Posts for fetofs

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Admiral_Sif wrote:
Damage may be a set formula, but variations do happen, I used to do the same thing you did but the damage did change. A straight move from a to b in 3 blocks and then attacking another unit does occasionally result in a 1 unit difference. It seems to happen once every while, but I know damage is also random at times.
It is? Good thing to know. After two attempts failed by lack of "luck", my third try on Orange Dawn now works (see first post)! The transport copter is now used as bait to bring Flak's units to my army at the island as soon as possible.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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Nitrodon wrote:
I found the (U) ROM without the intro hack, and the movie plays without desynch if the first 422 frames are removed. (The hacked intro uses the start button once, and the game accepts the start button on frame 52.)
Good! Note that any videos I send will still have that part, as it's easier to remove than add. Since no answers were posted to my question: "We should decide: we want real-time or number of days?" I am trying to change the Orange Dawn victory by capture into a rout. EDIT: Oh, I hadn't seen your edit Nitrodon. My strategy is to use Max's power to attack blindly (not that you can call it "strategy")
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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Nitrodon wrote:
Orange Dawn can be done in 4 days by letting your cruiser and sub reach 1HP and sacrificing your lander and T-copter to get the needed stars for Victory March. I suppose a Double Time on day 3 would also be a 4-day win. Which one is faster would depend on whether Lash can be manipulated to not have enough stars for Prime Tactics on day 3. The next mission is probably Flak Attack instead of Orange Dawn, since Test of Time is required to reach Liberation. With enough luck manipulation, it should be possible to leave only a lone enemy infantry at the end of day 2, for a quick 3-day victory by rout.
I believe you're commenting on Lash Out, since you mention Lash. I meant Max's first mission. Both Flak Attack and Lash Out shoiuld be quick missions.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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Nitrodon wrote:
The RNG is at 03001fd4-03001fd7. It seems to advance 3 times each frame whenever you can press A to select a target for an attack (and at no other convenient times from what I see). You can also advance the RNG by drawing paths as in my Fire Emblem run. I don't see what needs manipulating in Andy's Time, but perhaps your strategy is better than mine for a TAS. My strategy involves blocking the enemy base on day 4 after building two recons.
I originally tried doing that, but the fastest I could do (I played on 100% for the tests, of course) was 8 days. My strategy now involves building an artillery and bringing it next to the cannon by day 7, and combo it, attacking with the rockets and artillery. EDIT: I've made a video describing it here. (The last frames are me realizing that the artillery was on the rocket's way :P) I'm almost certain the lower infantry is not needed, and the artillery should definitely get out of the rocket's way, but that's about it. You'll redo it, or shall I? P.S: I think Orange Dawn can be done in 4 days. We should decide: we want real-time or number of days? I, personally, would go for the latter.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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fetofs wrote:
BTW, I'm working on Andy's Time. Proceeding in the fastest manner possible through a 7-day level is harder than I thought it would be.
It's even harder than harder, because my luck manipulation attempts are leading me to nothing. I'm close to assuming the AI calculates it's "randomness" for the next move while it's moving, and that would mean that I have to luck manipulate 2 days before the actual fact happens.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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hopper wrote:
I played the heck out of the orginal Advanced Wars, but AW2 I thought the storyline was corny and the graphics seemed ugly by comparison. The new, more powerful tank didn't make the game more fun, but it did add complexity. I loved the original because it reminded me of chess: there were just a few units for each aspect of warfare, and the number of possible positions is enormous. Despite have relatively few pieces, chess and go are two of my favorite games. Their complexity may make them unsolvable, so I assumed that AW/AW2 would also be unsolvable, meaning that you could never be sure if you had played a perfect game. Despite my dislike for AW2, I think they're both great candidates for TAS because they may always be improvable, leading to innovation for years to come (much like chess and go). The only problem is that the campaigns are so long. Do you have an estimate of how long the run is going to be? It may be necessary to watch on fast forward.
It will be long, for sure. There are 30 missions. If we assume 5 minutes per mission, we already have 2.5 hours. I know that estimate is off, though. BTW, I'm working on Andy's Time. Proceeding in the fastest manner possible through a 7-day level is harder than I thought it would be.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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Nitrodon wrote:
Here's a short run of the beginning I put together with that improvement and a few more. I used the same intro hack ROM since I haven't found a good (U) ROM yet. I've beaten the game several times, so I'm sure I could help with this run.
You can press End by typing ^ A, instead of vvvvv A. You don't do that in your first ending, at least. I see you wait three frames at each CO conversation. I assume you lose time on it... The improvements, especially on moving speed, were pretty nice.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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atro city wrote:
Desyncs on day 2. I know I've got the (U) version of the ROM, but I don't know anything about the (Mode 7) at the end of the run name.
The (Mode7) means that the rom has got that yellow intro. It desyncs on Sami's day 2 here too. I'll get to fixing it. If it desyncs on Andy's day 2, I don't know what to do. EDIT: Try this movie. It completes the first two missions without any noticed desynchs on my VBA.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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atro city wrote:
Of course, versus Flak, you can take advantage of his slight unluckiness which results in less damage sometimes.
Sure, when I need to rush in. That's why I posted this topic anyway ;) BTW, my first stage (which can't be improved, really, unless improving my bad keystrokes by a few frames) is at
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
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atro city wrote:
Not to mention the walthroughs don't take into consideration perfect luck (I'm not sure how much luck manipulation is in this game, but I'm sure there's at least a fair amount). I'd also like to see a run of this. It'd be interesting to say the least.
When I played, I would reset every time a unit didn't move where I wanted it to, but I doubt there are other things decided by luck (damage is a set formula). Now my Cleanup video doesn't desync! Yay!
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)
Post subject: Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
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Any special strategies for this game? I guess we should use the "rush-and-destroy" strategy, aiming for fast completion. I've seen a walkthrough at GameFAQs that specified minimum S-rank times (envolving a bit of luck manipulation). Can anyone beat the strategies there or they're optimal? EDIT: The latest WIPs are at the end of the thread.
AW2 v2 progress: Two-Week Test (mission 17/25)