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If you're intent on raising Miledy you'll definitely want to give her the boots. I still think it's better in the long run to raise Thany (Miledy can't make those big frame saves in 9, 10 and 13), but it's your call. If you want I can test run C1-7 with Thany to see how many frames are lost raising her when there's better optimization than in the nico run. I would need some .dll files for the enemy phase script, though. Anyway, for Miledy's promotion, you want to make it as late as possible- she needs time to build speed, but gains around 50 exp per kill. Whereas, once she promotes that number plummets to like 7-11 exp. She probably only needs 3-4 level-ups though, as she has remarkable durability and can 1HKO most enemies with a killer lance from the get-go. I'd guess Chapter 16, maybe earlier. Edit: Another consideration, if you raise Thany, it would save a lot of time from not having to see Miledy level-up multiple times. Alan run: Alan and Miledy get power-leveled. Thany run: Only Thany gets power-leveled, though Alan still sees considerable use early on.
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That was incredible, I really hope you do a couple more Kamek's Revenge TASes :)
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Cool, anyone going to make a cut-scene free edit? I think a little bit too much stuff was edited out of the any% run, like running into and shop, getting 5r and talking to shop guy, and crawling through the tunnel. Felt a bit awkward.
I'll definitely make one, and I'll try to edit less if that's something people don't like. My goal was to show gameplay with as little disruption as possible, to be honest even I thought of editing out the parts where a bug was released and re-caught since that's long and repetitive. But if you find that level of editing awkward I'll stick to removing cutscenes and door transitions only.
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I'll confirm that the new TAS has been finished for a few days now. I've only given the m64 to a handful of people (mostly close friends and some of the hardcore Zelda speedrunners) and am waiting for the encode of it to be done before I submit it here.
It's been 2 weeks, is the encoding really taking that long?
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Yes vote for giving me a hearty laugh the entire way through.
This is the best game ever.
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Would a missing 5-E even matter if you do an any% run?
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Sorry for double post. To further illustrate my point, I TASed Chapter 18 using a raised Thany, then again using a raised Alan, and compared the frame count. Chapter 18 in 4 Turns (Thany) - 8000 frames Vbm Chapter 18 in 7 Turns (Alan) - 14500 frames Vbm *Note that I buffed up Roy a bit to make it easier for him to survive at the end. The difference comes out to a whopping 6500 frames (~1.8 minutes), although I’ll admit I was a bit lazy with optimization.
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I compared the Nico run to Toothache's since I noticed C10 and C13 were much, much faster with Thany. I've put (-) in places where the two runs shouldn't differ at all. Chapter 1 doesn't have Thany, Chapter 8 is indoors, Chapter 12 has a set turn limit and the Nico run desynched for me at Chapter 14. In addition, Nico run suffers from a lot of inefficiencies: Using too many units, acquiring too many treasures, poor manipulation, etc. This means the total advantage of Toothache's run should be considerably less than 8939 frames. In fact, if Toothache's frame advantage from Chapters 1-8 is cut in half (not too unrealistic since the Nico run lost 2435 frames in C1), he'd actually be slightly behind at this point from raising Alan. Just taking away Miledy’s promotion in C13 cuts the advantage down to roughly 7939 frames. Now, looking at future maps, there a quite a few left where terrain will slow down Alan significantly. C17 C18 This chapter is the nail in the coffin C19 C21 Even if only 2000 frames were saved per chapter in those 4 maps above (and that’s an extremely conservative estimate), you’d still end up behind. All to say, I’m thoroughly convinced raising Thany is faster in the long run, even without gaidens.
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Bloobiela OOT Any% TAS (No Cutscenes) 1:04:33 cut down to 22:35 :) I'm surprised OOT is more cutscene heavy than MM. Edit: Fixed the link.
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I actually thought that Aktan had put chapters, with which to skip cutscenes, in the official encodes. Well seems like he only did that for OoT.
Really? I have the 480p mp4 encode for the OOT any% run in VLC and I can't seem to find an option to play the video in chapters :/
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Majora's Mask TAS (No Cutscenes) I made this in honor of Grunz' TAS. I basically took one of the mkv encodes, and used movie maker to edit out cutscenes and door transitions. The result is a good 37 minutes of non-stop action :) I hope you guys appreciate my effort despite my crappy editing skills :P Also, It'd be cool if anyone wants to upload this to youtube since the file is pretty big and I don't have a youtube account anymore.
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Is there any way to shut off the nico comments? Most of the time they take up more than half the screen!
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I put all the encodes in one place for the sake of convenience: Dam Facility Runway Surface 1 Bunker 1 Silo Edit: Included the Silo encode
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Kamek's Revenge v1.96 IPS patch (found it here) I've played the first 3-4 levels, seems like a really impressive hack. I'm not sure if it would be TAS publication worthy, but it's certainly worth a look. Edit: Updated the link to v1.96, which Carl Sagan is currently TASing.
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Anyone interested in seeing an improvement to the currently published run? For some reason (probably nostalgia) I've been finding myself enamored with this game, and wouldn't mind giving a TAS improvement a spin. My only concern is there isn't much to improve besides optimizing movement and using the pause glitch for orbs.
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So, have these "unconfirmed reports" been debunked yet?
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More proof that Saturn gets a hard-on from submitting controversial Super Metroid runs :) I'm sure one of these days he'll get one past the goal posts. Inclined to vote yes for the obvious tremendous effort that went into this, even though I found it way too similar to the real-time run.
Post subject: Re: #OccupySesameStreet
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jimsfriend wrote:
Link to video
Link to video
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This ain't twitter, bro.
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To my disbelief, I actually got this to synch. That was... interesting. Without BLJing the run's very similar to a 16 star run.
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This is turning out incredibly! Facility and Bunker were so entertaining I watched them multiple times.
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Well done! Curious how you did those 3 player inputs during idle moments in the game. The synchronization of the button inputs to the music was incredible.
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Most spectacular, the egg juggling and movement synchronization with the music was especially awesome. There are too many recommended screenshots to count, but these are 2 that I found interesting:
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Encoding has a very high barrier for entry compared to making TASes. It's just that once you get past that everything is rather straight forward (way easier than TASing overall of course).
IMO there's a big difference between video dumps (temp. encodes) and quality encodes in terms of technical ability required. A video dump takes pretty minimal effort, at least on SNES9x and VBA. Pretty much all you need to do is something like tools -> movie -> avi recording. Then you choose a codec (let's say ffdshow), figure out some reasonable compression settings (once you do this you never have to do it again), playback the movie, and you have yourself an encode. I do it all the time now. I have the sense that most TASers think that video dumping is some highly complicated, intimidating technical task they don't want to deal with, so they defer that responsibility onto our fellow community. But, if it were common knowledge how easy it is to video dump, I'm sure more submissions would be accompanied by encodes. After all, the people here take pride in their work, so would they not want to expose the fruits of their labour to as large an audience as possible, as quickly as possible?
I think even posting a link to the video dumping section of the website is rather rude. "Hi there, thanks for contributing to the site, now make a video."
Why the hell would it be rude? I mean obviously you'd attach a few sentences of explanation, followed by the link. "We highly encourage you to make a temporary encode for your submission (link) as this effort will be appreciated by those who cannot playback your movie file." or something to that effect.
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I know re-records aren't supposed to matter... But is there even a single published movie on this site with under 1000 re-records? This could be a good way to screen out submissions that are basically guaranteed to get rejected.
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