Posts for Warp

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FYI, you can also use mencoder itself to split avis. (See its -ss and -endpos options.)
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Personally I like more runs with certain goals instead of runs with certain limitations (although, I admit, there are a few exceptions). The 120-stars run has a goal and no limitations. The goal is to collect all the stars in the game and then get to the end, as fast as possible. There are no limitations: Any means to achieve that goal are ok. (For example, BLJ could be used and stars could be collected in the "wrong" order, if that means the overall run will be shorter.) "Doesn't use glitch x" is a limitation, and a rather artificial one. While it can make for a good and enjoyable movie, I agree with the notion that imposing such individual limitation is rather arbitrary and, technically speaking, doesn't make too much sense. It's also a bit "risky": What if someone, while making the "no glitch x" run, discovers a completely different glitch which allows him to skip most of the 70 stars? What then?
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I think the megaman1 run has been bested in terms of glitch research and, in some way, glitch abuse (even in megaman the glitches only abuse the game engine, they don't actually go and modify the RAM data to get impossible values). Good work.
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moozooh wrote:
Obviously, that's assuming the run is actually glitchless, otherwise it is rather arbitrary.
The definition of "glitch" is rather arbitrary itself. A "glitchless" run would require this definition, and it would be heavily a matter of opinion what constitutes a glitch.
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Thanks for letting us know.
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I love the spectrum tape loading sound. It gives me fond memories of my childhood. (Yes. I *am* a nerd.)
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moozooh wrote:
Btw, Tomb Raider was awesomely boring if not for Lara's boobs, but the same can be said about the game, anyway.
The problems I had with the movies is that they changed some things (for example, they added two sidekicks which were inexistent in the TR games of the time, and they made the butler 40 years younger than in the game), but most importantly, they failed to convey all that is cool in the games. The TR movies should have been parkour movies (cool parkour movies, not the utter bullshit crap that was Yamakasi), because that's what's so cool about the games: Complicated wall-climbing, jumping, and all kinds of acrobatics. Other features which should have been more prominent are gunfights and puzzle-solving. In the movies, however, it was 95% people talking and 5% any kind of real action. That's utterly boring. (It *might* have worked if the talking parts would have been awesome, like for example in Jaws, but they just weren't.) I didn't go to the movies to see people talking, I went to the movies to see some Lara Croft acrobatic action and gunfights. I got disappointed.
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Isn't it a bit late for that?-)
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I think the name of the AVI should distinguish this superturrican from the NES one. Now it's confusing having both, as you can't deduce from the name which is which (unless you happen to remember the author's name).
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Out of curiosity: Do they show movies using the original soundtrack (and possibly subtitles) in movie theaters anywhere where you live? How about TV? Is the only possibility to watch movies with original soundtracks to rent DVDs? When I lived in Spain quite a long time ago, there basically was no possibility to watch non-dubbed movies anywhere. At one point they started showing one subtitled movie *per week* on TV. And that was at something like 2am on Thursdays, or the likes. I don't remember movie theaters ever showing undubbed movies. (Having lived in both Spain and Finland for countless years, I find it rather ironic that the situation is about exactly the opposite in these countries: If Finnish movie theaters and TV suddenly started to dub all movies to Finnish, that would probably cause riots. The opposite is true for Spain: If they started to show subtitled movies, it would cause huge protest. I know because I lived there for a long time.)
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Why is everyone so desiring for a Zelda movie? How many movies based on computer games are there, and how many of them have actually been good? In the vast majority of cases game movies have been complete trash and put the game in shame, and most fans prefer to pretend that the movie doesn't even exist. One big problem with game-based movies is that, for whatever reason I cannot fathom, they want to change things radically. They always change it so much that the movie becomes only loosely based on the game. That would be forgivable if the movie was awesome, but it never is. It always ends up being completely mediocre, and that's only in the best cases. The Doom movie was a prime example of this. Approximately the only thing common to the games and the movie is that both happen in Mars. That's about it. Everything else is different. The changes made in the movie were all definitely for the worse.
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Chamale wrote:
Cheating a monkey at blackjack. Very funny.
As long as you don't believe anything that Brainiac show claims. They are notorious for hoaxing (which is a real shame, really; it would otherwise be a cool show).
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superjupi wrote:
Wow! And this is a Nintendo product? Maybe they *have* loosened up a bit lately.
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Perhaps you should read the video description?
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stickyman05 wrote:
I am a sucker for Daisy
Is this an official image, or is it fan art?
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It never ceases to amaze me why, when someone gets his grammatical mistakes corrected, instead of being grateful he instead gets offended. This seems to be an universal phenomenon, appearing in most cultures (at least western ones). This has led to the situation where the de-facto standard is that pointing out grammatical mistakes is considered "impolite", and being corrected is acceptable grounds for getting deeply offended and ignoring the corrections. I find this extremely detrimental. People are too afraid to teach each other how to write properly, even if they would be extremely competent in the field, and people are too arrogant to learn from their mistakes when they are pointed out. I have personally suffered from this stupid phenomenon. In the past there have been at least a dozen words, idioms or expressions which I have used in the wrong way *for years* before someone finally pointed them out to me (before that people were simply too "polite" to point them out). I honestly didn't know I was making mistakes until someone told me. I have always been grateful to people who have pointed out my mistakes, and I have learned from them. That has really helped me in learning to write English properly. What exasperates me the most is that because of this stupid policy of "you have to be polite, you must not point out other people's grammatical mistakes" I have sometimes been writing things incorrectly for years. And there still probably are tons of things which I could write better (and even outright mistakes), but people simply are "too polite" to point them out. As Bisqwit said, the errors I'm talking about are not of the type "should a question mark be written inside the quotation marks or after them", but, as a real example (which I used for years before someone corrected me), using a word like "piratism" instead of the proper word "piracy".
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These actually were interesting reads. Honestly. Thanks.
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I don't understand how this thread makes any sense. So everybody posts a list of character names. So what? Why would that be in any possible way interesting? I could just take a random list of 5-10 character names and post them here, and what would that accomplish? Would that be of interest to anyone? I completely fail to understand the purpose of this thread. How about everyone writing a short essay on his favorite characters instead? Explain *why* you like them. What is it that makes them so cool? What made you fond of them? That might be more interesting to read than just a list of random names.
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Xkeeper wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
AKA wrote:
So magically turning something into an image avoids all the rules? Or is this just another Bisqwitism?
You are being ridiculous. That's as silly as complaining if someone quoted someone else and then added corrections after the quote: You can see the original quote *and* the corrections at the same time. In this case they are simply in the same image: You still can see the original and the corrections. Just because the corrections are between the original lines doesn't make it too much different. You are comparing it to a case where someone quotes someone else, and *removes* parts of that quote and *replaces* those parts with something different, with absolutely no indication that something was changed. Someone seeing that edited quote has absolutely no means of knowing that it's not original or what the original said (without searching for the quoted post and making a complicated comparison between posts which may be far apart from each other).
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What is the official brawl? Is there an unofficial brawl? (I think I'm starting to love lojban references.)
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I know all about the infamous advertisement, but I still wonder if it's appropriate to use the expression in the movie description...
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jaysmad wrote:
Sextuple? I love it :D
Initially I wrote "sixtuple" but then I checked if it really is written like that and no, it's written "sextuple". I suppose someone could find something Freudian in that... Btw, another possibility would be "sexpartite", which is even cooler.
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Maybe a screenshot of the final boss?
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What I would like to see is more double-runs (which try to be even more awesome than the MegamanX/X2 run) instead of "how many games can you complete at the same time" runs. I seriously believe this is one area (ie. runs of multiple simultaneous games) where quality far exceeds quantity.
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This is the first "all kills" gradius3 TAS where it doesn't look like the TASer is struggling to barely kill all the bubbles in the second level. Good job. That's the spirit of TASin: Making extremely difficult things look easy. The lag reduction really makes it look much smoother. Good job on that too.