Posts for Warp

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I finally tried the editor, and made a couple of maps, if you want to check them. You can find them here.
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hegyak wrote:
Can we get a "Report this post" feature?
If we do, I think it should be restricted to only people with at least a certain amount of posts, to avoid abuse. (Preferably, to people with less posts the button wouldn't be even visible, so possible trolls/vandals don't get any ideas.) (Personally I like the idea, but practically speaking... is rules-breaking posting such a big problem on the forum that it's worth implementing this feature?)
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Dead Island's trailer was so impressive that they want to make a movie based on it. Not based on the game itself, mind you. Based on the trailer. If that doesn't make it the best video game trailer ever, I don't know what does... :)
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This is not a question, but a commentary on a video, namely this: Link to video For the life of me I can't figure out if this is a spoof or an actual seriously-made "documentary". If it's a spoof, it's quite good at simulating those 70's-80's documentaries. Anyways, I couldn't help but be amused by the claim that ships look like they go over the horizon, and the Earth looking round from Space, as being caused by the light bending predicted by general relativity. Never mind that for the GR equations to predict such a strong curvature would require the Earth to have the density approaching a neutron star, that's not the most egregious error in that claim. The most egregious error is that the light is bending in the wrong direction for that to happen. If light were bending down due to gravity, it would actually make the sea and the ship with it look like it's curving up, when looked at from the shore. It would look like you were on the bottom of a depression. Likewise from space it would not make a flat earth look like a sphere; instead, it would make it look like you were looking into a bowl. (This is, in fact, what would happen if you were to fall into a neutron star of black hole: As you approach it, the surface will start looking bigger and bigger until at some altitude it will look like a plane that encompasses half of the universe. As you keep falling, it will start looking like the surface curves up.)
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Hypothesis: If the decimal representation of a number has M decimal digits after the decimal point (the last one being non-zero, of course), if you raise the number to the (integral) power of N, the result will have M*N decimal digits after the decimal point. (So, for example, 12.3415 will have 2*15 = 30 decimal digits after the decimal point.) Is this hypothesis correct?
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Actually, after reading those blog posts and watching those videos, it seems that the scam is that they provide you a "service" (that you don't really need) and make you pay an annual fee for it. They convince you that you need it by spouting some BS about your computer being ridden with malware, by convincing you that all the warnings and errors in the event logger are signs of this. There might also be more nefarious goals because they leave LogMeIn running in your Windows (autostarting on boot) that leaves them continuous unrestricted remote access. Convincing someone to pay you money by misleading and lying to them is unequivocally considered fraud in the vast majority of jurisdictions, and leaving what amounts to a rootkit in their computer that they can access at any time without notice breaches computer security laws in many countries as well.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
While I was standing there looking through what they had, a fat chick in a Wonderbolts hoodie came rapidly trawling in, and grabbed the Wedding Flower Fillies set, almost without looking
What? I thought only young men like MLP... ;)
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Truncated wrote:
Warp wrote:
Is this game trying to emulate the Atari 2600?
I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't think it's trying to emulate anything. If you mean the font and resolution, the game uses Code page 437 to get access to special characters for drawing walls, enemies and objects. Is it similar to Atari 2600's standard font?
It was humor. The graphics (well, "graphics") just reminded me a lot of Atari 2600.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
It's another of those electronic versions of 'choose your adventure' books they call 'roguelikes'.
Uh... Roguelikes have nothing to do with "choose your adventure" books.
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Is this game trying to emulate the Atari 2600?
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Why would we want ADOM when we have NetHack? That's all we need! Just kidding...
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I didn't quite understand how this scam works. From the linked article it sounds like they make you buy an anti-virus software... Is the idea that you are buying it from their website rather than from the software's official one, and hence you are paying them?
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That's definitely something she would say?
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It would still be nice to see a comparison to the original, non-lossy frame.
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That ginormous image makes the page really wide (over twice my horizontal screen resolution), making reading posts really awkward, requiring horizontal scrolling. Please post a smaller thumbnail and make it a link to the original image.
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nanogyth wrote:
Could someone explain in more detail what's happening here? It looks to me like the red channel has been brightened on the version at the right, but otherwise it's hard to tell which one should be "more accurate" (without seeing the original lossless frame). That might be a good idea, actually: Add the original lossless version of the frame besides those, for comparison.
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While browsing for something unrelated, I happened to stumble across this video about controllers, which reminded me of this thread. It doesn't answer the original question, but I thought it was interesting nevertheless.
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xbox needs no stinkin' wires!!!1 uh... need to take my meds once in a while... Just joking. I don't take nor need any medication... Or do I?
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Is this a paid advertisement?
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mklip2001 wrote:
I vote Yes for this run, since (a) the cutscenes are fairly easy to skip
Ahem... If something like 80+ % of the movie has to be regularly skipped in order to make it entertaining, I think that's a point against the movie, no matter how "easy" it is to do those skips.
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AKheon wrote:
Don't know if it's just the RateYourMusic-junkie in me speaking, but I'd love the ability to post reviews on TASes.
I like the idea, but it raises the question of who would select/moderate those reviews, and how (and who's going to write the necessary code for it...)
Post subject: Re: Why Mess With The Difficulty Setting?
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Maser wrote:
So I was watching some TAS videos on YouTube and I was wondering something. How come in all games that have a difficulty setting, why does the TASer always go and mess with that setting by putting it on the hardest level? Doesn't that do nothing but add un-needed frames to your overall TAS by having to go into the options menu and mess with the difficulty and then have to exit the menu?
<pedantic> Because that's usually the only way of choosing the hardest difficulty level. If there were a way of choosing it without going to the difficulty setting screen, the TASer would certainly do that instead... </pedantic> (If you intended to ask "why do you almost always use the hardest difficulty level in TASes?", that's a different question altogether, and answered by AngerFist.)
Post subject: There's an awfully large amount of movies with only 1 rating
Banned User
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Looking at the Movie Statistics after a really long time not having checked them, I noticed that there's an awfully large amount of movies with only 1 rating. Come on people, rate a bit more. People like their movies rated. (Yeah, I know. I should be rating movies too... Maybe I'll spend some weekend watching and rating movies, at least those having only 1 or 2 ratings.)
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This reminded me of the funny TAS of 2010: Link to video