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Pretty good run :-) Huge improvement over prower's previous... Big fan of the climb up the spike wall of course... The boss battles all looked pretty good though Tunnel Rhino seemed a bit off (there were times when he seemed vulnerable for quite a bit). I agree with the sentiment that some more entertainment could probably of been added without slowing things down. I think this game is one away from a perfect run but this run is beautiful in its own right and is pretty satisfying.
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Post subject: Re: #639: flagitious's SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past in 1:2
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Fortune wrote:
This is what I was waiting for. Not the OmnipotentEntity's movie. A real timeattack. Voting yes.
Hey now, Omni's work while a little slow in coming out uses sound methodology and... heh halfway through this comment I realized you were talking about the glitch run and not Omni's WIP on the forums...
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Yeah I have read a quote from Nintendo at some point that speed run movies is valid fair use in their eyes as it is far removed from the original work. Despite the levitation (not as big a factor as I thought it would be) I did see a lot of small things that TSA would be interested in, a lot of creative uses of bombs and the cane that saved several seconds each time and should be repeatable on the console. flat - The Helmsaur King battle seemed kind of slow with the switching to the bomb in the middle... are you sure its not faster to use the arrows to finish him off? The other boss battles were very impressive. I didnt know that the little Vitreous eyes could be attacked before they jump :-) looks like it saved a lot of time. Also attacking the Trinexx heads from behind was pretty nice (could be doable on console too maybe). Armos strat was sound too and I liked how you trapped Koldstare in the corner. There was great use of the spin to take out multiple enemies (good thing you didnt use a greedy strat and just hack something the first time you could); two or three of them really stick out in my mind. Its funny how the levitation glitch completely killed the need to do 6 before 5, the quintessential speed optimization but ohh well.
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This was a fun run and I was pretty impressed with the game too. I dont think I could of figured out how to do some of the complicated switching between the flower and cape. I can only imagine how hard this game would be on the real hardware... The story was actually pretty good (how you are collecting the eggs to have an omelette) and all the text was well-written (wish you would of hit some of the extra message boxes though since this wasnt a time attack). The super fire flower at the end looked really cool... you should've kept it longer :-) What does the cloud item do BTW? If it gives you a lakitu cloud you could have used it on bowser :-) I still dont get what was the deal was with that no-yoshi sign.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
You can jump down a wall immediately by pressing A.
Wow first the glove thing and now this. I accepted that I didnt know about alot of the glitches but it's amazing how this game keeps surprising me after more than a decade.
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Post subject: Holy moly!
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You can SEE when link wears the gloves! His hands change color!! Ive beaten this game like 15 times (I know that's a small amount by this boards standards) and have never noticed that before! Wow! (-: I'm actually not a fan of the levitation you used to get the bomb since I thought the bomb glitch was cooler... plus i am wondering if the consistant use of levitation could destroy some of the later dungeons... it's your movie though so it's your call which glitches you include (also i think you said earlier that you were going to use levitation).
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
.ico is .bmp with some size restrictions.
Not really true, windows does support a renamed .bmp as an .ico but that is an explorer thing. ICO is more complicated in that it supports multiple image sizes and color depths. Windows icons are 48 × 48, 32 × 32, 24 × 24, and 16 × 16 at 24 8 and 4 bit. Windows will automatically fill in missing sizes but a 32x32 icon at 16x16 usually looks unrecognizable. For the favicon.ico though you only need 16x16. I think most browsers even support png or gif favicons but its best to stick with the ICO format and use that above link.
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Post subject: favicon.ico
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Yeah for a favicon.ico! (The top 16x16 icon in the address bar) I like to keep my fav sites in my shortcut toolbar and if it has a favicon it doesnt need any text so this just saved me some 20 pixels in that bar :-) -ast
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How possible is it to hexedit this thing together in stages? I know that viper used that technique in his marathon 96-exit run of SMW (amazing stuff there) and was able to splice different runs together with only a few frames of luck manipulation in between sections to sync things up. I suspect that Zelda would be harder to splice together than SMW but it is possible that I'm wrong. Are there any tools that would make this type of hex-editting easy? It would be great as in theory this would allow fixing earlier mistakes and maybe even independant runs of the different dungeons but I dont know how easy/hard it would be with this game...
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I think Madzombie's Armos strategy went a bit faster than yours (he pinned them against the top wall and I think yours pushes them to the left too much). That lanmolas battle was amazing though! I cant remember if it was 12 arrows or 9 but it just shows you how great point blank arrows are.
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nitsuja wrote:
You need to use the right ROM: it's the 1.0 (US) version, not the 1.1 version.
Thx for the heads up.
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I am desynching on the first world auto-scroller. What settings should I use in the playback? Thanks. -Ast
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OK, while Ive gone through this game several times I cant claim to be an expert. I was just going by what I saw in the video and havent analyzed things under great detail with the emulator yet like you guys have. Im still a big fan of this and Blechy's X2 video - the X3 needs work though if anyone ever gets the courage to try it ;-) Thanks!
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I can almost get 1:40 now on this game...
Heh I thought you told yourself that you werent going to do this game again until someone could beat your 1:44 run. I take it then that that Madzombie guy is close? Are you using "restarts"? Good luck though, Id like to see a sub 1:40 run.
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This movie had some real nice high points. Almost all of the boss battles seem absolutely perfect! Very impressive! (Is it just me or does that ice sled look a little slow in sliding into the spider boss?) Nice varied use of weaponry and a pretty interesting performance during down times. Now some nitpicks... is there a reason why you arent charging up the first shot against the blue helicopters in the opening stage to kill them faster? Also it doesnt look like you descend down some pits optimally.... (you should jump and achieve a peak height before the lip and just barely clear the lip with maximal downward velocity.... it doesnt look like you are barely clearing a few of the lips). This only applies to areas where you cannot maintain forward speed (ie hit a wall of the pit). I was a little disappointed in the use of the sting chameleon invulnerability three times (not as cool as finding a way to kill them faster). If this can be avoided for at least two of those times it would be great. I just feel like the sigmas dog can be done faster though I have no specific advice. Barring some great new techniqure though I doubt this can be improved upon by more than 8 seconds. EDIT Im sure Blechy is going to cringe if he (she?) sees these mangled names. Sorry in advance! EDIT2 BOCO! damn sorry... my bad
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ventuz wrote:
(edit - i just tried, when u do L + R, Link face right but walk left, screen scrolls to the right)
Im not sure of the specifics of the glitch but the video shows link facing down and walk up but the screen scrolls down so it sounds like you are still starting it correctly. EDIT Should of refreshed. Alright OMNI... I guess there isnt much to say about this video other than its funny how much work you are putting into your full run while this is technically faster ;-) Keep up the great work with the full!
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Is this really the best glitch route? Ive been looking at the pertinent maps at which are These are the rooms as they are laid out on the rom. I see you go straight up through all the rooms but if you can move through walls cant you go up and right towards the stairwell to the 1st basement and then just double back and go directly into the gannon room? If you look on the map that room is right next to the destination and seems like it would be quicker. Is there something about the glitch that wont work right?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
The key isn't boomerangable -_-;
For some reason reading that word made me chortle with delight. I am going to see if I can use that in conversation some time this week. It's a shame there was no way around the first antlion (the sand trap monster thing). Otherwise its looking pretty good... are you going to try to force enough drops so you can skip the chest in the village of outcasts? You are certainly making good economy so far.
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Aww man I just lost my street cred. :) Ive been reading too much news on that fake whitehouse reporter.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
They are about the same, I'd have to see which is faster. If it's within a few frames I'll do 6 before 2, because I'll save at least 20 in the #2 boss fight with the Gold Sword. And doing Misery Mire so soon is just cool.
Agreed, the early Misery Mire was one of my favorite parts in TSA's run as I didnt know you could do it so early :-) I also like the couple of close calls like the half heart on gannon and those jumping little eyeballs of the Misery Mire boss (vitreous?)
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Has anyone considered SMARTBALL (JP: JerryBoy)? You play this little blob that can go through pipes and latch onto walls / ceiling. The action can get pretty fast paced too and the controls are pretty varied. I think it may make a good choice for something fresh.
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TSA wrote:
Some notes: 1. Doing Swamp Ruins (Crystal 2) before Misery Mire (Crystal 6) is a necessary change. REASON: Hookshot allows you to cross gap at start much quicker, and you can use the hookshot in Skull Woods a few places. That's about all.
I cant imagine the setup time for the bash into the block being any longer than the time it takes to select the hook and extend it across the gap...
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Bisqwit wrote:
This doesn't work. According to my logs, no browser checks the current directory. (And I'd hate the spam if they did.)
Hmmm well that information came from one web page but on cross-referencing I only see back-up for 1 and 3. Wikipedia suggests that you can actually use PNG's or GIF's but most sites seem to use the ICO format.
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There are 3 options for placing the favicon.ico. For the first 2 the browser does all the work for you (this list is in reverse-precendence order) 1. the root directory of the site 2. the current web directory (relative to the web page) the third method is manual 3. put the following tag in the <head> section of the web page. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> Nesvideos appears to have a flat hierarchy so putting the file at should work for all the pages.
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Post subject: Nesvideos in need of a favicon.ico
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This site is great but really needs a favicon.ico file (that little 16x16 picture associated with the bookmarks and addresses of websites). As for the content I would suggest a small picture of mario (jumping) or of megaman (in keeping with the theme in the intro screens). More original ideas could be something like a lightning bolt superimposed on a foot or a D Pad or something. If Photoshop will save to a .ico then I might whip something up tonight.
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