Posts for Zurreco

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Nach wrote:
Enough of this, if you check the logs you'll see I responded to everything, anything you see missing is a deficiency in yourself for not finding it.
Wow, I totally see you responding in there at some point. Oh wait...
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Nach wrote:
Yes there was, one guy hid in the Baal alter to light it up from underneath, but he was bitten by a snake before his plan could come to fruition.
You're still avoiding the argument at hand, you know.
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Nach wrote:
They were slain for being priests to an idol stealing the glory from the temple in jerusalem.
You're still avoiding the argument at hand, you know.
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Nach wrote:
No they were slain for being priests of the Baal when the people realized Baal was a mere idol and had no power.
You're still avoiding the argument at hand, you know. Everyone but Nach +10, and an additional +5 for every 15 minutes that passes without Nach responding to what JXQ and I posted.
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DMG will always mean 'damage' to me. Using DMG to refer to the Game Boy is the third Great Satan. And Nach is still avoiding the debate. Pity.
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laughing_gas wrote:
What I find ironic is that Nach could lock this topic right now if he wanted to.
This isn't SDA: we don't heavily moderate when we have no other defense. *High fives DK64_MASTER*
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You're not really responding to this one point: DMG, despite Nintendo "officially" using it to refer to GBx games, is not GBx-only. Therefore, when you refer to DMG games, you have to go to the trouble of clarifying that you're referencing GBx games, as opposed to other DMG variant games. Do you see the logic there? Fun analogy time! I live in a town full of guys named Chris. I go by the nickname Zurreco so that people can tell me apart. Sure, Chris would be the official way to reference me, but it is much easier to say "have you seen Zurreco?" rather than "have you seen Chris? Oh, I mean the one that responds to Zurreco." That being said, there is a village of game systems and cartridges that are all DMG. Some go by the name Game Boy. While it would be "correct" to refer to GBx games as "DMG games" (since they are), it is much easier and accurate to refer to them as "GBx games." Can you give me a reason to accept Nintendo's arbitrary and misleading title of "DMG" to mean Game Boy?
Nach wrote:
I'd like you to prove that statement.
G - Game B - Boy x - an acronym variable, which can have different values for the different iterations of Game Boys. e: I HAVE AN IMAGE TOO! (today is a slow day at work)
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GB1, or GBX if they want to be posers and copy the Playstation being called PSX. However, I know that the PS1/PSX debacle is a minefield of officiality, so I won't go there.
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Nach wrote:
Interesting points you bring up. Any reason why the rest of you aren't doing the same and perhaps thinking I am right?
Uhh, you are the minority in this situation, and everyone is telling you that Game Boy is more accurate than DMG. Therefore, you calling it DMG instead would be fallacy, making you wrong, making the majority "right." Since you are the Affirmative and the majority is the Negative, it is not the job of the Affirmative to convince the Negative. All you have to do is defend your Affirmative stance against the points made by the Negative. That being said, engarde!
I put all rebuttals to all the relevant posts mentioned before points were repeated. If you prefer to ignore them that is your prerogative.
I think you still need to respond to this:
Xkeeper wrote:
However, Nach, DMG could potentially be any dot-matrix game. See also Game Gear, Neo-Geo handheld, etc.
If this is correct, DMG is not Game Boy exclusive, and so to refer to all Game Boy runs as "DMG" is not accurate. If we are going to split up the publications based on something aside from what console they are on (since DMG would refer to many consoles, whereas GBX refers to the Game Boy line), why don't we split it in to "Big Cartridges", "Medium Cartridges", and "Small Cartridges"?
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Nach wrote:
Zurreco: Being the majority doesn't make you right.
Correct. Might does not make right. However, if a majority of people tell a very small minority of people that they are wrong, I would expect that minority to give some effort to introspection. It doesn't seem like you have given any thought to the slight chance that you might actually be wrong here, even though you have yet to put up a counterpoint to some arguments made against you. I would suggest you give a rebuttal or concede that you aren't as confident as one should be to try to influence the majority.
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Tub wrote:
This thread is funny. Pointless, but funny.
Welcome to Off Topic. Nach still has to respond to about half of this thread, though I doubt he will. I find it very interesting that, even when an epic majority of the forums tell someone that they are being illogical in their stance, people will still stick to a "tried and true" defense, rather than address all possible problems.
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Boco wrote:
Excuse me for going against the gods of all balancing, who do things like turn this into this.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make: I use Endless Scream all the time, and no one complains that it is unbalanced. The only time anyone would complain about me using such a run of the mill set up would be if you use it with some dark rituals on a fresh, non-sickness creature with trample, since that can really ruin someone's day. Would you rather that Endless Scream was more like Meteor Shower, where it is XXRR rather than XBk?
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Boco wrote:
Why does every set of the actual game do this?
Because they are official releases that have the go ahead from people who are the source of all balancing? Sounds good to me. I'd rather not bastardize a tried and true method so that someone can contribute more.
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kwinse wrote:
I remember the heart peice flying off after you dig it up, would it be possible to have it fly out of the digging patch? Or am I imagining things again?
I'm pretty sure you're imagining things. Why would a heart piece fly away?
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Phil wins this round. For the record, though, Great Britain is GBR, according the MedDRA, oAERS, and other medical corporations. That being said, GB and GBx is wide open to being known as the GameBoy series. Also, Nach has yet to respond to what XKeeper posted on the first page: DMG is not Game Boy and Game Boy variant specific, and so to refer to GBx games as DMG is a misnomer.
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JXQ wrote:
You have no right.
Err, he has every right to incorrectly chastise people for something illogical.
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Xkeeper wrote:
However, Nach, DMG could potentially be any dot-matrix game. See also Game Gear, Neo-Geo handheld, etc.
If this is true, then DMG should not be used, as it is too vague. Otherwise, you could use the same logic exclusively refer to all SNES, GB, GBA, N64, and NES games as "Nintendo games."
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Boco wrote:
Thanks for not reading my post.
Oh, sweet irony. I never said I didn't comprehend them, I said I had never heard of them before. That being said, why are we inventing new mechanics of the game all of a sudden?
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I've never heard of "word" cards before, and I played up through somewhere between 5th and 6th edition. Furthermore, Boco, you can just hit "B:" and the B will become a black mana symbol.
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Not having sound for this submission isn't such a bad thing. :)
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xoinx wrote:
EDIT: Corrected spelling error
No you didn't.
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Player Least Likely to be Satisfied BoltR or Brushy. Duke it out! First one to be satisfied with their victory loses.
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Maybe you should stop posting Jyhad set ups in a Magic thread, eh?
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___________________________________________ /\/\SHIELD FROM ABOVE/\/\ It's your keyboard. It can't accept that many button presses at once, or you have your keys mapped too close together (keyboard safety measure for people with sausages for fingers). Remap your keys further apart or use the auto-hold function. \/\/ EVERYONE BELOW THIS LINE IS A LOSER \/\/
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Retroactively voting yes for a very entertaining and highly surprising run. May I suggest using the shot of Beast headbutting Juggernaut's crotch for the screen cap?
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