Posts for Warp

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This looks like the most unappealing SNES game in existence (in terms of gameplay and enjoyability), but the run is very well made. So yes.
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No need even for a hash. Just compare the savestates directly to each other...
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The best would be, of course, if the entries would list all the emulator versions with which the movie works. Of course this would be a whole lot more work because the movie would have to be tested with numerous different versions of the emulator. (I assume this cannot be automatized in any conceivable way...)
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NitroGenesis wrote:
If a movie appears on a page twice, that makes the "Watch now" stuff appear on the first one.
I reported this back in 2011-01-16, but for some reason nobody took notice.
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Chef Stef wrote:
I liked one poster's suggestion that you start from a predefined save with all games unlocked, since you could pick out all of the best ones that way.
Would the gained advantage be large enough to allow breaking one of the more fundamental rules?
Post subject: Re: The continuing drama of the Playstation Network intrusion
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DarkKobold wrote:
Additionally, as George Holtz points out, it is arrogance on the part of SCEA/ SCEI that lead to this hack.
I'm not saying that the reasons behind the PSN being hacked and people's credit card info being stolen wasn't utter incompetence and stupidity. (It reminds me of that computer security firm whose servers were hacked and defaced by Anonymous because the firm itself didn't follow the simple security measures that they were consulting other firms about.) I was just objecting to the general attitude presented in this thread which connected the rootkit fiasco with this PSN one. (And mind you, I don't own a PS3 nor have ever played one. It's not like I'm defending my pet console here.)
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Derakon wrote:
So is it unfair to hold the government as a whole responsible when some particular branch of it abuses its power, then?
It's more like dissing the workers in a government-funded construction site and being gleeful if the building has flaws because some workers in a different government-owned subsidiary company which regulates the taxing of imports were involved in a scandal. Just because both branches work for and are paid by the same government doesn't mean that all of them are equally guilty of the scandal and thus deserve the shunning equally. So yes, it would be unfair to hold the government as a whole responsible for something that one single branch of it did.
How are you, as a person outside of the company, supposed to punish a specific subset of Generic Large Organization?
By boycotting products of that specific subset of said organization. (In this particular case it would be Sony BMG.)
Post subject: Re: The continuing drama of the Playstation Network intrusion
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moozooh wrote:
DarkKobold wrote:
Now, I don't consider myself a fanboy of any console, however, ever since the rootkit debacle, I've enjoyed watching Sony failing.
Heh, likewise.
I have no idea how the different parts of the company are organized, but Sony is a rather huge company, with lots of separate branches and subsidiaries. The people who were responsible for the rootkit scandal might have absolutely nothing to do with the people who are responsible for the development and maintenance of the PS3. Just because both branches are owned by the same company in name, doesn't mean that any of the same people are responsible for them both. It thus would be a bit unfair to rejoice about the struggles of the PS3 people because some douchebags in a completely different independent part of the company decided that secretly installing rootkits in people's computers is ok.
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Everybody's talking as if simply owning a PS3 and connecting it to the internet will cause your bank account to be emptied and your life ruined. It's not like you must enter your credit card number in order to use a PS3. (Heck, most people who use the thing don't even have a credit card.)
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Dooty wrote:
about the invisible Elum, it's faster than pick up an extra rock to blow the land mine where the Slig fell to his death.
I assume you are referring to the first usage of the glitch? There it was clear that it saves time. However, in the second instance it's not so clear.
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There's nothing dangerous in connecting your console to the internet. When it starts becoming dubious is when you enter your credit card number there. (Of course this is true for any internet shop, not just the console ones.) OTOH, even if your credit card number gets stolen and your credit card bill goes through the roof, you usually don't have to pay anything because credit card companies are nice enough to take that into account and count it as their loss, not yours. Well, at least here. (Ok, I think it''s probably by law, rather than them just being nice.) I don't know how it is with the PlayStation network, but on the xbox one you can alternatively just buy prepaid points. The maximum damage you could get is to lose all your points (which ought to be a rather minimal loss if you buy the points when you need them rather than hoarding them and never using them).
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This is a tough decision, but I'm going to vote no. I just liked the cancelled version more, and find this version too short and lacking. Not that the cancelled version couldn't have been even better (with the better piano playing and more complex/funny pictures), but I still think it was more enjoyable. I'd suggest making a third version with more of the good stuff.
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Is there any Mortal Kombat game in existence that is not rife with glitches? Anyways, this was more entertaining than many other publications, so definitely voting yes.
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I'm actually undecided whether this is better or worse than the cancelled submission... In fact, I think this might be a bit too short, with too few funny pictures. I don't know what to vote...
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Lex wrote:
However, if the file hits 4GB (which it did with Lagarith and Huffyuv), it fails and MPC sees it as noise (and plays audio noise) and VirtualDub crashes with an out-of-bounds error immediately. I assume this is something 32-bit related. This is a Mupen AVI recording bug.
AFAIK 4GB is an internal limit in the AVI format. There is a way to circumvent it, like mencoder does when you create an AVI file larger than that, but I don't know how official that "hack" is. As for VirtualDub, I bet it's a 32-bit binary, so unless it has explicit support for files larger than 4 GB and handling more data than that (which has to be taken into account in special ways in the program's source code), it just won't be able to handle them. OTOH, if you are just making a test encode, why not use a codec that compresses the video more?
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There are a couple of places where instead of shouting "look out!" and then shoot, you walk to avoid shooting the mukodons. Isn't this slower? Is the invisible elum glitch necessary? In fact, the second one looked like it just required more time than not triggering the glitch. I think using the glitch detracted from entertainment. Although not so much as to not to vote yes.
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I have been downloading quite many trial versions of XBLA games. Most of them have been rather bleh, and a few have been quite good (some of them so good in fact that I have bought them). When I tried the trial version of Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes I wasn't expecting much. And in fact, the first minutes of the game seemed a bit meh... However, just after three or four battles I was so totally hooked that I just went and bought the full version even without reaching the end of the trial. As I advanced in the game, I didn't regret my decision. On the contrary. I really like this game. I didn't know anything about this game previously, but it seems to be one of the "big"(ish) games for the DS, ported to the Xbox 360 live arcade. More games like this. please. :)
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This could actually be awesome. Link to video
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Having bought and played this recently for Windows, I'm looking forward to watching this.
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Poor old Famtasia, abandoned and shunned by everybody. It needs more love.
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Actually just clicking (well, touching) on the text makes it visible. I don't know why I had difficulties with it the first time. Well, never mind, then.
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Browsing the forum with an iPad, I noticed a (very) minor issue: The spoiler tag reveals its contents when you hover the black block of hidden text... but there's no hovering with a touchscreen. Hence getting to see the hidden text is difficult. (I actually got it visible somehow, but I'm not sure how.)
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I think many of our regular visitors are tech-savvy enough to use AdBlock Plus (which is surprisingly good; so far it has filtered out the vast majority of ads in all webpages really transparently and without crippling the usability of the pages; it can even remove those annoying ads from flash-based video sharing sites) or a similar ad filter. Of course at least AdBlock Plus has support for easily enabling ads on a per-site basis. Perhaps I could try that just to see if something funny pops up sometime.
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I'm wondering if some people are voting no because they are comparing it to the TAS of the first brain age game, rather than judging this on its own right. After all, this is not competing with, nor trying to obsolete the first one. I'd say the relevant question is: Assume the TAS of the first brain age did not exist at all. Would you still vote no on this one?
Banned User
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At first it looked like this would be just the same as the first one, but then it became quite different, which is good. However, many of the pictures were quite simple and abstract. Are they so simple because it was not possible to make more elaborate pictures and still have the pattern recognition confused, or were you simply making them simpler to make the run faster? Anyways, that didn't detract from the movie as much as to not to warrant a yes vote.