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Brushy wrote:
Why are we talking about Metal Slug X in this thread then? This is the first Metal Slug game, right?
So,why you disagree with me?I said that in Metal Slug X. I say this to you only intend to tell you not all the continues killing the entertainment.
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Brushy wrote:
X2poet wrote:
No,you are wrong.Because you haven't seen a run of 2-player by no continue in Metal Slug X.That's not entertaining.It's poor.
I think I have to disagree with you, since your run was entertaining to me until you died and used continues.
.....I have no words to talk about this run.I hate the continue in this run too. What I say is in Metal Slug X.You know? The continue is player's intent.If not do that,1 minutes' poor run would appear,and you don't know.
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No,you are wrong.Because you haven't seen a run of 2-player by no continue in Metal Slug X.That's not entertaining.It's poor. Why not have a try yourself?only in metal slug X MISSION 5-2 at last.My comparation would be later..You may discover the problem yourself. You must wait the time getting thin,the time hitting the iron door for 8 seconds.The boss battle lack of guns. The continue in the train only regarded as player's intent.
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Do you think posting a run so easy? I said the continue only in metal slug X,it isn't for others. If you still don't believe,I will make the comparation with using continue and no. That time you will see.
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As if you say,all the games are difficult to complete by taking no damage in normal play. No damage in a run would be impressive.So all the run cannot take damage.That's what you mean.
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Because it is 2-player run.Boss and some enemies have more HP.He can only use 1 frameshot to beat the boss,but in 2-player,two frameshots are not enough. Have you seen the version use two players and no death ?And in level 8,it would be more poor.
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You can say this only because you didn't see the version without continue in X.I have deleted it before I submit it.
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Not to me,it is to everyone,if I make two version of Metal Slug X.Most of them will choose the version I use continue I believe.
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Derakon wrote:
I didn't mean to say that you hadn't planned out your runs. I think it's clear you put a lot of thought into them. It's just that, for me, the deaths hurt entertainment a lot.
You didn't see what I mean.I show the plan in X only to show continue will improve the entertainment in X.
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Yes,you are right.It will be 800 more frames slower only in 5-2.This is not the only reason. Using pistal to hit the last door in 5-2,it cannot reach the farthest right,because when the door is destroyed,you cannot have movement.And You cannot it destroy before you reach by using pistal,and there are some enemies' soldiers in front of the door. And 5-3,if no death in the train,you will wait the Fat player getting Thin,lack of time hitting the first door.The first iron door,using mechine gun may make the jump smoothly. Second iron door,use some bombs hitting the door to control the position jumping on the Frameshot. Two frameshots,The tank before boss battle,if not hit it on the top of it,more tanks will appear.This cost some frameshot. In the boss battle,I tried many different experiments without what you see. 1.Using 1 frameshot and the 10 bombs in robot. 2.Using 1 frameshot and 5 bombs in the robot and give up it. 3.Using 1 frameshot and 6 bombs in the robot and give up it. 4.Using 1 frameshot and give up the robot at first and pick two R.That is still not enough to beat the boss.And it is in Level 4. 5.Using 2 frameshots and give up the robot at first.If not use bombs,it is not enough to beat it. 6.Using 2 frameshots and use the robot' 2 bombs. 7.3 bombs. 8.All 4-10 bombs. 9.At first give up the robot and use normal bombs 1 or more. 10.At first give up the robot and only hit it by frameshot,that is also not enough. ...... And more on it,not only you see in the screen.How many efforts I paid to trying making the final decision.Continue in metal slug X will get more entertainment and improvement.Especially the member changing which is not related to save time. And metal slug 1,I also do some experiments in the mission 5 and 6. 1.get 2 mechine gun before the boss in 5. 2.Always hit the position that can take damage on boss. 3.Using slug to the end. 4.Getting the first bomb at Mission 6 boss battle. 5.Get the slug to the boss 6...... I forget some of them I tryed. You see I finish a movie in a short time.But you are wrong.I do many movies together,and keep the entertaining heart on this.And this one was planned before Metal Slug X.
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Before level 5,Guns and Bonbs are enough.Death will make the screen cannot scroll.
DarkKobold wrote:
X2poet, your objections to people disliking your use of continues have been noted. The way this video stands, quite a few people have voiced opinions against this movie, and against the use of continues in arcade games. This alone makes it hard to accept this movie. You can continue arguing your point, but it appears a large percentage of people dislike the use of death in metal slug games. The votes alone make it hard to judge this movie favorably.
I also think death kill the entertainment in Metal Slug 1,if you like no death,I will make it.But Metal Slug X,no death in the train will make it more foolish that will have bad influence just like the time "Fat Getting Thin","waitng the player hitting the iron door","rough boss battle",not only in 5-2 but also in 5-3.
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If continue is not allowed,Metal Slug X run would be limited,and it will kill a large entertainments.So are the other games by using continue which have a shortcut to die. Who set the rule that we play the arcade only can feed 1 or 2 coins? If limited to 1,two players run is not meaningful because it is like what you called "cheat",because adding the fire is unfair to using 1 coin.
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So,that you play this game is equal to cheating because the coins cost you nothing.
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There is a famous word by Kongzi:"The fish and bear's paws can't have both.”
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Your word just means this game is just for entertainment and not for fast time. I agree death kill the entertainment in this movie,but I disagree death kill entertainment in Metal Slug X,however,death improve the entertainment in X,but nobody believe me without my experiment showen. This one is only for the time. Why so many differect opinions between this game and others?Because it is a nice game.
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People who think continue cannot be used just means that they are mean to the money for coins. If the rule limited that it cannot take death,damage or continue on the arcade,that means all the no damage,no death,no continue run will obsolete the run use death to save time.Only because Arcade's life need money. did the 1p die in this run means that I only can finish it only by using 2p?
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I said that I will make a no damage version for this run for people in this forum who want. But I will use the same method in Metal Slug X.Because I have very important reasons for continues.That related a lot of improvements and entertainments.Only who do this movie knows why.And I will list out them in my submission.I wished that I had not deleted the copy files that I can show the run by no death in Metal Slug X. If this one is not acceptable.Someone will have the same reason vote no in my X.Because they don't believe my word and stick on their unwise decision.
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hegyak wrote:
This does not get the good ending. Using death as a shortcut, is not really acceptable in this kind of game. It cheapens the run if you ask me. Plays at level 8 which is the max level. It's quite impressive in terms of playing up to the point where the player dies on purpose to get the continue for heavy machine gun. Then it's not so impressive.
Who set this rule for this game?Who knows? I set the target for this game and complete it.What's wrong? Death was inextricably linked with continue.They both aid to save time. For the fastest version.Neither of them would be ignored,otherwise it is not the fastest.
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So it can use this to seperate two runs: CATEGORY 1: Fastest time CATEGORY 2: No death or 100%
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But highest difficulty is the basic thing for doing arcade games.level 4 looks better,but most of people would rather see a level 8 run,so am I.
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Warp wrote:
I somehow get the feeling that you are being a bit dogmatic about this whole issue (iow. I get the feeling that you refuse to make a no-death run more as a matter of principle than anything else).
Look at the word I said to Atma: If you like,I can make a no death movie for you.Only need change some management in the last 2 missions.To satisfy all the members is what I expact. Different target. I have set the target for this run.So I must try it.This is why I was dogmatic on this run. Edit:The Metal Slug 3 completed mission 1.Spin Master completed 2-3.These are what I will complete in this month.Maybe some relaxing game will be submitted.Metal Slug X level 8 was in plan now.
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Post subject: Re: Compromise
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mklip2001 wrote:
CATEGORY 1: Fastest time - Uses death and continues if it saves time - Avoids lag, which may lead to fewer stunts - Completes the main objectives only CATEGORY 2: 100% - Does not use death - Has speed/entertainment tradeoffs, such as playing around at the expense of some lag - Saves all hostages, or some other similar 100% goal - Shows off more variety of weapons and Metal Slugs? This run makes a fine Category 1 run, which doesn't please everybody, but I feel it pleases a sufficiently large proportion of the site's members to warrant publication. For those who object to seeing death in the run, a Category 2 run could get made to be published alongside. (I'm not implying that x2poet needs to make such a run if he doesn't want to... I'm more putting this idea out here to encourage anyone to make such a run.) I think these two categories also make sense on a number of Arcade games, not just the Metal Slug games.
All of the no voters have the similar words:Good run.That's enough to me. If somebody like to see it.I'd like to do it.This series affect my game life deeply. But this is the first version.After I complete all the version I will improve some of them,and also can do a seperate 100% as mklip2001 said. This year,somebody admited my efforts,I feel happy.
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Nice that it is in your plans, but i will just try to speed run it in realtime. I understand how other games can be really more entertaining and maybe the stages and bosses would be too repetitive... at least they are in realtime due to the tricks to kill most of the bosses. Though at least two bosses would need different strategies... well, i'm talking about realtime and one player, maybe it would be better a four player run. Anyway i'll just wait for a TAS of this game, and sooner or latter i know it will apear.
Yes it will appear.Maybe I will complete it this year.I'm waiting for the MAME-rr testing.And more good runs will appear.
Rolanmen1 wrote:
Well, the run is realy good to be honestly, BUT, i can't tolerate deaths in a game like this. So Sorry but No.
All of the players who vote no are for this reason.I set the plan for use death and continue.So I must stick on it.Because future Metal Slug X,I will take death in the train too.For almost 50 or more reasons.I think this one's decision will make somebody have more or less motive power to do arcade game for own spirit.Because it is hard to satisfy all the people. I believe DarkKobold will make a best choice on judge. That may take more active and less affirmative for players who like arcade. That means my efforts were finally not in vain.
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Nice improvement.And I don't know the game's name in my childhood. The music is good.Awesome boss battle.Well-planned damage management. Yes vote.
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Oh,Captain Commando is in my plannation,but if you like it,I support you.I'll give up that because more interesting games are in my plannation. That may be hard.The randomness would be controled carefully.
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