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Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User
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Oof, that's a bug then. Thanks for catching that, I'll fix it. E] Oh wait, I misread. If you use held-rewind it goes back one interval at a time. However, at the moment, pressing rewind goes all the way back. I'll fix that when I revamp rewind in 0.4
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boct1584 wrote:
During the course of Calculations x100, if 6x9 comes up, I think the answer "42" (which is a Douglas Adams reference) would be hilarious.
Either this or the green alien on the cover.
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Also there were bugs in the TASing tools that were fixed in the mean time, and classic controller support was added (IIRC). I fixed some of those bugs myself!
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An idea I had while talking to RGamma was that the game for a race could be announced very early during SGDQ, giving people a whole 5 or 6 days to shape up an entry. This would allow for a longer game, and potentially more quality entries.
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Strange. It was set to unlisted when I uploaded it. Should be fixed now.
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Well, hopefully this verification of [1958] GBA Sonic Advance 2 by Mukki in 18:01.78 will be less controversial. There were no large changes I had to make, only inserting lag frames (about 3 per level), removing one lag frame in one of the levels (I forget which), and inserting frames at the beginning to compensate for the boot screen that's not in the emulator. The RNG was more cooperative in this game, so nothing fancy was needed. I'll post a cam vid sometime soon-ish. Note that I was not easily able to clear the entirety of the save data (the name input screen at the beginning is notably absent), so I'd need to do a bit more work to get the very beginning working, but the data is otherwise completely cleared. I hope to do that additional other work soon, but it requires toying with the cartridge between runs, so I haven't done it yet. Link to video
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For reference, here are the donations I placed during the event: (total of $256) Hotel expenses ended up being more than estimated, but as previously stated, everything more than was in the original post, I covered myself.
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I'm hoping I can get Sonic Advance 2 verified before this, potentially leading to some sort of "hey let's do the next Sonic GBA game" every SGDQ, although that would probably get boring fast.
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The cursor issue is fixed two commits after that version, so that build is too old. New build (most likely 0.3-2392-742296b) goes up in a few hours still. Hoping this build fixes the window size issues, too.
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Qt is what the whole GUI is written in, it's not just a setting. There just happens to be a way to plaster the pixels on the screen using Qt directly instead of OpenGL, which you should not actually use. That doesn't change the fact that it's still Qt through and through. Also I'm going to try to fix the frame delay issues once and for all tomorrow. E]
- Targeting a certain FPS (such as 60) doesn't seem to work when neither sync to audio nor sync to video is enabled.
This isn't a bug. With nothing to sync to, there's nothing to control the framerate, so it just pours out frames as fast as possible. Perhaps not the most intuitive, but without something to sync to, there's nothing to throttle it.
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As I explained, perhaps a bit verbosely, the problem here is that the console has "too many" lag frames compared to the emulator; what's effectively happening is removing lag frames (and not even that many), even if the means are a bit roundabout. But it's true that this is a sizable discrepancy from the emulation. VBA-rr is just that bad, so it's unavoidable. I guess that could mean that none of the VBA-rr movies should or will ever be verified, though.
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Most of these are either known problems, or things I would consider bugs, so I'm working on fixing them. The default window size is SUPPOSED to be 2x, and it is SUPPOSED to be remembered. This is probably the same problem, where it's not properly setting it on startup. What OS are you on? The missing cursor has been a known bug for a while, but I haven't had a chance to debug it yet. I added some text to the remap keyboard dialog yesterday. It should be much easier now. The focus and savestate-when-paused issues are it just not redrawing when it probably should. I fixed the latter last night, the former should be easy to fix tonight. A help menu would be nice if I had other things to put in it. At the moment I don't, and someone told me that if I added a separate menu, it would suddenly be too many menus at 1x. Not sure there's an optimal solution for this one. Modifiers as hotkeys being broken is Qt's fault. I've done some fairly extensive changes to fix this, but it's not on the main branch due to being fairly extensive. I'll merge it onto master for 0.4, but it won't be in 0.3 unless I can prove that it's stable. Input delays on keyboard are thing JMC47 also reported. It's some combination of actual frame delays (try setting audio buffer samples as low as you can without audio glitching), and Qt's event system not being tuned for realtime. I've been trying to fix the former for quite a while, but the latter I'm not sure I can fix. Supposedly joysticks work fine. The reason there's no quicksave 10 is mostly for UX reasons and not for technical reasons. The savestate UI is tuned for 9, as are the filenames. I might be able to add the option to just have additional ones if the player desires additional, but I'm not 100% sure. I have NO idea why keyboard configs are disappearing. I've never seen that before. All in all, 0.3 is coming out soon but the more people report things, the more I wonder if I should keep delaying it. E] Fixed the cursor and (probably) the focus issues, will be in the 2015-08-05 build in a few hours. Let me know!
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To clarify a bit on how those several seconds are used, and why (with fake numbers since I don't know the exact numbers): When in emulator, the game runs for 2000 frames with the level counter spinning, then presses Start on the first frame it can. However, since it's running "faster" than console, this is fewer frames than on the actual console. Thus, when the same 2000 frames have passed on actual console, Start cannot be pressed yet, and it must wait 20 frames (less than a second), but at this point the frame counter is 2020, thus offsetting the seed by 20. The way I fixed this was to do a soft reset (A+B+Start+Select) to reset the frame counter to 0, but the point in the intro sequence where it resets to is actually 800 frames into the sequence without the reset. As such, I can wait only 1220 frames until I can press start, but I need to wait an additional 780 frames until it reaches the 2000 seed. So if the emulator had waited those 20 frames (or whatever the actual number is--I'm pretty sure it's less than 60, and I know it's less than 120, thus way less than however long I waited) instead of pressing start immediately, and used that seed, the reset wouldn't have been necessary. So it's still REALLY close, but I had to do tricks to get it to work.
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dwangoAC wrote:
The only console verification was Sonic Advance which we really should mark as console verified, but I digress.
I was discussing this in the console verification thread in the TAS Laboratory forum, and ALKATORN raises a very good point, in that I had to add several seconds to get the RNG to align--way more of an adjustment than just a few frames between levels--to get things to sync. Although the real reason there is that the frame counter had I not done that was actually late (meaning I needed to remove frames, but only a few, to get it to align), so I reset the counter and waited until it got the the same value.
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I heard he got "community banned", that is, enough people reported his channel that he got banned. Not directly GDQ's fault, more its watchers.
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I assure you, I've been working on that. But it's very difficult, and it will take more resources than I have to make it perfect.
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So the Game Boy Player Player does allow controls coming from a realtime player to be played back through the console, and I could really easily add code for saving that to a VBM. This would, however, require that runners have modded Game Boy Players. Alternatively, the Game Boy Interface that Extrems made might be a more viable option, since that only requires soft mods. E] "Instructions" for modding a Game Boy Player are available, and I could make more specific instructions. I'd like to do a rev 2 that's a bit cleaner, and uh...connects a few more pins ;) but that's not a short term goal.
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It won't replay in VBA-rr though, and I've also confirmed that it doesn't *quite* work in mGBA (although it's way closer). It's probably possible to make a more optimized run than this assuming a much more accurate emulator but...therein lies the problem :P
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Good news! I was able to reproduce the sign and action command glitches in mGBA using the console version of the button listings on the tricks page, as well as reproducing altabiscuit's barrel Mario crash. Bad news, I don't think it's exploitable. We'd need predictable, controllable memory corruption to exploit this, and I don't think we have that (yet). E] Uh, hm.
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Going back and rereading the thread again, yes, I inserted 3 blank frames between every level. I was told before doing this that that's generally how console verifications work, so if not, I'd been misled at some point.
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While debugging the solar sensor code, I managed to find the offset of the value itself, which may help cut out some of the early studying time. It's 0x3004508 in the US version, dunno if it's different in different regions though.
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I'm not sure I understand. The only part of this run that's unoptimized is the part at the beginning where I wait for the RNG seed to line up. Beyond that, everything else is 100% optimized the same way as the original movie file. I guess I didn't watch the movie in question in that post, but due to severe timing differences between VBA-rr and console, this is all that can be done. Which I suppose might be your point.
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I'm not sure what the point of supporting Cygwin is. Cygwin is just for programs that don't quite work natively. So if they do work natively, why bother? NMAKE is just microsoft's makefile system. CMake can spit those out fine. What it boils down to is if the compiler it wants you to use can support it, which here would still be MSVC. So it all boils down to MSVC support.
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  • Currently, the link cable is supported (but only locally), as well as the gyroscope and accelerometer. The latter two are only exposed in the nightlies at the moment, but exist fully emulated in 0.2.
  • Wireless adapter is not supported at all that the moment, but it's planned.
  • The GCN/GBA link cable is emulated in a branch, but it works very poorly so it was never merged.
  • Game Boy Player is a GCN accessory, but some of the features it exposes are currently planned to be added.
  • e-Reader is planned but not yet implemented.
  • The headphone adapter is not exposed to games. It's just a dongle that adapts some wires.
  • Play-Yan has not been reverse engineered yet. I got a Nintendo MP3 Player, which is the EU version of the Play-Yan, but I've not done much reversing work on it yet.
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