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IMPblackbelt wrote:
...and yet, Sony made fairly direct bashes at Microsoft's policies regarding the Xbox One and their game-sharing policies. Quite amusing how things go full-circle.
Now that you mention it, Apple is also (in)famous for bashing PC/Windows in their ad campaigns... (Of course in both cases they are careful to not to mention the competing product by name.)
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Why does the player start with only half energy in some matches?
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I don't think there's anything wrong in using a branch name in a purely descriptive manner. It informs the user that, for example, "this is the fastest completion for this game, and it does so by heavy use of glitches" (as opposed to the more normal case with most games that are glitch-free or have very few of them.) If there is also a glitchless run, then it becomes much clearer and informative if both are labeled.
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Some analysis of the episodes:
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I find Sega's aggressive anti-Nintendo marketing quite curious. It just feels, at least nowadays, completely unthinkable that the ads for a product would refer to a competing product even indirectly, much less by name. I suppose the world was different back then.
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I really don't like that they seem to be making stuff up as they go along. I'm referring to the "royal duties". What "royal duties"? WTF? What exactly is a "princess" anyway, in this universe (other than a marketing gimmick to sell more toys)? Why does someone becoming a "princess" somehow bestow upon them some "royal duties"? Is it like "sorry, you permanently became royalty, now you are stuck with it, and there's nothing you can do about it. From now on you are slave to the people and you will have to perform 'royal duties'. Sucks being you, if you didn't like that in the first place." Btw, by the end I was just slightly hoping for a moment that maybe, maybe Twilight would have to give up her "princesshood" for the greater good. Now that would have been something I would have liked. (Of course I never actually believed that it would happen. Too many toys to sell. One could always hope, though.)
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If I got a wish, then the finale episode of season 3 would be completely undone at the beginning of season 4... (Yeah, I'm sure this surprises everybody here.) Seriously, though, it could be cool if they had an episode, or perhaps even episode pair, that delves more in depth into the persona and life of Queen Chrysalis. And I'm not talking about a Discord-style single-episode heel-face turn. Nor just another episode where she's a run-of-the-mill villain trying to take over the world. That would be boring. I mean character development. She may be evil, but why? Is there something more to it than just simplistic black&white morality?
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What is the largest string of the same digit found in the decimal expansion of pi so far?
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Take any finite series of digits. Question: Does that series of digits appear (in the same consecutive order) somewhere in the decimal expansion of pi? Pure intuition could be argued for either case: 1) Since pi is an irrational number, and moreover a transcendental number, then its decimal expansion is pretty much "random", so in principle any finite series of digits ought to appear somewhere in it. 2) It's hard to imagine that at some point in the decimal expansion of pi there would be, for example, a million consecutive zeros. Can this question be proven? And even if it can't (or it's way too difficult), which intuition would be probably closer to reality?
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You might have seen the fanmade video Snowdrop (and if you haven't, definitely check it out.) It's quite a tear jerker (for starters, it stars a blind filly. And it's surprisingly well written for fanfiction.) This got me thinking, that MLP:FiM is quite a perfect setting for such tear jerking stories, so wouldn't it be cool if the actual authors made such episodes? Surely their writers are so talented that they could make really moving and engaging stories. On the other hand, and perhaps a bit sadly, this is still a show which main target demographic is children, and while sad stories are not unheard of in works for children, this is just somehow not that kind of show (even though it could perfectly well be.) I think it's a pity, because of the wasted potential.
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I wonder if this works here... ▒█▀▀▄ ░░░▒█ ░░ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▄░▒█ █▀▀█ ▒█░▒█ ░▄░▒█ ▀▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▒█▒█ ░░▀▄ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄█ ░░ ▒█░░░ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█░░▀█ █▄▄█
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This is actually something that I have been thinking about. Let's say that you have a deck (of a collectible card game) consisting of 60 cards. If there are n cards of a certain type in the deck, and you draw an opening hand of 7 cards, what are the probabilities of having each possible amount of that type of card in your opening hand? (Ie. what's the probability of drawing no cards of that type, drawing 1 card, and so on up to either n or 7, whichever is smaller?) It would be even more interesting (and a bit more complicated) when we start with combinations. For example, let's say that in the deck of 60 cards there are 24 land cards, 4 cards of type A, and 4 cards of type B. In your opening hand of 7 cards, what are the probabilities of getting: 1) n land cards and no cards of type A, 2) n land cards and no cards of either type A or B, 3) n land cards and at least one card of type A, 4) n land cards and at least one card of type A or B, 5) n land cards and at least one card of type A and at least one card of type B? Moreover, suppose that there are 24 land cards, but of two different types. What is the probability of drawing an opening hand containing n land cards (where n is at least 2), with at least one of them being of the other land type than the others?
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Are they walking on two feet? No, just no.
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If you were running at a nearly infinite speed, then you would be compressing air in front of you so much that it would actually start fusing, causing a thermonuclear explosion. Even though your body couldn't take such a high-speed collision with air, and would be pulverized, I think that the explosion would start before you are dead. Thus, I think, you would be atomized by the explosion quicker than what the collision with air would. Luckily, though, this all would happen in an infinitesimally small fraction of a second, so your brain would be physically unable to be aware of any of it. You would disappear before you would notice anything. Also, luckily, this would be a pure fusion explosion, which means that there would be little to no radiation. But don't do it near any buildings, or they would get badly destroyed.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Like the firmware settings, the emulator does not do anything about it when playing back the movie.
Make a bug report, then?
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got4n wrote:
oh wait I forgot advanced bus level timing <.<
Why couldn't this info be stored in the dsm file?
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I think it's a bit shame that Vault only accepts the fastest run and nothing else. This means that if there's a completely-glitched-out run that finishes the game in 1 minute, which has almost nothing to see, it will be the only published version for that game, even if there would be a 20-minute unglitched version that could be more interesting to watch.
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Overreaction much?
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Some categories are purely descriptive and do not affect branches. Wouldn't "glitched" be this kind of category?
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"If everybody agreed on everything, life would be really boring." "I disagree."
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Alba wrote:
This is why I hardly visit this forum anymore, nor did I really get involved with it in the first place; everything becomes an arguement.
I love it when people exaggerate like this. EVERYTHING becomes an argument? Really?
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feos wrote:
Did I say "hacking the ROM, using gamegenie codes, modify the emulator to work in a way that the console doesn't" is what "anything goes" means regarding Vault?
Then you should word your posts better. 'What if Vault keeps accepting "anything goes", including "preset RAM"' sounds a lot like you are arguing that "anything goes" literally means "anything goes", ie. you can do whatever you want, without limits.
Radiant wrote:
However, if the vote in this thread is any indication, it does include allowing multiple valid hardware RAM states; and if I understand Feos correctly, that should imply that such movies are valid for (1) Vault tier if they're faster than any other run, and (2) Moon tier if people find them entertaining enough.
Then we'll just have to disagree. Not that it matters much, but whatever. (After all, I personally still find the use of resetting to corrupt save data to be annoying and not speedrunning, but that doesn't really matter at all.)
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feos wrote:
What if Vault keeps accepting "anything goes", including "preset RAM"
I don't think that's what's meant by "anything goes". "Anything goes" means that you don't put self-imposed in-game limitations to your goals other than completing the game as fast as possible (such as collecting all items, or using a certain route, or avoiding some glitch.) "Anything goes" does not mean "you can do whatever you want", such as hacking the ROM, using gamegenie codes, modify the emulator to work in a way that the console doesn't, start from a savestate, and so on. I don't think this is at all a question of tiers.
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So here's a trick question for you: I play a gambling game with someone. We bet $40 each, and I lose and my opponents gets the pot. Therefore I lost $40 and my opponent won the $80 pot. We then play again, but this time we bet $20 each. This time I win. Therefore I win the $40 and my opponent loses his $20. Therefore I broke even, and my opponent is now $60 richer. How is this possible?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Good to know I wasted my money on this piece of crap for my niece. Thanks, Sweetnepic!
Wait, wait... are those G3.5 ponies with the G4 main cast color schemes? What sacrilege is this?