Posts for Warp

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I suppose the game has been programmed so that even though everything is randomly generated, it's not possible to get the Amulet of Yendor on the first level?
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At least it's more entertaining than a regular game where the computer is not given enough time to be a fair opponent...
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rhebus wrote:
autopickup is part of the game. it's not cheating at all.
Especially if, like the description says, it's the default option rather than an option you have to turn on.
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The thread not having a title makes it amusingly difficult to open it, especially after you have read it once (in which case that "new post" icon which you could click isn't there anymore).
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Cardboard wrote:
Dudes. You don't want a video of me setting R.O.B. up while in my underwear.
In that case you should remove them.
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Brushy wrote:
Although Desert Bus is epic and quite an accomplishment, I think that Color a Dinosaur is more legendary. It quickly became a running gag that still lives on.
OTOH the Desert Bus run got a mention/link in wikipedia. That's quite an achievement.
Post subject: Re: #3075: Tompa's SNES Donkey Kong Country "Glitched" in 08:13.72
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CoolKirby wrote:
Not sure what you were talking about, so I thought this was a joke.
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If this is indeed a real TAS, it should be published because TASing a R.O.B. game is quite unique. Making a sensible encode could prove quite laborious, though. Such an encode should be made with an actual video camera filming the real R.O.B. and the monitor/TV set, showing all the action, preferably with the real NES console being controlled by NESbot. If that kind of encode is impossible in practice, then perhaps it shouldn't be published...
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Captain Forehead wrote:
Come people, lets get back on topic now. Deign, no one wants to know how you got that scar back in fourth grade anyways.
Do I even want to know where that scar is?
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The system is going down in 5 minutes! What do you say to that?
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FODA wrote:
As for not working at all in 2D, from the top of my head I can think of a flat color that has depth information that can form images just by that.
You can't see depth differences if everything you see has a completely uniform coloring. Not in real-life, and thus obviously not with any kind of device that tries to fool your brain to see in stereo. For a foreground surface to be distinguished from the background it has to have at least some detail other than a completely flat color (which isn't changed even by lighting). Likewise for the background. (Even if both were flat-colored, the foreground and the background should have different colors.) One thing which would make a difference is if the foreground surface and background have the exact same pattern. In this case the pattern gets shifted differently for each eye depending on depth, while on 2D there would be no discernible difference (because each eye gets the exact same image).
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I agree that a moderator's job is to remove offensive and out-of-line posts and threads, split derailed/off-topic posts into their separate threads and so on, not to make decisions on which type of threads are "allowed" and which aren't (especially when the moderator himself has created a type of thread he is forbidding others to create). There have been tons of significantly more "boring" threads than "ask xyz" in the off topic group, and nobody has a problem with them. (At the very least, any such policy should be consistent and apply equally to everybody.)
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Thinking about it, how could a game take advantage of the true depth perception as a useful gameplay feature, rather than it just being a (more or less useless) gimmick and optional eyecandy? And on the other hand, even if there is some gameplay mechanic that could truly take advantage of the depth perception, it would hinder the playing of the minority of players who can't use the 3D mode eg. because of eye strain, headaches or similar physical reasons. I assume all games must support non-3D mode, so a gameplay mechanic which would rely on the depth perception would not work.
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sparky wrote:
Some PS2 TASes have already been published. Probably, PCSX2 is used.
Off topic, but watching the "BioHazard4 Wesker Castle 270combo" video, is that really the fastest you can turn in the game? Man, it would really suck to play it. It would be frustrating like hell.
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A few people found this to be boring, and I can understand why. However, I found it quite enjoyable for some reason. Yes.
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nfq wrote:
it's a prophecy, so it's supposed to be possible to change it, which is why he gave the warning, so that it possibly wouldn't happen. he's actually trying to make so that the prediction doesn't come true. of course, these prophecies wouldn't be surprising if he made them today, but they were prophesied decades ago. obviously it's very hard to predict the date of a human caused event (free will), because giving a date makes makes people think about that date and thus the future changes. things that don't have free will like asteroids in space can be predicted more easily
What a convenient excuse. Anybody can predict anything, and if it doesn't happen, it's not because the prediction was incorrect, but because making the prediction changed the future. I predict that you will win the lottery this year. If it doesn't happen, it's because I told you so, which changed the future. You will now think and act differently, causing things to change. (And if you do win the lottery this year, then hey, I'm a prophet and I can see the future!) Bah, I forgot to check who I'm responding to, and got lured once again into throwing logic at a troll. Useless.
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nfq wrote:
it's interesting that other insane people have made very similar prophecies, for example billy meier who says WW3 will happen within a few years unless humanity changes.
He seems to have a rather poor track record on that prediction, having predicted it to happen in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011. Still hasn't happened. I suppose he (and others) will keep pushing the date until it happens (if it happens) and then they will say: "See? I predicted this!" (If the prediction mentions an exact day, they will find some kind of argument why it really started that day.) Predicting a "World War 3" is a rather easy "prediction" to make. After all, political tension is raising everywhere, fueled by the economic crisis, climate change (which is probably only going to get worse and worse), massive religious extremism and expansionism (which may well escalate to violent proportions in the future), and so on. It's not completely unlikely that all these things together might cause some large-scale conflicts in the future. One doesn't need supernatural powers, time travel or extraterrestrials to understand this. What is more difficult is guessing when it might happen, and that's where all those nutjobs are failing badly. Well, they can keep pushing the date, and some day they might be "right".
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Dear Brushy. I saw this ad that said that only I can prevent wildfires! And here I am, sitting on my ass even though I am the only person in the world who could prevent wildfires. The ad was very adamant and specific and emphasized that only I can do it. What should I do? So many wildfires to prevent, so little time.
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nfq wrote:
Warp wrote:
Yes, he said they would make them in 2001. Didn't happen.
yeah, but he didn't mean it would happen at the same time in our timeline. in his timeline it happened 2001, but our timeline was altered, for example by the fact that he was here, while that never happened in his timeline. if for example i travelled back 50 million years and altered some minor thing, like moving a rock, it would create a completely different future, but travelling to just year 2000 from 2036 doesn't create that big of a difference between the timelines.
Research at Cern being delayed by (at least) 10 years, an entire civil war in the US being delayed by (at least) 5 years, four Olympics proceeding normally instead of being cancelled, and so on, seem like a huge amount of change in an extremely short time caused by one person traveling 36 years to the past and doing nothing of much importance.
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This is a quite easy one, but I was thinking about it and couldn't come up with the most obvious answer. (It has been too long since my last math class with derivatives and such... I can't remember almost anything about it because of lack of need and usage.) Demonstrate that the area of the unit circle is 3.14159265... (Obviously you can't use pi itself, nor any function defined in terms of pi, because that would be a circular proof.)
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moozooh wrote:
Because letting, let alone encouraging, the audience to read a game's text has never been a primary objective of any speedrun.
I thought the ultimately primary goal of a speedrun is entertainment. Not letting the viewer understand any text by choice of language detracts from entertainment. Let's take a different (but somewhat related) example: If in a more modern game there are unskippable cutscenes where the player retains control, the runner could make watching the cutscene as enjoyable to the viewer as possible (by always choosing the best positions and vewing angles to get all the details that are happening), or he could actively sabotage the cutscene and "censor" everything so that the viewer has no idea what's going on. Which one is more preferable?
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moozooh wrote:
So far in most cases J releases have been preferred if only for the sole reason of running faster (or, if PAL counterparts had their speed compensated, at a higher temporal resolution) if there were no other benefits to speak of. I can't really think of a E release being preferred without new glitches or something, only maybe if it were a text-heavy game with unskippable text (but then again, it's hardly a good reason in a speedrun, period).
If one of the main reasons to prefer the U version is the language (because the vast majority of viewers understand English, only a small minority Japanese), it would seem quite inconsistent to prefer the J versio over the E version when the U one is not an option. Why is the language suddenly not an issue anylonger? Even if the game is not very text-heavy, the language can still be important from the viewer's perspective. Also, many a screenshot shows a moment when some text becomes humorous in context ("Too slow, Mr. Bond.")
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nfq wrote:
Warp wrote:
For example, the math seems to show that if you put two rotating black holes close enough to each other, there's an 8-shaped path around them that if you traversed it, you would end up in your own past.
yeah, that was actually one of the parts of the time machine which john titor used to travel back in time: "Two magnetic housing units for dual micro singularities". for the other parts you need, you can read here (in the part: Titor's time machine):
Hey, I was being serious.
but we don't even have PS2 TASing yet, so i don't think real life TASing is gonna happen any time soon (even if time travel would become possible). although according to john titor they would make black holes in CERN which could allow time travel soon.
Yes, he said they would make them in 2001. Didn't happen.
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Kirkq wrote:
I don't see any reason for the site to bother supporting minute differences in PAL categories for games without significant differences.
I was not suggesting we modify the policy.