Posts for c-square

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Very entertaining! A couple of quick questions: 1) It seems like there's input after the last boss is thrown into the pit (some moving and a jump). Are you able to end input early once the boss is on his way into the pit? 2) Would a 2-player game be faster? Thanks for making this!
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Great run, DungeonFacts! Welcome to the ranks of DOS Tassers. :) There was a good question in the forum thread:
rhebus wrote:
One thing I'm not sure about: at 5:10 and 6:44 in your youtube encode, you jump before the gravity pill expires, so that you're lower down when gravity reverts to normal and you have less distance to fall. But you're not at the apex (nadir?) of the jump when gravity reverts, so it looks like you could be even lower down if you timed your jump more carefully. Would that save time?
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I was watching a human run of this the other day and thought that it would make a really cool TAS, sneaking through all the places a human would dare not try. I was right! Yes vote for sure.
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That was fun. Yes vote, though I have a question: Do you have to get all the treasures? If not, does this become an "all treasures" run if someone submits a run that just exits the dragon's room as soon as possible?
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Nice run! You can try the old game.
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It's fascinating watching how quickly the ship weaves between the bullets. I can't imagine doing that second boss in real-time. Great run, yes vote!
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It was fun to see all this come together in the forum thread, and how far this is from the original concept. Great work, warmCabin. Yes vote!
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It's short, it's fast, appears well-optimized and, to my knowledge, involves RNG manipulation. Voting "Yes" for entertainment, to live alongside Clue and Monopoly. P.S. Jigwally, if you want to increase your chances of publication, I recommend not calling the judges "chumps".
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In regular mode, is it still possible to skip the arcade games? If not, then you may still have a case for vault. If so, your only hope is moons, which you can't know until you submit. Either way, I say go for it and be proud that you've made something to submit here! I'm sure you'll find another game to make and will do a great job at it.
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Nice run. I do have a couple of questions: 1) It looks like you slow down on the last letter of TWINS and LEFT, even though it's possible to pick a letter at full speed. You don't slow down on SWAN or COMEDY. Why the difference? 2) Why do you overrun the "P" in LIP?
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Removing the pointer shenanigans has caused a Dwayne desync in Level 21 that I’m having trouble getting around. So it’s not as easy as I thought it would be.
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Nice run, MUGG! Congrats on your first DOS TAS! ;P
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MUGG wrote:
c-square wrote:
Nice run, MUGG! Congrats on your first DOS TAS!
Oh.. um... Oops!
MUGG wrote:
On Level 22, is it possible to have the bomb just go straight across the lower bridge, using the Tile Spinning Trick twice?
As I explained in the level comments, no, you cannot use the tile spinning trick here because only one action is permitted at a time.
Double-oops. I should have read the submission text more carefully.
MUGG wrote:
At any rate, I'm not looking to redo the levels. Except maybe if it ends up being the only reason you cannot publish this run.
You shouldn't have to redo the levels to take out the mouse movement. I'll take a look and see if it's as easy as I think it would be.
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boct1584 wrote:
Something is very wrong with the encode. Most of the time there is no sound. If I advance/rewind about 10 seconds, the sound comes on for about a second and a half, then disappears again.
I don't encounter any problems with the sound. It’s on YouTube. Are you running into this on any other YouTube videos? Anyone else encountering this?
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Nice run, MUGG! Congrats on your first DOS TAS! Quick question: On Level 22, is it possible to have the bomb just go straight across the lower bridge, using the Tile Spinning Trick twice? I have to agree with EgixBacon, the run could do without the groping pointer on Level 20. It's easy to remove that from the movie file without desyncs, and I'd be happy to help if you're interested.
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thecoreyburton wrote:
Considering it's April 1st in some places, I wouldn't be surprised if this is Google's idea of a joke.
It's certainly someone's idea of a joke. ;) It's not me!
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Quick! Everyone vote 'Yes' to thwart the goal of the TAS!
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What the <bleep>???
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Ha ha ha! Awesome. I agree with some that I'd prefer two branches as compared to the one combined.
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tom_mai78101 wrote:
Oh well, this is my current best run. I hoped you all enjoyed it.
And, published or not, I hope you can take the making of this run for the accomplishment it is. You've taken a great step in making making your own TAS. I truly hope it won't be your last. :)
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DungeonFacts wrote:
Put some more time into the new run. Current progress is 5/16 of the levels complete.
Very nice! Looks well optimized too. Looks like you've picked up the hang of it and are well on your way.
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Hi tom_mai78101, welcome to TASVideos! I haven't watched your run, so I can't comment on it, but I congratulate you for taking the time and patience to make it. I unfortunately have to point out that it's rare for runs that use anything other than the highest difficulty level to be published here, though there are exceptions. If there are reasons I've missed for why choosing "Wussy" makes for a more impressive run, then I apologize. Otherwise, I don't think you should be downhearted if this doesn't get published, but instead use what you've learned to now try and beat it on the hardest difficulty, or to TAS another game. Keep at it, and we're glad to have you here!
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MUGG wrote:
I put an item in the top right corner of the field and ran searches whilst changing the item, with these two results:
I then added another item to the left of the previous item and ran searches whilst changing that item, and the results were:
The same addresses? I added another tile 2 spots to the left of the top right corner and this time it's
Perhaps we can discard the 2nd result (82676).
I suggest watching the values of those two addresses as you place items. For the first address, it's possible it stores the contents of two or more spaces in one byte using bitwise operators.
I ran searches, looking for the RNG seed and these are the results. I can't seem to narrow it down more. Perhaps it is a dword address?
Usually RNG seeds are word values, whereas it looks like you're outputting byte values there.
* Can I specify what type is the address that I want to print? (word or byte)
Oops. I just realized I uploaded the printmemoryonce.lua with the wrong code (printing letters not values). Here's the updated version. Both printmemory scripts should print the address followed by the byte value and then the word value with either a slash ("/") or pipe ("|") in-between.
* Can I clear the lua output after a loadstate?
If you're talking about manually pressing the "Clear Console" button in the lua window, you can do that whenever you want. I don't think there's a way to automatically do it with lua.
* When pressing many keys in JPC-rr's virtual keyboard (in order to control 4 players), do these keys all register or is there a key lock like in most physical keyboards?
All keys should register, however I haven't tried it on a large number of keys. Note that there is a short amount of time that is spent registering the key presses, which means: a) The order you press keys in might matter. b) It's possible to use up enough time pressing keys that your commands spill into the next frame. Also, there is usually a maximum size to the keyboard buffer (in my experience I think it's something like 19 key presses).
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MUGG wrote:
I put an item in the top right corner of the field and ran searches whilst changing the item, with these two results:
I then added another item to the left of the previous item and ran searches whilst changing that item, and the results were:
The same addresses? I added another tile 2 spots to the left of the top right corner and this time it's
Perhaps we can discard the 2nd result (82676).
I suggest watching the values of those two addresses as you place items. For the first address, it's possible it stores the contents of two or more spaces in one byte using bitwise operators.
I ran searches, looking for the RNG seed and these are the results. I can't seem to narrow it down more. Perhaps it is a dword address?
Usually RNG seeds are word values, whereas it looks like you're outputting byte values there.
* Can I specify what type is the address that I want to print? (word or byte)
Oops. I just realized I uploaded the printmemoryonce.lua with the wrong code (printing letters not values). Here's the updated version. Both printmemory scripts should print the address followed by the byte value and then the word value with either a slash ("/") or pipe ("|") in-between.
* Can I clear the lua output after a loadstate?
If you're talking about manually pressing the "Clear Console" button in the lua window, you can do that whenever you want. I don't think there's a way to automatically do it with lua.
* When pressing many keys in JPC-rr's virtual keyboard (in order to control 4 players), do these keys all register or is there a key lock like in most physical keyboards?
All keys should register, however I haven't tried it on a large number of keys. Note that there is a short amount of time that is spent registering the key presses, which means: a) The order you press keys in might matter. b) It's possible to use up enough time pressing keys that your commands spill into the next frame. Also, there is usually a maximum size to the keyboard buffer (in my experience I think it's something like 19 key presses).
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MUGG wrote:
I put an item in the top right corner of the field and ran searches whilst changing the item, with these two results:
I then added another item to the left of the previous item and ran searches whilst changing that item, and the results were:
The same addresses? I added another tile 2 spots to the left of the top right corner and this time it's
Perhaps we can discard the 2nd result (82676).
I suggest watching the values of those two addresses as you place items. For the first address, it's possible it stores the contents of two or more spaces in one byte using bitwise operators.
I ran searches, looking for the RNG seed and these are the results. I can't seem to narrow it down more. Perhaps it is a dword address?
Usually RNG seeds are word values, whereas it looks like you're outputting byte values there.
* Can I specify what type is the address that I want to print? (word or byte)
Oops. I just realized I uploaded the printmemoryonce.lua with the wrong code (printing letters not values). Here's the updated version. Both printmemory scripts should print the address followed by the byte value and then the word value with either a slash ("/") or pipe ("|") in-between.
* Can I clear the lua output after a loadstate?
If you're talking about manually pressing the "Clear Console" button in the lua window, you can do that whenever you want. I don't think there's a way to automatically do it with lua.
* When pressing many keys in JPC-rr's virtual keyboard (in order to control 4 players), do these keys all register or is there a key lock like in most physical keyboards?
All keys should register, however I haven't tried it on a large number of keys. Note that there is a short amount of time that is spent registering the key presses, which means: a) The order you press keys in might matter. b) It's possible to use up enough time pressing keys that your commands spill into the next frame. Also, there is usually a maximum size to the keyboard buffer (in my experience I think it's something like 19 key presses).
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