Posts for Weatherton

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DeHackEd is correct -- Any talk of completing the game with under 16 stars is extremely unlikely because you need 16 stars to open the Bowser 2 level and you need the Bowser 2 key to trigger that level load. Maybe you could glitch those somehow, but I really doubt it.
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Sorry for the double post but I don't want this to get lost in my previous post. Just for reference, Curtis Bright hosts an ongoing competition for the fastest single start times. You can see the times and some videos here: This may help when selecting stars (certainly for the inevitable 70 star run)
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The TAS looks great so far! By the way, I just realized that you may not have been taking the fastest route in the basement in your test run. When you make your way from the key door to LLL, instead of going straight, right, door, right, left, straight. Try going left and long-jumping up that slick incline (with the blue glass above it), go through that door, quick left, door, straight/right and then LLL. Just a quick couple runs with my stop watch showed the second way to be faster, I'll investigate further though. Further testing shows the following results (not perfected, pretty good): My way: 11.3 seconds Normal: 10.4 seconds It may be worth taking a look at though, I didn't really perfect the alternate way and it's a little tricky. Here is a movie of the alternate way, it has a couple little tricks in it: Here is a faster version (doesn't have turn trick, not sure if the trick is faster, comments welcome)
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nitsuja wrote:
Weatherton wrote:
Nitsuja, nice video! What program did you use to record it? (I hate the one I used).
It was outputted directly from the emulator's AVI output. I didn't compress the raw audio of the AVI afterward, though, so it should really be considerably smaller for the amount of quality it has, if I had bothered to do that.
Two things. 1. What version of the emulator did you use to capture the avi and how? I can't remember where I got my version from but it crashes (it's mupen64-rerecording-v3) 2. How do you continue recording a movie (talking about button inputs now) after having stopped recording and turned the emulator off? Is there a way to do it without rewatching everything?
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nitsuja wrote:
I suppose this is relevant here: It shows a shortcut that I'm sure is possible but couldn't quite get to work (managed to do 2 wall-kicks from it and still couldn't quite land on the platform although there were 3 directions to hit, but then again I was using keyboard controls). It also shows a slightly faster way up the endless stairs to Bowser, (still not perfect since I wasn't lined up straight with it). I made the AVI mainly as a test of audio quality, in case you're wondering why the video isn't the greatest...
Nitsuja, nice video! What program did you use to record it? (I hate the one I used). Anywho, that SC you couldn't quite get is one I had attempted as well. I had about as much success as you, frustratingly close but never made it. I am not saying it's impossible, but it's certainly borderline. btw, when I was messing with trying to get that SC, I discovered something funny about Mario. If you double jump and then fall far enough so that you will get hurt, you can do your third jump while completely flattened. It's pretty funny to see :)... I did it from that near vertical incline down to the base.
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You don't know much about Goldeneye... this is a special game in the hearts of many and 00 Agent is a different game from Agent etc....
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Another thing I noticed about the run, on Bowser 2 you should bounce again on the lava so that you can bounce directly into the funnel rather than dealing with the delay when you land on the bridge... I've seen this done before but I'm not sure if just one more bounce would be enough to get you there.
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Yoshi doesn't appear till you have 120 stars, you can get up to the castle room from either side, but Yoshi won't be there till you're done with the game.
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That sounds familiar, I believe the boss kills himself sometimes... I don't remember the details but something like that happened to me as well.
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My comments are equivilant to what Fried just posted, in addition, I noted the following: Did you try climbing up the back of Bowser's sub rather than causing the stairs to appear? When throwing Bowser on your Bowser 1 and 2, would it be faster to spin a bit further and throw him at the next bomb? I think it would be, the added speed would allow him to avoid sliding towards the bomb first stair warp glitch look sub-optimal because you flew back towards the TTC entrance. I have seen players get caught up in the door so they do not fly so far. In Bowser 3, I noticed that the first near vertical hill you took poorly, if you land on that slightly less inclined part first, Mario will run faster (in general that sort of incline allows Mario to run extremely fast and keep running extremely fast until he hits a flat again). Also, I think you could have forced Bowser to land in a better spot for you to be in a good position for the large star... I have seen a video where the player was directly under the final star when it appeared. *Note, I'm currently uploading a video I made of your run so we can analyze it further by rewinding and such, I'll post the link here when it is done* Here is the movie: I did this using hypercam, hence the low quality and jitteriness... is the Mupen avi capture option supposed to work? I coudln't get it to. btw, my computer is a dual-core AMD Athlon64 X2 and X800 videocard... so the low quality is due to hypercam sucking, not my comp... also, sorry for the unedited nature of me finding the ROM at the beginning, skip past that junk.
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The Rainbow Road (RRd) video shows a method of tricking the game into thinking you have completed a lap but still putting you back where you jumped from. The specifics of it are not completely understood but it was discovered quite a while ago. Here is the first video: mk64 has some weird issues with finish lines and they don't always behave as you would think they should as can be seen by the SC's on YV and FS, for example. If you want to see any time trials videos, you should be able to find or request them on or, if you want, SDA hosts the highest quality (but not necessarily fastest) ones:
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Martin and I have been messing with savestates for years to do crazy things with mk64. The following will be an introduction to what we have done to map out what should be done. The most obvious option is to do time trials and beat all the current WR's over at This can be done but the result will not be considerably more impressive than what has already been accomplished over there. The only truely crazy techniques that could be used would be special shortcuts that are extremely difficult to do in real time. For example, 3/3 Mylestyle on LR Shortcut (SC), 6/6 SC on CM, and a more aggressive 3lap strategy on WS SC (like the fast lap (flap) strategy on all laps). Those are potential intrests but, something that is even more interesting in my opinion is the 2-player vs. GP mode. In this mode, there is a timer for laps and the full race and other players can be used to allow shortcuts not possible otherwise. The following is a description of a subset of those SC's that Martin and I have discussed or made videos of (note, these videos were made using savestates and video editing equipment to compile the video based on savestates): 1. Royal Raceway: Video: (Note, this video does not get the special warp SC that would allow for the path shown in the map) 2. Bowser Castle: Video: Also, I tried another angle but it seems just out of reach and the setup time may make it infeasible anyway: 3. Banshee Boardwalk: Video: (Note: please forgive the low framerate here, the settings on the recording software were wrong and reproducing the shortcut proved extremely difficult) 4. Rainbow Road: Video: 5. Sherbet Lan: Moving on to more difficult strategies, the orange path in this picture is theoretically possible and all parts of it have been tested but not compiled into one run. The strategy requires the use of the other computer players after getting the second player out to the island so that the first player can jump out to the island and jump off player two (who can get out by other means such as running into player one while they have a star)... the setup for this may make it only worthwhile for a fast lap but it would be a very exciting turn of events: (and, yes, you can drive on the island in the middle with the Big Penguin) I will add more as I find the time but this should be a good introduction into what is possible for the future. If you would like to see more, poke around at: If you'd like to see a fun highlight real I compiled of all things kart (from WR videos to savestate play arounds) check out this:
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Hey all (I'm the Andrew who made that Bowser3/quickturn video) I'm excited to see a movie rerecording N64 emulator finally! Martin and I have some sweet tricks up our sleeves for Mariokart64... Anywho, spezzafer, great looking run so far, I'm impressed (even noticed a quickturn in Bowser1, not sure if you learned it from my vid but I'm glad to see it used either way). Though I can definitely tell it's a run through rather than a perfectionist run, I think it's a good idea to get something out there and allow us all to give the inevitable criticism. On first viewing mine are: 1. How about some play-around while waiting for the timing on Whomps fortress for the blastaway the corner star? 2. Did you try long-jumping while collecting red coins on Leathal Lava Land? 3. SSL definitely needs help as Fried was commenting, definitely didn't feel like Shining atop the pyramid was optimized but especially need to change to Martin's Talon strat.
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I enjoyed watching the run. I'd like to see an improvement with more God-like playing, but this is certainly much faster than any person will be able to do single-segment! This game is tough to do fast!
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whoa, nevermind. I searched for "11:22" and found the topic. I don't know why my searches for any combination of the game's name didn't return a result (the full name actually returned a server error, maybe something was going on with the server).
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Do you know where I can get the movie file? I'd like to see if he uses any of the tricks I figured out. thx
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Post subject: Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel
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I tried searching the boards for "Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel" and came up with nothing. I've been playing this game a bit lately (both SNES and Genesis) and it's pretty TAS worthy in my opinion. It's fast, has fun animations and some quirky tricks to save time that I've found. Has anyone played it?
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Alex was referring to changing the camera angle after having gone through the level... I believe that's what he meant. If it is, he was correct about the desyncing.
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Holy crap, hopper, thanks for answering my question :) That's the first time I've heard a solid answer!!! I still may play the game though as I have it lying around and really enjoyed playing it years ago. Congratulations on your accomplishment though *ticker-tape parade for Hopper* :)
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Wow, I can't wait for his improved video!! Please let us know when you've got that up!! Thank you for making and hosting that vid!
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Post subject: Finally :)
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I've been following this movie for months now and loved every minute of it! :) ... btw, what would happen if you'd gotten one more coin? Would the coins just roll over?
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Post subject: SMW movie at SDA and related flames about timeattacks
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VIPer7 wrote:
So far the whole movie is about 47 1/2 minutes long (after 59 of 97 levels) I estimate the full run will probably be somewhere between 75 and 85 minutes.
Well, a video of a speedrun done on the real console was just posted to SDA... it finished in 1'31"30, I haven't watched it yet but I wonder if this guy came up with anything you guys haven't thought of... the time seems pretty good.
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Post subject: Not sure if this was mentioned but....
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Wouldn't Uniracers be fun to watch?
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I did another speedrun, this time using the drive-off-raod trick ... finished in 3'51"89 :) well under the 4 minute barrier I was shooting for :D Unfortunately I had desynching problems again, can someone please describe to me how you are supposed to resume a movie? Every time I try, my movie desynchs shortly thereafter. :(
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First, Master's Quest was never released on the N64 in any region in any format. HOWEVER There is a way to play Master's Quest on the N64 if you're really interested. First, you need to get the ROM, I have it on my computer and have played it on 1964 and PJ64. I don't know if this ROM is directly taken from the GCN game or if it's a true N64 version or what... but it works and it's the real deal. Now, to play this on a real N64 is more difficult but still possible. You need an N64 flash ROM cartridge and a way to dump the ROM to it. I have a friend who has two of these cartridges and I'm sure it's easy enough to find dumping hardware/software (pretty much every N64 game has been dumped so, I'm guessing the dumpers are prevalent). Playing this game on a real N64 would be freaking sweet :)
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