Posts for Zurreco

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DK64_MASTER wrote:
[mandatory Simpsons quote] Could God microwave a burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it?[/mandatory Simpsons quote]
For what it's worth, I know I can!
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Erm, omniscient is all knowing, not all seeing. Perhaps that is analagous to all seeing, since knowing all includes seeing all, but still...
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But the Street Fighter movie was good because it had all the characters! I recognized them!!
Zangief's actor was really spot on. I was very very impressed with how well they casted his character. Everyone else... eh. Dhalsim was played by the guy who played Ghandi in another movie, and T. Hawk was a shrimpy white guy with a fake accent.
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Saturn wrote:
However I couldn't find any screamers there yet.
That's because the authors of the site realized what a stupid and intrusive idea it was to create "screamers", and they stopped fairly soon after. Unfortunately, not everyone followed their path, and so whenever anyone makes a horrendously obvious screamer that 95% of the people on the internet would scoff at, the other 5% not only find them hilarious, but they record and submit movies of people getting scared to equally retarded sites, like ebaumsworld or whatever. Not only does this inspire idiots to create more of these things, but it creates the illusion that people actually enjoy seeing these things, which draws in people that initially hated them. It's a sad state of affairs.
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Saturn wrote:
if someone has more different ones link them please! is where they started from, I think. Personally, I think it should have died off over there as well, but some people seem to think that they're still funny. *shrug*
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Accordingly, since he just HAD to get his name on the movie posters, Tarantino gets some guest-blame for the movie.
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Oh, cool, something brand spanking new on the internet. Surely, something that hasn't been around for a long time.
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Pasky13: Please make use of the edit ability. We don't need you triple posting the exact same thing.
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Crossing my fingers for the USA game tomorrow. SEMIFINALS, HERE WE COME! Also, I'm a big fan of the German and Turkish teams, so I'm rooting for them. I'm hoping the last game comes to Germany v USA, so that I can shut a lot of people about how good Germany's goalie is.
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For a run, it seemed acceptable. Granted, it could use some optimization as is, but it looked ok in general. I have some questions about how you pass through enemies at some points and get shot without taking damage at others, but that is for later. The game, however, is terribly uninspired, and I don't think I could really bring myself to watch it for pleasure. While it is an action platformer, it is the most generic action plaftormer I can think of.
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It is automated walking. There is no way to avoid it.
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I'm more excited than anyone else, EVER. Please finish this run so that I may die in peace.
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Damnit. I just wrote this really long winded response about how the translation from comic to movie was something something. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS ALL OPINION. Basically, I think Sin City was a mediocre comic/graphic novel. By bringing it to the big screen, it brought with it a slightly intrusive artistic style and a sort of flamboyant gore to it all. I remember when I first saw it, and everyone who was with me asked 'what was the point of all that blood and gore?', to which I responded "It's like that in the books, so I guess it had to be like that in the movies to apease the fanboys." Like I said, some things don't translate well from picture/text to movies, especially when it's meant for the general public. The movie is composed of three plot lines that are tangential at best (the cop and the mayor's son, that big guy and the hooker, and the cops vs the hooker town, or something along these lines). You'll notice that most movies that have three plotlines either have them interweave a lot or have them end at the same place. This movie had a lot of disjointed, anticlimactic endings to the scenarios. The problem with Sin City is that is lacked.... well, it lacked a lot. When I ask any of my few friends who did like it why they like it, they simple say something like "what's not to like? you have swords and boobs and violence." Obviously, my friends that liked Sin City aren't the smartest or classiest chaps in the world. Not to say that all Sin City fans are like my friend, but you get the idea. So, instead of attacking me for not liking Sin City, why don't you tell me why I should like it?
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I thought there was a bit of a discrepancy with some of the emulators' frame to time conversion. Something like FCEU actually running at 30.08 fps, and snes9x running a very tiny bit over 60.
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I think the ROM name is just 'Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (U)'.
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...what? Can you explain exactly how that super-dash works? Also, what is with that annoying cartwheel/roundoff that Sonic does from time to time? Anyways, yes vote from me.
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Warp: I know Sin City is based off of a graphic novel. For anyone that isn't a fan of them, though, the movie was very poorly made. I never said that Sin City was a terrible series, I said that it failed as a movie. The plot of the movie, although based on the plot of the comics, is so ill-informing and so poorly integrated with the other stories that, for the most part, it seems like the directors just took their favorite plots from the middle of the series and converted them straight to video. So no, because I think that the video equivalent of a mediocre graphic novel was poorly made does not show ignorance. Thanks for assuming, though.
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Since the game is so easy, and since the controls are so flighty, the speedrun's time probably won't be much slower than a tool assisted run, assuming that no huge glitches are discovered.
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NesVideoAgent> ""Yay"" wins over ""Nay""! (24400000 vs 17400000) / Apparently, though Google says Nay, GoogleFight says Yay.
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Dunno, his run is over at SDA if you want to compare.
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Voting yes. Excellent run. I'm glad I got to see some of the desperation attacks, since I never had the chance to use them when I played. It also wrenched my heart to see you walk away from some of that Magicite.
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Fabian wrote:
I didn't like Sin City at all, which surprised me. I just totally didn't get that movie, and didn't even watch the last half hour, something very uncommon for me with movies.
I told you that you wouldn't like it. It's a pretty terrible movie. They basically took a lot of shaky and poorly supported storylines, threw them together, and then coated it all with violence and visual effects. If you look past the gore and the 'HAY GUYZ TARANTINO WORKED ON THIS' crap, you'll realise that the whole movie was meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator of most people.
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Suzaku's current speedrun beats this level in 1:17.66 in Pinpoint mode. Do you beat that?
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Nach wrote:
Since this:
Sure, blame my super serious petition for this atrocity of a thread.
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Let's call him Benvolio!
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