Posts for Warp

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A gamer is someone who plays video games as a hobby on a regular (or at least semi-regular) basis. There can be different types of gamers, such as casual gamers and hardcore gamers (although the definitions are rather obviously fuzzy and fluid). There is probably no TASer who does not regularly play video games as a hobby. Thus they are all gamers. (Although I could argue that making TASes doesn't itself make you a gamer, unless you do it regularly. It's just that most TASers also play video games normally, which makes them gamers.) Another way of seeing it would be that a gamer is a consumer of video games.
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If it would ever happen, and it becomes possible, I would prefer a TAS of the remake (ie. "Rebirth") rather than the original.
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The original game is a Flash game. AFAIK those aren't TASable at this point.
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Dogs on the field are normal, but this is ridiculous. Link to video
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Sounds exactly like the newest Numberphile topic:
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One level of Tomb Raider 3 starts on a beach and proceeds to caves. Also Crysis (at least kind of).
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That's nice and all, but it's not a solution to the core problem. I don't know what is. Perhaps there is no solution.
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I found the episode to be a bit strange. Many out of character moments, I'd say. Edit: Curiously, I didn't understand what the writers were going for with this episode, even though it's quite obvious in hindsight. Somehow I just missed it. Clearly they were alluding to someone's grief after losing a beloved one, like a pet; of course since in this series they can't actually have a pet die, they opted for the next best thing. Still felt kind of strange and full of out-of-character moments.
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What can I say? I am independent, I have relatively good health without major problems, I have a dream job that I like a lot and is relatively stress-free and earns me enough to live quite comfortably in my own apartment (a bit kind of like condominium-style), allowing me even extra expenses (such as buying new hardware and video games without having to worry about whether I have enough money for it), and I even live in a country where there are no major problems... Everything seems to be as perfect as one could ever expect. Except for that one minor problem: Chronic loneliness. And when I say chronic, I mean it. We are not talking about months, or even years. We are talking about decades. And it sucks even more that chronic loneliness falls just under the limit of people actually starting to care. After all, I don't have any "real" problems. I'm not clinically depressed, I do not have any health or psychological problems, nor do I have any problems with other people (such as somebody abusing me). There just are no problems that people care about. Except for that lack of close social interaction with other people. At some level I feel ashamed of complaining about it in this thread, where people have actual problems, where they have been actually hurt and are suffering, where they are actually depressed and have experienced actual trauma. I can't even attribute the loneliness problem to any physical or psychological disability, because there is none. In a sense, I'm the only one to blame; I'm the architect of my own loneliness. I can't blame it on anybody else. I know I'm not the only one. Chronically lonely people are plentiful, but they are mostly invisible to society. (After all, there is a reason why they are lonely.) Out of sight, out of mind. Sometimes some of them speak out. Many will be understanding and compassionate, and while that's good and appreciated, it's not very helpful. It doesn't fix the problem. Others will just ignore and dismiss such "first world problems". The most asshole people, however, will mock, ridicule and insult them, and that pisses me off to no end, especially when we are talking about a man. When a chronically lonely man who has tried his best to build close social relationships, to find companionship, but has failed time and again, then wonders out loud why, why that is, why when they have tried to become more social and be nice to people, these assholes will insult them by accusing them of thinking that they "deserve" something, that they think they "deserve sex" or whatever. You know, that whole "nice guy" narrative, where these "nice guys" are treated like complete shit when they dare to express their sorrows and wonder why it happens, when they try to ask for help. And that pisses me off to no end. Not that that particular thing has happened to me (I'm an extra level more lonely, I suppose), but I have seen it too many times, and I recognize the same characteristics as myself in those "nice guys", and it makes me want to punch those assholes who deride and insult them in the face. Chronic loneliness is a vicious cycle. The longer you are lonely, the harder it becomes to break the cycle. If you have no experience in social interaction, you won't learn it either when you can't socially interact with people. And that's not for the lack of trying. It's just that if there is no experience, it's hard to do anything. You can't do what you don't know how. You can, for example, go to a social event (such as a Christmas party), be six hours there, and make zero new acquaintances, and leave even more depressed than you were. And the thing is, chronic loneliness is not an inconsequential thing. Wikipedia says: "Chronic loneliness can be a serious, life-threatening health condition. It has been found to be associated with an increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Loneliness shows an increased incidence of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. Loneliness is shown to increase the concentration of cortisol levels in the body. Prolonged, high cortisol levels can cause anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems and weight gain." I suppose that my advice to younger people would be: Don't let the opportunities that present themselves go. You might find this or that social event uninteresting or boring, but don't just dismiss it; go there even if you think you'll be bored out of your skull. If your friends invite you to go somewhere or do something, say yes; do not let the opportunity pass by. Be grateful if you have friends who invite you to do whatever. Social interaction does not become easier as you grow older, it only becomes harder. As you grow older, if you missed all those opportunities to socialize, you'll start finding out that there will be less and less such opportunities as you grow older. At some point you'll find yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no freaking idea what you could do to socialize, because there is nothing. All your friends will have married and moved elsewhere (and even if they haven't moved, it really doesn't matter). All those school activities and such will have long been gone. You will have no social network where you could interact with other people on a regular basis, and you will have absolutely no idea how you could build such a thing anymore, because there is nobody. At some point you just stop trying, and submit to your fate. After all, you don't have any "real" problems that people would care about. You will have resigned to live a lonely life for the rest of your existence. And nobody will care. Not enough to try to help.
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True wrote:
Now that there's a thread to talk about it it's all mild narcissistic hugbox time...
I don't know if you are hurting inside and angry at the world, or just being a huge asshole, but just stop it. Have some respect and decency.
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creaothceann wrote:
No, the console sets the timing (of course roughly within the boundaries of NTSC spec and mains frequency) via the sync pulse. Remember that a TV has to be flexible enough to lock onto any broadcast channel's video signal, with no way to know when a field starts except from the signal itself.
Ah, I knew that but I totally forgot. It indeed is so that it's the TV that syncs with the console (within certain limits), rather than the other way around. This would mean that the syncing problem between two consoles can be even worse.
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FatRatKnight wrote:
One thought that comes to mind is console -> console. I know, you just played it on console, but this would be a good test to see how stable the input log itself may be when played back on the console again.
This makes me wonder how well consoles would sync between themselves. They might actually not sync in the long run. Sure, they may work identically in all respects, except perhaps one: Their CPU clocks might not tick exactly at the same rate. If there's even a tiny fraction of a difference in their clockrate, that will probably cause a desync eventually. (On the other hand, that might not be the case if they sync to the TV's refresh rate. In other words, if they do some work to calculate the next frame, wait for the TV to start vertical retrace, do work to calculate the next frame, and so on. Since the TV is synced to the 50 or 60 Hz mains, that ought to keep all consoles in sync. Or at least this was so in the past. With current TV's I have no idea, really.)
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MUGG wrote:
I have no real friends, I still live with my parents who don't understand me, I'm on my computer 24/7 and not really being productive. Trash is stacking up to my left and right. I skip work so much because I don't feel alright. I don't have any goals in life. Therapists don't help.
It takes a chronically lonely person to understand another, because nobody else does. Chronic loneliness is like being trapped inside a hole, unable to climb out by yourself no matter how much you try. Sometimes some friend might come to the edge of the hole to listen to you and be understanding and comforting... but do nothing to help you out. And the longer you are in the trap, the harder it becomes to climb out. The older you become, the less likely people are going to approach you on their own (probably because they assume that you already have your own social circle of friends and family). I wish I had some solution to the problem, but I don't. If I had, I would have used it already.
GoddessMaria15 wrote:
Shifting the focus from that to yourselves seems very rude and disrespectful to Rachel. If you want to discuss or vent about your problems, then please make another thread and do so there.
Do you understand how that might sound to someone who may be depressed and might even have suicidal thoughts, and was inspired by this event to reach out for help and understanding? You are effectively saying "this is not about you, go somewhere else".
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Samsara wrote:
This is how we should respect her death. Not by digging up her past or commenting on who she is or simply paying our respects, but by keeping in mind that we need to be the one taking the steps to prevent tragedies like this in the future.
People try to find out the history of the victim because they want to learn to recognize the symptoms. If we don't look at the victim's past, we will never learn. Not that most people will be able to help anyway. After all what can you do? Even if you do recognize some symptoms and begin to suspect suicidal tendencies, what exactly are you supposed to do? Btw, could some mod do something about that 'True' user? He's being an asshole.
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Indeed. The old rule was more like "no boring games" (rather than "no board games"). Being more inclusive was an excellent change. We should keep going in that direction just a bit more, IMO.
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z1mb0bw4y wrote:
If we're trying to apply vault rules to a board game tier, why are we not just accepting board games to the vault tier instead?
Tangent wrote:
If the current rules ARE sufficient for board games, then no additional tiering or categories are needed.
Board games are not (generally) vaultable because there can't be any% or 100% completions of them. (See the first post in this thread for a deeper analysis of that aspect.)
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z1mb0bw4y wrote:
By creating a board/sports game tier, we would be accepting that our standards of acceptance for that tier are vastly lower than other tiers, in terms of speed/entertainment goals.
I don't see how. The core standards of the vault tier are: Play at the highest difficulty (unless you have a very good reason otherwise), complete the game as fast as possible. The "board game tier" would have those exact same requirements. As for entertainment, it's a rather non-issue for vault, so why should it be an issue for this proposed new category?
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Tangent wrote:
I'm still in the camp that board games shouldn't be accepted unless they qualify for Moons anyway
I do not think we should be that exclusive. Every game deserves a TAS. If a tier where board games would fit is ever implemented, I propose this kind of admission guidelines: 1) Different implementations of a specific board game (eg. chess) on a specific platform (eg. NES) are accepted if the author can give a good-enough argument of why the submission is different-enough from existing ones. (Example: Battlechess is arguably different enough from Chessmaster that having a TAS of both for the same platform is acceptable.) However, if a new implementation of that board game is not different enough from an existing publication, then it either replaces the existing publication or it gets rejected. 2) By default the hardest CPU setting should be chosen (regardless of how long it takes). In addition a submission for the same game with an easier setting can be published if it wins the computer as fast as possible and is interesting/entertaining enough. (Personally I would also disallow memory/savestate corruption and arbitrary code execution, and the reset button, and consider them invalid techniques with such board games because they are not the point, but I know this most probably wouldn't get enough support.)
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The "hardest difficulty" in this context usually refers to the game's own explicit difficulty settings, rather than ancillary difficulty that may be produced as a kind of "side effect" of, for example, choosing one playable character rather than another. In the case of a chess game, it likewise would mean that you have to choose the hardest computer player difficulty, the choice of color is not part of this. The "you must choose the hardest difficulty" is not a rigid rule with no exceptions allowed. If in some game there's a good reason to use a lower difficulty, then it's usually accepted. In general, "it makes the run faster" is not such a good reason (with possible exceptions).
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Note that a problem being in NP doesn't necessarily mean it's hard to solve (ie. exponential-time) in practice. There are NP-problems that can be solved relatively fast in practical cases. Them being in NP simply means that you can give it an artificially-created pathological input that's relatively small, but would take the algorithm more time to solve than the age of the universe. Example: Given a dictionary of words, and N characters, find out which words can be formed using those characters. The absolutely pathological situation would be if the dictionary contains all words using all possible combinations of characters, in which case the answer contains N! words, which is exponential. In practice, however, ie. with actual dictionaries (eg. an dictionary of valid English words), the problem is usually solvable in a fraction of a second, basically regardless of what N is. That's because in practice a dictionary is extremely limited in size and content, and you don't have to try every possible permutation of the N characters to find all the words that can be formed with them. Of course this doesn't mean this is the case with all NP problems. Some are hard with even rather trivial input.
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Radiant wrote:
Perhaps the easiest implementation would simply be to allow speed-focused runs of board games in the vault. Because it seems the majority of users wants board games publishable in some fashion, and it would be straightforward to amend or strike the "no board games plz" rule that the vault has.
The question of difficulty level still remains. Personally I would go by the rule that games should always be played on the highest difficulty, even board games.
Perhaps with some restriction that e.g. "all implementations of the same game (e.g. chess) on the same platform (e.g. the SNES) can obsolete one another."
I have to disagree, given the vast differences between such games. Why should, for example, Battlechess be able to obsolete Chessmaster? They are radically different.
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endrift wrote:
Warp wrote:
(The power button of the DS returns to the home screen, but it might just act as a soft reset button...)
It only does this on the 3DS. The original DS just shuts off, i.e. a hard reset.
The DS turns off only if you keep the power button pressed. If you press it briefly, it returns to the home screen. (But as said, this might just be the equivalent of a soft reset. I think the game/program that was running is terminated.)
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MUGG wrote:
Would like to see only one (and not the other two) get her Cutie Mark and see what happens. That could make for an interesting story but it would also end the CMC arc as well. Understandably, the showrunners are more comfortable leaving things as they are (Status Quo is god).
Sorta kindof happened now...
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Tangent wrote:
I don't think ANY chess AIs running on that kind of hardware could be called notoriously strong
Which platform? I wasn't talking about any particular one.
but even setting that aside, how would you show that one is stronger than another?
Many chess engines have an ELO rating.
jlun2 wrote:
Now that I think about it, despite this complaint about ratings and votes being hard to gauge, along with requests for allowing ratings to be done on the submission bench, what's stopping it from being implemented?
This was done once in the past. Somehow the result wasn't satisfactory (even though I don't remember now what the exact reason was.)
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In modern architectures, if the system is running in protected mode, an application accessing I/O registers or ports directly can be intercepted, and something else done in between. (Basically what happens is that when the program tries to access those registers or ports, the CPU throws an exception and jumps to a predefined location, where the OS or your custom code can do something else, such as return some predefined results.) I do not know if the DS supports or runs in this kind of protected mode. From your description it could well be that it doesn't. (The power button of the DS returns to the home screen, but it might just act as a soft reset button...)