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Radiant wrote:
So the debate is really whether (a) Masterjun's run should be unlabeled and Bahamete's run should note that it avoids the credits glitch, or (b) Bahemete's run should be unlabeled and Masterun's run should note that it uses the credits glitch, or (c) both should be called something else.
The solution is easy, relatively speaking: Which one of them should be considered the "official world record" completion of the game? The other one gets a branch name.
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TASeditor wrote:
The branch name needs to be clear, it should not allow any interpretation.
I doubt that can be achieved in all cases. And as I said earlier, I don't think the precise wording used in the branch name is all that important. (IMO it shouldn't be the role of the branch name to describe the run. Its only role is to distinguish it from the other branches. If it's also descriptive that's a bonus, but nothing more.) The details ought to be defined in the movie's description and with the tags. Btw, any opinions on my earlier suggestion of making two types of tags ("major" tags and "minor" tags), the major ones perhaps appearing on the run's identifying info line?
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Eszik wrote:
The main issue with glitched/any% categories is that it would lead to very ambiguous 'low-glitch' categories. For example‚ if someone ever makes a 'no memory corruption' OOT TAS (i.e nom RBA/WW)‚ how would it be labelled? I mean‚ it wouldn't be the most glitched category‚ but it would still skip 8 of the 10 dungeons of the game. So the best category name would be 'no memory corruption'‚ i.e actual naming convention.
I'm not convinced the actual name used for a branch is all that crucial. You could just as well name the branch "Steve's run", or whatever you like. What the run does, what its details are, what distinguishes it from other branches, ought to be specified in its description and tags. The role of the branch name isn't to detail such aspects; it's to simply make it a separate branch. The name's not all that important. (Yes, if the branch name is also descriptive and unambiguous, that's a big plus, but I wouldn't say it's the most crucial thing.)
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I have hard time imagining that π appearing in the answer is just pure coincidence. π is such a specific number. Not only is it one specific number from the uncountably infinite amount of real numbers, not only is it irrational and transcendental, but it's very specifically a number related to mathematical circles. If the answer had consisted of algebraic numbers, such as the square root of 2 and such, it would feel natural. After all, the sum consists of algebraic components, so one wouldn't be surprised to find out that the result is also some algebraic number. However, it is not. The result is transcendental, and from the uncountably many transcendental numbers, it's one that involves this particular number related to circles. Why precisely this one, and not some completely unrelated number? There just has to be some kind of geometrical explanation of why the abovementioned sum is somehow connected to the geometric circle. Some underlying property. It's difficult to imagine that there is no connection whatsoever, and that the appearance of π is purely coincidental.
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Bobo the King wrote:
As a very simple example, we know from physics that the kinetic energy is equal to 1/2mv2. Does that mean that lurking behind every moving object is a square with a side whose length varies proportional to the velocity? Or perhaps even more to the point, I know that when I drop an object from a height h, its speed will be v = sqrt(2gh) just before it hits the ground. Does that mean that "somewhere" there is a square I can draw with great physical significance that has a side of length sqrt(2gh)?
I think you are succumbing to a fallacy of equivocation. You are confusing the two meanings of the word "square" (one of them being "a geometric shape with certain characteristics" and the other being "raised to the power of 2". The same word may be used for both, but that doesn't mean they are synonyms.) Granted, there's a relationship between the geometric shape and the power-of-2, namely that the area of the former is calculated using the latter, and that's the etymology of the latter. However, that doesn't make them synonyms. There may be a connection between the area of a square and a formula like mv2/2, but not a direct one. Rather, they both have a common underlying geometric reason why they both use a power of 2. A clearer example would be the intensity of light being proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance from the light source. Are there literal geometric squares involved? No. However, both share same underlying geometric principles (namely, that light intensity is measured by area, and areas involve powers of two.)
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Is this some kind of "let's change our cool-sounding nicknames to less-cool-sounding names" day or something?
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Radiant wrote:
I completely understand and agree with having movies that show off more gameplay than the fastest run. But here's the problem: for almost any speedrun on the site, it is possible to make an alternative run that shows off more of the gameplay. However, in many cases these would simply be (1) suboptimal and (2) arbitrary. So how does one distinguish a "non glitched" run from a "suboptimal" or "arbitrary" run? We need to be able to answer that to stay true to the site goals. Even in the few hours that this thread has run, it already has half a dozen different definitions; that doesn't help.
The "100%" category, in games where it's a sensible one, is a good way to show more of the game. Some kind of "low-glitch" category, while inevitably often more or less arbitrary, is another. Of course the decision of whether it's publication-worthy becomes quite subjective, but it is an existing possibility nevertheless. Btw, I oppose the notion of going back to the old system where the "main" fastest run is not distinguished from the other branches. However, there doesn't seem to be a voting option for explicitly that. (Or, alternatively, the voting options don't make it clear.)
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The sum of the reciprocals of the squares of the natural numbers is π2/6. I'm wondering if this is just a coincidence, or if there really is an intuitive relation between this sum and the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle.
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I think that the motivation between the branch naming change was that the role of branch names is not to describe a particular aspect of the run, but rather just identify the branch in an unambiguous manner. (If the branch name happens to be descriptive, all the better, but that's not its main role.) Another motivation was that we wanted to make clearer which one of the several branches is the "official word-record TAS". This could have been a certain chosen branch name ("any%" probably being the de-facto name for such branches previously), but a consensus was reached that the only unnamed branch of the game serves this purpose well enough. The role of describing distinguishing aspects of the run was relegated to the tags that can be applied to a publication. If, for example, a TAS abuses so many glitches that it deserves mention, then the correspondent tag is preferable to doing it in the branch name. If the "glitched" TAS also happens to be the fastest completion of the game by any means, then that branch name would serve solely a descriptive purpose, which is really not the role of branch names. Moreover, it would be confusing because it wouldn't distinguish which one of the (possibly) several branches is the "official world record". I'd say: Either have the official fastest completion unnamed, or give all of them the exact same branch name. Do not start giving different games different branch names for their main fastest WR completion branch, because that's only inconsistent and confusing. In the discussion that started the change it was the consensus that being unnamed is ok. If this means that basically no run will receive a "glitched" branch name, is it really such a loss? Btw, if a problem is that the category of a run is not clear enough, then perhaps we could come up with some kind of minor redesign that makes the tags of a run more prominent. Perhaps there could be two types of tags: "Major" tags and "minor" tags. The major ones could even appear on the run's name line (ie. the one that appears as a link to the run's page, and which contains all the condensed info of the run in one line.) The minor ones could then just appear on the run's info box as normal. However, we shouldn't start mixing branch names and tags.
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I'm not so sure the OP was so much interested in how RNG's work as in how you manipulate luck in a TAS. The simplest answer to that would be: Try different things until you get the result you want. Beyond that, it becomes more laborious.
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feos wrote:
Tool Assistant maybe?
Urban dictionary defines "tool" as: "One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem."
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Not really, but I suppose it doesn't matter. It's not like it's something of great importance to understand.
Post subject: Re: The real color of a pixel on a computer screen
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niamek wrote:
One says that the smallest pixel on the screen is only blue, yellow or red, the three primary color. His reasoning is that, since a computer screen is like 1024 X 768 thingy, that means there is more than 700 000 pixel to color. And if we assign a different color to each pixel, the amount of information is huge. Why don't we see only in blue, yellow or red on a screen? it's because the pixel are so small the eyes can't distinguish it. With yellow and blue (50% 50% for example), in a certain region, we should see green. etc. One says that, sionce we can color green on a single pixel with GIMP or photofiltre, a pixel is not necessarily only red, yellow and blue.
Good, so it's the subpixel that are blue, red and green!
Ok, I may be a bit obtuse here, but I have hard time understanding what exactly the issue is about (or how that was the answer to said issue). "His reasoning is that ... if we assign a different color to each pixel, the amount of information is huge." I'm not sure I understand what the issue is here, or how the "pixels are divided into subpixel" answer helps it in any way. "Why don't we see only in blue, yellow or red on a screen?" I don't understand what the problem you are envisioning is (or even what this question is actually asking). Could you please elaborate? "One says that, sionce we can color green on a single pixel with GIMP or photofiltre, a pixel is not necessarily only red, yellow and blue." Again, I don't really understand what the argument here is. (I know that the question has already been (apparently) answered. It just bothers me that I can't make head or tails of it.)
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I didn't say it would be easy, but I think it would be perfectly possible. You just have to time the keypresses so that they will work with both, in the exact same way as it's done with different games.
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jlun2 wrote:
Wait, I'm confused. What if the current movie gets obsoleted by a run that doesn't use...whatever the heck happened here but ends up being very dull? Does that mean separate branch, rejection or moved to vault? :o
I think vault only accepts nameless (which means "fastest completion by any means" == "world record") and "100%" branches. If a submission is neither, it either goes to moon or not at all.
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I still wish someone TASed the original DOS Doom. This way TASing would go full circle. (This would probably also get some attention in the speedrunning community. Perhaps even in the gaming community in general, if awesome enough.)
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If the same game is designed to run on NTSC and PAL versions of the console, then it ought to be possible to make a TAS that beats the game on both consoles (rather than desync in one of them, as usual.) This would also probably allow the TAS to deviate in the other console (and eg. select another playable character).
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Reminds me of this: Link to video
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Patashu wrote:
Just so you know, Bobo the King, Javascript only has to be syntatically correct to compile. Unlike a language like C# or Java, and like languages like Python, it can attempt to call non-existent methods, manipulate non-existent fields or variables, etc. and the code will fail (sometimes silently!) at runtime.
Curiously in Objective-C, even though it's a fully-compiled language (ie. it's compiled right into the machine code of the target architecture, and there is no interpreter of any kind running some bytecode or such), you can call inexistent member functions and it won't fail to compile, and instead the existence of the function will be checked at runtime. (You might get a warning, but that won't stop the code from compiling.) This isn't always an error. A good example is a so-called proxy object. This is an object that "pretends" to be another object by behaving exactly like that other object (it does so by forwarding all method calls ("messages") to the other object, and by answering to all introspective requests like that other object, and thus it looks to the outside exactly like it were of the type of that object even though it isn't.) (One could ask: "What's the difference between a proxy object and, for instance, that object simply being inherited from that other object?" One big difference is that you can make the one and same proxy object, that's pretending to be an object of type A, to change and pretend to be of a completely unrelated type B. When you make the change, it stops looking like an object of the former type and start looking exactly like an object of the latter type.) It also allows doing other useful stuff, such as being able to call the member functions with identical signatures of completely unrelated objects. (Of course if you try to call a method that's not actually implemented by the object, the runtime will throw an exception. You can catch that exception if you want.)
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Bobo the King wrote:
What exactly is "me"? The player? If so, that seems redundant and confusing.
It's the name of the object that the function is taking as parameter. In the context of the program it's not explicitly clear what that parameter is, but it can be deduced that it's the object for which said function is called for (eg. if something collided with that object.)
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natt wrote:
Could I see that solution? I gave a similar solution a try, but wasn't able to make it quite so short.
var px = map.getWidth() - player.getX(); var py = map.getHeight() - player.getY(); if(me.getX() < px) me.move('right'); else if(me.getX() > px) me.move('left'); else if(me.getY() < py) me.move('down'); else if(me.getY() > py) me.move('up');
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I agree that the poll doesn't need to mention the tiers at all. This is genuinely something that judges ought to decide based on the reception, and the information of whether it's "moon-worthy" or "vault-worthy" is rather inconsequential in the poll. It's enough for the poll to have the "I liked it" and "I didn't like it" options. (My original suggestion for the third option "there's a problem with this submission" still stands, though. Again, not because it would somehow be something that decides publication or rejection, but as an outlet for people to express their concerns in the poll system, and as a way for the voter to say "it was boring, but I don't object to publication".)
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Bobo the King wrote:
it's mostly you trying to enforce your vision
Would it even matter if I said that's not it? Probably not, given that your attitude is like:
You whine and whine and whine
I really have to wonder if you are deliberately trying to taunt me. That kind of language isn't very polite, you know? I'm almost tempted to consider you a troll (with the correspondent credibility.) There has been no "whining" in this thread. The only one who seems to be whining is you, and if you don't have anything more productive to do than trying to troll me, then you can keep it to yourself. I'm honestly tired of people like you.
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adelikat wrote:
He wants to (in the poll), be able to express that while he was not entertained, he found the movie to be high technical quality (or not).
More like a distinction between "no, I wasn't entertained (but no problems to publish)" and "no, this is unsuitable for publication". I understand perfectly well that the latter won't affect the actual acceptance or rejection of the submission, but I still feel that it both conveys useful information and gives user an outlet to vote in a more natural way.
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feos wrote:
Too long, didn't read.
Well, at least from my part I'm not going to repeat my point. I understand tiers. I understand the current poll. I made an argument about what could be added there and why. It's my opinion on the subject. Read it or don't.