Posts for Warp

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I fear I would find the G1 series extremely boring.
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Does eg. the NES really have any borders? If I understand correctly, the pixel data is extended to the entirety of the TV screen, even at the cost of the outermost pixels going out of the screen.
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Nahoc wrote:
So, any feedback about using Zeupar's icon? I really like it.
Using it for what, exactly? To replace the current star icon? Or something else?
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So, if I understand correctly, if you just wanted to show the pixel content of the game you could simply stretch the original 256x192 pixels into something wider, like 16:10 or 16:9, but if you also want to show the colored borders outside this pixel content area (which was very common with old consoles / 8-bit home computers, including in this case the SMS, and which some games even used for effects), you need to do something a bit complicated (basically make the emulator produce all the extra area around the 256x192 pixel content, and then stretch it in such a manner that the pixel content becomes 16:9 or such).
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So the SMS stretched the 256x192 screen image into a non-4:3 aspect ratio (even though TV was 4:3)? So it did like a 4:3 -> 16:9 aspect ratio stretch (leaving the upper and lower borders of the TV empty)? I still don't understand what cropping has anything to do with this.
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Flygon wrote:
@ Warp: I'm not going to bother. Ask someone else that's feeling far more exceptionally patient than I am.
I honestly find this a bit baffling. What exactly is the problem in explaining it? I believe I asked pretty simple questions. It's not like it's rocket science or something.
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Flygon wrote:
tl;dr: There's around 240ish lines spat out by the Master System, but last I checked, most emulators spat out 256*192 video, cutting the borders out from the bottom and the top. Think of it this way. It's like the NES, if every game was 256*192 and had borders on the top and bottom, instead of being 256*224 without any borders for most games. Either way, they're all anamorphic. The fact that having just 192 vertical pixels allows the image to be cropped into a near exact 16:9 aspect ratio image that can be displayed on a widescreen display without any borders is a very happy coincidence.
Please forgive me, as I may be unusually obtuse here, but I have still no idea what you are talking about. The only thing I understand is the 256*192 pixel resolution, which is a nice 4:3 (the same as TV aspect ratio). I don't understand anything else of what you are saying. I don't understand where your other numbers are coming from and what they have to do with anything. First you say 240 lines, then you say 224 lines (in "256*224"), and where does the 256*224 come from and what does it have anything to do with anything? Where is the 16:9 aspect ratio coming from, and what do you mean by "having 192 vertical pixels allows the image to be cropped"? Cropped how? Why? I don't get it.
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I don't understand how games for a console released in 1985 could in any way be intended for a 16:9 aspect ratio given that no such TVs even existed until well into the 2000's. Flygon, I'm having hard time deciphering your original post. Could you make an abridged version?
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What's the volume if the unit length is the length of the side of the cube that contains the stellated octahedron (iow. the side length of the square I posted, ie. the distance between the tips of two adjacent "spikes", ie. the height of the polyhedron when it's on the floor like on the rendering I posted)? Or in other words, how much of the volume of the containing cube does the stellated octahedron take?
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Btw, what's the volume of a stellated octahedron?
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Correct. For the fun of it, I made a rendering:
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This is the (orthogonal projection of the) front view of a polyhedron: The left, right, up, down and back views are identical to that. Draw the polyhedron from a different angle (that makes clear what its shape is). Note that no two adjacent faces are parallel.
Post subject: Re: Actually, Amtrak is reasonably safe, but very slow
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dwangoAC wrote:
The worst was when our transmission failed going over the Sierra Nevadas and we had to spend the night at the top of Donner pass because the tow truck coming to get us got stuck in the snow (we were prepared with a couple gallons of water and enough food in the car for several days, but I digress).
I hope it wasn't human... ;)
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Are other forms of travel completely out of the question?
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By the way, one of the videos also pointed out that round(φn) will always be the same as the nth Lucas number (well, (n+2)th or something). Is there a simple proof of this? (φ is the golden ratio, and Lucas numbers are the sequence 2,1,3,4,7,11...)
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The numberphile youtube channel posted recently some interesting videos about the golden ratio and fibonacci sequences. The videos prove that given any sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers, if you take the ratio between two consecutive numbers in the sequence, it will approach the golden ratio the further you go in the sequence. And it doesn't matter what the initial two numbers are. They can be anything, even real numbers. That got me thinking, is it also true if the two initial numbers are complex numbers?
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It would be neat, though. NVENC can encode in real-time a 60FPS 1920x1080 videocapture of a game into a H.264 file, while taking something like 5% of the resources of the graphics card, and basically no resources from the CPU.
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I don't know if this topic has been discussed before, but I was wondering that since modern Nvidia cards have hardware support for H.264 encoding (NVENC), if there are any software or plugins that could be used to take advantage of this. A mencoder or a kdenlive plugin would be wonderful.
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Windows (and all the other modern operating systems for that matter) have directly desktop icon sorting. Just try clicking the right mouse button on the desktop background and see what it offers.
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Why not? A capacitor is basically two plates connected by a single connection and a potential difference between the two plates. Electric current moves from one plate to the other, and thus positive charges accumulate in one plate and negative charges in the other.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Maybe in relation to everything else in that post, but it was certainly pertinent to the one part that I quoted, no?
It was not related to the point of what I wrote (and you quoted).
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p4wn3r wrote:
The amount of electric current entering a node (or any set of nodes) of a circuit must equal the amount of current leaving it. Connecting two circuits with a single wire doesn't cause current to flow between them because, if it did, one of them would have current flowing out, and the other current entering in. That would make one of them accumulate positive electric charge, and the other negative.
Isn't that, actually, a pretty accurate description of a capacitor?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
That would be the Ursa Major Awards, a group of furries trying to be taken seriously.
That comment was strangely disconnected from everything I wrote.
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Tommy Oliver recently posted a video where he commented on the episode Equestria Games, and more specifically about the characterization of Spike in the series in general. Or rather, the complete lack of. I think he makes good points. If I asked you what, for example, Rarity is like and how she would react in a certain situation, you would probably have a very good idea, and most fans of the show would give very similar answers. The same is true for basically of all the main six characters. (In this very thread someone commented that MLP:FiM got some award for best dramatic series, and quipped sarcastically how MLP is known for its thrilling, gut-wrenching drama. I responded with something along the lines of: "Of course it is! Just ask Rarity. She'll tell you all about it." I think this is a wonderful example of how well the characterization of one of the characters has been established.) However, what if I ask you the same question about Spike? What is Spike like, and how would he react in a given situation? I would probably get rather differing answers from different people. It seems that not even the writers themselves know how to characterize Spike consistently. He seems to behave wildly different depending on the plot, and perhaps the writer. Sometimes he's very childlike and inexperienced, and acts in all kinds of stupid ways. Sometimes he's very mature and the only voice of reason, the only sane person pony character among the chaos. Sometimes he's a competent aide, sometimes he's a child who just tags along and throws tantrums. Sometimes he's the butt monkey of the show, sometimes a valued companion. Heck, even the writers seem to oftentimes consider him a butt monkey... a convenient sink for whatever behavior they need for the current plot. He has little to no consistent established personality of his own, which is why it's so difficult to describe him, or say something like "yeah, that's Spike alright", even though all the other six main characters are so well-established that you can recognize them or attribute reactions or personality traits to them easily. Tommy Oliver gave a good example of this with the episode Equestria Games in particular: At the beginning of the episode he was revered as a hero who saved the Crystal Empire. Would you have guessed how Spike himself would take this veneration? With most of the other main characters, such as Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy, you could quite well imagine how they would react (for example, you could very well guess that if it were Fluttershy, she would be very shy about it, while RD would be the rather opposite). With Spike however, it could very well go in any direction. He could be shy about it, brag and boastful, dismissive, or a number of other behaviors. That's because he's not a well-established character. It really depends on the writer.
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So if your calculations are correct, the probability is approximately 0.00000047%, or 1 in 212 million. That's pretty improbable...