Posts for Warp

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arkiandruski wrote:
RAM Corruption is the only glitch I can't stand at all. I have never found it interesting or entertaining.
If it were up to me, the technique would be banned completely. But that's just me.
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Perhaps it's a Tool-Assisted Slowrun.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Wow. Yeah, my post wasn't meant as inflammatory, at all. You read far too much into the word flamewar.
With "at least not up to the point of your post" I didn't mean to imply that your post was inflammatory (although reading my post again I understand how it could be interpreted in such a way). I just meant that some of the posts in this thread made after your comment seem to go slightly too far. To everybody: Please keep the discussion civil. Discussions are good, flamewars aren't.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Holy flamewar, Batman. I can't believe this submission exploded like this.
Honestly, I don't see any "flamewar" going on here (well, at least not up to the point of your post). Not all lengthy discussions where people present differing opinions are "flamewars". I think calling civil rational discussions "flamewars" is denigrating and disrespectful. People are entitled to differing opinions, and as long as they remain civil (and refrain from eg. name-calling and personal insults) discussion is a good thing.
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Kuwaga wrote:
oh, and don't play games like lost odyssey
That's a completely unreasonable suggestion! :P
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Cardboard wrote:
Now on a related note, I'll finish DNF only to be able to say "I finished Duke Nukem Forever". Then, I'll probably never play it again.
I apologize for sidetracking a bit, but I am curious about this. From what I have seen in different forums, there are many gamers who like to play their games more than once, some even regularly. Many of these people sound like mass-consumers of games. I can't understand where do they find the time to do this. I am an avid mass-consumer of games, and I am constantly running on the problem that I have too little time to play games even once through, not to talk about replaying them. Even now I have something like six Xbox 360 games and nine PC games on my shelf (or on my HD in my PC, having been purchased via Steam) in line waiting to be played. Some of the games are mercifully short (the shortest "big" games can be played through in 2 or 3 days, even though I certainly do not rush through them), but others are exceptionally long (for example it took me 3 months (!!!) to complete Lost Odyssey). This is not a "problem" which would be solved by simply just playing regularly because the market is constantly flooded with new games that I really want. Even if I wanted (which in most cases I really don't), I simply wouldn't have the time to replay games. It would be a physical impossibility (well, at least unless I want to let my queue of unplayed games to be left unplayed forever). Where do avid gamers find the time to replay games?
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Or: "I'd rather buy a 3DS than Duke Nukem Forever."
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This game is epilepsy-inducing. (I don't have that condition, but I'm sure that if someone does, they would have to be a bit careful to not to watch this full-screen in a darkened room.) Even without the condition, it was pretty annoying at points. But that's not the TASer's fault. Otherwise it seems very well optimized.
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sgrunt wrote:
I was pointing out, contrary to what was stated, that "it was short" does not constitute a valid argument for accepting a game.
Not all on itself, but it helps when the game is otherwise very simplistic. Certainly if this TAS was 30 minutes long, all the levels being very similar, rather than the 2 minutes it is, it would most probably have an overwhelming amount of "no" votes for being way too boring to watch throughout. However, its current short length helps maintaining entertainment and interest throughout. In other words, this discussion wouldn't be even taking place if this was a 30-minute run. It being 2 minutes long certainly does affect people's opinion on the positive.
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Kitsune wrote:
But yea, I did take it back to get my money back.
I don't understand how that can work (as a business model, I mean). If you don't like a game you bought, you just go back and say "I didn't like it, gimme my money back", and they just happily give your money (and, I assume, sell the returned game as used at a lower price, and hence they lose money). How does that work? I could, perhaps, understand it if they gave you less money back. Then it would work a bit like game rental. (But even then it would still be dubious as a business model.)
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sgrunt wrote:
the point of my bringing this up is that if a poor quality run is accepted, the community will tend to look upon this with shame and embarrassment
It all comes does to the definition of "poor quality". The only truly "shameful" TAS that has ever been on the site (that I remember of), and for a rather long time at that, was that LoZ:OoT TAS that was slower than the unassisted record. (It's a bit embarrassing to have an officially published TAS which is significantly slower than the unassisted speedrun of the same game.) Can you consider a TAS embarrassing if it's just the game itself that is simplistic, straightforward and doesn't lend itself to marvelous technical achievements? I wouldn't. I'd just rate it low on technical.
AngerFist wrote:
And I didn't attack your opinion by saying its "lousy".
Btw, I would like to point out that I do not object to your "no" vote. You are, of course, free to vote however you like, and your opinion is as valuable as anybody else's. What objected to was the idea that if a TAS would look similar to an unassisted speedrun of a game, that's grounds for rejecting the TAS. I do consider that to be a bit silly of a reason.
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AngerFist wrote:
Warp wrote:
Granted, it might be that with enough practice someone could achieve something close to this via regular play. However, that's no excuse to reject the TAS.
It is for me. This is a freaking 2 minute run, a well-oriented speedrunner should be able to mimic everything we saw in this run.
This is the first time I see the argument "if an unassisted speedrunner would be capable of doing a run that is similar to the TAS, that's grounds for rejecting the TAS". Well, we'll just have to disagree. I think that's a really lousy argument. (I also think it's detrimental. We are not competing with unassisted speedrunners. So what if they can achieve similar feats with some games? What does that matter?)
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AngerFist wrote:
This does not look like a tas
I'm curious to know what your argumentation is. The gameplay is fluid and flawless, there are many close calls and at least one glitch exploitation. Looks like a quite typical TAS to me. Granted, it might be that with enough practice someone could achieve something close to this via regular play. However, that's no excuse to reject the TAS. Note that for example the unassisted record of SMB is just a few seconds longer than the TAS (which is a minuscule amount when the run is 5 minutes long). Yet that's not grounds for rejection. I'm sure that with a bit of work we could find at least a few other published runs which are similar to this (besides SMB, of course).
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There's one advantage with the new iPad controller: It will allow Nintendo to publish an updated Mario Paint. Now, if they only made an updated color-a-dinosaur...
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IMO this movie is more interesting than many other published runs. (It certainly helps that it's short.) I really don't understand what people are complaining about. I voted yes.
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TASeditor wrote:
Seriously they should make a whole new console, not a second wii with hd and a new controller.
Why should they? The Wii is the most sold console of the current generation. By a large margin.
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Acheron86 wrote:
(Also, why we're using spoiler tags in a game that came out when I was in high school is confusing.)
I think they are warranted given that more than one person has stated here that they haven't yet played the game and intend to. (In fact, I own the game as well, and stopped playing when the final (or so) boss proved to be too difficult. I have intended to replay the game for years. Assuming it still works on a modern PC...)
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adelikat wrote:
Then it ended up being just running to the right.
I honestly can't understand what the difference is compared to many other games, most prominently SMB. I suppose SMB gets a free pass because it's popular. (And this isn't just running to the right. There is some movement to the left as well.)
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The games of Sega CD, the success of Sega DreamCast and the technical prowess of Sega Saturn.
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MUGG wrote:
It's a short clip compilation showing the most popular TAS videos that were uploaded to nicovideo on a certain month (and showing some clips of videos that didn't make it but are still interesting to check out).
I see. It was confusing because of all the Japanese text. Maybe we should start doing something similar here?
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Was that video supposed to clarify something? My comment still applies.
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jlun2 wrote:
The sheep's tail looks wierd. And so does the video, but I can't seem tell exactly what.
It's the teaser trailer for the upcoming movie by David Lynch.
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sgrunt wrote:
This is a prime example of what's been referred to elsewhere as "run right for justice" - nothing more. People around here will know that in the vast majority of cases I don't consider that to be technically interesting enough to be worth TASing, and this isn't an exception.
I suppose SMB gets an exemption from this rule?
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FractalFusion wrote:
Nicovideo TAS Rankings for March and April, respectively (both account and free links):
Most of us still can't read Japanese, so those pages are lost on us. (I still have no idea what the idea is here.)
Post subject: Re: Green star plus juggle trophy imo
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JXQ wrote:
The reason given for stars existing is to offer recommendations for someone who is new to the site/concept. What would a user gain from being able to see this "notable" list of movies? If that question doesn't have a good answer, then it's tough to see this concept as more than just another needless designation. I already feel this way about the stars, so a second method of self-congratulating seems redundant and cluttered. It reminds me of the old "ninja" rank.
You could use the same argument for pretty much everything else as well, such as the category tags and ratings. The obvious counter-argument would be: What's the harm? Someone might find it useful, especially someone who just casually skims over new publications from time to time to see if anything interesting-looking pops up.