Posts for Warp

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arkiandruski wrote:
It was originally Speedruns, but it was changed to Superplays once more playarounds started making it through.
It depends on who you ask. It was originally speedruns, and most people still call them speedruns. Some people backronymed it to "superplays" because a few TASes don't aim for maximum speed. Whatever floats your boat, but I don't think this terminology thing needs to be muddled any more than it already is, especially since "tool-assisted speedrun" has received more public consciousness and acceptance, and the days of "it's fake/cheating" are mostly in the past. I don't think we need a "speedrun/superplay" terminology war.
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niamek wrote:
I think the S is superplay and not speedrun.
That's a backronym, really.
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Kuwaga wrote:
To actually prove my theory, I think as a first step I'd have to establish that pink tones have an important impact on triggering protective instincts, and for males specifically.
Please go troll somewhere else. There are plenty of other threads for you to do so.
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Spikestuff wrote:
The comments are flipping stupid... then again it's yahoo... anything is stupid.
I would really like to see those bashers raising half a million dollars for charity with their hobby...
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Kuwaga wrote:
Pretty sure just about everybody who's a fan of the show will disagree with this, but that is to be expected.
Of course, because it's just BS. If it were true, then there would be a huge adult male fanbase of the previous-generation MLP series too, but there isn't. This series is different.
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That circuit board looks like professionally-made. Very cool job.
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They may not be the key to determining publication, but they can be a useful tool for visitors to express their views. If the options are confusing or lacking, it makes them less useful for that purpose.
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For what it's worth, I still cannot comprehend what's so horribly wrong with adding one additional option to the voting, to indicate a problem in the submission that disqualifies it from being published. I don't understand the strong opposition to that idea. (And no, the arguments given in that thread are not very convincing, sorry.)
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jlun2 wrote:
Ferret Warlord wrote:
Why are they wearing daipers?
Uh....I don't see it at all. Nor do I intend to in case someone posts a pic of it.
I get the feeling that you misunderstood. The photos don't have bronies wearing diapers. What happens is that the google page has little animated pixel-art ponies running across the screen... and they are all wearing diapers for some inexplicable reason. (If anything, I would consider this some kind of insult. I don't understand it at all. Perhaps someone at Google didn't understand the implications; the actual joke is missing and instead it comes out as insulting.) On a completely unrelated topic... I may be quite late to realize this, and it might be completely self-evident to most of you, but somehow it just dawned on me one of the reasons why the MLP:FiM characters are so likeable and have so much depth to their character. In the vast majority of little kids' (especially little girls') cartoons, most of the good guys are "Mary Sue" characters. This at least in the past (unsurprisingly I have not been watching very many cartoons aimed at little kids in later years, so I have no idea if they have progressed in this regard.) A Mary Sue character is one that's perfect and flawless, always lawful-good, kind to everybody, unselfish, philanthropist and one who loves everybody and everything, and who are always ready to help and defend their friends and anybody else for that matter. They may not be (and often are not) physically or emotionally strong characters (eg. they might be emotionally impressionable and can eg. get scared and cry relatively easily), but they are always kind and nice and thinking of others, and show little or no flaws (and often even if they show some flaws, they tend to be "cute" and "adorable" flaws, such as being afraid of the dark or something.) Such characters tend to be flat and two-dimensional because they lack character depth. They tend to be too perfect, and come across as trying to appeal to the viewer for being so nice and cute and friendly and flawless. In MLP:FiM, however, all the main characters, while being good (of course), are very much flawed and entire episodes are dedicated to these flaws. The closest we could perhaps get to an actual "Mary Sue" character is Fluttershy, but even she is shown several times to have personality flaws (especially in "The Best Night Ever".) All the other characters are also very much shown to have their flaws and sometimes acting in selfish or irrational ways because of those flaws (such as Applejack trying to leave Ponyville for good because she was ashamed of not getting first place on the rodeo competition in "The Last Roundup", or the usually self-confident and brash Rainbow Dash getting extremely nervous and stage fright when her turn comes to show her skills in "Sonic Rainboom", Twilight being extremely obsessed and neurotic in "Lesson Zero", or Pinkie Pie going absolutely and even frighteningly bonkers in "Party of One".) I think these are characteristics that you seldom see in most other kids' shows. (And even if they try it, often it's only half-hearted and not very engaging and does not help much in establishing personality.) If there are any Mary Sue characters in the show, those would be princesses Celestia and Cadance. I don't remember seeing a single flaw to their personalities shown. (On the other hand, they have had extremely little screentime overall...)
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True wrote:
Why post this thread here?
I didn't know there was a limitation on what should be posted here and what shouldn't.
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To me electronics is like, I'm sure, programming is for non-programmers: Even though I have an extremely cursory understanding of the very basics (I have a masters degree from a university of technology after all) I just can't get my head around it, and even trying the simplest of designs would be a completely insurmountable task for me. Yet to people who are fluent at electronics design coming up with with the design of a simple circuit that performs a simple task is as easy as for me to write a small program that performs a simple task. And I really mean simple tasks. For example, how large of a resistor do I need not to burn out a LED? I have no idea. (I know you need a resistor, but for the life of me I cannot remember how to even begin to calculate it.) And let's not even start with things like transistor threshold voltages and how to use them to achieve things (or what kind of transistor is most suitable for whichever task), or anything complicated like that.
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I have been thinking: What are the most common nicknames of the characters of the show used by the fanbase? A partial list: Applejack: AJ. Rainbow Dash: Dashie. RD. Twilight Sparkle: Twily. (Does it count if it's used in-universe?) Princess Celestia: Sunbutt. Trollestia. (Ok, the latter may be more than just a nickname per se...) Hmm... what else? Don't the other characters have any nicknames?
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scrimpeh wrote:
I knew listening to this song all the time when I was younger would pay off someday...
With the bitrate used to encode that video, the uploader must have been uploading it for days to get it to youtube...
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What happens if you take LSD and watch MLP? I mean, WTF?
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Dada wrote:
There's a difference between the two. For an indie dev this could be a very big deal, but not so for large studios. I don't really care if you think it's hypocrisy.
And who exactly decides what counts as "indie" and what as "large studio"? Where do you draw the line for a "large studio"? Total revenue per year? Number of employees? What? It is arbitrary, and therefore hypocritical.
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Or he's a proto-Samus.
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PikachuMan wrote:
My Little Bloopers: Mistakes are Forever: Volume 1 -
Is there something wrong with me because whenever there's a blooper related to AJ's hat, I can't help but think "you can leave your hat on"?
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Tub wrote:
tasvideos is showing derivative works of the video games instead of just copying a part of them.
Derivative works are usually also protected by the same copyright that protects the original. (Technically speaking, for example fanfiction of copyrighted work is copyright infringement, even though the majority of IP owners turn a blind eye on it. Not always, though. For example Square/Enix is infamous for shutting down fan derivative works of their property.) If you want to argue for the legality of TAS videos, you could go through the "fair use" route (which in most countries protects commentaries, reviews and parodies), but even that's stretching it.
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There's an even more impressive version of this that uses drawings of people: There are 12 people, then the top half of the picture is cut into two, these two parts are swapped... and you end up with 13 people. There's an easy explanation of how it happens, but it's very hard for the human brain to comprehend.
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Also, never underestimate the psychological effect that a big company threatening you with legal action can have. People easily dismiss it and don't think about it, with a feeling of "if it happens, I'll just deal with it." However, if it does happen, it can be quite frightening and cause lots of anxiety, even if you ultimately get out of it with no or only a minor sanction. (This is actually often abused as a dirty tactic by many companies and even many individuals who work for a company or other entity: If they want to scare you or get something from you, they will threaten you with a lawsuit, and the threat will often be of the form "either you pay me X money now, or I'll sue you for X*100 money." That kind of threat can be surprisingly effective, especially if it's a company or a person with a strong labor union or the like behind him.)
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A JRPG-style (either old-school or new-school) MLP:FiM game could indeed be cool. It would give a lot of room for story and character development. The other style of game, if they wanted to make a bit more action-oriented, would be like I suggested in an earlier post, something similar to Naruto: Rise of a Ninja. (See a review eg. here to get an idea of what I'm talking about.) (And I mean in terms of game mechanics. Of course it should be heavier in terms of storytelling.)
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Dada wrote:
VG soundtracks are already readily available everywhere.
Availability does not somehow nullify or lessen copyright. Copyright is not like trademarking.
In some cases we might get takedown requests and we'll honor them, most likely only from the largest studios and latest games.
In theory they could go even further than that. I don't think there's any law anywhere that says that they must give you a chance to take it down before they take legal action. (And I'm not saying this because I agree with copyright being so totalitarian. I'm just stating facts as they are.)
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It's not a question of it being a ripoff. It just looked horrible on its own right. For some reason when people make a MLP game (or a ripoff), the only thing they can think of is small mini-games, collecting stuff, dressup and things like that. I don't watch the show because of collecting stuff and dressup. I watch it because of the story, the character development, the action, the humor, and the quality of the animation. If I were to like a MLP game, it would have to be like that. I couldn't care less about minigames and virtual paperdolls.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Posting before Warp does.
That looks horrible...
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Spikestuff wrote:
yeah it did it again just click here T.T
I love the video ID for that one: UnmrmHrguaU.