Posts for Warp

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alden wrote:
Or just continue to send people away to YouTube itself...
I think that's the simplest and best option. No need to replicate youtube by embedding videos in separate pages.
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Two mans, two womans, their wifes, and a bunch of childs on the tips of their foots watched how the mouses, the deers, the sheeps, the wolfs and the gooses were separated into both halfs of the cage, showing their tooths, and cutting tomatos, cactuses and loafs of bread using knifes to solve the phenomenons caused by the many crisises, the focuses of all their attention.
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Honestly, are there any *good* atari 2600 games? And I mean from the point of view of *watching* someone playing it. The graphics are quite crappy, so there must be something else that would make a TAS entertaining. From all the (few) atari 2600 games which have some kind of ending, I suppose just a small fraction are barely enjoyable to watch. Is it worth making a rerecording emulator for just a few games?
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At least don't put many youtube embeds in a single page. They make the page horribly heavy, especially if you are going to watch the videos (if you want to stop watching one video and go to the next, there just isn't any way of stopping the first from continuing to load the video; you could end up having a half dozen youtube embeds, all of them downloading uselessly at the same time). (And note that the tabs trick in does not create separate pages, so it's not enough to put the embeds in separate tabs.)
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Do spinoffs of TV series count as "sequels"? If yes, then IMO CSI:Miami sucks quite a lot compared to the original CSI. In CSI most characters have a very professional feeling and personality to them. The main cast consists of clearly differentiable characters, each with their own personality, traits, hobbies (such as Grissom) and vices (such as Brown). Another good example is the head coroner, who is an older man who always acts very professionally, is always very composed and seems to take his job seriously. Overall, I think the series has good character development and enjoyable stories. The cast of CSI:Miami feels quite bland in comparison. Investigators which never seem to wear the proper attire for their job, perform investigations in ways that look really sloppy (one good example is a very long-haired female character examining a crime scene close to the ground, with her hair *on the ground*; if there's no crime scene contamination happening there, I don't know where is) and which have rather bland and undistinctive, and sometimes even ridiculous personalities (for example the coroner is a young woman who talks to dead people as if they were alive). The only character who has even moderate charisma is the lead CSI Caine, the rest are either bland or outright annoying (I'm really starting to hate that long-haired blond woman, who is constantly smirking even in situations where it's not appropriate at all; it gives me the temptation of punching her in the face).
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I'm not sure which OS you are talking about, and this might not be what you are looking for, but... I once bought a larger HD to replace my older one, which besides being rather small was not very reliable (surface scans were starting to find bad sectors). I wanted to move my entire linux system from the old HD to the new one, without having to go through installation procedures or anything: Just a pure copy of the entire system from one HD to another, so that when I replace the HD, the entire system will look exactly identical to the old one (except that now there's more disk space, naturally). In linux this happens to be laughably easy: a simple "cp -ax . directory_where_the_new_hd_is_mounted" in the root directory of the old HD did the trick.
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Seeing the game beaten with superhuman powers at the highest difficulty level *is* usually the most entertaining way. That's because the highest difficulty level usually shows best the awesomeness of perfect playing. IMO the most successful (and entertaining) TASes are those which make the highest difficulty level look easy.
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mmbossman wrote:
Or, if that isn't possible, just let other people be happy with their "pointless" conversations, and don't post just to criticize.
Why are you lying? Read my posts in this thread again and then come back and say again that I posted *just to criticize*. I did participate in the topic itself, and instead of "just criticizing" I offered alternative suggestions. Maybe I write a lot without saying much, but at least I don't lie about other people.
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Cardboard wrote:
This is not about "Lol every sequels suck = fact" but "Which sequels were the most disappointing", and some sequels are more disappointing than others (All of them aren't even disappointing)
Yeah, which produces exactly as rational and logical responses as "movie x is the worst movie ever made" (eg. speaking about Transformers).
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mmbossman wrote:
Warp wrote:
Like I said, *every* sequel sucks (at least on someone's opinion). No exceptions. Useless thread, IMO.
Didn't you start a thread about how you hate some speedruns? Or that some aspects of speedruns suck? And if I remember correctly, that ballooned up to 8 or 9 pages of worthless bickering. At least this thread doesn't make you dumber by reading it.
IMO you are comparing apples to oranges. Compare to: "What's your least favorite game?" -> Useless thread. "I think TASes would be much better if..." -> Might actually be useful if the suggestion is good. I could demonstrate how useless these "what's your least favorite" (or whatever) threads are by starting 30 of them at once, but I think I'll skip that. You will not get the point anyways. Why do I think this thread is useless? As I said, *everyone* hates most sequels. There's no new info here. All the posts just repeat what millions of other forums have already been full of every time a new sequel to something pops up. Why repeat all that here? What's the use? However, something like "which movie would you recommend?" could have the potential of being a much more useful thread because it might actually inspire someone to watch a movie he hasn't seen before, for example.
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Like I said, *every* sequel sucks (at least on someone's opinion). No exceptions. Useless thread, IMO.
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mmbossman wrote:
I've always had a secret liking of the two Matrix sequels but I know a lot of people hate them, so I'll throw them in for everyone else in the world.
If I'm not completely mistaken, the Wachowski brothers had the entire trilogy drafted even before they made the first movie. However, because the producers and other executives were not sure if the idea would catch on, they made the first movie a bit more "independent" (in other words, not too tied to being the first movie of a trilogy), just in case it didn't result to be popular. (Because that way if the movie was not popular enough, they wouldn't be too tied in making the sequels.) The basic ideas of the first part of the trilogy are still there. When the first movie resulted to be hugely popular, the two other movies were then basically packed together as a single sequel split into to movies (the third movie really is just a completely direct continuation of the second movie). The problem is that the first movie was perhaps a bit *too* popular. It caused fans to form their own imaginary "Matrix universes" with tons of invented fanfiction. Thousands and thousands of fans formed their opinion (personally and some publicly) on how the universe of the Matrix, how everything works and what is the explanation for everything. Naturally the original draft of the trilogy was different from this, and they made the two latter movies according to this draft, not according to what fans wanted it to be. Since the sequels were very different from what the fans had imagined, they rebelled against them and started dissing them. The sequels were not "their" sequels. They were the Wachowski brothers' sequels. Basically it was a question of "they changed it, now it sucks" (even though nothing was really changed at any point). After the initial shock of the second movie being "different" than expected, it actually got some acceptance, when its idea really sunk in. Part of the disappointed fans started actually liking it, once they accepted that the universe in the movie, while not the same as their own fanfiction universe, was not that bad after all. Of course the most stubborn fans still diss the second movie, just because "they changed it, now it sucks". Of course the same phenomenon repeated itself with the third movie: Now the new fans of the second movie, once again, formed their own opinions on what the final resolution would be, and since of course the real resolution was different (and to some a bit of a downer), they didn't like it. One reason for this might be that everyone expected the third movie to explain *everything* in detail. Instead, it just left more question open than explained anything. Personally I liked the entire trilogy. In fact, I own the trilogy. (I own only a few movies, and this is one of them.)
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Wouldn't it be easier to ask what is the *greatest* sequel you have ever seen? Because by default *all* sequels are bad, and only very few ones are even barely good. Every single sequel in the world has people who hate it (and usually the reason is because it didn't continue the original exactly in the way they wanted it to continue it). Another alternative: Which generally liked and acclaimed sequel in fact sucks big time in your opinion? If I had to answer to the latter question, it would undoubtedly be Evil Dead 2. Everyone praises it, yet IMO it's just a horrid caricature of the first Evil Dead. (A splatter movie which censors the splatter by panning it off-screen? WTF?) The whole movie is just a completely ridiculous alternate-universe-semi-remake-semi-notquite-sequel to Evil Dead. *blergh*
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Bisqwit wrote:
Yeah, also in Finland, soda prices go from 0.8€/l to 2.5€/l (for 1.5l bottles; smaller bottles have even higher price per liter).
Not to talk about things like Battery, which costs something like 2.3€/33cl (which would be about 7€/l).
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NrgSpoon wrote:
I don't know about an actual movie category, but how about we start with a tool that counts button presses first? Just seeing some stats for existing videos would be interesting enough.
I always wanted to add button press statistics to the statistics page, but Bisqwit's database has no such info because nobody has made the tool to automatically produce that info. It shouldn't be too difficult, though. Most recording formats are simple enough. It's more a question of someone actually going and doing it. (Edit: Of course a "most button presses per movie length unit" statistic probably would be very skewed because many movies play with "useless" button presses just for fun (or because the author felt like it). OTOH, the "least button presses per movie length unit" would be interesting.)
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Maybe a bit *too* familiar. How do we know this isn't just a big hoax?
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Bisqwit wrote:
---- They don't have any prices listed. Instead, you tell what you want to buy, and they tell the price. ---- After you agree to have made a purchase decision, the price suddenly inflates by a factor of ~200% because they invent various taxes and stuff. At that point, you are supposed to start bargaining to get the price down. However, I was somewhat unprepared for this process so I didn't get the price much down (only $20 from their initial offer) and didn't get the gear in my brain running that would have made me calculate exactly what kind of "tax" they were applying. Nevertheless, the price is not considerably less than or greater than that which it would have been in Finland, so I'm not complete unhappy. Just mostly. ---- They also tried to make me buy a 1 GB memory card for the camera. Their memory card box contained a whopping $119.90 price tag. Their initial offer was $59. After I refused numerous times, the price had dropped to $39, but it was still way too high for even be in the realm of possible purchases. And they drove me through the guilt trip for not purchasing it even though they cut open that box and all.
All of those would be completely unacceptable and probably even illegal in Finland. I understand that kind of commerce in places like China or Thailand, but the US?
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Do I even want to know what a "wii point" is?
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Dwedit wrote:
However, you can see that they went for total authenticity in the audio department. You can hear that they bothered to limit the total number of sound channels, so when sound effects play, channels drop out of the music.
I don't really understand. Hardware was very limited back then, so games went to great lengths to try to circumvent those limits, but it was, naturally, not possible to do so in all cases. Now those annoying limits are a *good* thing? I don't get it. (I understand that some retro people might like the square and triangle wave sounds, but I don't understand how even the most consummated retro person enjoys music which breaks every time a sound effect is played.)
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I thought that these games which look great as screen captures but where the character animation sucks big time were exclusive to the genesis, but it seems that the snes isn't free of them either.
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I have my own doubts about quantum computing. It's probably just another one of the many technological fads which never realize.
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Oh, and by the way, when you want to get the attention of someone, you don't say "hey" or "sorry", you say "excuse me".
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P.JBoy wrote:
I'd usually just start off with the me
I was taught that was not grammatically incorrect, but slightly impolite. It's more polite to mention the other person first, and then yourself. (If you mention yourself first, it sounds like you are the main character there, and the other one just hangs along. Mentioning the other person first makes him more important and is thus a humbler way of saying it.)
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I still have my doubts of whether we should be judges of what people will find a "boring game" and want not. I'd estimate that to 90% of all the people, at least 90% of the already published movies are boring because the game looks boring and uninteresting. We can't just go and unpublish all those games simply because most people find them boring. They are still valuable. There's always a "niche market" for most games. There will always be someone who will like to see the TAS for that game, no matter how "boring" it might feel to the rest. Heck, if someone saw the trouble of making a TAS of a game, it usually means that at least *some* people like the game (eg. because they played it a lot in their childhood), or at least would like to see a TAS of the game. If someone has already made a TAS for a game, and the TAS itself is of good quality, why should we deny this "niche market" their TAS? Why should we be the judges of this? I do understand if this is a question of money: Publishing more huge AVI files may cost someone money, so we should only publish the very best and popular. OTOH, is this really the issue, or are we simply trying to keep some kind of "high quality" to the content of the site by selecting what we find "interesting" and what "boring?
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How does red-green color blindness really work? Is it that if you have green text on red background you just *can't see* the text, or is it that you can distinguish the text but you can't say if the text is green or red (and the same for the background color)? In the former case, wouldn't it depend heavily on the *brightness* of the text compared to the background? I don't believe red-green color blindness makes you blind to brightness differences too.