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Btw, Lollipop Chainsaw is the only game I have ever bought solely because of the voice actress.
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Inspired by that episode analysis video, I thought it would be fun to do some armchair psychoanalysis of the characters of the show. Twilight Sparkle has obsessive compulsive tendencies that sometimes reach almost self-destructive proportions. She wants to be in control of every single detail in her life and have everything planned to the utmost detail in advance, and she is constantly seeking knowledge that, ostensibly, is often more focused on controlling every single aspect of her life than anything else. She hates not understanding things (such as Pinkie's inexplicable sixth sense) because that means there's something she's can't handle. She's almost morbidly afraid of disappointing her mentor and may go to extreme lengths to avoid it. She was very introverted as a filly, and still is to some degree (but has got much better thanks to her friends.) This tells me that she has some deeply-seated insecurities. Deep inside she's scared of not being in full control of her life and the events surrounding her. She's scared of leaving things up to chance and improvisation instead of being carefully pre-planned. It's unclear whether this is because of some uncaused neurosis, or if it's perhaps caused by some traumatic childhood event (maybe parental abandonment or other type of traumatic experience.) Pinkie Pie seems to have similar issues, but they manifest themselves differently. Pinkie is almost pathologically afraid of being alone, of being abandoned by her friends, and sometimes this reaches outright paranoid levels. She tries to be friends with everybody, even obsessively so. She has difficult time accepting the fact that perhaps someone does not necessarily want to be friends with her. She always wants to show a happy face to everybody, but sometimes this is a facade, and instead she's just hiding the fact that she may be hurting inside. She often has difficult time showing her true feelings to others, when she's not happy. She's an extreme extrovert, even to a fault. This tells me that she suffered some very serious childhood issues, possibly related to her parents and family. She probably felt extremely lonely and unloved as a filly (her parents being very uptight and rigid, after all.) There might have been some even more traumatic events. Now she's trying to compensate these deeply-ingrained traumas by trying to make sure that everybody is her friend. The more friends, the better. It's a psychological defense mechanism against the morbid fear she has of being alone and unloved. She's trying to combat loneliness by going to the other extreme. All this tells me that she still has some unresolved psychological issues that unfortunately nobody around her has noticed nor tried to help her with. (In a more realistic setting Pinkie would be, in my opinion, a worryingly risky candidate for suicide, something that would greatly surprise everybody around her.) Rarity, besides being somewhat obsessed with cleanliness, seems to also have a mild case of inferiority complex. She thinks of the upper society class as something to aspire towards, but something she can probably never reach herself. Her passion for fashion and cleanliness might or might not be a product of this complex. The fact that she has a fashion boutique in Ponyville, which is extremely rural in comparison to Canterlot, might or might not be an indication that she doesn't feel worthy of living in the latter, if not even a sign of she subconsciously seeing Ponyville as a place where she represents the upper class, where other ponies around her would look up to her as a dignified high-cultured important pony. This is probably mostly subconscious, though, and not something she consciously thinks. Regardless, she's very kind and generous to others, rather than feeling superior and detached. This might be the product of her upbringing, if her parents were very strict and put heavy expectations on her, expectations that she felt never could be completely fulfilled. For a very long time, and since early childhood, Fluttershy was painfully shy, timid and introverted. She might have been bullied as a filly. She feels much more comfortable taking care of her pets than with other ponies. At some point she's almost afraid of other ponies, especially strangers. Much like Pinkie, if she feels that even animals don't want to be her friends, she can get extremely neurotic and paranoid, even aggressive. She has gotten significantly better in this regard thanks to her friends, but obviously she still shows signs of this. It's unclear whether her timidity is innate or whether it's the result of traumatic experiences as a filly. (I'd guess it's the former, although the possible bullying certainly didn't help.)
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Whatever your opinion was of the episode, I think this analysis is excellent:
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When brony hate goes too far: Off topic: I have always wondered about that. I read again and again stories from the United States about teenagers being kicked out of their homes by their parents when the parents find out that their child is gay or atheist (or in this case a brony). I can't understand how this works there. At least here there are laws regarding criminal negligence and responsibilities that a legal guardian has over a minor. You can't just kick a minor under your care to the street, at least not without making proper arrangements (and possibly legally transferring custody to another person.) You would be prosecuted for endangerment of a minor and criminal negligence.
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Pinkie Pie... Pinkie Pride... RD... Rainbow Dash('s birthday)... Serendipity, or intentional? We'll probably never know.
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Prove that there are always two points on opposite sides of Earth with the exact same temperature.
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Bobo the King wrote:
Why do we care about irrational (or transcendental, or definable...) numbers?
I'm sure there are many, many reasons to care about them, but one particular example that comes to mind is that understanding them helps us answer questions like "can you square a circle?" (Answer: No, because pi is transcendental.)
FractalFusion wrote:
By the time you get to "computable", there isn't much left to consider (99.9999...% of the real numbers we care about are computable).
That got me thinking that using percentages with infinite sets can be a bit... misleading. For example, consider the question: "How many % of all natural numbers have the digit '3' in their decimal representation? How many % do not?" It's trivial to see that there are infinitely many natural numbers whose decimal representation do not have the digit '3' in their decimal representation. Yet when you do the calculation you end up with the (somewhat unintuitive result) that 0% of natural numbers do not have that digit, and 100% of them do. This is because infinities mess up things...
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FractalFusion wrote:
Natural numbers ⊆ Integers ⊆ Rational numbers ⊆ Algebraic numbers ⊆ Computable numbers ⊆ Arithmetical numbers ⊆ Definable numbers
Where do irrational and transcendental numbers fit?
By the time you get to "computable", there isn't much left to consider (99.9999...% of the real numbers we care about are computable).
Any examples of non-computable numbers?
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Is there some kind of relationship between undefinable numbers and transcendental numbers, or is the definition of "undefinable number" pretty much arbitrary?
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FractalFusion wrote:
An interesting number ought to be a definable number.
One thing caught my eye in that article:
Wikipedia wrote:
the set of all definable numbers is countably infinite (because the set of all logical formulas is)
No further argument for this claim seems to be given. It seems obvious at first, but in fact I'm not so sure. For instance, one would hastily think that the set of all possible infinite combinations of digits is countably infinite (because they are just combinations of symbols from a finite set). However, that's not so, and Cantor's diagonal argument (which the article refers to immediately after) demonstrates this. If the set of all possible combinations of digits is uncountably infinite (as per Cantor's diagonal argument), then why isn't the set of all possible logical formulas as well?
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Scepheo wrote:
Warp wrote:
However, that fact is in itself interesting
No it's not.
I for one would be interested in knowing what the smallest uninteresting natural number is. Therefore you are wrong.
I've honestly never understood the point or merit of these sort of hypotheses.
It's this thing called "humor". You might have heard of it. A slightly more semi-serious question: Can you generalize the proof for all rational numbers and all real numbers? (Since rational numbers are countable, my intuition would be that yes. However, real numbers are a much harder beast.)
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Coincidentally it was my birthday the other day. Two minor things I didn't like about the episode: 1) It was a bit too different in tone from the entire rest of the show, even for a Pinkie episode. 2) Too much Derpy. There is such a thing as too much fanbase pandering. Derpy is exciting when she appears briefly in the background, not when she's in almost every scene. Trying to appeal to the fanbase so much feels artificial.
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Imagine if Super Metroid were ported to a modern platform with upgraded graphics looking like this. Nintendo should make that happen... Here is a making video.
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Dooty wrote:
You're right about her "uncanny valley" way of speak, and I'm doing my best to learn how to speak English myself. I'm sorry to bring such a stupid idea to the thread, I'm really sorry, but at least I know how to NOT make an audio commentary. :)
Please don't get me wrong. I myself, while I can write English pretty fluently, am a horrible speaker of English (or at least I think I am) and would be too ashamed to try to speak in a video. (Perhaps if I'd read from a script I could achieve some kind of decent speech, if I try hard enough, but...) If you want to add spoken commentary to a video of yours, by all means use a text-to-speech program. As I said, the sample was unusually good for such a program. I was simply saying that personally text-to-speech bothers me and makes it difficult for me to watch a video.
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Hypothesis: All natural numbers are interesting. Proof by contradiction: Let's assume that not all natural numbers are interesting. This means that there exists a natural number n which is the smallest uninteresting natural number. However, that fact is in itself interesting (it would be interesting to know which uninteresting natural number is the smallest one). Therefore no such n exists.
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jlun2 wrote:
Well, if the commentary is going for a comedic route, I suppose a text-to-speech audio can potentially work, but it takes a good comedian/writer to get that right.
Uh... I really think that good comedy requires good delivery, which means good intonation, rhythm, etc. I have hard time believing a programmatic text-to-speech voice is going to be any good at that.
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Dooty wrote:
But for now, here's the Tool Assisted Audio Commentary sample;
That's a quite good achievement in text-to-speech technology, but you can still hear something not completely natural about it, and it's a bit bothering. I don't know how it's with other people, but personally I just can't stand listening to text-to-speech audio. It's jarring and annoying. Whenever I start watching a youtube video that has speech made like that, I usually can't watch it. It's the uncanny valley of speech. That particular sample is not nearly as bad as the more common ones, but you can still hear it...
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You don't need a bot to do that... Link to video
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Slightly repetitive, but surprisingly non-boring. Man, that prerendered animation at the end... It looks hilariously primitive and ugly.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Fun and entertaining little unicorn pony games with great graphics, cute ponies and dragon characters with great unicorn music.
Definitely not MLP intellectual property infringing game! It's MFLUP! From the screenshots it looks like another ultraboring side-autoscroller. Can't they really come up with anything more original and interesting? Also, is there any Android game in existence that's not rid with ads? (Especially free ones. Is there some kind of law that says that all free Android games must have embedded ads?)
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jlun2 wrote:
Tra La La???
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PikachuMan wrote:
I bet the Breezies in THIS generation are gonna be TEN TIMES more awesome than previous generation.
I have no idea what "the Breezies" are. When I did a google search, the first hit was to the Urban Dictionary, which says:
Urban Dictionary wrote:
The word breezy is a combination of the two words which describe a woman that is easy. The word "broad" (slang for a woman) is combined with the word easy creating the derogatory word "breezy." "Don't worry, you're not her baby's daddy, she probably doesn't know who the daddy is, she ain't nuttin' but a breezy"
Somehow I've got the slight suspicion that this is not what's meant by the word in the context of MLP. (Although, thinking about it, I don't know if it would be more disturbing or awesome if it did mean that.)
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jlun2 wrote:
Hideously ugly seems kinda inadequate regarding the overworld sprite.
I stand by my assessment. It looks hideous. :P
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I have no experience as a sysadmin, but I have the recollection that SSL support on the server is relatively heavy (compared to normal operation). Of course if only the login page is SSL-encrypted and nothing else, that's a lot easier on the server. However, it still requires for it to be set up properly. And note that the NSA can possibly decrypt your information anyway, depending on what kind of encryption keys the server uses (via some mathematical trickery explained here.)
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Nicos wrote:
not to be offienssive, but that's the case for like 90% of the peoples i know
If he's savvy enough to understand what plaintext transmission of information is and when it's happening, and why it poses a security risk for login information, he ought to also understand why it's a bad idea to use the same password for important and less important websites. I wouldn't like it if someone hacked my account and started posting goat porn or spam, and I would not mind if the login was encrypted, but I do not consider it a very high priority issue either.