Posts for Warp

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Starts from a savestate and a reset, rather than from powerup. Is there actually something to discuss here?
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I don't know any of your ages, life situations or personalities, but I'd like to give some life advise, if you allow me: If you have been experiencing chronic loneliness, take it seriously. If you know someone who expresses their loneliness (especially if this has continued for a long time), take it seriously. If you feel that your social life is stagnant, with little to no new friends, if you have little to no romantic relationships, and this has continued for a significant amount of time, don't just succumb into apathy and laziness. Do not think that it's going to get better or easier when you are older. It's only going to get harder. Do not let opportunities slip by, when they present themselves. When a friend invites you to an event, you might think that the event is boring and uninteresting, or you are too tired to go, and thus you pass. When a friend suggests if you want to try a new hobby, you might pass because you are not interested. Don't do that. The important part is not the event or the hobby, the important part is the people. You don't want to feed your chronic loneliness with apathy and lack of caring. Of course you shouldn't expect everything to be fixed immediately. Don't forcefully try to make new acquaintances. Just be there and give it time. Let your face become recognized. That's better than sitting at your home alone. If you wait too long, you might some day realize that it might be too late, that it has become too difficult to do anything about it. Friends and life partners are not going to appear by magic; you need to interact with other people. You need to be social. I certainly know it's not always easy, but life often isn't. If you have a friend who suffers from chronic loneliness, don't just shrug it off. Don't just give empty advise and leave it be. Even if you are a good listener and understand perfectly their life situation and can have good conversations with them (without the empty and useless advise), you should still not leave it just as that. Don't just listen to them; help them, if you can. One of the biggest problems with chronic loneliness is that nobody cares. Literally.
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What special other?
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I have been pondering: What are the most fundamental properties of this universe? The most basic phenomena that are not just a composition or a form of another, more fundamental element. The most "atomic" features of the universe, if you will. I'm thinking: Spacetime, energy and the fundamental interactions. Are those (as far as we know) the most fundamental properties of the universe, and is there something missing from the list? Can everything be explained in terms of those things? (For example, can the behavior of subatomic particles, such as the double-slit experiment, be described with those fundamental properties? Or is there yet another fundamental property that's needed to explain it?)
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feos wrote:
Primarily, why would we want a run that avoids some time-saving strats?
I think that the main motivation is because since the beginning of time many people have expressed that it would be cool to see what it would like if the game were to be played "normally" by a perfect superhuman being. "Normally" meaning that it uses the intended route. However, if that's the intent, then no glitches should be used at all. (I have actually suggested in the past a "uses intended route" category under which runs of certain heavily-glitchable games could be published. I still think it could be a feasible idea. Of course this particular submission would probably not qualify.)
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Patashu wrote:
SGDQs always raise less money than their respective AGDQs - so expect that.
I'm curious to know the reason for that.
AGDQ2015 though, I'm sure Uyama will shoot for 1.5 million. We'll see. It can't grow exponentially forever, but I think we still have room for growth.
<nitpick> Going from 400k to 1M to 1.5M isn't exponential growth... </nitpick>
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scrimpeh wrote:
The problem with a category like this to define where exactly to draw the "low glitch" line.
Yes. The line is necessarily quite arbitrary because it depends completely on what's considered an "acceptable" glitch to use in this category and what isn't. And who gets to decide what is and isn't acceptable? Perhaps the runner himself? Although that in itself isn't really the core problem. We could just outright accept the runner's decision and publish it as "low-glitch". The real problem is what happens if someone makes a new submission that uses a different set of glitches (and avoids the rest)? Should it be accepted? Should it obsolete this one? Who makes this decision? We see here that the runner making the decision of what's an acceptable glitch and what isn't causes a problem. Another runner may have a different opinion, and who's to say which one is right or wrong?
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Though I wish they finally upgraded their website. There are many features (such as for example being able to sort the game list by submission date) that have been promised for at least 5 years, yet the site is still nearly identical, with no further development for usability features. I really can't understand why there seems to be little to no development.
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On what basis is zipping a "glitch"? It's a feature deliberately coded into the game, so it's not abusing an unintended bug. (Sure, it wasn't intended to be used to zoom through walls and levels, but it's still something that was deliberately coded into the game, rather than being a programming error.)
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Pinkie Pie episode. What could possibly go wrong?
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The entirety of Super Punch Out blindfolded was rather impressive.
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If you want an actually good pony song, try this one (from Friendship is Witchcraft.)
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AKheon wrote:
Based on a quick test, a single flawless victory screen wastes 107 frames. If you could take damage in under 107 frames, you would save time.
I wonder if the time wasted getting hit could be avoided by having both characters hit each other simultaneously, with the computer opponent losing on that hit. (It might not save time at all, or it might even lose time, but just an idea to try.)
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RGamma wrote:
Edit: Whatever method they used and assumptions they made. One can surely say that the title of that video is misleading (like so many others).
These are professors of mathematics and physics working at actual universities, so it's not like they are just making this up using pseudomathematics. (I know this is borderline argument from authority, but still...) But as noted by others, the proof feels a bit fishy. By grouping terms in different ways you get different results. This effectively results in a contradiction, which usually means that an operation being performed is invalid. I thought of another simple demonstration of that. Let's assume A = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... B = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... Then A+B, if you group the terms in this way: A+B = (1+1) + (2+1) + (3+1) + ... = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... = A - 1 which means that B = -1. If you group them like this: A+B = 1 + (1+1) + (2+1) + (3+1) + ... = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = A which means that B = 0. B cannot be both -1 and 0. This sounds to me exactly like a textbook example of proof by contradiction.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Get cute boyfriends and get married!
It's pandering to the wrong target demographic!
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Btw, how much faster the run would be by avoiding the "flawless victory" thing? (After all, it doesn't take enormous amounts of time, and taking even one hit takes its own time... so how much time would actually be saved by avoiding flawless victory?)
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The Numberphile youtube channel just posted a video showing the extraordinary result that the sum of all natural numbers equals -1/12. Of course many people would instinctively rather call it an outrageous claim instead, but seemingly there's some mathematical truth to the result, and there are many ways to prove it. (Note that this is not talking about what the limit of the series is, or what it converges towards, but rather the sum of an infinite amount of terms, which is different.) Since one of the simple proofs shown in the video deals with infinities, I instinctively get the idea that "you can prove anything with infinities" (in the same way as you can prove anything with something that equals eg. 0/0.) In other words, using some other mathematical trickery you could make the sum equal to whichever value you want, like -1/25 or 50.2. However, apparently -1/12 is the only result you get, no matter which method you use to solve it. While the video (and its extra footage) has some talk about this, I would like to hear if someone else had some other insight into understanding the rather puzzling result. (Also, why "12" and not something else? Where is precisely 12 coming from? I mean I can see the proof in the video, but it's still puzzling why its 12. Is there some kind of odd relation with precisely that fraction and the infinite sum of all natural numbers?)
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PikachuMan wrote:
Someone made a Mega Man 3 hack with ponies.
Ponies still don't walk upright.
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I made this small Bioshock Infinite video: Link to video
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This run cannot obsolete the any% run because the goal of this run is not "any%" (that goal means completing the game as fast as possible, and that's most certainly not the goal in this run.) A new run that glitches itself to jump to an arbitrarily-chosen "ending routine" of the game might be argued to obsolete the "any%" run. (IMO, however, the absolutely arbitrary nature of the choice makes it a really dubious technique to be used as the main TAS of the game, but that's just me. And no, I don't like it in the pokemon runs either.)
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If it clearly doesn't achieve its own stated goal ("fastest time"), is it even eligible for publication?
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AngerFist wrote:
Don't forget to accept my sextuple run! Sextuple or sixtuple?
Given that "sexy prime" is an actual term related to the number 6 (in this case a pair of primes that differ from each other by six), I see no problem in calling it a "sexy run".
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As I commented in the other thread, I think that very high standards of quality and notability should be imposed on any submission aimed for this tier, in order to avoid it being flooded with random stuff, devaluing its purpose. (Btw, also I found the allusion to the demoscene a bit strange.)
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Personman wrote:
We could come up with an "AGDQ Tier" if we really wanted, or a more general "historical significance" tier.
I have been proposing some kind of "demo" tier for years (although I'm not the first one to do so.) We may impose really, really high standards of quality for that tier in order to avoid it going out of hand. The submissions must be really exceptional to qualify. Just an idea.
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Wow, the aspect ratio was all over the place with that one...