Posts for Zinfidel

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A TAS of one of those homebrew, magazine-code games is really damn cool and I'm all for this. Given the constraints of those magazine listings, I'm impressed the game looks as good as it does. Anyway, it's a great TAS candidate as well because the gameplay is insanely fast and looks to be nearly impossible for a human player. The TAS gameplay is very satisfying to watch as a result. Yes vote. What am I missing on stage 15, by the way? It looks like the alien ships just move really slowly or something?
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I loved this game when I was kid. It's just as weird to me now as I thought it was then. Good use of downtime in the autoscrollers, and the gameplay looks technically impressive otherwise. The improvements listed are quite impressive too. Yes vote.
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I really enjoyed the commentated run! Managing this with your own TASing tools is impressive and was a fun watch. I'm hopeful that your success with TASing this flash game will lead others to try the same thing. There's a lot of good Flash content out there. A few notes for your post: The forums use bb code, so for links you need to surround them with [url] [/url] tags. You can also use the [video] [/video] tags to embed youtube videos if you want.
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You finish the levels with the Dead Kennedys and Primus so quickly that I can't even jam. Screw this, no vote. Frenetic, spastic skating at break-neck speeds, clearing a game faster than it took me to do the tutorial level as a child. Obvious yes vote, and welcome to the community!
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When you are talking about YouTube "HD", I assume you mean you want the HD badge to show up. YouTube will do that if your video has the right resolution, which for HD means a vertical resolution of around 1080 and/or a horizontal resolution of around 1920. So you just need to upscale to resolutions in that range. There is no set way of upscaling video, as you said. Since you are looking for something prescriptive I'll just give you a straightforward way of doing it that is similar to the stuff publishers on this site do. - Just dump everything at native resolution in BizHawk, using a lossless codec like Lagarith. - For 2D source material, upscale using a nearest neighbor (point) algorithm. You can do this in AviSynth with PointResize or you can do it in ffmpeg using -vf scale=320:240 -sws_flags neighbor after you specify your video file in the command. You replace 320:240 with your desired resolution. - For 3D source material, upscale using the Lanczos algorithm. You can do this in AviSynth with Lanczos4Resize or you can do it in ffmpeg using -vf scale=320:240 -sws_flags lanczos after you specify your video file in the command. You replace 320:240 with your desired resolution. - For the YouTube HD badge, just multiply both parts of the resolution by some number and try to get the vertical resolution close to or slightly above 1080. So for 320x224 source resolution, which both Saturn and Genesis can output, just multiply by 5 to get 1600x1120. So altogether an ffmpeg command you might run could be ffmpeg -i mysourcevideo.avi -vf scale=1600:1120 -sws_flags neighbor -c:v libx264 -crf 10 -c:a aac -q:a 2 outputfile.mp4 These videos won't be aspect ratio corrected. Getting truly aspect-ratio correct video is more difficult to discuss than I care to do in this thread at the moment. If you want, just resize all of your videos to 1440x1080, which is a 4:3 display aspect ratio. For Genesis at least this will get you pretty close to the right pixel aspect ratio but may look bad since developers not accounting for aspect ratio correction is a common thing back in the day.
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Try Config > Speed/Skip > Audio Throttle
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For future encoders: I made some minor edits to Dolphin 5.0 for this dump. See this commit and its associated branch. The modification pre-amplifies audio down to 30% and unclamps DTK audio so that the audio that makes it to the dump isn't completely clipped and blown out. Audio can be re-amplified after dumping depending on how loud you want it. See the author's notes on getting the audio to sync up properly.
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so im not going to sit through 4 hours of visual novel and instead will be voting purely on the the submission text, which has impressive length(lmao), is clearly deep(lmao) and so far is hilarious. tiddy vote
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Walk the walk even if you can't just talk the talk!!!! BWAAAAAK vote.
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The game and gameplay is very simple in pretty much all regards, but I still enjoyed it because I like Snooker and am biased. Don't care if it's an AFD submission, yes vote.
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Ho ho ho I had not yet realized what date it was when I saw this pop up in my feed and boy did you get me. You got me good. I freaked out and wondered how this was possible. Yes vote for duplicity.
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For future encoders of this video: the audio track really needs to have its volume reduced. I applied a flat 2db reduction for the entire track, and an additional 4db reduction to the last "screen shake" and ending fanfare. Even then, it's still very loud.
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Finally got around to watching this one. The web swinging in particular is really well done - the fight with Vulture had a lot of fun acrobatics like leaping off of the spire of that building and firing web bullets at him on the way down. Spidey pulling himself on webs at top-speed while in doors is excellent TAS superplay as well. Overall good movie, so an overall good yes vote from me. I'm also claiming this for publication if it gets accepted, since I did the GG encode and know what to expect already regarding a/v sync.
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I ran into a hitch in getting this movie to sync. I did end up syncing it though. The first issue was that no matter the dump of the game that I used, I could not get BizHawk to recognize the dump as having the correct MD5 for the movie. The dump I ended up using had the correct headerless MD5 for the movie, but BizHawk did not seem to recognize it anyway. I even used a tool to remove the header from the dump, but it still didn't work. I think this possibly a problem with BizHawk or maybe a PEBKAC error. It turns out that this wasn't the main problem though. The bigger problem is that the movie desyncs for me at frame 110932. This happens shortly after Link collects the shield magic. After exiting that village, and re-entering the canyonway, link does not properly jump to the left to exit the sidescrolling section. This happened on every dump that I tried. I opened the movie up in TAStudio and noticed there was some lag here, so I messed with adding/removing blank frames, and got the whole movie to sync afterwards by adding a single frame to the gap between the sidescrolling section starting and the first input to get Link to move left. I'm not sure what the issue is here but I've uploaded a version of the submitted bk2 with the frame added to my userfiles in case the issue isn't isolated to me: User movie #70057909718338455
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hopper wrote:
I wasn't prepared for how boring that would be. It lacked the non-stop action and interaction with other vehicles of F-Zero X, where the ship is constantly about to explode. It lacked the massive shortcuts and 3-second laps of Mario Kart 64. There didn't seem to even be background music until the final lap, so most of it was just silently flying around an empty track and never seemed to be in any peril. The tricks definitely got more impressive in the later races, but the first few races were just tedious and I almost gave up on it. Certainly a No for entertainment, but an impressive TAS in terms of technical quality. I would have put it in the Vault.
For what it's worth, I expected a lot more of this type of feedback when I clicked the 'submit' button. andypanther is correct in that I'm usually a hair's breadth away from exploding at any second, but it can be hard to actively notice that if you aren't quite familiar with the game already. And yeah, the first couple of racers are slogs I'm afraid. I front-loaded the TAS with more commentary for that exact reason. As for the music - as mentioned in the notes, cartridge space limitations forced the developers to remove music from all but the third laps of races. The PC version of the game has much more ambiance!
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100% of AoL?? Yes please! I am excited to watch this and peruse the voluminous submission notes when I get a chance tomorrow. I'd like to pre-claim this submission for publication as well, should it be accepted! Update: What a great movie! Fully exploring the game without having to grind for everything is an excellent achievement. I had fun following along with the notes to explain what all was going on. The swordplay involved with bouncing around using the down-strike was entertaining throughout the movie and made Link look far far more nimble than he actually is in this game. Obvious yes vote. P.S. I really enjoyed this moment:
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Giving this one a 'meh'. The gameplay that was present was entertaining (and nostalgic!) enough that I watched the whole video, but the unfortunate nature of games like this that require you to just fail through the rest of your attempts means that those sections of the movie are decidedly uninteresting. This is a real borderline 'meh'-'yes' vote for me.
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I didn't find the game to be that exciting and have to agree with feos that there isn't a lot going on. However, the playing around and TAS movement is quite good and kept me interested enough to finish the movie. So I'm voting 'meh' on this one.
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InfamousKnight wrote:
I recall when I attempted a tas of this myself, the name entry was hard to optimize. It felt like inputs were not being registered and I had to shave off some frames for it to register. How do you optimize that?
I don't remember the process exactly for the character input but I'm pretty sure I just optimized it iteratively like I do with all of the other menuing in the game. There's a varying amount of frames between each character select because the game lags so I just kept moving input forward until I found a point where it registered a second later or whatever.
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Sand wrote:
Awesome! I appreciate the detailed submission notes. It's interesting that optimizing this game is rather unlike other racing games.
It was a surprise to me that the game had to be optimized differently too. I did a test TAS of the first lap of Executioner using traditional racing techniques and showed it to the speedrunning community. They informed me about how the game handled differently and gave me tips about the "red thread" method and when I redid the lap, I shaved off 4 seconds!
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Dimon12321 wrote:
May I take a look at PC WR TAS footage?
If such a thing exists, that would be a surprise to me! I think maybe you are referring to the column in the timings section that is labeled "PC WR - TAS", yes? That is supposed to mean "PC WR minus TAS" as in the delta between the two runs. Maybe there's a better way to label that column...
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Syncing This Movie This game has major sync problems. Sync for this TAS is dependent on video hardware, and so far it looks like only Intel UHD integrated graphics will sync the movie at native 320x240 resolution, on BizHawk 2.4. Both UHD 620 and UHD 630 have been tested and verified to sync. If you want to try to sync the movie, let me know the results so that they can be added here for posterity. Configurations Tested
Intel Core i7-8550U		Intel UHD 620	     **Full Sync**
Intel Core i7-4600K		Nvidia GTX 980 Ti	 Desync on lap 2 of DR
Intel Core i5-3470		 Radeon HD 7000	    Desync on lap 1 of GVG
Intel Core i7-10750H     Intel UHD 630        **Full Sync**
Intel Core i7-6700HQ  	Nvidia GTX 1060	   Desync at 73k
Intel Core i7-9700K		Intel UHD 630	     **Full Sync**
Intel Core i5-7300U      Intel HD 620         Desync on 3099
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X        Radeon RX 5700 XT    Desync on 3099
Intel Core i7-7700       Radeon RX 470        Desync on lap 1 of GVG
Encoding Unfortunately, this game represents a pathologically bad case for the mupen64+ core for both sync and encoding. To create a good SD encode of this run, the following must be done:
  1. Dump the movie using clock sync. Discard the audio from this dump as it will be useless.
  2. Dump the movie using alt. sync. Discard the video from this dump as it will be useless.
  3. Encode the audio dump via the Avisynth script below to get an audio track that syncs up with the video
    1. If using the publishing scripts or just avisynth in general, swaudio.avs can just be loaded via wavsource("swaudio.avs") and then dubbed with audiodub onto the video source.
    2. Otherwise, just encode the swaudio.avs script directly using something like FFmpeg.
  4. Encode the video
  5. Mux
For high resolution encodes, the movie will almost certainly not sync at higher resolutions than native. To get around this, these scripts and techniques will need to be used: /Zinfidel/SyncScripts.html. Overall the encoding process is the same as above, except that video from the first step must be produced via the syncing scripts technique.
Language: avisynth

# SET ME TO THE AUDIO DUMP audio = "swaudio2.wav" global feeps = 60000/1001 function ba(float duration) { return BlankClip(fps=feeps, length=int(feeps*duration), audio_rate=44100, channels=2).KillVideo() } function buffer(clip c, float ts) { return c + ba(ts - c.AudioDuration) } function fbuffer(clip c, int frames) { return c + ba(frames/59.94) # 59.94 is inaccurate and was a mistake but must remain for timing to work. } # Offset audio to actual start point global aud = ba(4.79) + WavSource(audio) global sliceTS = 0.0 function nextSlice(float duration) { newSliceTS = sliceTS + duration ret = aud.AudioTrim(sliceTS, newSliceTS) global sliceTS = newSliceTS return ret } cut = nextSlice(36.003) cut = cut.buffer(36.889) cut = cut + nextSlice(331.48).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.919) cut = cut.buffer(368.81) cut = cut + nextSlice(21.11) cut = cut.buffer(390.19) cut = cut + nextSlice(141.15).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.90) cut = cut + nextSlice(31.2) cut = cut.fbuffer(67) cut = cut + nextSlice(292.1).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.88) cut = cut + nextSlice(7.0) cut = cut.fbuffer(41) cut = cut + nextSlice(240.2).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.90) cut = cut + nextSlice(12.58) cut = cut.fbuffer(34) cut = cut + nextSlice(135.08).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.92) cut = cut + nextSlice(7.1) cut = cut.fbuffer(60) cut = cut + nextSlice(331).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.89) cut = cut + nextSlice(7) cut = cut.fbuffer(26) cut = cut + nextSlice(292.2).ConvertAudioToFloat().TimeStretch(rate=99.88) cut = cut + nextSlice(45.15) cut = cut.fbuffer(8) cut = cut + nextSlice(37.21) cut = cut.fbuffer(25) cut = cut + nextSlice(56) cut = cut.fbuffer(28) cut = cut + nextSlice(75) cut = cut.fbuffer(43) cut = cut + nextSlice(135) cut = cut.fbuffer(48) cut = cut + nextSlice(70) cut
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It has been 6 months and 7 days since I last posted in this thread and I am happy to report that the any% TAS for this game has been completed! It's been a long journey and it changed from an exploratory TAS I did to see if there was interest to a team project with the SWE1:R speedrunning community. Lots and lots and lots of RNG was manipulated and lots of lines were optimized in the making and I made it just shy of one of the milestone times of 30:XX for an any% run. The run will be submitted in some days time as I work on the submission notes since there's a lot to say!
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Really_Tall wrote:
There are two more broken encodes from Nahoc that were missed, and both are current publications: [717] NES Monopoly "4 CPUs" by FractalFusion in 01:07.67 - [1478] GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow by Kriole in 20:58.62 - I checked through the rest of his encodes from 2010/2011 just in case and didn't find any more.
I've re-encoded these two.
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A quick scan of the guides has a glitch document. Looks like it's written for the PC version of the game, but perhaps it will be of use to you:
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