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And also, I'd like to know the real rerecord count. Can someone find it?
Checked my old file and it's 398438. A little less than i thought but this is the "real" number.
Did you try feeding the results from that into the rest of the encoding process?
Nope i didn't realize it might actually be a correct result after all, i'm gonna test this now. Used VLC for playback btw.
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Did some memory watching: Speed - 009EED90(anti-ds mupen, byte/short/long) - This address is pretty wierd, it's definately a speed address and the only one i could find but it's 0 whenever you're in the air and it can't go over 127(this is "normal" top speed for all characters, but it doesn't go over even with fan active!). Items - 009EED24(unsigned long) - This is only for your own character which makes it useless, however it does how how the items are represented which might be useful if an address is found for other character's items. Here's how this one is structured: Value | Bits | Item 131072 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 Ghost 262144 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 Rock 196608 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 Pan 65536 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 Fan 393216 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 Invisibility (Couldn't get a rat) This same address also contains a counter for how many red items you have left ...But no actual indication of WHICH item your holding. At first i thought i needed to use a smaller variable and that i had simply looked halfway into the red item's sequence but i couldn't find any additional bits on either higher or lower addresses. So i have no idea where this info is stored. Anyway the address for seeing only number of items left is: 009EED27(Byte) Hopefully someone can use these values to find the equivalent addresses for the NPC's which might actually be useful.
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avoid 16-bit at all costs :p
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Loved this game back in the days. I'm not entirely sure how a TAS would turn out though, could be great, could be slow and slightly boring(Definately worth a try though!). I guess doing tons of tricks everywhere and other TAS only stuff would help.
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I have no idea how to "correctly" dump this video but using the modified .kkapture guide i was able to dump without problems(it seems). However i used the lagarith lossless codec and x264 didn't seem to like that plus i can't playback the movie in any program, i.e i have no idea if it actually produced anything good. But at least it didn't crash. (I was able to dump a perfect quality video using FFV1 but it was too slow framerate and totally out of synch with sound)
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But why didn't Natalya follow you on the way out?
It's a glitch/timesaver i found a couple of years back. If you get out of the train fast enough she won't follow and you can simply wait by the end as she completes her objectives. Approx 14 seconds saved.
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But why? Rerecord counts don't affect the validity or acceptability of the run, but they are still interesting information (and used for example in the statistics page). What purpose does faking it have? The information is interesting only if it's honest.
Heh yeah i get what you mean but the point is, i was so ridiculously close to 400k that i could've simply said "I optimized that last turn insanely well". As i mentioned the run has used alot more rerecords than that count says and therefor adding some does not make it any less honest. It was only a matter of 200-300 rerecords which is nothing. This is still accurate enough to be of statistical interrest. Also i only did that because i enjoy looking at an even number myself, not to make it look better to everyone else.
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But no one has mentioned that he is literally staring at the ground or a wall for 90% of the game?
I decided early on that my goal with this run would be speed. Using lookdown on some levels is the only real way to accomplish that. If i were to do tradeoffs everywhere i think the end result would feel less consistent. I have however tried to minimize lookdown on indoor levels and levels where it doesn't matter(Surface 2/Jungle etc). (Sometimes it's also used in manipulation purposes)
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Encoders, read this to encode with Glide64 Napalm WX(this also works for anyone who wishes to watch with napalm in Mupen64): Since this movie doesn't natively synch with Glide64 Napalm, the encoding has to be done in segments which can later be pasted together into one complete movie file. In this zip-file i've included savestates that start each segment along with a .txt file that states exactly when to end each segment. So simply set emulator to pause at the specified end frame, pause movie, load the savestate that corresponds to the segment you wish to record, and let it run. Should be simple enough. Most segments end and start during blackness so no problems should occur when pasting together those segments. There are 14 segments in total. Glide64 Napalm WX: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If i may suggest a picture for this movie, a picture of me shooting Trevelyan in the head on Control while he says "Too slow James" :D
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Actually i ended up with around 399xxx so yeah it's a bit faked but not alot. (Besides i have worked at times worked on several m64's so there's supposed to be several thousand more :P)
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Egypt Finished! Time: 42.53 Fastest Egypt TAS so far despite being on 00A(turns out though 00A doesn't actually loose anything). Submitting now... Edit: Run Submitted
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Aztec Finished! Time: 1:18.85 Beats previous TAS record by 11 seconds and console record by 22 xD I'm gonna work hard on Egypt now to get a submission going TODAY.
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Good news everyone! It appears that using some savestates, this run can be encoded with Glide64 Napalm WX!(I looked through every level and EVERY graphic issue in this game has been solved with this release) For most levels, they can be made to synch by loading a savestate done before the intro of the level appears. Sometimes, several levels in a row synchs. There are only 3 levels in the game where in-level synch problems occur. Those can be avoided too by using a couple more savestate at certain points in the level(requires of course that an encoder records avi up until the exact frame that the next savestate loads and then puts together the movie segments). So here's how it'll work: Segment 1: Movie start -> Dam start Segment 2: Dam -> First pause on Silo Segment 3: First pause on Silo -> Frigate start Segment 4: Frigate -> Surface 2 start Segment 5: Surface 2 -> Bunker 2 start Segment 6: Bunker 2 -> Archives start Segment 7: Archives-> Train Start Segment 8: Train -> Train locks completed Segment 9: Train locks -> Somewhere around frame 73000 Segment 10: 73000 -> Jungle start Segment 11: (not entirely sure about how jungle will work)Jungle start -> 3rd remote mine Segment 12: 3rd remote -> Control start hopefully Segment 13: Control -> Caverns start Segment 14: Caverns -> Aztec(Maybe more, i haven't actually started aztec yet). So overall Silo/Train/Jungle are the only problematic levels. And there's some really neat synching segments between Dam->Silo and Archives->Train. It'll take some extra work to encode this but with the perfect emulation that Napalm provides, it'll be worth it.
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Question for DaTeL or anyone else who knows memory watching of this game well: How do i find Bonds position addresses? Since the only thing known about the position at beginning of level is that it's a float i have to start the search with "Unknown" as the expression. After this the only thing i could think of was searching for "Diffrent from before" whenever i moved, and "Same as before" whenever i stood still(I wasn't sure if Bond was always lined up with the X and Y axises so using "increased and "decreased" seemed like a big guess). Anyway, the values i ended up with did NOT include the X and Y addresses and i dunno why. I tried the addresses for Dam level that DaTeL posted a while back and they worked fine and seemed like i should've been able to find values like those. The reason i'm asking this is because i'm looking to find the address of the position a guard is currently running toward(I.e where he thinks bond is at). I'm thinking this will be very useful in manipulating glass on Aztec(if guard thinks bond is behind glass, he'll open). Also it's the guard standing behind first the mainframe that i'm looking for. If anyone could help me find this address it'd really appreciate it.
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Cradle Finished ...Again! Time: 32.73 New pretty awesome strat! Also, i've decided to go with Swordless Links suggestion. I'm gonna skip credits entirely and start up aztec immediately. Run will end as final cinema of egypt comes up.
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I just finished Cradle quick(2-3 hours?) and easy today on an appareantly pretty good run(beat my Agent time by 40 frames and jack by roughly a second). This means though i'm only 18 frames short of a 32(wow who would've thought this would be possible?) so i'm not quite ready to say i'm done with Cradle.
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It makes the TAS feel like it's more complete.
Precisely what i'm after. A run that ends suddenly and without any real indication that it's finished just doesn't feel very good IMO. In any case, i'm obviously doing Cradle next so i guess i can get started on that, delaying a decision until after it's complete.
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Let me add an option 4 here: Beat Cradle as next level, show Credits(making movie directly comparable to last one), as soon as Credits end, run last 2 levels. Sure there will be a little wait between levels BUT, that's the way the game is meant to be played. Also i feel this might be a "best of both worlds" solution. I agree with Jack that a movie should end at credits, but on the other hand it doesn't look so bad to add some bonus stuff after credits considering this is very often the intent from the makers. I think what i mostly want to avoid is never getting to Credits at all.
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Sure that's option 3, but where would the movie end?
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I have no idea why but button codes don't seem to work. I even tried using a code that beats cradle on agent automaticly because some sites said cradle needed to be beaten on agent for aztec code to work(i even tried actually beating cradle). However, no matter which codes i used nothing works. None of the codes even produce a "beep".... So i honestly have no idea what to do now. If someone has some insight into exactly how those goddamn codes work that information would be appreciated. Edit: Simon appareantly managed to unlock Aztec HOWEVER, it only unlocks Secret Agent. Therefor the button codes idea is officially screwed. My choices are now down to: 1: Screw Aztec and Egypt, Just beat cradle and submit run. 2: Include Aztec and Egypt but beat Cradle twice, obviously redundant. 3: Include Aztec and Egypt but movie doesn't end at or ever show credits. Need some input here poeple.
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I hate to prove Jack wrong again but... Caverns Finished! Time: 1:19.90 Rerecords: 24653 Another fantastic run. Unless someone has a great argument against it i'm gonna use button codes now to unlock aztec and egypt and continue on with aztec.
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For jungle the answer is yes, to avoid lag. Boosting in that tunnel isn't really doable cause there's too many explosions going on, so nades just dissapear. I was able to do a double boost once but it was only a few frames faster than the final version. For streets there are no RL's available. KF7 roadblocks give way better boosts and more of them as well. Also rockets can't be bounced against walls.
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Caverns is a pretty simple and fairly short level really, should be pretty fast to do. And i'm fairly certain the secret hallway is longer, simply because this game has been speedrun for over 10 years and i can't imagine them overlooking something like that. For Cradle, Trev doesn't take damage until after he's activated the antenna console. And you can only hit him once on each place he stops at.
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Control Finished! End time: 3:51.53 Rerecords: 65784(my highest count for a level so far, this is only 20k behind what Jack had for his entire run :P) Another mindblowingly fast level. Faster than all Agent TAS'es and beats previous 00A record by 6 seconds. Only posting this as a progress report, all remaining levels including this one will be revealed at submission time.
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Awesome final level. I'll do the comments tommorrow.
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