Posts for Warp

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dballin wrote:
You win. We better shut the site down then. Recommend some NES games already.
I honestly don't understand. I was not trying to "win" anything. I was just commenting.
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I apologize for "spamming" a bit here, but I was thinking about the numerical approach program.
Derakon wrote:
Here's my numerical approximation approach.
Basically what you did was to subdivide the torus into thin pyramids, where the base of the pyramid is on the surface of the torus and the apex is at the central major-radius circle or the torus. However, the mistake is putting the mass point on the base of the pyramid (ie. on the surface of the torus) rather than at its center. Of course putting the mass point on the center of the pyramid is probably not enough, as it probably doesn't accurately represent the gravitation of said pyramid. You would have to further subdivide the pyramid into sections from the base towards the apex and put mass points at the center of each such polyhedron. (Ok, technically speaking they are not polyhedrons because two of the faces are slightly curved, but it's close enough.) The thing is, the points cannot have equal mass, or else the density of the torus would not be even. The mass of each point would have to be proportional to the volume of the polyhedron the point mass represents. This volume can probably be approximated with some linear formula. Overall, it's pretty complicated.
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dballin wrote:
Maybe if you submit a crappy TAS with bad luck or some screwups, but why would you do that?
It would be naive to think that nobody would go through the trouble of creating a less-than-perfect tool-assisted run just to get it published on SDA, especially since less-than-perfect TASing is quite easy with most games (especially if your only goal is to beat the current human record, at least with most games). People have gone to significantly larger extremes for less recognition than that.
The verified no cheating thing is the same to me as "This movie is a tool-assisted run played on an emulator." It's just a shorter way of saying "This speedrun underwent peer review and to the best of our ability has been determined that it was played in realtime on the original unmodifed hardware (or official emulator such as Wii Virtual Console) with a standard controller.
There's a significant difference, though: With TASes anybody can verify for themselves the result (ie. that it was achieved purely by keypresses and not eg. hacking the rom or editing the video). However, it would be quite difficult for someone to verify that a video downloaded from SDA is indeed legit playing.
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Ah, and another thing about the program: It only places the point masses on the surface of the torus rather than filling it. In other words, what you have is a hollow torus, rather than a filled one. (On the other hand, I don't know if this makes any difference on the results. It might not. Filling the torus would also pose problems because you would have to fill it evenly, or else you would be simulating a torus with uneven density. Again, I don't know if it would change the results.) As discussed, it might be enough to have the minor radius as zero, and hence just create a circle of massive points. (However, rigorous mathematical proof of this would be complicated.)
p4wn3r wrote:
Now, look at the torus, it doesn't have said symmetry, even from A. Trace a sphere centered at the torus's center. We can certainly see that all points in the same latitude have symmetry in relation to the field's modulus, but to simplify our calculation we need to have symmetry in the entire surface. So, this reduction doesn't work.
So my idea of reducing the minor radius of the torus to zero to simplify calculations doesn't work after all? Bummer. It really makes things complicated. Does it also mean that to approximate the gravity numerically, you would have to fill the entire torus evenly with point masses (iow. just filling the surface isn't enough)? Filling a torus evenly with points (so as to get even density) is not a trivial problem in itself...
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Derakon wrote:
Here's my numerical approximation approach. It's assuredly buggy it minor ways (don't try to stick the point you want a force for directly on the torus's surface since you end up with zero distance leading to massive absurd gravitational forces), but I think it's otherwise basically accurate.
I think there's a mistake in the program (and what you wrote in parentheses should give a hint of why). You are subdividing the torus into small sections and, effectively, shrinking each section into a point. However, rather than each such point being at the center of the section, where it should be, you are putting the points on the corner points of the sections. This effectively means that you have tiny black holes on the surface of the torus, which is why you can't put anything directly on the surface of the torus without getting an infinite gravity. As said, the points should be in the centers of the volumes you are subdividing the torus into, not on their corner points.
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Scepheo wrote:
For point A this is true, for point B it is not. The distance between B and the circle on the Z axis definitely matters.
The distance from B to the circle doesn't change. Only the minor radius of the torus changes. Does that change the gravity at B?
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adelikat wrote:
Please stop with the pointless discussion of Game Genie cheats vs built in cheats. Only Warp doesn't get the difference
Where the h*** is this suddenly coming from? You said that immediately after the post where I said that I never claimed they are the same thing. That's another way of saying that yes, there is a difference. Where exactly have I said that there is no difference? Nowhere. I was talking about something else.
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I had an idea: If you are calculating the gravity of a spherical object, the radius of the sphere doesn't really matter (as long as it's smaller or equal to the distance between the center of the sphere and the test point). In other words, if you eg. wanted to calculate the gravity on the surface of Earth, you would get the same result if you assumed that Earth was compressed into a point (retaining its mass) but the test point was still at the same distance from this center (in other words, the old radius). It probably works the same with the torus, at least from the point of view of A (and perhaps even B): If we shrink the minor radius of the torus (but retaining the torus' mass) without moving A, the result would still probably be the same. We could thus shrink the minor radius to zero, in which case our problem has been reduced to a 2-dimensional one: Now we only have to calculate the gravity of a circle (at a distance of the old minor radius) rather than torus. This should remove at least one of the integrals (if not two, I'm not completely sure), making the problem significantly simpler. Now, I don't know if the same applies to measuring the gravity at B, though. (Edit: Of course to be completely certain of this, it would have to be proven, and this proof would be solving the volume integral and seeing that it reduces to the circle problem, which wouldn't be any easier than the original problem. I don't know if there's any other way of proving this. Of course we could just assume that the minor radius does not matter and could be zero, and that only the distance from A to the center of the torus ring matters.)
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p4wn3r wrote:
Assume without loss of generality that A lies on the x-axis and B's y-coordinate is zero.
I didn't quite understand. Wouldn't that mean that both A and B are on the x-axis? Perhaps you meant that A is on the x-axis and B on the y-axis?
Derakon wrote:
It might be easier to just fill up a toroidal volume with voxels of equal mass and then calculate the summed gravitational pull from all of them at various points -- roughly equivalent to numerical calculation of your triple integral, but easier for me to wrap my head around at any rate. :) You probably wouldn't need more than 10k voxels to get an adequate approximation.
You would need to run that numerical approach for several combinations of major radius, minor radius and mass to see how (and if) it affects the direction of the gravity. (Also, if all the tried combinations show that gravity at A always points at the same direction, it probably still isn't proof that it couldn't be reversed with some untested extreme parameters...)
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petrie911 wrote:
You really don't see the difference?
I didn't say that the konami code (and similar game-supported cheat codes) are the same thing as modifying the game code with a cheating device. What I said is that the effects (from the perspective of the viewer) are pretty similar, and that allowing the first kind of cheat codes easily opens the path to allowing the second type of cheating. Read what I wrote again. I said: If we allow cheat codes to be used, it's only a small step to allowing gamegenie codes as well. This is what worries me. We are slowly progressing towards the "omg, this is so fake, they hacked the game" territory. (Not yet there, but the trend is worrying.)
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Kuwaga wrote:
Wouldn't gravity make the torus collapse into a sphere unless you make up some forces that prevent it from doing so?
Anything would collapse into a sphere if the density is increased enough (and if it's increased even more, it would collapse into a point). However, if the torus is small enough (and not too dense) and has enough structural strength, it will obviously retain its shape. (Note that the torus having gravity is not dependent on its mass, as long as it's nonzero. Any mass has gravity, even an electron. It's just that you need a lot of mass before the gravity becomes significant and not overwhelmed by other forces.)
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Dada wrote:
Like Scepheo mentioned, A's gravity would keep him grounded. The hollow center of the torus does not have any mass, so it is not part of the gravity well. Thus, gravity points towards the ground at A's position.
That's not so clear to me. After all, the majority of the torus' mass is above A. It thus becomes a question of how the distance of this mass (from A) affects the end result. As said, this would probably require solving a volume integral or something similarly complicated. (I have gone through the solution for a sphere at the university, but it was so many years ago that I don't remember any details.)
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X2poet wrote:
All of the players who vote no are for this reason.I set the plan for use death and continue.So I must stick on it.Because future Metal Slug X,I will take death in the train too.For almost 50 or more reasons.I think this one's decision will make somebody have more or less motive power to do arcade game for own spirit.Because it is hard to satisfy all the people.
I think that if you had made a no-death run, it would have been accepted with flying colors and with no controversy. I somehow get the feeling that you are being a bit dogmatic about this whole issue (iow. I get the feeling that you refuse to make a no-death run more as a matter of principle than anything else).
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Dada wrote:
That's true, but when we stand atop the surface of a sphere, our distance to the center depends on the radius. That's (partly) why there are minuscule gravity differences at various altitudes on Earth. If the Earth were a lot smaller, but had the same mass as it has now, gravity wouldn't be stronger but it would affect us much more because of how much closer to the center we would be. But you are right that the net force itself would be the same.
Yes, but I was talking about the direction of the gravity at A (rather than its strength). I don't know if it depends on the dimensions (and/or mass) of the torus, and I don't dare even guess.
This is why I mentioned the difference between a small and thick torus and a large and thin torus. A person at point A should be able to jump a lot higher than a person at the point C I mentioned earlier if the torus is small and thick because he is relatively quite close to the other side of the torus, which has its own gravity pointing towards its surface. In the case of a large and thin torus, this effect wouldn't be as strong because one is further away from the other side.
But the major question is whether gravity is pointing up or down at point A (from A's perspective). It's not at all clear to me which way it would (and whether changing the dimensions or the mass of the torus would invert the direction).
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Dada wrote:
It also depends on how large the planet is. The smaller the torus, the stronger the relative difference between the inside and the outside of the torus would be. An extremely large and thin torus would behave more like a rectangle, whereas you would be nearly weightless in the inside of a small and thick torus.
Clearly at point A gravity either points directly inwards of outwards, but which and how much, I don't dare to even guess. In fact, without doing the actual math (I believe it probably requires a volume integral) I wouldn't even dare to guess if the direction depends on the major/minor radii of the torus. These things sometimes work in surprising ways. For example, one could easily think that the gravity outside of a sphere (ie. at some distance x from the center of the sphere) might depend on the radius of the sphere. After all, if the radius is larger (and hence the surface of the sphere closer to the point where we are measuring) but with the same mass, the mass of the sphere will be more spread to the sides, spreading the pull of gravity to a larger area. Likewise if the sphere is smaller (but with the same mass), the mass is concentrated on a smaller space and hence the gravity (when measured from distance x) is likewise more concentrated on one direction. However, when one does the math, it results that the radius of the sphere has no effect on the strength of gravity as measured from distance x (as long as the radius is smaller or equal to x). It doesn't matter if the radius is x, x/1000, or even 0, if the mass of the sphere is the same, the force of gravity as measured from x will be identical. Of course with the torus, and the measurement point being at A, things may be different, but nothing would surprise me. The direction of gravity at point B is even harder to imagine.
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Derakon wrote:
It seems clear we need an official ruling on this particular issue. Otherwise it's just going to devolve into an argument that never gets anywhere since both sides have reasonable points.
I don't envy the person(s) who might create the ruling because it's going to piss off about half of the community, regardless of what the ruling is...
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As we all know, in most RPGs and some other game types with a world map, the world depicted by the map is usually torus-shaped. (In other words, if you go over the left edge, you will appear at the same altitude on the right edge and, more relevantly, if you go over the upper edge, you will appear on the lowe edge. This is only possible if the map represents the surface of a torus.) This got me thinking: If by some magic a planet was indeed torus-shaped, how would gravity work on its surface? More specifically, where would gravity point to at different points on the surface of this planet? Consider this cross-section of a torus:
What would be the direction of gravity at points A and B, for example? (If this direction depends on the major and minor radii of the torus, take them into account in the answer.)
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Brandon wrote:
By the way, this was the first TAS my sister ever saw, and she's wondering how long it took the author to make it.
18 minutes and 29 seconds? :P
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petrie911 wrote:
Yeah, a feature that is programmed into the game and can be accessed during normal gameplay, even without tool assistance. That sure sounds like cheating to me. It's certainly no different than using an external device to forcibly change RAM addresses.
They are called "cheat codes" for a reason. Why is the konami code banned? Why are gamegenie codes banned? The answers to these questions are, in fact, pretty much the same. If you start allowing the former, it's only a small step to allowing the latter.
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dballin wrote:
I'm not sure why some of you are so anti-SDA. :(
I haven't noticed any anti-SDA sentiments here (and I have been here for quite a long time). If there has been any such slight animosity, it might be at least partially as a response to the condescending attitude a few SDA users have had towards TASing in the past. (I haven't followed too closely what the general attitude is nowadays, but I'm guessing it's generally more positive.)
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Sonikkustar wrote:
I do support the idea for SMB2U warpless getting a star, but I also fear that there is soon going to be too much Author/TASer favoritism. We already have authors having more than 4 stars now. So I think that a variety of authors should be considered when deciding for big runs like this.
I don't think autorship is in any way relevant in deciding which runs deserve a star. The contents matter, not who made it. Not giving too many stars to the same game franchise (read: Mario) might, on the other hand, be more relevant, as we should offer the first-time viewers not only variety in types of TAS but also variety in types of game.
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petrie911 wrote:
...You know, now I'm not entirely convinced I would reject the run if it used the code at the start. It'd be like a New Game+ for Super Metroid, and that might actually be pretty fun to watch.
The step from that to allowing gamegenie cheat codes is disturbingly small. I still endorse splitting the site into two: The purist side with strict "no hacking, no cheating" rules, and the free side with a "do whatever you want as long as it's funny" mentality (iow. a machinima site).
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Kitsune wrote:
Unfortunately, I have to vote no. I mean, only 636 Re-Records over a 20 minute movie?
Just as a side note: That should not be the main reason to reject a submission. It's the contents that matters. (I know that you didn't mean for that to be your main reason, but just commenting.)
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moozooh wrote:
While I don't agree for this run to set a precedent for free use of debug features as a separate category or tag, its entertainment value may well be sufficient for it to be published in a section designated specifically for such "impure" movies. I.e., movies that don't follow the site rules but are largely deemed too entertaining to be lost to the grue.
While exceptions have been accepted from since the dawn of time, and from a more or less official point of view exceptions never set precedents, it still worries me the can of worms that accepting more and more "uses debug/cheat codes" runs can open. We are slowly but steadily getting closer and closer to infringing the limits of what TASing was accused of in the first years: "OMG, this is so fake! They hacked the game and edited the video!" (No, I'm not saying that this particular submission should be rejected for the fear of a slippery slope. I'm just thinking out loud. In fact, I have yet not formed an opinion on what to vote on this.)