Posts for X2poet

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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
X2poet wrote:
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Blue Mary is Terry's wife now?
They already have a little guy in Fatal Fury(Garou) as far as I know.
OMG that's Rock Howard!
No,that's not my intention. I have seen a picture of their marrige,maybe it is not official. But after so many years,they must be married,maybe.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Blue Mary is Terry's wife now?
They already have a little guy in Fatal Fury(Garou) as far as I know.
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Location: Hubei,China mtvf1's encode with DATA. I tried encoding it but get desync.
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Good job,dear.
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I'm now at the computer cannot work on encoding a comparation video. I just asked someone else to finish it,but he is on work now.
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boct1584 wrote:
Not that I'm complaining, but do you ever TAS ANYTHING beside Metal Slug anymore?
You can see all of my submission!
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OK,now I vote yes.
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Zavalix wrote:
So the last boss cycle is made just once in this submission instead of twice (like in the published run)?
Zavalix wrote:
That sounds really nice, waiting for an encode though to look the final result.
My comparation would be uploaded tonight. Get this screenshot.
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See the rule please.
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izanamu wrote:
試しにTAS動画(SpeedRun)を作ってみたんだけど。このフォーラムに投稿するにはどうしたら良いのかな?一応、FAQは読んでみたけど、具体的な手順が全く分らん! まあ、別にどうしてもって訳でも無いから良いのだけれども。
この問題に対して、様々な種類もあってる。 単純なスピードランになると、ペースは素早くでよろしい。 人気ゲームとあった場合、高い要求もある。そして、苦労をかける。 まあ、好きなゲームを選べ、それで好いのだ!
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Post subject: Re: FBA-RR v007 がリリースされたけど…
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izanamu wrote:
久しぶりに を覗いたら、新版がリリースされていた! 早速、試してみたけど…なんか変??バグなのか、リプレイを録画する時に「Powered-On」を付けると、100%落ちる(笑)。 --------------------------- Lua run error --------------------------- E:\fba-rr-v007\macro.lua:954: bad argument #1 to 'set' (table expected, got nil) --------------------------- ~だそうで。ソースコードを見たら、指定されてる変数の値がnullになってるのが原因みたい?lua構文には詳しくないから良く分からないけど。何とか回避出来る方策は無いものか…。 P.S. それ以外の普通の時は、まあまあ普通に安定してMacroLuaは動いてる模様。また2年くらい待たないと、これは修正されないのかな(笑)?
まあ、俺にとって、005aは十分だ。 もし、新たなバージョンが出たら、せめて不同調の問題を解決しないと... FBAはもう期待せずに、MAMEを待とう。
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I am working on kof2001 now. There is no problem for me to TAS KOF series in FBA.Only some of the rom may have desync situation.
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I'll give you a yes for these reasons: 1.This game has happy music. 2.I haven't played this game before,but I like it after watching this one. 3.The muscle of Hero is strong,the imagenation of Time Lord told me that it must be a magician but it's not,so it's funny.
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Rolanmen1 wrote:
Yes Vote as always. Im kinda dissapointed that SNK just put one final boss as opposed to all games. Anyway, i think you lost some time in the midboss before the final boss, but i guess that was to manipulate 2 2H. Isn't possible for them to drop more stuff? like Grenades?
No,It only can drop the 2H at the 5th wave of worms. The reason I stop shooting is if I shoot 1 more bullet,the boss would not shoot the worms.
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Location: Hubei,China My own encode for who need. (Sorry for the reality that I cannot login Youtube)
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AngerFist wrote:
Congratulations once again my dear friend. Another Metal Slug game that you have bested. I will vote once I have managed to view it. May I suggest for future run that you work on Metal Slug for DS and/or Final Fight as Haggar for the arcade version? Would love to see you ground and pound the enemies in Final Fight as.... HAGGAR :P
I'll have a look for Final Fight.
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N. Harmonik wrote:
What next? Metal Slug 2?
Is 2 acceptable? Waiting for MAME And do some other entertaining run.
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Suggested Screenshot: 30151
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Mission 4 complete! Here is it.
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Yeah. I also WIPed stage 1 and stopped the boss battle.I remenber the boss would be shot by the normal weapon for 32 times,but each of the characters has different weapon.So it is hard to control the action. I did it in LEVEL-8 the hardest mode. And 4 players showed different operation. The memory address is random.So I haven't catch it because the emulator cannot use memory search.So I used Lua Script to watch,I found some addresses. Do this game by myself is painful.So I asked Highness to co-op with me at that time.
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Mission 4 In the ocean now.It's the most complicated place. Testing the Sub Slug's speed and compare the hostage's movement.
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jlun2 wrote:
X2Poet, maybe you can try adding this improvement to the movie.
If I have chance,I will have a try. I have interests in TMNT,but I am more interested in multi-player run.So I will complete MS5 and 3 wonders first.
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Mzscla wrote:
W.....hy?! 40 frames is not equal to an improvement ? It's so funny... Now ,a yes vote from me !
It's an improvement but not a record challenge.
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exileut wrote:
Which method does TASvideos use for timing runs? If this run is faster using that method then it obsoletes the previous movie. If it doesn't use the standardized timing method it shouldn't be accepted. The worst case scenario is X2poet isn't listed anywhere in the submission text.
What shall I list? I only want to show the improved ending input. Adelikat complete 99.99%.But there is an ending input miss,I just find it out. And the latest published movie keeps long time. So,I removed my name,but still submit this one.
Do the work.
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