Posts for fuwafuwa

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Well, I made it up to level 69 in world 4.. that puts me about 3/4ths through the game. Unfortunately, levels 66, 68 and 69 are causing me massive headaches. I've spent the past 3 days playing them over and over and over again. I can beat all of them at 100% speed without needing savestates, because I can do them perfectly now. :p ... and yet when I try making a FMV of those levels, they give me nothing but trouble. I managed to make it past 66 and 68 with brute force (moving 1-2 seconds, saving, testing the FMV, if it works back up the FMV and continue, etc).. but 69 has a teleporter in it, and i can't seem to control where i come out, regardless of how many times I do it.. and as such i've never had an FMV that made it to the opposite side of the teleporter, much less completed the level. i've tried going back to earlier levels and playing up through them, but it doesn't seem to help. So, after what must've been something like 6 hours of trying different techniques to get a working FMV, I'm giving up. This FMV just doesn't want to pass level 69. Furthermore, I'm leaving to study abroad in Japan in a few days, and the last thing I need to do now is play a Gauntlet level another 50 times just to produce a working FMV. As such, I'm putting this on hold. If anyone wants to beat Gauntlet, be my guest. Maybe you'll have fewer desynch headaches than I. My last working FMV is available here: It completes the game up through level 68. Some notes about the run thus far: You can influence the location of the exits for treasure rooms by waiting on the overworld map. It seems that every few frames (maybe 1/8th of a second, or faster?) of waiting shifts the position of the exit. If you're careful, you can use that to move the treasure room exits close to you so you can finish the levels quickly. I assume this can also be used in regular rooms with multiple exits, too. Level 5, 27, 42: The run is messier than I'd like for these levels. They could easily be run more cleanly. Level 9: I shouldn't've picked up the food.. cost a fraction of a second, and it looks bad besides. Level 13, 19: I pick up the keys in these Treasure Rooms because they're fast. I'm PRETTY SURE you need at least one of them to get the seventh clue in World 5... however, there appear to be some super shots I forgot to tally in World 4, which could make them unessential (speeding up the game by a second or two). Level 15: The armor potion is slightly out of the way, and can be picked up later (Level 26, the clue room) without a significant detour. It's essential for world 5, though, so it must be picked up in one of those two levels. This was a sloppy run (2 stray arrows fired), but the route (and use of potions) is about as optimal as you can hope for. Level 16: I think it's faster if you pick up the two bottom chests, and then go left and down instead of the way I do it in this FMV. You want the bomb strength potion in the lower right chest, because with it you can kill level 3 generators with bombs (essential, in world 5) Level 20: I pick up the shot potion here because the only other shot potion is in level 12.. and that's not in the fastest route. This is useful against the final boss, so that you can kill it in about 1/2 the time.. for the few seconds it takes, it's a worthwhile grab. Level 26: Pick up the bombs here. You need most of them in World 5, but a few extras wouldn't hurt. You might be able to make-do without them, but it'd require slowing down in other levels, I think. Level 37: I think it would be faster to hit the glowing tile behind the demon generators, rather than walking past it and hitting the tile below the wizard generator (as I do in this FMV). The speed potion here is, of course, essential to a speed run. Level 38: I hit a stun square here (it can't be avoided). You might want to try the pause trick to de-stun yourself; press START to go to the status screen, and press START again to go back to the main level and continue playing. I don't know if just taking the stun is faster or not. Level 40: You can bomb death if you want, but I prefer running over him. :) Due to its position, the super arrows are fairly worthless here. You could use them in 42, but aside from there, I don't see a better place to use them before you get more in Level 50. Level 58: It would be faster to do this level by shooting down and right, hit the two glowing squares on the right and run out. It'd save a super shot and several seconds. I think you need to enter level 79 with a minimum of 4 keys *or* 2 keys and 2 super shots. You need to have a total of 4 keys when you enter level 80 (79-82-80 is probably the fastest route) and you get 2 keys on that route. I *think* you only need 1 key when entering level 83.. and if you follow 79-82-80-82-79-83, you'll get 2 additional keys (82 and 79 again) and use 1 (79), leaving you with that minimum 1 key. I could be wrong, but I don't remember any doors that didn't have keys nearby after level 83. Good luck. If no one does Gauntlet by July, I'll start a new run at that point, hopefully with fewer desyncs.
Post subject: Re: What games are you best at? (of all plataforms)
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1. Final Fantasy II/IV (SNES) 2. Final Fantasy (NES) 3. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (NES) 4. Gauntlet (NES) 5. Legend of Zelda (NES) 6. Megaman 2 (NES) 7. Dance Dance Revolution (PS/PS2) 8. Actraiser (SNES) 9. Soul Blazer (SNES) 10. Aerobiz (SNES) This is in order of internal knowledge of the games, which roughly translates to how good I am at those games (I'm inclined to abandon any game that I don't 'get' relatively quickly). I prefer RPGs and Sims (obviously) to more action-oriented games, but I guess I dabble in most genres, at least a little.
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pierrot wrote:
Is it cheating to declare that my team scores 100 points for putting the ball in our own goal? Yes. Is it cheating in the context of Pierrot's Rules Soccer? Of course not. Then, do we play by Pierrot's Rules? No. Why? Because it's fucking retarded. You're still just shoveling more bullshit here. You've conceded that it's cheating, and now you're just trying to haggle over the degree of cheating. I can't even go on with that post. What an utterly idiotic argument.
Okay. We're not playing games in the "Twin Galaxies" sort of way. We are playing these games in the "Bisqwit's Speedruns" sort of way. Or, in your terms, we're playing "Pierrot's Rules Soccer" instead of "Regular Soccer". It looks like soccer, because there's a soccer ball, nets, and players on a soccer-like field. The point of the game is somewhat different, but to the casual viewer it looks like it's the same game. That's why we put up big signs that say, "Pierrot's Rules Soccer" on our field, and hope that everyone who reads that understands that this isn't regular soccer. If you're questioning whether Pierrot Rules Soccer is a valid sport... well, consider that less than 200 years ago, Basketball didn't exist. Baseball didn't exist. Football didn't exist. Precursors to those games existed, certainly, but the games we play (and HOW we play them presently) differ greatly. It's really the same sort of thing here -- 15 years ago, people only had consoles to play on. Slowing down or rewinding the game wasn't an option. That didn't stop people from trying to make the fastest runs possible. Now we have those tools to our advantage, so we're now faced with "Regular Soccer" and "Pierrot Rules Soccer". Some of us prefer "Pierrot Rules Soccer" to "Regular Soccer", much the same way some people preferred "Baseball" to Stickball or whatever came before it. Many sports (and many styles of games, and thus gameplay) change dramatically over time. This is just one of those changes, incorperating modern technology into gameplay. I don't think any of us claim superior gaming skills BECAUSE of these videos. Some of us claim superior gaming skills because of other feats we've done, but that's like having a regular soccer player come play Pierrot Rules Soccer -- just because he can play Pierrot Rules Soccer doesn't make him any worse of a regular soccer player. So, ummm. Tell me how you didn't just undermine your own argument with Pierrot Rules Soccer? PS: I should point out that, when there is an established set of rules that everyone who participates agrees to (such as an online MMORPG game, or when submitting a video to a source with established rules, like Twin Galaxies) then everyone must abide by those rules. Someone who then changes the rules (by tampering with the datastream in FF11, or by duping items through memory hacks in Diablo) is in vioation of that aformentioned agreement, and thus they can be punished in whatever way is justified (with CD key bans, for instance). Likewise, if someone were to submit a Famtasia run to TG, it would be in violation of the TG rules, and that individual should be punished in whatever way TG deems necessary. However, if that individual were to create a site with famtasia runs (as Bisqwit did), and publish those movies as famtasia runs (as Bisqwit does), then there's no problem. If that same individual published the famtasia runs as TG-compliant runs, then there WOULD be a problem.
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Update... I'm now working on world 4. Here's a slightly earlier FMV that shows up through the end of world 3: Here's my current run times for the first three worlds, approximately: World 1: 2:40 (which can probably be lowered by ~10 seconds with a few optimizations that I missed the first time around.) World 2: 3:45 (I'm not sure how much can be improved on here. It was a rather clean run, all things considered. There were several lucky treasure room exit placements which helped speed things up considerably.) World 3: 3:25 (There are a number of mistakes, but none of them are very costly.. still, one could improve a few seconds.) In almost all of the levels, I make minor mistakes in positioning, which cost a frame or two here or there... but with a total of 70 levels that have to be crossed, and usually most require moving more than one direction, it would add up to probably several more seconds of time that could be shaved off, provided you're willing to endure the game's desynchronizations... I probably won't have time to make a 2nd version, because I'm going to Japan for a study abroad session for most of the rest of the summer.. I leave on the 9th.
Post subject: Re: Gauntlet 1
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Grr. This is really starting to get irritating. Okay, so I've made about 30 FMVs covering the first 20 levels.. only one has successfully recorded that far without errors. Most of them desynch when they mess up a keystroke somewhere.. That's okay, because I'm now making FMVs that finish at the start of each level. ... but now, I'm starting to get other weird desynchs, particularly in treasure rooms. For those who haven't played the game: Treasure rooms have a randomly positioned exit. Lately, I've been having FMVs that will play through all the levels without error, including the treasure room... but when I walk to where the exit is supposed to be in the treasure room, the exit won't be there. (IOW: the exit was generated in a different location than when I played through it). The oddity is that the FMV will play through the treasure room normally, so if there's a desynch it must've occurred while the treasure room was being generated.. At this rate, I'll have well over 500 attempted FMVs before I have a single FMV that runs through half of the game.. it just desynchs way too easily. PS: World 1 speed is down to 2:38 with an extra key. hopefully 1 will be enough for now. :/ PS^2: Yes, I am using backup FMVs. Sometimes i have to go back to a previous FMV because anything i make with a later FMV will always desynch. :( I've had to do it several times already.
Post subject: Re: Any interest in...
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KMFDManic wrote:
I had been working on this (and, I guess, I still am). My time from the start to level 20 is 2:42, and to level 50 is 7:45, with the elf. I'm working on it, but haven't finished because I keep running out of keys by world 5.. unfortunately, the keys in the treasure rooms in level 1 are pretty much "essential" at this point, because i can't find any other faster source of keys later on. level 12 would be a nice source, except that it's not in the fastest path. super shots are good replacements for a few keys, but even then you probably won't have more than a few remaining by world 5. it's difficult finding the ideal balance of speed and keys/super shots.
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Phil wrote:
All the video on this site are professional.Btw what is this game you're talking about?
None of the movies here are professional. This is a HOBBY, and no one is paid for their movies.. particularly since even the worst gamer could eventually produce [assuming there aren't desynch problems, etc] even better runs than the versions here, thanks to slow-motion and re-recording. The label "professional" can be applied to those people who dedicate so much time and effort that they can do these things on the native console (or for-profit). These movies are exceptional in their performance, but there's nothing professional about them. It would be nice if the site could be split into different sections.. which would alleviate the tension that currently exists between some creators and some visitors..
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shibii wrote:
i done it but ITS long :P just be smart plz and say it faster!
It takes someone with intelligence to be able to understand it. Thus far, you haven't shown any, so no matter how eloquently it's spoken, you won't ever understand, it seems. But, rather than give up in vain, here's another attempt: We slow down the game, and we rewind the movie whenever we make a mistake. Is that simple enough for you to comprehend? PS mods: Yes, yes, flaming's bad. Sorry, but the kid is begging for it. I moderate a board with >10,000 users, and I know I don't have any patience for this kind of thing. It's not an excuse; I'm just saying that I agree with Bisqwit regarding these sorts of things.
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WalkerBoh wrote:
Do we players have anything to say really?
Yes, you do. Bisqwit is converting the player's work to AVI (not "creating" anything new, just changing between). The original creative work was done by the player, and so the player holds the rights to that FMV. I don't think Bisqwit holds any copyright over the video, excepting possibly the subtitles.
Can I claim something for that? I mean just theoretical.
Sure. You could make a bunch of FMVs, burn them to CD and sell them online, or in a store, or whatever. The FMVs (and thus any redistribution thereof) belong to the player.
So where´s the difference?
The difference is the use for non-profit purposes versus for-profit purposes. By giving the FMV to Bisqwit, it's fairly clear that you don't mind _non-profit_ distribution, because that's how Bisqwit distributes the AVIs and FMVs. However, that implicit agreement only exists between you and Bisqwit. Because you're giving them away for free, I'm not sure if it's possible to legally demand that others not distribute.. I assume it is, but I'm not aware of any court cases between sites that host older demo/shareware versions of software and the original software manufacturers. Likewise, it's possible that you could release the FMV for non-commercial purposes for free, and yet still demand a licensing fee from anyone who wishes to use it for commercial purposes (such as inclusion with this magazine).. in other words, you can demand a "cut of the profits" if anyone wishes to use it for commercial gains. Heck, you could even demand that Bisqwit pay you to distribute your FMVs/AVIs, to which he would probably delete them and tell you to host your own files. ;)
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sean.brockest wrote:
I know if i ask people wont send me rom's, so how can i make sure i'm using the same ones?
It really doesn't matter, provided that the rom is an "official" version of the game (equal to an actual cart). There are a number of Legend of Zelda roms out there, for instance. If you were to beat sleepz speed and submit the FMV, the proper rom will be found to make the video. It isn't "our" responsibility to ensure that the downloaders have access to the Rom so that they can use the FMV. People who download the FMV might have to go searching for a new copy of the rom, but that's not "our" responsibility, either. That's why Bisqwit published the Link no Bouken run, even though most people don't have the FDS rom OR the Link no Bouken rom. So the answer to #1 is: "It does not matter. Concern yourself with the run, not the people who might be inconvenienced by your rom selection." Provided it's an unmodified/untrained/unhacked rom, you should have no problems.
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BombAHead wrote:
*ponders how they let a loli-bait topless mermaid slip by...* Nintendo was pretty strict back then. You'd think even barbiedoll nudity woulda squicked them out. o_o
The same way they let hitler's face (and subsequent explosion) slip by in Bionic Commando: they're human beings, and they don't always check everything to the fullest extent. Sometimes people make mistakes. *shrug*
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Trax wrote:
The video... Well, the official time too...
i've still got that video, although i don't have anywhere i can host it (it's 87mb large)... the time from movie start to movie stop is 31:29; that's from the appearance of the title screen to the moment link touches zelda. in the course of the game, mfried does the levels in their proper order, as well as picking up 10 hearts and the master sword.. he also has 13088 rerecords.
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qFox wrote:
and this is what bittorrent sux at... nobody online so no way to get it :(
well, it IS over a month old... chapter 4 is now up on the Japanese site, though (LZH required, naturally).
Post subject: Re: mario rpg
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Chippermonky wrote:
Probably the only rpg that can be done with a speed run. This should be interesting, I'd like to see it done under 3 hours. Maybe less. (whoevers the mario jump master, please stand up)
Most RPGs require reaching a number of goals, which usually can't be skipped or done significantly out-of-order -- thus there's a cap on how fast they can be completed.. However, some games have enough flexibility in the storyline to allow for at least some sequence breaking, which can result in a faster game. DW1, obviously, only has a few requirements, most of which can be accomplished at any point in the game. There must be other RPGs out there with few "requirements" other than levelling up.. Plotting the games out, a la Zelda 1, would probably help reveal which games could be fast and which would not.
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For the Japanese impaired: My #1 favorite is "Hitler no Fukkatsu".
Post subject: Re: the forum layout is all screwed up for me
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NESRocks wrote:
it's like unformatted html and no images are loading (buttons, etc)
it happens, when bisqwit's main computer goes down. the buttons, etc. here are stored on ... while this forum is (apparently) on a different server (
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status update... i've pathed out the first 68 levels, and determined how many keys and bombs I need for each. there are about 25 more rooms I have to go through before i reach the 'end'. i've decided to burn a key at clue level 26, in order to get 10 bombs -- they're very useful in world 3 and 5. biggest problem discovered thus far: there are FAR too few keys in this path. depending on how many keys world 5 needs, i may have to pick up an out-of-the-way key, like one found in level 1, 11, or 14... :/ however, IIRC there IS a workaround: super shots shoot through doors... which means (ideally) i can bypass up to 10 doors per batch of super shots. the first set of super shots that are "on the path", so to speak, are in level 50. the next set are in clue level 66. with a bit of care, those might last until world 5... i expect to finish this game next week, and begin recording the v1 run in full. currently, i think this'll be about 30 minutes... but i haven't timed the game beyond the first 3 worlds yet, so maybe i'm wrong.
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NESRocks wrote:
i would consider that cheating as it's impossible to guess the code without visiting the hint rooms on the real game (unless by a heavenly strike of luck you input the right code at the end of the game hehehe)
To put it another way -- you get to a point (like, say, level 14) where you make a save-state. you then proceed (without save-stating) through the clue room, obtaining the clue. you write it down and reload your save state (which will bring you back to level 14) then you go to level 17 and skip the clue room.. but you now "know" what the clue is. it's just savestate abuse, no different than any other kind found here.
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NESRocks wrote:
sorry, i haven't watched it, i don't know how to use famtasia :P but you DID get the "?" hint for the final code didn't u? :D
to use famtasia: 1) doubleclick famtasia.exe 2) go to "File" 3) go to "Open" 4) select the ROM you want to load (in this case, the licensed version of Gauntlet. Good luck finding it.) 5) Go to "Edit" 6) Go to "Movie" 7) Go to "Play" 8) Press "..." under "Record Filename" and select the appropriate movie (in this case gauntlet1.fmv) 9) Click OK And yes, I do visit the clue room. In a perfect run, however, you wouldn't need to visit any of them. As I recall, the password is the same whether you visit the clue room or not... so if you start a movie (and, say, save it and copy it at level 1) and then with the first copy, walk through the game and visit all the ? rooms as normal, writing down the code... and then for the second copy, just ignore the ? rooms and go for pure speed. the password SHOULD be the same.
Post subject: Gauntlet 1
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This game goes really quickly.. I was very surprised that world 1 takes under 3 minutes to beat.. world 2 is around 5 minutes, I think. A quick estimate at this point says, "under 30 minutes for the full game". here's a rough FMV of the first world. This fmv is for the "Licensed" version of Gauntlet; I don't know if it will play in the unlicensed version. The difference between the two is that the licensed version says "Licensed by Nintendo of America" on the title screen. Anyway, the FMV of World 1, Zipped: 2:42 with only 36 saves. like i said, "rough". still, there's only one significant speed improvement I'm aware of (which I'll point out below). 2:30 is possible, but I'm not sure how much faster it could be than that. It would almost certainly require a lot of luck on the part of random monster generation/movement. NOTE: It seems this FMV (or maybe this game?) desynchs VERY easily for me. If I put Famtasia into the background, or try running it at anything less than 100% framerate, the movie desynchs. However, I have also watched the movie from start to finish without any deviations... I have also tested the FMV on another system and it DOES work there, too, which is why I'm posting it here. YMMV. some notes about this run... In general: I pick up too many chests. Oh well. I also sometimes don't click out of the menu following treasure rooms quickly enough. Oh well. I also get stuck in hand-to-hand combat against level 3 enemies/generators. what i need to do is shoot them once beforehand, and THEN hand-to-hand them. that should destroy them. Level 9: You don't need to pick up any of the food here.. But I was still experimenting when I did this movie. In a worst-case scenario, i think you'll reach the treasure room (#13) with about 15 health left. :) Level 14: I should pick up the key towards the start of this level, so that I can walk through the door, hit the panels and THEN shoot through the wall and go to the exit. Level 15: I burn a potion here because it hits the green slimes in two compartments. I also shoot a wall for apparently no reason near the first exist.. but that's because the green slime in the upper left corner kept moving towards me when I tried to get in that area. The shot rolled the random number generator enough that it moved away instead. I spent about half my saves here, trying to figure that out. :( It's a little out of the way, but I would prefer NOT skipping the key+armor potion here, because there are only 3 armor potions in the game... this one, one in 26 (a clue level, but the potion is out of the way) and one in 85 (the entire level is out of the optimal path), plus it comes with a key, which will be used later (not in the duration of this movie, however). The movie stops just as it begins level 20. Comments?
Post subject: Re: Useful exploit
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Trax wrote:
I would like to record a "first draft" of a Fast Run (or maybe a Time Attack) before revealing the trick to anyone. Yet, I don't know if it should be considered "legal glitch exploit". I think it should since the same behavior could be reproduced with the real cartridge.
If you mean the "fast run" caused by pressing both left and right at the same time... It's not so new or impressive.
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hmm... I'd beaten Ikari Warriors ... 2 and 3. I don't remember if I beat 1 or not. Games that rank high on my "unbeatable" list are those that simply require onerous amounts of playtime in difficult situations... Shingen the Ruler, for instance. You begin the game with three powerful warlords nearby. If you ever do an auto-combat against an enemy army with a power more than 1/2 your own, you'll start taking massive casualties (which means, instead, you have to play every battle manually. that's a painful experience.) The Immortal strikes me as another really tedious and long game. Everyone says Deadly Towers is a terrible game, but if you know where not to step, it's ALMOST an okay game.. that's another one of those I'd consider "unbeatable".. certainly moreso than Kid Icarus or Blaster Master.
Post subject: Re: forum new messages
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qFox wrote:
for some strange reason, the new forum messages sometimes become marked read, even though i havent read them yet....
if you visit the forum, and then close your browser, when you log back in again (or visit the forum next time) all unread messages will have been marked read. it's not a bug, it's a feature.
Post subject: Re: The Gauntlet II
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nintendo_freak wrote:
Has anyone finished this game by speedrun?
Gauntlet II for the NES is a never-ending game.. and the levels get very repetitious very quickly. Therefore it isn't a game that can be "won" (quickly OR otherwise) and it isn't a game that is "enjoyable" to watch.. Without those two factors, there's very little reason to record a Gauntlet 2 "speedrun".
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ZtanZ wrote:
if i buy it without knowing it was stolen then, because back in the old days i didn't know :x so.. is it wrong then?
if you buy a stolen car without knowing about it, and later are informed about it, you are legally obligated to return the car to the rightful owner. if you don't return the car, it can be considered "posession of stolen property", which can land you in jail. if you sold the car to someone else, then you could be in serious trouble. if you buy a stolen car without knowing about it, and are never informed about it, you're still committing an illegal act, but no one will prosecute you for it, because no one bothered to inform you about your crime.. heck, even you wouldn't know you committed a crime.. that doesn't change the fact that it was a crime. But back on (political) topic: Let's assume the following: There exists a server with an owner that is somehow insecure. The server has one (or more) user accounts which define who has access to the server. It might be root, it might be administrator, it might be bob and his kids. Somewhere along the line the computer is broken into (either by a cracker, or by a stupid user clicking on a virus, or a malicious activex script that supercedes security settings, or someone deceiving the administrator into adding an account for him). Whoever caused the initial break-in is guilty of unauthorized access; if they were already in the system, they've expanded their rights beyond what the system administrator intended. If they weren't in the system, then their account wasn't intended to be made, and thus is illegal. A day later, a scriptkiddie comes along, portscans the machine and realizes there's a backdoor installed. He logs into the cracked machine. Regardless of what the scriptkiddie does, by connecting to the cracked machine, he is committing unauthorized access, because he wasn't using an account that he owned; he was using an account that was illegally created/expanded. The owner of the system doesn't even need to patch his system; a crack is a crack, and illegal usage is illegal usage regardless of how up-to-date their patches are. It would be difficult (if not impossible) to argue that an unpatched system was inviting _everyone_ to legally use the system.. about as difficult as a knife murderer arguing that the victim ran into his knife 30+ times. (Legal disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but I pretend to be one on slashdot.) There are, of course, some issues about the responsability of the system administrator... but that doesn't make the cracker/scriptkiddie's access any more legal.