Posts for Warp

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Those images are not showing up (at least here).
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The term also refers to a fashion style, mostly popular in Japan, that looks somewhat similar to goth. Anyway, he may have used the term without knowing what it really means. It's not like it's always clear what it means when seen in actual usage, so one can get confused. Just stop obsessing about it.
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At least in the Luigi screenshot there's a quite remarkable visual difference (the more compressed one is clearly more blurred). Not that anybody would notice in practice...
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Keyboards (at least the cheaper ones) are built like that to reduce cost. The more simultaneous keys are supported, the more electronics are needed in the keyboard, which increases costs; thus they design keyboards so that most typical keys can be pressed simultaneously, but not all possible combinations are supported. (It's not even a fixed number of simultaneous keys. With certain combinations of keys you can get a rather large amount of simultaneous keys, but with other combinations you can hit the limit pretty fast. Also, how exactly the mapping goes depends on the manufacturer and keyboard type.)
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Bobo the King wrote:
Warp wrote:
Samsara wrote:
You're right on one point at least: Non-feminist men are whining and misogynistic MRAs when they bring up their problems like they're significant at the moment.
Need I even comment? The hypocrisy is just mind-boggling.
That was unnecessary, Warp.
Maybe it was. It's just that I am completely tired of being insulted by feminists simply because I happen to have born male and white. I'm completely tired of insults being thrown at me, called names, and my opinions on the subject being considered of lesser value, for that sole reason. Apparently I'm supposed to feel some kind of shame because I'm "privileged", even though I did not choose my gender or ethnicity. And then these same feminists preach how feminism is all about "equality". Yeah, right.
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Samsara wrote:
You're right on one point at least: Non-feminist men are whining and misogynistic MRAs when they bring up their problems like they're significant at the moment.
Need I even comment? The hypocrisy is just mind-boggling.
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This is one of the reasons why I can't take neo-feminism seriously. This whole dogma that men can't complain about inequality where it's men who are in the losing part. And the reason they can't complain about it is because men are "privileged". Feminists (especially feminist women) however can bring those things up without problems (and when they do, they are all like "see? We do care about men's problems too!") In other words, when a feminist brings up those problems, it's all about seeking equality and it's a good thing, but when a non-feminist man brings up the exact same problems, he's just a whining MRA hiding his misogyny behind such arguments. "Privilege" is just a meaningless buzzword used by neo-feminists to attack their critics.
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Samsara wrote:
It's the same sort of highly offensive "Look at me, the privileged white male, pretending to be part of a group that has actual problems and difficulties in modern society!" so I'm sure you'd find that just as admirable.
I'm curious to know whether you think that men do not have problems in our society, or those problems don't matter because men are "privileged".
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Nach wrote:
Aqfaq is doing an admirable job acting as the battered woman
I'm not sure that kind of thing is in very good taste.
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Aqfaq wrote:
So, when a beautiful lady thread is created, it takes only 3.5 replies on average for a misogynist to hijack it from us. That is no humor. That is abuse.
I must admit that if you are being sarcastic, you are confusing me about the fact. I will assume you didn't say that seriously.
Post subject: Re: Why show the user's gender?
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Aqfaq wrote:
Warp wrote:
I hope you are joking.
I hope you are joking.
Is there a point in being a smartass?
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I have always understood the joke to be targeted at the average internet user, not at women. In other words, the joke is insinuating that the internet is full of lonely and perverted nerds (and part of the joke is that if somebody appears to be female, it's probably just a male pervert posing as one). Sure, it may be lame and distasteful humor, but I don't see any kind of actual sexism in it. If anything, it's "sexist" against lonely male nerds. It's poking fun at them.
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Aqfaq wrote:
Warp wrote:
And "there are no women on the internet" is a meme. It's humor.
It would not be humor to you, if you identified yourself as a woman and somebody used the joke as a weapon to diminish your status. Humor is a method that a group can use to invigorate its endogenous tribe mentality. Think of all the racist/blonde jokes you have heard. Are they just humor?
You are seriously equating "there are no women on the internet" with racist jokes? *sigh*
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Video games can elicit a feeling of empathy for the characters, even though the player knows perfectly well that they are fictional, and nothing more than some leds on a flat surface lighting up with different colors, and some pre-recorded sounds spoken by actors. Willing suspension of disbelief and all that. I myself find it really hard to commit atrocities against innocent people who have done nothing wrong in video games. For example in Fable, you can accept good and evil quests from a guild. And the evil quests really are evil. They consist of things like massacring an entire village of people who have done nothing wrong. And while you are massacring them, the NPCs you are killing will cry "why are you doing this?" and such. Do you know what's even more evil? The fact that once you have accepted a quest, you can't cancel it. It will be in your list of active quests forever, and can't be removed. What's worse, the quest list doesn't make it clear at all which quests are good and which are evil. There simply is no indication. You just have to deduce from what the quest description entails. At one point I mistakenly accepted such an evil quest, an only realized much later that it was one. I was stuck with it, even though I didn't want to do it. Fine, just don't do it. Keep postponing it forever. Right? Wrong. The quest consisted of massacring a village, going through said village was mandatory to advance in the main quest, and the evil quest triggers automatically when you enter the village. You can't avoid it. You can exit the village, but that doesn't help; the next time you enter the village the quest triggers again. And you can't go through the village without killing everybody. There was no way to cancel the quest and I didn't have a save from before accepting the quest. I was stuck. The game had effectively "soft-locked" on me because I couldn't do the quest.
Post subject: Re: Why show the user's gender?
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Aqfaq wrote:
Genderism is a potentially discriminatory social construct that has nothing to do with a piece of text displayed on an Internet forum, so why?
I hope you are joking.
That is because:
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Depending on the contents of the image, even PNG optimizers might not reduce the amount of colors to 256 (or less). If the optimizer is not doing that, it has to be done manually before running the optimizer. A 256-color PNG will usually take significantly less space than a full-color one, even if the content is the same.
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Archanfel wrote:
Vault Tier submissions: Vote: Should this movie be published? (Vote after watching!) and Moon Tier submissions: Vote: Did you find this movie entertaining? (Vote after watching!)
Ostensibly, if the proposed tier rehaul is implemented, the division between the tiers will become a lot clearer and more unambiguous, which in turn ought to mean that submitters should be submitting for a specific tier, iow. they should tell which tier they are submitting for. (Perhaps there should be an option in the submission page for this.) For instance, if you have made a run that completes a game from beginning to end but you know that your run does not beat the current Vault run, but you think it's entertaining enough for Moons, then you are submitting to Moons and should state so. Therefore the voting question will still be "should this be published?" The "it's entertaining" part is kind of implied in the fact that the submission is for Moons. In some cases a judge might change the tier of the submission at their discretion (eg. because the submitter specified the wrong one, or because the run actually could belong to a different tier). Just some ideas for your rumination.
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I think a four-tier system as proposed would be an idea to consider. - Speed: Contains the current any% and possible 100% fastest completion for a game. (Caveat: How do we define a "valid" entry for this tier? Are eg. "total control" runs valid for this, or do they need to actually play through the game?) - Entertainment: Alternative goals that do not fit in the 'speed' tier, and which are deemed by public vote to be worthy of publication. Must still complete the game. - Star: Smallish hand-picked selection of representative runs that demonstrate TASing in some way. Essentially a "watch these first" list. - Demo: Runs that do not complete the game (or "complete" it in a manner that does not fit any of the other categories) that are deemed by public vote to be worthy of publication. They ought to be of very high entertainment value, or otherwise demonstrate something unique or extraordinary.
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adelikat wrote:
I'm a big believer that any state that is possible to start with should be allowed.
Personally I'm not so sure. I'm a big believer that games should be completed as fast as possible via gameplay, not via poking the hardware by other means. Of course initial RAM state is in that fuzzy line between the two. It's, however, something that's done even before the game starts, and thus is not part of playing the game, which is why personally I lean towards it being outside the scope of "actual" speedrunning. On the other hand, the number of games where this can be used is so small that in the end it isn't such a big deal.
Post subject: Re: How to determine the formula for a random number generator?
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Masterjun wrote:
Pokemon Black 2 (NDS): RNG(x+1) = (( 6726279311198226789 * RNG(x) ) + 2531011) % 18446744073709551616
It uses a 64-bit RNG? Well, I suppose they wanted a maximum amount of possible variation in a Pokemon game... (Although using a LCG for randomness has a pitfall that too many programmers fall into, simply because they don't know about it. The most common way of getting a random number out of a LCG which range is smaller than the seed size is to take the value modulo the desired range. This, however, is a bad idea because the lower bits of a LCG repeat much more often than the whole period of the LCG. If you want to take advantage of the full period of the LCG, you need to take the highest bits. Or, better yet, use a higher-quality RNG that has no such problem.)
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Is that another one of those staged video series, like the more infamous one about the guy filming his "angry" brother?
Post subject: Re: How to determine the formula for a random number generator?
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Kuwaga wrote:
When analyzing the RNG of older games, I usually first try this procedure. Only if it fails, I'll disassemble. It can often save you lots of time.
Out of curiosity, do you have any examples of actual games and the LCG values they use, that you have found this way (or in general)?
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Aqfaq wrote:
Thanks for the question, thommy3. The whale takes about 10 seconds to open its mouth, so I needed to get a quick shot there before the mouth was closed. Adjusting the angle and power is slow, so there's no time to do it better. The priority is to get into the mouth on the first cycle and not wait 10 seconds for the mouth to open again. Also, the game must be one of the crudest ball games ever, having only 960 possibilities for each shot, so there's very little room for minor adjustments. That's why the first shot looks bad at hole 7.
The ball bounces a lot at the end of the first stroke. It looks like you tried your hardest to get a hole in one, and left your best effort in. However, in terms of completion time, perhaps a significantly less accurate but faster stroke (one that doesn't end up bouncing around so much, but just stops as soon as possible after the whale) would have worked just as well? Of course this is just based on what it looks like. I don't know if it's possible in actuality.
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Remember: A fool and his money are soon parted.
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Those don't look like circles to me, but ellipses. Which gives me an idea for an additional question: Prove that an ellipse can be surrounded by 6 identical ellipses, each touching an adjacent ellipse only on one point. Bonus question: Can the ellipses have different orientations, and still fulfill the requirements?