Posts for Walker_Boh

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Thanks Virulent. Yes, im aware off the "rooms". They can be improved but since I had such problems with the recording (don´t know why but Famtasia seemed to forget about keypresses sometimes, caused me to "miss" a ladder at the end etc..) I just wasn´t in the mood for perfecting it right then. I think it´s possible to save about 10 seconds or something if I perfect all "rooms". Thanks anyways ;P I was kinda satisfied.
/Walker Boh
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The "glitch" in Rygar which allows Rygar to jump over the river! I thought this was impossible and I have died in that river... a couple of 1000 times.
/Walker Boh
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Would a time attack of this game be interesting or would it be just a "walktrough"? Well, if you guys think it would be interesting I can do a time attack of it. But that if it would be worth the job.
/Walker Boh
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Thanks for that feedback! ;) It really is cool to hear something good once and awhile. Thanks. Gj with your A Boy and his Blob too.
/Walker Boh
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After alots of cursing that penguin and some other badass things in the game im finally done. 17:53 was the finishing time. Hope it will be up soon ;) (Yeah, my grammar pretty much stinks ;/)
/Walker Boh
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Actually im sick of this game now. It´s fun and all but the recording of is is weird! The buttons seems to not react sometimes. I dunno whether I have a lousy keyboard or if it´s Famtasia or what.. I have to redo a part again but the end time should be 17:50-55, and that´s the best I can do.
/Walker Boh
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Did I ever mentioned that I hate penguins? One of those little buggers messed my .fmv file up.. Im absolutely positive it worked fine until the end.. But when I whatch it one of those little critters goes on a different pattern from when I played, totally messing up everything! Baaaaah, sometimes I hate my unlyckiness with Famtasia. I will do this game but now I don´t know if I wanna do it tonight.... Bah stupid fudging penguin.. =(
/Walker Boh
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Great job man! That´s a great game, to play.
/Walker Boh
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Im done with my first run now. Ended with 22:30. I think it´s possible to beat the game under 20 minutes. Well, that´s to be proven tomorrow. G'night.
/Walker Boh
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Well, I got sick of studying 8 hours in a row so I tried to figure a decent route out. I think I have and now im done with maybe.. 3/5 of the game. Time so far is 14:40-15:00. But I figured a way out to get that time down to 12 maybe ;) hopefully I can be done tomorrow evening.
/Walker Boh
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Oh, np. You got me some suggestions wich I have thought over, not that much since I don´t have time to do anything about until fridday, but well, suggestions that was. Like try to get more blue potions. Ah well, that´s for another topic. And call me Walker.
/Walker Boh
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Hehe, no one has mentioned my movies either. Yet im kinda satisfied anyways, just to know that they will entertain some dudes/dudesses who has played and has similiar game-tasting like me. But my W&W movie seems to be the most downloaded after the reset ;) That feels kinda good.
/Walker Boh
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Im doing my own run anyways, but yeah it might be an idea-spitter or something. Thanks Jackic.
/Walker Boh
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Im up for this task! But after friday though. Anyways, anyone knows any glitches or something that could be useful? If everything goes well i'll be done with it in the next week.
/Walker Boh
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Im done. With all birds catched I ended with a time of 21:52. It´s about 28-30 minutes something better then the unknown guys run. But it might be that he is more skilled at this game then me, cus he used only 85 re-records ;P
/Walker Boh
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Wee finally some feedback! Thanks Morg! However I talked to Bisqwit and he thought that I should grab the bird on every level. Perhaps this is true cus it might seem to be unskilled to just drop down at every bonus level. Well ;) I'll do that run to, with catching bird on all 32 levels, and then it´s up for someone else to decide which course that is the best.
/Walker Boh
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That´s possible. In that case im more then impressed. I played this game as a kid on a real NES and I managed to get to the final boss once, after 5 hours of playing. So if he doesn´t uses save states or slowdown he might be the best player I know at that game! Impressive, but still boring to watch compared to pure time attacks.
/Walker Boh
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Deviance: Yeah that´s his name! But I still dont know where I got it from.
/Walker Boh
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I dunno where i got it from but I have a Ninja gaiden-movie here. That guys ends it with a very close time to 18:00. And that really looks boring, he misses jumps, waits for enemies and so on. One thing though that he is good at is some of the bosses. He has some fire weapon and just jumps into the bosses, killing them almost instantly.
/Walker Boh
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If you fall down you can avoid dying if you pause the moment (or a bit up in the air) you hit the ground. Can save a few seconds at one place I think.
/Walker Boh
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Sorry for being so repetitive and so on. But I came up with some ideas to perhaps make my run a little faster. But before I start I will have some guidelines for this game.. If I skip _ALL_ bonus parts I can end it somewhere around 13 minutes. If I do all the bonus parts I guess I could end it around 22 minutes or something.. But what do you guys think about skipping all bonus levels but do the last one? As an end of the movie it could be cool to catch the bird at the last mountain. So what do you think?
/Walker Boh
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Yeah that´s right ;P I wasn´t aware of the glitch in W&W until i did my time attack on that game. So I guess you are right.
/Walker Boh
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Is there any major bugs? It was a couple of years (again!) since I finished this game. So I just remember the pass for the submarine and how to play the orgel ;P but no bugs..
/Walker Boh
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It´s a great game but I dunno if it would make much of an impressive time attack =/ Unfortunately.
/Walker Boh
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Uhm, just a small thought I had. When Link is near death, there is an annoying sound that indicates he´s in danger, right? Wouldn´t this be very annoying in a movie? If it "blips" in 30 minutes or so I mean. This was just a thought and else my opinion is that it´s ok to take damage if it saves time. It also looks cooler since it´s more dangerous ;P
/Walker Boh