Posts for Warp

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jlun2 wrote:
How is that sad? I'm pretty sure somewhere out there, there are people doing the same thing with other cartoon/fictional characters.
Because, you know, ponies are for girls, and stuff.
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I honestly can't understand what do we need hidden ratings in the first place. The only reason I can think of that someone would want to hide their ratings is if they frequently go completely contrary to the average (which they have the right to do, of course), and are unwilling to explain why (which is more questionable.) If someone cannot argue why they gave such an off-mark rating to a TAS, perhaps it's just better that they don't rate at all. Sounds more like unjustified rating out of principle (if not outright vandalism.) I don't think "we want more ratings" is a good reason to offer anonymity to people who give off-mark ratings out of unjustified principles, or even want to vandalize the system (or someone's TASes).
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Ah, how much gaming technology has advanced since those times... Compare to this.
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ventuz wrote: 3.5 is also ugly
Maybe so, but IMO certainly not as much as G3 and earlier... Btw, that was a really interesting watch (I have never actually seen any pre-G4 MLP show) and contrast to MLP:FiM. The dialogue and storytelling are really simplistic and clearly written with a "viewers are young children" mentality. It's not very interesting nor engaging. (Also, those voices made my ears bleed. Using competent voice actors is a really important thing.)
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Btw, I have to apologize for the messiness of that code. It was a really bad case of "start with a simple feature, then add a new feature to it, and keep adding features, without ever refactoring the whole thing from scratch, and end up with a real mess." I hope it's not really horrifying to wade through... :)
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Is it just me, or are the pony designs up to generation 3 really ugly, especially compared to the uber cute designs of generation 4? (IIRC so-called generation 3.5 ponies were much closer to G4.)
Post subject: Re: Duplicated entries in Movie Statistics
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klmz wrote:
Movie Statistic: Lowest number of ratings I saw duplicated entries of 2109M, 2079M and 2031M.
I think the code gets duplicate entries from the database in certain situations, but I don't remember the details. (The fix would be to merge duplicates in said code.)
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Have apples always been a thing in the MLP franchise, or is it something new to FiM?
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CoolKirby wrote:
To prevent abuse, if both boxes are unchecked, the rate button could become grayed out.
Abuse? Anyways, the current system allows for someone to not only change but also remove their rating (on one or both categories) if they so wish, for whatever reason. It's probably a good idea to retain the possibility. (Therefore the rate button should be enabled all the time.)
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Your suggestion lacks the option of not rating on one of the categories at all, which I think should probably remain an option.
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It's difficult to choose "the first TAS that blew your mind" when you have followed the site from the very beginning. After all, the whole site was inspired by Morimoto's SMB3 run (which, to be honest, didn't "blow my mind" although was interesting) and Bisqwit's first attempts at an SMB run with Famtasia (using slowdown and savestates; no frame advance back then.) Perhaps the TASes that I remember most fondly from the beginning of history, mostly for nostalgic reasons, are the Solstice and Solomon's Key, as well as the different SMB runs (especially SMB2). However, that's probably not what's intended with the question in this thread.
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Warp wrote:
The direct correlation between stopping the vaccinations for a common disease and the subsequent spreading of such a disease like wildfire has been observed in practice several times.
Btw, if someone wants an actual reference, here's a very clear and prominent case:
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Grincevent wrote:
Warp wrote:
In the first episode of the first season at about 12:30 Rarity uses a French word, but I don't quite understand what word it is. Could someone tell?
If I watched the right part, the word is "coiffure". You can translate it to "hairdo".
She pronounces it in a very "French-like" manner, but that's probably the word. (Is it pronounced like that in French?)
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I'm comparing this to the average (so far) Atari 2600 game rather than the average (TASable) console game, and this is by far the best one of the bunch so far. The TAS is short and full of high-speed action and precision, so the only possible vote for this is yes.
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This seems to be one of the better A2600 games. I would have voted yes.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
To those of you who are really so upset that you type up long emotional responses or announce you're leaving the site forever, grow the fuck up.
If someone is taking TASing so seriously that they are threatening to leave, then I'd say good riddance. The site is for fun. If I were in charge, I might leave the AVGN icons as they are, just out of principle. (Perhaps it's good I'm not.)
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In the first episode of the first season at about 12:30 Rarity uses a French word, but I don't quite understand what word it is. Could someone tell?
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Abahbob wrote:
Who else is playing the new Gameloft MLP game?
I downloaded it because it was free and tried it for a little while, but at least the first impression was not very enticing. I like the show because of the writing, animation, the humor, the character development... The game was basically bereft of any of that. Also it's a game aimed at young children, and they tend to be a bit simplistic, repetitive and boring. (Although this critique is with the admitted caveat that I didn't play it very far.)
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I don't see the problem in brightening the videos. It's not like we are modifying the game or doing video editing. It's completely akin to gamma correction. And it's not like there can be an "absolutely correct" brightness setting. Even if you knew the exact luminosity of every single palette entry as presented by the real console on a standard average analog TV with factory-recommended brightness and contrast settings (which most TVs probably don't have anyways), it would still be really difficult to reproduce in an exact manner in a computer display, because also the display's brightness, contrast and gamma settings would have to conform to exact specifications (which 99.9% of people don't.) I'd say that if brightening the video makes it look better, go for it.
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Mothrayas wrote:
I've read before about CEO's basically telling their employees "vote Romney or get fired".
That would be quite illegal here. (Both firing people for such a reason, and perhaps even making that threat.) I think it's sad that I'm not surprised that it's not illegal in the US.
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Derakon wrote:
I will admit to not being a crypto expert, but from what I understand you to be saying, the idea here would be that each voter would encode their vote with a private key, and the public key would be held by the government?
Public key encryption is not the same thing as digital signing. In public key encryption you can encrypt data using the public key, but nobody can decrypt it unless they have the private key (at least not in any reasonable amount of time, as far as we know.) The direction of data transfer is from others to the person owning the private key. Digital signing is kind of the opposite: The data can be decrypted with the public key, but only encrypted with the private one. The direction of data transfer is the opposite to the above, in other words from the owner of the private key to others. (This is of course a very simplified version of the whole technology, for example because the same data can be digitally signed by more than one person, etc, but let's keep it simple for clarity.) The idea with the latter is that, as long as you know you have the correct public key, you can use it to read and verify the data and be sure that it has indeed been created by the person owning the private key. It cannot have been modified or tampered with by a third party. Someone could fake the public key and use their own matching private key to send faked data, but in that case the actual person can come up and prove that the data has been faked (because the public key is different from the original, and does not match anything that the original person has published.) In this particular case, however, the public key is in the government's archives, which would make it much harder to fake votes (because the government's computers would obviously check them against the public keys stored in their systems; in order to fake the votes one would have to hack into the government's computers and change those public keys.) The major problem I see with this proposed solution is one of practicality and logistics: The government would have to provide each citizen with a private key and the means to use it. It would probably have to be a physical device (actual "keys", like those used in some companies, that use a technology very similar to this.) Then there has to be a framework for dealing with broken, lost and stolen keys, and so on. This is all quite expensive. Then there's the problem that happens if someone comes up to the voting booth without the key but with valid ID...
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Personman wrote:
As long as the original is there for verification, I'm all for separate videos made more friendly for the viewing audience in any way possible - camhacks, input overlays, commentary, cutscene removal, bookmarks, whatever.
So what exactly is the point of the TAS anymore if the video is not legit?
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Personman wrote:
Warp, I sincerely hope that someday you embrace the forbidden time manipulation powers granted to you by video progress bars... As a practical consideration, it would be neat if it were common for movie descriptions to contain links to timecodes within the youtube encodes (or other encodes if the feature is available) at which the run becomes more generally palatable.
While we are at it, why don't we just throw all the principles of TASing out of the window and start outright editing the videos? Just cut the boring parts away. Add some catchy music and special effects. Disco lights.