Posts for greysondn

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I would deeply appreciate it. I've put off working on the game with the assumption that it would help me look for ideal routes.
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Upthorn, just a gentle poke to see where things are at.
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I figured I wouldn't get it across well. There are many things in that post, but the main one can be reduced to something like this: 1. Life would be better and interactions with "ordinary" people would be better if I would [x]. 2. Evidently, despite the fact I don't grasp why people would expect [x] or what [x] precisely is, society expects its members to [x]. 3. It appears due to some reasons - some chosen, some born in - I cannot [x]. 4. I have attempted at least what strike me as aspects of [x]. If they were fundamental requirements to [x], I reject them outright. 5. Normally this doesn't bother me; although not being able to [x] does isolate me, it doesn't isolate me in a way that I generally let myself dwell on, and not to an extent that I'm completely alone. 6. Recent events seem related to [x] in how people have reacted to what I thought was doing the right thing, and it reminded me of more than half my life of such scenes, and so it kinda drew me to thinking about it. 7. [x] only bothers me when I think about it. I usually don't. 8. Don't worry about me and [x], because I've been struggling with this for a long time and I have come to terms with it for the majority of what my life entails. 9. And be well and be warm. Past experience in this conversation tells me this won't make me much clearer, but it may help at least to see the structure. This is not one that can be cut to a simple structure because I have to come about it "around the bush", not knowing precisely what I'm trying to get at. (And not knowing precisely what I'm trying to get at is - in itself - half the problem.) There will not be a third post on this.
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The recent drama is probably not in great taste to talk about. I don't care to go into depth about it; it's more the things it reminds me of. I thought about talking at great lengths about this in the Discord, and it ends up being I dump this here, I guess. Usually under this identity I don't talk about my life, but probably it only makes sense to do so after I went out of my way to make myself not just the awkward mess I usually am but obscenely visible and in the fray. I don't get people. I mean, I do - I can take someone's psychiatric papers and a few hours of stories about them and make reasonably good predictions on what they'll do, and I guess that's "I get people" to most people. But I also don't understand why reasoned conversation and what seem to me like straightforward expectations and conclusions are hard to communicate and seem to be received, and I can't decide if it's me or just how humans are. Think I was like 12, 13 when it became apparent that my brain was fundamentally odd in the way that made understanding computers absurdly straightforward for me. Cold binary logic - not great, but at least it doesn't make me cry. And even now that process of reducing things to structured logic is my fallback when I can't convey what I'm saying to people. That's not to say I'm some whiz kid or thebestthebestthebest - Frankly, I admire you lot for your abilities, collectively, at understanding the underlying architectures that many video games are built on, to the point of ACE or lag reduction being something halfway between science and art when I'm hearing it. To hear someone that I would expect to be, you know, a lay person (at least in regards to microprocessor architecture) discussing a buffer underflow and what it ultimately means for falling quickly is something that means a lot to me just in "here's something I can actually connect to". I'm in my late 20s now. Let's be fair and say for 15 years I've struggled with interacting with people. Were it not for the few oddballs and close friends I've made over the years, I'd not have many people, I think, in my life anymore. As it is I'm gifted with enough close friends to not feel overly lonely - something that apparently is incomprehensible to most people who talk to me - that I actually have friends that genuinely like me and that we would share any joy in each others lives. Probably people from the recent conversations will be here, or on a later date this will be dredged up and "oh, look at his pity party for the audience of one". And that's okay. I've seen it enough times to enough people in enough places that I expect it. About all I have to say about the "it" of this post and what's bugging me is that it's just something that hurts for me at a human level, and that I struggle to convey well (I doubt I am even now). I don't expect people to "take it easy on me" or "give me a free pass". I'm not "chucking out a victim card". I've struggled with it to the point I've decided this is who I'm going to be. People are irrational and often frightening, overall, to me. Computers... don't hurt my feelings for reasons I struggle to comprehend. Computers... don't hold grudges because I did something that I can't comprehend being wrong based on the principles we often claim to live by. Computers... didn't do a lot of things to me that I'm trying hard to keep out of this post because I could write a novel of all the reasons I don't trust people before we even talk about what I am talking about here and now. Oh, I get frustrated at code, don't get me wrong. I get frustrated often that codebases don't do what they say they'll do in documentation. And I file those error reports and I scream into my hands and I create another trainwreck by just asking what is wrong with it. "Oh well". I get less frustrated and more wounded with people. To think I'm hateful - in any sense - is usually wrong. I try hard to make my feelings and thoughts abundantly clear. I - to all appearances - fail at this. Hatred is rare for me - hatred is a very active emotion and I just don't have that kind of energy. I am more likely to completely forget someone existed than spend my time going "oh, that horrible so-and-so, oh how I hate them, ohhhh, they make me drink!" That is not to say I think I am a generally loving person, either - I think I am, you know, a person. Some things I like, some I don't, some people I like, some I don't, and so on and so forth. I just don't get how I have this knack for disentangling people's problems but - while often people come to me for that - I don't have any ability at all in getting along with them over sustained periods of time. This - too - is okay. I've tried to act "normal" before. I just am not. I just can not. So I don't. And besides that, when I did, I just felt... plastic. Integrity, as much as people claim to hold it as a value, seems to be undervalued if it means "oh, but you're not in on the whole social system thing we got going here". "Everyone is special and valued - except for you, you weirdo". So on. I also don't get how I can fight to embody, as much as I can manage - with how incredibly awful I apparently often manage, sure, that's fair - things that I thought were supposed to be valued and feel like all that makes me the bad guy, time and time again. Where the mistake is I am not sure, and while I could write a political treatise on the matter I wouldn't be able to bridge the gap between "I thought I was doing the right thing" and "I tried really hard not to make anything overly personal without cause". I don't have the heart to look over logs for where I failed and slipped an ad hominem in anymore. Countless times looking tell me that I generally don't, or that it's so minor as to be incomprehensible to see people's responses, like I shot their beloved pet instead of ("only") stating that they were being foolish. Or else that's what it devolved to and the argument I'll have with myself will then quickly become "Han shot first!" levels of back and forth. It's not worth losing a week I could be writing code. This has run long already. And really I was checking on the stuff that I was involved in and posted here more on "well, it's something that's bothering me and I may as well" over anything else. Don't lose any sleep over any of it. I've been living like this for most a decade now at the least, and even as I type this I have an episode of Family Guy loaded on one monitor and my code and API docs on the other. I do, you know, whatever - a talent developed from years of realizing that I'm not going to "solve" anything in some categories of my own understanding no matter what I do, so I may as well accept that much and just lay my hands where I feel I might - with a little luck - be able to solve something. It hurts only when I think about it or I'm reminded of it strongly enough I can't help but think of it, and I think it's fairly human to say that I just try not to do that and to just do my work and push it away if I feel nothing good can come of it. (Why I get my hopes up about people at times still baffles me, granted, in response to what seems like the natural point to raise there.) And besides - the world is full of fascinating problems just waiting to be solved. Be well, thanks if you read this much, and stay warm if you're reading this roughly when it was written.
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fmp wrote:
Why should he retain the ability to do it again?
As far as I can ascertain, this is the question people keep coming back to. Nevermind that a lot of people want his head on a platter anyway. Nevermind that there are other accusations laid at his feet. He - from a position of relative power - deliberately targeted a user for mistreatment. A common complaint about him in general is that he's bad for community outreach; he targeted that user on one of the main points of outreach (in addition to targeting them in the first place). If anyone else had successfully done the same thing that wasn't staff (in whatever hypothetical way), would they have gotten the apparent punishment as he's receiving?
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Steam is greysondn. Feel free to poke me. As far as multiplayer I'm actually often in, Awesomenauts is the only one I expect people here to play and will just play pickup games in without worrying too much.
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It's surreal to finally find the energy to catch up with these two threads and see this. Re: The person two years ago - do we know specifically which accounts Unknown394 was controlling on Youtube? I have zero interest in an exhaustive list - the followup is "Is it the same account as any of the ones presently in question?" I copied off the comments from the original post by Bruno into a YAML file. I'm rather tired of this at this point (Discord quickly became a mess when the topic first landed), but it may be useful if you want them for analysis. (The file itself is a couple days old, is how sick of this I am.) I have no guarantees that I will or won't return to this analysis. Don't bother me about it. I'm very much waiting to see what happens in this and the connected events and have returned to my own work at this time.
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jlun2 wrote:
Haven't checked the code yet, but does this work for 3D games? I would love to have a way to map 3D areas in games where there's no maps.
Not unless you can get a static point of view and scroll the camera in only one plane - and even then, I can't guarantee it depending on how projection is done. I noted mode7 (an affine transformation) would break it. It won't magically make something where the camera's reference plane constantly changes work, and if there's projection factors that mean objects change shape as your position changes it will break. (Parallax, for example, would make this look hideous.) In english, if you can't understand the limitations I'm talking about, the answer to your question is "definitely not". If you can understand what I'm talking about, you'd know what sort of work it would take to get there. I will say that for 3D games it's hard to make a map useful for more than a single projection (eg; "here's a top-down map of the game so you know where you're going in 2 dimensions, even though this is a 3d game!") That was a question I pondered and dismissed. It's insolvable; to do full analysis on a map and route in 3d would require a way to go through it in 3d. I am incapable of making such a tool. That's not to say such maps are useless. Only that they're not useful to the level I would prefer to aim at for optimization problems in video games.
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I think I've optimized Rustic Ruin Act 3. Below 11 seconds seems like it's impossible; probably at this point we're going to fight over frames. In which case, between the lag frames, it's, uh, well, that's frames 77780 to 78446 anyway. I'm not sure if the number I want here precisely for counting it. (Both those endpoints are valid input frames; on either side it's lag frames.) I also think this game may be possible to do in segments and assemble together. I mean like, one player could do one stage, another could do another stage, and we could just copy and paste the frame inputs. (Edit: I fail at communicating well - I'm trying to say, I think single acts are independent of one another and self-consistent, so if we each took an act we could put them together at the end and it would work fine. RAM seems to be non-issue. This is what I plan to toy with and examine.) I plan to test this... after I get done with my test run. It should give me the level select, I could create a save state, and then it would be - theoretically - possible to test copying and pasting runs together to see what happens. --- Some notes and observations: When you bounce off Robotnik, you bounce in the direction opposite the one you try to move... while still facing the same direction. Doing this (instead of holding left to get over) saves some problems and lets us jump immediately as we land, as we're already facing him again. That hitbump method happens in the world record time. I've in fact tied it for the ingame end-of-stage timer. You can jump just before you land and it will register the button press. This pretty much has to be the soonest you could press jump. This run is probably human impossible; there's a ridiculous amount of single frame input in it. The spindash at the end is just for the hell of it; there's nothing going on there anyway. --- 26 December edit: So I did do some basic testing with copying and pasting input for stage runs. First, I ran the entire game. Then I input the level select code. I messed around in there for a bit, playing all of Knuckles' stages and some of Tails'. Then I ran Green Grove Act 2 from there, manually. Then I pasted the inputs I had for Green Grove Act 3 at its start. Lo and behold, Green Grove Act 3 syncs! I don't know how far this would work, or what stages would struggle, but the next thing I plan to do is try replacing singular stages and see if the rest of the game still syncs. So it would theoretically only affect the stages after the replacement. If I can get this working entirely, I'd like to have an open collaboration where people just do singular stages. Hopefully this would lead to this game finally seeing a quality TAS.
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I would deeply appreciate that - and I'm sure anyone who comes along trying to TAS this game would appreciate it as well. My plan was to trace out routes people have taken and see what I can find.I was hoping that by doing so I'd gather some degree of understanding in terms of what is going on. Add to it most people go Any% (and 100% is going to look quite different in at least nine places)... I'd like to have that mapped out. You did post the RAM addresses in this thread.
upthorn wrote:
Player X position (or position on the \ axis): FFC1EC (4 bytes unsigned) Player Y position (or position on the | axis): FFC1F0 (4 bytes unsigned) Player Z position (or position on the / axis): FFC1F4 (4 bytes unsigned) Player X Display position (or display position on the - axis): FFC21E (2 bytes unsigned) Player Y Display position (or display position on the | axis): FFC220 (2 bytes unsigned)
Further data was later posted by marzojr, again, in this thread.
marzojr wrote:
	Base:			$FFC1E6
	X position:
		Pixel:		$FFC1EC (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC1EE (word)
	Y position:
		Pixel:		$FFC1F0 (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC1F2 (word)
	Z position:
		Pixel:		$FFC1F4 (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC1F6 (word)
	X speed:
		Pixel:		$FFC1F8 (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC1FA (word)
	Y speed:
		Pixel:		$FFC1FC (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC1FE (word)
	Z speed:
		Pixel:		$FFC200 (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC202 (word)
		Pixel:		$FFC204 (word)
		Subpixel:	$FFC206 (word)
	Flags:			$FFC222 (word)
	Angle:			$FFC218 (word)
		Charge:		$FFC23E (word): 3 = minimum charge, 0 = maximum charge
Aji, who set the insane record for GG1, gives us his .wch file as well.
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upthorn, at one point, posted some maps. I don't know if these are the half-resolution ones that are easy to find, but I was hoping for full resolution with the objects in, labels neither here nor there. Unfortunately, those images seem inaccessible now. Here's the snippet:
upthorn wrote:
Green Grove 1 Green Grove 2 Rusty Ruin 1 Rusty Ruin 2 Spring Stadium 1 Spring Stadium 2 Diamond Dust 1 Diamond Dust 2 Volcano Valley 1 Volcano Valley 2 Gene Gadget 1 Gene Gadget 2 Panic Puppet 1 Panic Puppet 2
Did anyone happen to stash those maps? Could you please zip them, throw them on imgur, something? ---------- Edit: Some notes on times, since I collected them and people might find them useful... Best times: Z1 : Green Grove Z1A1: 00:42 (Aji) Z1A2: 01:03 (MoP) Z1A3: 00:25 (Kur/MoP) Z2: Rusty Ruin Z2A1: 01:07 (MoP) Z2A2: 01:10 (MoP) Z2A3: 00:11 (Kur) Z3: Spring Stadium Z3A1: 01:06 (MoP) Z3A2: 01:22 (MoP) Z3A3: 00:20 (Kur) Z4: Diamond Dust Z4A1: 01:24 (MoP) Z4A2: 01:09 (MoP) Z4A3: 00:49 (Kur/MoP) Z5: Volcano Valley Z5A1: 01:12 (MoP) Z5A2: 00:54 (MoP) Z5A3: 00:20 (Kur/MoP) Z6: Gene Gadget Z6A1: 01:11 (MoP) Z6A2: 01:10 (MoP) Z6A3: 01:14 (MoP) Z7: Panic Puppet Z7A1: 00:57 (MoP) Z7A2: 00:49 (MoP) Z7A3: 01:39 (MoP) Zone 8 exists but these are Any% times, basically. links: Aji: This thread, somewhere MoP: Kur: Kur should be possible to beat in any stage that isn't a boss, and MoP was criticized during rejection of submission to TASVideos for being clearly unoptimized. Aji has probably very nearly optimized a single stage; I'm not sure if it can be beaten - and his time was considered impossible before he set it.
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Patashu wrote:
goldenband wrote:
Patashu wrote:
Zool credits warp?
- trimmed -
As far as I know no one's done any followup research on it, so I'd be curious too. I don't think anyone even knows if it's an emulator bug or not for example.
Reproduced in a bk2 for consumption, analysis, and profit: I'm not interested in doing a TAS of Zool. Feel free to make what you can out of that.
Post subject: SMS - Zool (E) - Revenged2 Credit Warp Glitch
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Recently, Revenged2 apparently stumbled across a credit warp glitch in Zool on the SMS while livestreaming. I've gone ahead and reproduced this glitch in a very unoptimized run. The BK2, tasproject, and a txt file with basic data are avaiable in my google drive. A good frame to start watching from is probably around 90 000. (That's 90k). Late edit (8 July): I finally uploaded this to youtube. ... if you want to skip to the glitch itself, try around 25:00 or so. I'm putting this here because there may be people interested in analyzing this for use in a TAS video. I have no plans to make use of it myself. This is literally the extent of my work, although if I've botched the video then please don't hesitate to ask me to fix it. This is what probably amounts to a pathetic attempt to give something back to the community. I don't even have the ability to read the code in the debugger and analyze the bug; someone else will have to do that. If you make use of this and would like to credit me, please credit me for the effort in making a recording that could be analyzed. Follows the raw data for the things needed to put this together. --- Bizhawk version: 2.3.0 (x64) SMS Firmware (Bizhawk firmware manager copy/paste): SMS Export SMS Bios (USA/Export) SMS BIOS 1.3 (USA, Europe) US-European SMS BIOS V1.3 (UE) [f1].sms 8192 sha1:C315672807D8DDB8D91443729405C766DD95CAE7 ROM (GoodSMS): Zool (E) [!].sms
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Props for knowing how to post wikipedia links, this sure is valuable skill not everyone has.
And props to you for backhanded compliments! I dare say the art lives and breathes well, just as I had feared it may have finally died out. Thank Nature! "..." I assumed you didn't understand me. I tried to give context. This is how you've repaid me. I know I'm no angel and rarely pleasant to talk to about much more than strictly work - wow, if you knew my week you'd swing that one for the fences - but I don't believe I deserve this, either. Off topic out of the way, let's move along.
The premise here is that you'd have to hack the emulator to strip all the UI from it. This happens in situations when no one did or needed this before you. This is exactly your situation.
As though it's only useful for me? Or basically so? I'm having a little trouble with your word choice here, so correct that if I've misunderstood it, please. Such a thing could be useful for automatically testing submissions against new versions of Bizhawk as the emulator cores presumably become more accurate to make sure they stand up. And easily a lot of other things. However, I'm quite okay with "this is a lot of work, don't get in a hurry to see it done, there's other things that are more likely to get done first if this ever even gets done".
While the linked libriaries seems to be enough for my automation projects, it also serves the maximum BizHawk can be beheaded.
Same as above; I'm quite okay with this being the state of the emulator. It was a suggestion that had motivations behind it, like most suggestions tend to be.
What you mentioned in the opening post seems to be possible with the linked stuffs.
An evolutionary AI? I could have done that just in pure lua in the emulator. There's no need to complicate the process with interconnects and intermediaries. Dumping videos automatically? Little less direct but the amount of intervention required and still needing a head means it probably is easier to just do it by hand at that point. Running the emulator itself headless? Not as far as I can tell on the face of it. I'll probably fidget with that, a VM, and a lot of profanity when I get time from my current project and see if I can generalize a workaround. There's a few other tools I could use such a thing for anyway if one can be found. Just for feos, it'll be Windows ME based. And I'll be sure to voice all my complaints to my cable emulator provider.. :oP
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A headless system is a computer system or device that has been configured to operate without a monitor (the missing "head") ~ Wikipedia's "Headless computer" entry.
The premise here is that you'd run it on a machine with no graphical user interface. At all. Not just missing a monitor - even if you had a monitor, there's no UI the machine is providing. Most such systems (notably, Ubuntu Server, in my case) are usually configured to provide a terminal instead. What you've linked is an interfacing library in the emulator's lua implementation for, basically, interprocess communication. It's not what I'm looking for. It's useful, and great for other things I'm looking at doing, but not for this as far as I can fathom.
Post subject: Running Bizhawk headless?
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Is it possible to run bizhawk in a headless environment (for example, on a server)? It's not horrible to run it on my machine but being able to free it and dump frames and/or do validation of certain desired states (such as evolutionary AI in lua and fitness validation) on a headless server would be nice. To say nothing of the merits of renting CPU time on a better machine to get video dumping and/or encoding done fast if at all possible. Followup if it's not possible: Any reason this wouldn't be a feature to request, even if it's extremely low priority?
Post subject: General Mapmaking Script for Bizhawk and Python 3
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Don't get too excited. The maps this thing makes are extremely messy. It's only meant to be helpful, not perfect. You can get it here. Link. You can see what it did for Z1A1 of Sonic Pocket Adventure here. Link. You can see the community map for that same stage here (to compare, not as something this script can do). Link. --- EDIT: The camera behavior in that game is worth some brief mention. The camera coordinate that I found when I was just searching RAM didn't quite match the "real" camera coordinate. Given a coordinate address that matches the "real" position of the camera, it may produce a fairly reasonable map. In other words, if you can find a coordinate that is at least "close" to the camera's "real" position, that is the worst the output should (reasonably) be. Provided you also mark the HUD and character for removal, of course. --- When you run this, do the lua script to collect frames and data first, then run the python file to assemble them into a map after. In order to run this you will need: * Bizhawk * the memory addresses for the camera and character in-game. * the ability to read reasonably okay documentation in code and make your own changes * Python 3 * Python 3 pillow library * Python 3 pyaml library. Windows users might look here after installing Python 3 as PIP cannot do compilation on Windows. Link. I don't think that code is doing anything too funky/new if you already have Python 2 installed and want to try it. Still will need pyaml and pillow. If people are interested in this enough I am willing to: * move it into my github repository * clean up the code and add some new features * create an actual requirements.txt for python * take error reports and suggestions on configuration/etc for it via github --- Caveats: * this can only work on one map at a time. So if you change screens or stages, you need to stop collecting data and screenshots or you'll get something funky, I'm sure. * this was written for myself and only decided to be given to the community later on. It reflects that. * I'd hope this would be obvious, but this only works when the stage keeps a consistent camera viewpoint. It will most certainly also break in mode 7 (and similar such display transformations). --- Future plans: * map out character paths based on their coordinates. May be useful for examining routes people take through stages. * create some sort of reverse-mechanism to match frames to character locations. In theory, this would enable you to race another player's ghost in-game. In practice, it feels too ambitious but there's no reason it can't work, really. * disable need for some of my own libraries (am I even using these?) * eliminate dead code left over from when I was still getting this to a working state. * incorporate TQDM in python assembly script. Trying to figure out if YAML can report status on file load, took quite a while to make itself work before. Uncomfortably so. Still could use TQDM in map assembly (and other things). --- Why this? I thought that Sonic Pocket Adventure didn't actually have maps, and needed to see the big picture to do route planning of my own. This had output that was useful enough; I later found that the maps did exist but were a bit out of my usual goto for them. Still, there must be many games with no maps made. While this won't make something nice and pretty for you, it will make probably make something useful. A lot of times seeing the map as a whole can give some insight into a route possibility.
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Right on. I don't always have time to pour over all the literature but do take time to think about what I've observed. Registered an account for an entirely different topic I'll open shortly but this was on my mind after looking at the "original" FF1 TAS reproduction and hearing the same thing "yet again". Thank you for responding anyway. Perhaps the idea won't be useless as a stop-gap for future systems - depending on needs/etc - but at least I'm late to the party and it's already solved.
Post subject: Aiding TASBot et al with softreset button combo
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Was reading an article here that said that TASBot struggles with soft resets and hard resets. Given this as the case, would like to put in that in all the time I've heard people talk about this (about 2 years watching AGDQ and TAS runs of games), I've never heard what to me seems like the simplest work around: Why not use a game's soft-reset combo? For example, I'm presently messing around with Sonic Pocket Adventure on the NGPC. It has a soft reset button hook at A+B+Option. Is there some reason this wouldn't be practical for TASBot? Can anyone who has worked with it weigh in? If this is a practical work around, then I'd advance the next move as checking whether games which seem to need soft resets (probably not hard ones) can have the reset replaced with the combination - if such a hook exists in the game's code.