hand axe uses (Marcus) Turn 2: 3 hand axe uses (Marcus) Turn 4: 10 javelin uses Turn 8: 1 sword use Turn 10: 2 wyrmslayer uses (Roy) Support- 11 turns Chapter 13 Weapon uses- Turn 3: 1 javelin use Turn 4: 1 iron lance use (Miledy) Turn 5: 10 slim lance uses, 1 iron lance use (Miledy) Turn 6: 2 wyrmslayer uses (Roy) Support- 5 turns Chapter 14 Weapon uses- Turn 1: 2 killer lance uses Turn 2: 4 sword uses, 4 wyrmslayer uses (Roy) Turn 3: 1 killer lance use Support- 2 turns Chapter 15 Weapon uses- Turn 3: 1 killer lance use Support- 2 turns Chapter 16 Weapon uses- Turn 1: 1 sword use (possibly more) Turn 2: 2 sword uses Turn 3: 4 javelin uses Turn 4: 2 killer lance uses Turn 5: 2 killer lance uses Turn 6: 2 killer lance uses Notes: There’s also 4 generic weapon uses by Marcus and Percival Support- 5 turns Chapter 17 Weapon uses- Turn 4: 4 sword (or killer lance) uses Turn 5: 2 killer lance uses Support- 4 turns Chapter 18 Weapon uses- Turn 2: 2 sword (or killer lance) uses Turn 3: 12 sword uses (or could save a ton of time by disarming Thany) Turn 4: 1 killer lance use Support- 3 turns Chapter 19 Weapon uses- Turn 1: 8 sword uses Turn 3: 1 killer lance use Notes: Marcus and Percival have to take out 5 enemy pegasi, which results in up to 10 generic weapon uses. Support- 2 turns Chapter 20 Weapon uses- Turn 1: 2 killer lance uses Support- 0 turns ===== Totals ===== Sword uses- 45 Killer lance uses- 16 Javelin uses- 15 Support- 44 turns Surprisingly, Thany only needs 1 javelin and 1 killer lance to last her the entire game post-promotion. The sword uses can be easily covered by 2 weapons, namely an iron sword and slim sword. She also doesn’t need 45 uses to increase her sword rank, so some of that can be converted to a generic weapon such as an iron lance. The support stat is a lot more worrisome, though. From chapters 1-8, Thany needs to accumulate 15 support points. She has nothing to do with Roy until chapter 8, which is certainly beaten in less than 15 turns.
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