Posts for Warp

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I think that the pilot episodes of season 4 were quite ok. They set up an interesting potential season-length storyline (although it's yet to be seen if they will follow it up, or just leave it for the season finale.) As for season 3, I don't think it was that bad. I liked Too Many Pinkie Pies, Magic Duel and Wonderbolts Academy. I also liked Sleepless in Ponyville if for nothing else, then because it was very close a plot that I had wished they'd do (ie. someone of the crusaders would get lost in the woods; and I was thinking about Scootaloo in particular.) I loved Apple Family Reunion because I love the accents... I don't know what is it with the southern/Ozarks accent, but I just love it. (I have a similar guilty pleasure with the so-called posh English accent or "Queen's English".) I would have loved if Keep Calm And Flutter On would have been a two-parter season finale (instead of the episode-that-should-not-be-named), with the same plot but more in depth and with more detailed character development. As it was, it felt kind of rushed, although otherwise I think it was ok.
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Are there any entries of the "glitched" category that aren't also the main default WR "fastest any%" entry (ie. the main unnamed branch)? (I apologize if this has been discussed already, but I haven't been following the thread extremely closely...)
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The part I liked the most in the episode was the reference to "excessive" fandom analysis of a work of fiction...
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Well, the covers of the books are illustrated...
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I have to agree. Daring Do being real just somehow doesn't fit (which may be a bit strange to say from a show that has magical unicorns and flying pegasi, but even fantasy universes ought to be internally consistent to be enjoyable.) Since they will probably not bring up this again (or at most one episode later in the season will have something about it), it's easy to discard this as canon. As for Pinkie... has her role devolved in this season so far to a simple comic relief that delivers quick visual jokes but does not contribute in any significant way to the plot, unlike in many past episodes? Pinkie was eccentric in the past, but often she was either right (even though the others often doubted her), or at the very least useful.
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Warp wrote:
The box describing a movie has its classes listed on the right. One would assume that clicking them would give a description of what they mean. Instead, they just jump to a list of all movies having that class (which can oftentimes be pretty large.)
I once again found this rather annoying. Any plan to change it as I proposed?
I think the link should point to the relevant section of the movie class guidelines page (or, perhaps, a page that describes what they mean.) Said page could contain links along the lines of "list all movies with this class."
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Minor spoilers of the fourth episode, I suppose. Using spoiler tags just to be on the safe side. When the bad guys attacked Daring Do's home, I was expecting the ending twist to be that it's all just staged with actors... some kind of role-playing that the writer engages in in order to get inspiration for the books, and that Do doesn't really exist. I don't know if to feel disappointed to be wrong or not... I'm not sure that Do really existing really fits the setting of the series.
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And in circles we go. It doesn't matter what you want the poll answers to mean, people will still find it unnatural to vote "yes" on a submission that they feel is not fit for publication or "no" on a submission that they don't have any objection to being published.
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I agree that too many games from the same game franchise may warrant destarring at least some of them.
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Radiant wrote:
Yes, but since popularity is not one of the criteria for the Vault, in practice it doesn't matter if people vote "vault" or "no" on a run, because if it fits Vault criteria it would be published there regardless of votes.
I think the idea was that "no" would mean "this should not be published (because there's a problem with it.)" OTOH, how to make sure to distinguish between "no, I didn't like it" and "no, this cannot be published"? I think a mere "no" is way too ambiguous.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Just 'cause I feel like it.
You'll have to provide an explanation for the uninitiated. I don't get it.
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For me, I just can't forget about the season 3 finale, nor this whole made-up stuff about alicorns and princesses, but in addition to that, the wings also bother me somewhat. It just doesn't feel like Twilight anymore. She's a unicorn, and has been for three entire seasons. Unicorns don't fly, but they can do magic, and those are very defining characteristics. (In fact, I like the Sonic Rainboom episode especially because of how it emphasizes the limitations of unicorns and earth ponies in this respect.) This flying thing just doesn't suit her in my opinion. As a comparison, suppose that for example Applejack suddenly turned into a pegasus via some weird made-up ass-pull reason. It wouldn't be Applejack anymore. It would be somebody else entirely. The personality might still be there, but it would just not be the same. Same thing with Twilight. But granted, this is only a very minor annoyance. I can live with it.
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Episode 3 was ok, although I have to agree with DigibronyMLP (the youtube user) that the dialogue was not the best that we have seen. Too much needless repetition of the core plot points, too little actual natural dialogue between the characters. Other than that, I'm liking the season so far, putting aside the fact that I still don't like all this princesshood stuff, which seems a complete ass-pull from the part of the creators to sell more toys.
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How about simply giving up and just changing the questions to what people want to answer, not what you want them to be? Something like: Should this be published? * Yes, and I liked it. * Yes, although I didn't like it much. * No, there were problems with it.
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adelikat wrote:
Vote on entertainment, DISCUSS technical details. Also discuss entertainment, discussion beats a poll any day.
I think you (plural) should finally awaken to the fact that no matter how many times you repeat that, people will still find it unnatural to vote "yes" on a submission that they feel is not fit for publication (eg. because its goal is unsuitable, or it doesn't properly beat the previous publication) or "no" on a submission that they don't have any objection to being published (even though they personally didn't find it very entertaining.) Please be a bit more pragmatic about this. Listen to the people.
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The third episode hits much closer to home (for this site) this time because both its title and its setting are a clear reference to Castlevania...
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Didn't we already have a first-world-problems thread?
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In the US they would have called the SWAT, and those people would have been either shot or sent to Guantanamo.
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I'm not sure if I find these paintings awesome or disturbing...
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scrimpeh wrote:
My personal favorite will always be the show's theme song. It just feels so genuine.
Not the best possible rendition of it but hey, whatever floats your boat... ;)
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PikachuMan wrote:
Would you care for the Smile Song in Japanese?
I would at least be curious enough to listen to it. Which made me curious about another thing: If you (plural) had to choose one song from the entire series that you like the most, which one would it be?
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Flip wrote:
So Odd cubes can only emulate smaller odd cubes. Even cubes can emulate all smaller cubes.
That was an interesting analysis and result. While it seems clear in hindsight, it was not trivial to see at first. Thanks.
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I started thinking: A 4x4x4 rubik's cube can be used to "emulate" both a 2x2x2 cube and a 3x3x3 cube. (If, from the solved state, you only rotate halves of the cube, it will effectively work as a 2x2x2, and if you only rotate the outer slices, it will effectively work as a 3x3x3.) On the other hand, a 3x3x3 cannot be used to emulate a 2x2x2 (unless you completely ignore the center slices, ie. don't care that they may end up scrambled, and only care about the corner pieces, but I'm not counting that as valid). Also, you can use a 5x5x5 to emulate a 3x3x3 but not a 4x4x4 nor a 2x2x2. This got me thinking: What's the general formula for which smaller-sized cubes can be emulated using an nxnxn-sized cube? At first one would think that this might have something to do with divisors, but it's not that simple. One of the major and most obvious reasons for this is that any cube larger than 3x3x3 can be used to emulate a 3x3x3 (when you rotate only the outer slices.) Thus the answer is not that trivial.
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Warp wrote:
I find Sega's aggressive anti-Nintendo marketing quite curious.
It seems Sega was not the only one... Link to video