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However, you're playing the game as a means to an end. Your goal is to make a perfect movie, and you use any means you can to do this. You aren't concerned with the "gamer" rules of playing the game because that is not your goal. I understand this, but it doesn't change the fact that the methods used are considered cheating by basically all serious gamers.
Yes. The goal is to make a perfect game. Compare it to a Rambo movie. In the movie Rambo did everything perfectly, kills everyone and returns to base. In the real life, Rambo would have screwed up after half an hour and get killed. The time attack makers want to make perfection (like in the rambo movie) and do not care about the means to do it (cheat with emulators). About the ignorant people remark; I read that topic that was linked to from this forum and was disgusted by the attitude. There was no paying respect to that time attack makers have a different goal (make a perfect movie). 'I looked at his movie and it had XXXXX rerecordings. Haha he is a cheater, he did not even do this or that right, he suck, we are so good' is a sum up from that topic. I like watching a good speed run that requires extreme gaming skills and reflexes, but this is a whole different thing. I respect that they think that they have a different view on what cheating is (which they do not, since I do also think that save states and slow mo is cheating), but that is not the point. Time attack making is a whole other concept, and if you can respect that they are doing a different thing (recording a perfect movie, not make a skillful run from beginning to end) instead of cuss down on them, well then I wont think that you are ignorant any more. Ok you are getting tired of of seeing comments like mine, and on the other hand I am getting tired of that kind of attitude that comes from the other forum, especially if they now grasp the concept of time attacks and still deride the makers of them. I think your post here has a nice attitude. If I would have seen the same attitude in that other forum, I would never have made that statement.
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Gun smoke is auto scrolling. Not great for a time attack. Maybe a nice aesthetic movie, but that is a whole other concept.
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I for one am very excited to see the results. Good luck!
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Arc wrote:
Has this thread been mentioned? Although they express that they want to keep things secret from us 'cheaters,' they hint at some things about Zelda (of course not expecting us to see it ;p.) fixed
Hmm, ignorant people. If they read the f.a.q they would know that it is no secret that save states have been used. No one has said that there are no rerecordings afaik.
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I agree with topic starter. I did not find that movie very impressive. Of course it is impressive to beat Tyson in the first place, but I have seen many more impressive attempts. Like Deviances for example.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
So how do you define berserk? What enemies should I kill? Those that get in my way? None? All possible?
Kill things that are hard to kill. Avoid things that are hard (but possible) to avoid. All without losing time of course. Just to make it look cooler. :)
Post subject: Re: up+a in Zelda
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Jackic wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Is it mentioned in the instruction booklet?
Yet it is, page 15 of my manual, it's a spanish one though maybe it's different from the ntcs version.
If it does, then I stand corrected.
Post subject: Re: up+a in Zelda
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Bisqwit wrote:
Is it mentioned in the instruction booklet?
I think it was not. My memory might fail me though, it was a long time since I read it. :P
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The reason I do kinda not approve of it is that I do not know if it was implemented as a feature or if it is a debugging tool for testing the save system that was left in the game.
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morg wrote:
"... route and also using Up+A. I hope ..." What does Up+A mean? =/
That you can instantly save and exit and reappear at the starting location. I would rather see a good run that does not use this though.
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Hmm, that was just a access denied error. Probably wrong rights on the file or something. However it was one of the most aggressive 403 error messages I have ever seen. =/
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Arc wrote:
Ahh, I loved that game when I was a kid. :) My record is 21 under par on 18 holes... on console.
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I really enjoyed the Kid Icarus run. Very nice. I played it a lot when I was younger. Those immortal squirrels who steal your weapon upgrades and the eggplant throwers must be the most irritating monsters ever.
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Masakado wrote:
Lezard wrote:
I think you should watch my movies of Ninja Gaiden(s) in VirtuaNES at:
*yawn* Color me cynical, but I'm not impressed. While your Ninja Gaiden movie was indeed quite fast, it was rather devoid of style--I prefer my "speed-run" movies to at least have the illusion of not being blatantly made with exploits, which you can't really say when you do stuff like the 15-attacks-in-one-jump you did on the two last bosses. Add to that you got hit several times when you didn't have to and didn't even save time, and took the "Rambo approach" throughout the entire game, (ie. no incidences of "artful dodging" and precision jumping through hordes of enemies, just Jump-slash whenever multiple enemies appear) made it a rather boring movie to watch. And I personally find the way you talk yourself up on your page (oh yeah this movie I made is so impressive! etc) to be rather arrogant. But that's just me.
Lezards Ninja Gaiden runs are great. I have not seen him take a hit where it does not save time. The point of the plays is to finish the games as fast as possible, not to make artful dodgings I think.
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Madcoil wrote:
I would really like to see Trojan done as a speed run. Shouldn't be too long.
It´s really hard to do perfect though.
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That would be great.
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Congratulations! Thats huge.
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That sounds hard! Good luck, it should be interresting to watch.
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Idszt wrote:
Deviance, yes, if direct perfection is the goal, then rerecording may be the answer. The reason I asked is I've always played the NES as a hobby and at some point also started timing my plays and then trying to beat the records I'd made. It's the idea of competing in movie-sampling instead of actual skill in game-play that seems a little weird to me. But I'm still new to this idea and, in any way, do not wish to belittle anyone. I consider some of these movies really entertaining, I just haven't bought the philosophy yet.
There is a misunderstanding. The time attack videos are not made to compete with others. They are made because they are really impressive to see. Some skill is certainly required, but it is when it comes to speed runs, which is when you play through the game without saves/loads on time, when there is really great skill required.
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The rock on the top right in world 2 can be hammered away to get to another part of the map where there are more hammer brothers.
Post subject: The complete smb3 run movie
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It was very entertaining to watch and all. There are a few things though.
Peculiar features: - All levels played (not just the required ones) - A star in all levels (doesn't try to avoid the 5-UP animation) - Flying secret houses exposed in all worlds - All on-map hammer brothers are beated - All levels begin with a small Mario, all levels end with a small Mario
He did not reveal the secret houses in all worlds and he does not defeat the hidden on-map hammer brothers in world 2 Yet very nice though.
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I use to close it when it has been on 0 kb/s up for a while, or when I have uploaded more than double the size of the download. If it still has very high upload rate by then I use to keep it going for a while longer.
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Hmm, that is a bad glitch. It would not be as interesting to see it if emulator caused glitches were used. Still it would be fun to see a well performed time attack on Zelda 2. Working out the fastest way, and perfecting the use of fairy sounds hard, but certainly doable.
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I have some suggestions of time attacks that would be interresting: Ufouria Zelda 2 Metal Gear What do you think? :)
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Cobra triangle is a very nice game to speed run! Two of my friends spent *a lot* of time with that game on console trying to optimize the time. They had some advanced tactics and managed to cut the time by a few time units now and then. :)