Posts for Warp

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Greenalink wrote:
Does that mean that the games completely lack the data for those pokemon (graphics and other data), or simply that they are not obtainable by regular gameplay?
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moozooh wrote:
As for the opposite, "high resolution" seems rather obvious
The only problem is that it only says that the resolution is higher than the original, but not how much. (In fact, "high resolution" gives the impression that the resolution is significantly higher than the original, even though it could well be just eg. double resolution.) I think the "<vertical resolution multiplier>x" could be a good notation. (Another possibility would be, as already noted, to simply explicitly specify the pixel resolution used. However, that doesn't really tell how much larger it is than the original.)
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Just throwing some ideas: What if we used terms like "native resolution", "2x" or "double resolution" (in terms of vertical resolution), "4x" or "quadruple resolution" and so on? It could also work if the encoded resolution is not an exact multiple of the original. (Even if the aspect ratio is modified for the encode for some reason, the multiplier could still be that of the vertical resolution only.)
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Greenalink wrote:
Will we see in the future a TAS of Sapphire that catches all 386 pokemon?-)
Not very likely that will happen thanks to the lack of glitches that enables players to capture any Pokémon.
How about one of the second generation games (with their 251 pokemon)? (Although, admittedly, it could be too similar to this run.)
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How about simply using "native resolution" for the encodes where the video resolution is the same as the original console resolution? (Another possibility is "original resolution".) (Of course this becomes complicated with the few games where the resolution actually changes during the gameplay, but those are so few that I don't think it matters much in this.)
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It would still be nice to see how the Super Metroid clip would look like with averaged frames.
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This was much more varied and entertaining than I expected from the "meh" vote arguments. I have to disagree with those complaints. Nitpick: You don't actually catch 151 pokemon, as some of them are evolved instead of caught. (Of course the game counts them the same either way...) Question 1: Why do level 100 pokemon obey you without the proper badge? (Or is this a randomness thing?) Question 2: Will we see in the future a TAS of Sapphire that catches all 386 pokemon?-)
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Many, many years ago (argh, too many, I feel old) I made this picture just for fun: I photographed myself with that lighting (the contrast further increased in postprocess) explicitly for this. Matching facial features with the endoskeleton required repositioning a few things in the metallic skull slightly. Since I'm not very imaginative, I used it as my avatar. All my other mood avatars are just different Terminators.
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Just out of curiosity: Could you make a 30 FPS version where each frame is a blend (ie. average) of the two frames of the original 60 FPS footage? How would that look like?
Post subject: Re: Hello, TASVideos
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FireWolf50 wrote:
I don't know what use I could be for the site
Opinions and community interaction are always valuable.
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I'd say that the reason why non-2D-platformers are underrepresented in the starred movie list is simply because they are underrepresented in old console games overall. Probably at least 90% of old console games are 2D platformers, so it's not surprising that the majority of good games (including from the point of view of TASing) are also 2D platformers. Of course there's merit in the suggestion in that the star list should contain relatively more non-2D-platformers than there are TASes of. However, from a pragmatic point of view their proportion should not be artificially overinflated to the point of detriment.
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If the game runs at 60 fps and the video is encoded at eg. 24 fps (which is not divisible by 60), does that mean that frames are being simply dropped at irregular intervals? Doesn't this cause jittering motion?
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The submission text was interesting and didactic. I'm tempted to vote yes even without watching. I will watch it first, though.
ElectroSpecter wrote:
"What? I is evolving!"
Sounds like lolcal speak... :P
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Infinite Combos wrote:
Why? I don't understand. (The only thing not using frame advance causes is to make your life more difficult.) Do you want any TAS you make to be published on this website?
Post subject: Re: The end of TASVideos, SDA, & LetsPlay in America?
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DarkKobold wrote:
In short, another bullshit copyright law is entering the Senate, and could put an end to streaming of video game footage.
Well, look at the bright side. If the US government thinks that their police force and judiciary system has the time and resources to prosecute the thousands and thousands of individuals who send copyrighted material to others, that must mean that all the more serious crimes (such as drug trafficking, organized crime, gang wars, violence, rape, child abuse, discrimination, hate crimes, theft and so on) have been mostly solved and do not burden these officials. who are mostly twiddling their thumbs and have nothing better to do. That must mean that the crime statistics are looking pretty good in the US.
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Patryk1023 wrote:
Eaten nearly 2 minutes from it's submitting. Is here faster record?
I wonder if it was done tool-assisted.
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Canar wrote:
Imposing an upper time limit on TASes is a lame idea.
Why do some people take jokes seriously?
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the rules say that the Japanese version shouldn't be preferred if all it does is faster text I'm not sure I agree with that though
As fun as seeing a game played using some exotic mystic runes might be, it becomes old very fast. Even if text is dismissed very fast, it's still more entertaining when you can actually understand it. And yes, some people actually read it.
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Lex wrote:
It did, however, prevent potential viewers from watching amazing TASes.
If they judge a book by its cover, they are just being foolish.
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This might be a good time to, once again, express my puzzlement about why some people clutter their desktops with mostly useless icons. The famous 90-10 rule could probably be applied to applications (and documents): 90% of the time you will use only 10% of your apps. (It could probably be directly applied to an overly cluttered desktop as well: 90% of the time you will only need 10% of your desktop icons.) This raises the question: Wouldn't it be better to just have that 10% of desktop icons and have the rest nicely packaged in a logical hierarchy of folders or start menu entries? (After all, that's precisely what directories/folders were created for.) In the very rare event that you need to use some of that 90%, it's not a big deal to navigate one or two levels of folders/menus to find it. It's not like you need to do that every 5 minutes.
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A bit of humor never killed anybody.
Post subject: Re: #3192: Aqfaq's Genesis Mutant League Hockey "Fastest Forfeit" in 00:42.2
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Nicos wrote:
Warp wrote:
(Or would it make any difference in this case?)
wouldn't just the slaughter get longer, killing the fast paced entertainement or is there more moves to show ?
Well, harder difficulty usually means that it's harder, and hence takes longer. So what? You are dismissing it before even seeing it.
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Didn't we already have a topic on this very thing?
Post subject: Re: #3192: Aqfaq's Genesis Mutant League Hockey "Fastest Forfeit" in 00:42.2
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
I didn't change the teams, so by default the computer player gets the worst team and the human player gets the best team.
Shouldn't TASes always use the hardest difficulty, unless there's a good reason not to? (Or would it make any difference in this case?)
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Mario makes a cameo in the end!