Posts for martandelus

Post subject: Question - how to find RAM addresses
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This is probably among the most unusal questions, but then, if you don't ask, how would you know? Well. i've noticed that some very helpful people have figured out RAM addresses for things like boss health, which is top notch for analyzing a run, much thanks here. Question is literally, is there a common region to monitor for viewing the stats? I mean personally, i'm not having much luck with it, although tinkering with a few things via hex editing is quite fun, manipulating values is invalid as far as us guys do things, yeah? how do I go about zeroing in on "boss health"? Is it a case of gunning for 255, or 65535 (might be wrong) ---- I mean max health stuff, please excuse the generic terms. [MOD EDIT]: A more informative title
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I'm going to redo the entire mission 2 as it wasn't properly optimized, got to experiment with the somersault, it could make the overall finished product look better. I still can't figure out if it's the most powerful attack, it kills most small monsters, though other's it doesn't seem to kill them right off, when i get busy again, that's definitely on the to do list. Thanks for the link Warepire, that's gonna be handy in the near future.
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Thats a yes from me, this game was just so horribly broken, which makes it totally epic, good job 8)
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Good news for you guys, i've started working on this again, and it looks like every idea i've been given is really paying off, i've improved the entire 1st stage by 700 frames at least (think it was 741 or something). Anyhow, it's looking a lot better than it did, much less missed shots, overall, it just looks less sloppy, the menu navigation is better optimized also, when i get to about 50% through, i'll post the W.I.P. Sound advice guys 8)
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The improvements are going pretty well so far, i managed to conserve in excess of 1000 frames by mission 2. It should turn out pretty good, when i get about 50% done, i'll be sure to post it, though for some reason, microstorage was giving me errors when i tried to upload the .bkm file yesterday. Gotta redo stage 3, it was faster than the last one, but still not quite there yet. Guess i could always use zippy, lol Emu used was Bizhawk
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Is it just me, or do the hits on bosses seem to differ randomly? Perhaps critical hits are by chance? I can't upload onto microstorage, it says unrecognized format, so i'm gonna link it externally. The strategy/techniques used are very similar to the OP's. though i've tried to keep moving as much as i can, just to chop frames, the Achilles heel being the slower boss kills. 3rd set of stages needs much work, i've spotted a couple of pointless movements, i'll just redo those, i'm defo keeping the deliberately getting hit parts, i thought it's pretty cool since it didn't affect my overall time, its hilarious to watch in reverse using bizhawk, it's like "Huhhhhhhh". Here's daft glitch that happened glitch, i lol'd
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Good feedback, just playing this back and there's mountains of improvements to be done the rapid fire setting option's definitely a no-no, it's kinda slow I noticed when playing it back that i missed shots like crazy, not to mention the side scrolling bits, there's a few bugs to iron out, i missed quite a few enemies on the last section. It'll definitely save time getting the monsters packed together, works great for the barrel slugs. I'm gonna use some of these ideas, i should definitely aim to demolish everything, sticking to the man, he's definitely got the fastest special, think i can probably get a couple more special's in before the last sidescrolling section, hopefully saving a few frames when i'm dealing with the kangaroo guys.
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I never realized it got switched to private. Its pretty safe to say you absolutely conquered this one, haha, i couldn't keep up in the end. Before my old HD died on me, i got upto the flying saucer part and i was over 10 seconds behind, was probably about time for the white flag. I'll do a casual run and put it on YT anyhow, cracking game
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I've got an idea for a run on an arcade style title, i wont do any spoilers because i haven't even started yet, so nuff said on that front. Anyhow, i thought of a title that might be sweet a few days back and thought ok, might be a thumbs up. but i haven't got a clue on what to use to accomplish a goal. For the record though its a shoot em up genre, not strictly arcade, as a game for one, but there's that paradigm that it's arcade, being originally credit based, having played it in a few venues, completely besides the point that, moving on. Thing is, i don't have flying one regarding which emu i should use, so being a noob, i've got to ask? do we have a dreamcast emu for it?
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There's something, it does have quite a soundtrack, i never thought about it like that, interesting fact. Actually, i'm more curious if this got the nodd, even though its a kinda dumpy game, even just for now, a current record on a title would be awesome, since i've never done this stuff before. i can re-do it getting shot of those dead frames during my impatient mashing for sure, but i'm gonna have to knock it down a notch or 7 in priority, balancing work and projects is a tough call, i'd rather plough on with some better titles.
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Posts: 69's handy for uploads, i'll check this out when it's done, haven't heard of this one.
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Not sure if this might be relevant, but i think i encountered ACE while glitching S3&K, completely useless for anything other than randomness in this case, but potentially beneficial. Just for reference, i've linked it, since you guys might be able to make more sense of it. If you could do this without debug, it would be handy, since theres no transformation animation triggered, it would save a few frames...huge drawback of being made super-normal, however, is that loops apparently get broken, and knuckles' climb ability gets broken also. Really wierd method of how to trigger this, but the glove fits, its ACE, game executes something that shouldn't happen.
Nothing to fear but fear itself - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Post subject: Alien storm
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I'm about 90% through a test run which i upped for you guys, link is here I can't make my mind up, but when i do the proper one, do i use the special attack to save time, or save it for bosses? Running and bashing enemies is well faster for kills, seems to be more powerful than normal attacks, but the specials i'm curious might kill the small fry goons, but later on you'd still need to sprint around getting them, so i'm at a fork in the path there. no damage seems to be possible too.
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I figured every 60 jumps that can be pulled off like that still equates to a second, so i restarted the run since i overlooked it. Jumping gets you up to full speed miles quicker than normal, checking out the ram addresses for horizontal speed helped out with that one, nifty stuff Edit -- comparing the original 1st to the new one, it can easily be seen how the frame shunt checks out, i chopped about 15-20 frames off or something just by doing that by stage 3 or so. The results were pretty huge when i compared runs without and then to optimized, it's like on stage 2 you need to hang and drop just nice to get around the square wall boundaries, so its like you move more diagonally contributing to getting to the goal faster, it's going to take some time to even try and keep up since you've got it down to the T. Here's the link for reference, it's not that different, on stage 2 i think there'll be 0-10 frames in it.
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I don't think there's any vast improvements to be done, you've pretty much perfected everything on yours, it's possible to keep up using a slightly different strategy, that takes some serious improvising lol It'll take some work to create a full run, but its going to be close, if not impossible, fantastic work
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I didn't what to choose as regarding the 100% bit, i clicked it since i was trying to wipe everything out, now i give it some proper thought, theres wasn't any point at all, nail on the head tbh, total white flag there. I'm willing to call a fail, considering a few things, think i'll pass up on this kind of shooting game, i'm just reviewing the playthrough and for all its a whopper score, it's a bit too straight forward, is it just me or would battle squadron be the same kind of result? Ahh well, was worth a bash, not like its the end of the world, i'm gonna stick to my current project and just work on that, I might revisit this one some time, and try and make it look better in general, but that's off the radar for now.
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I couldn't tell you what to do since it's your own project to be honest, theres some pretty rapid kills either way, i thought the way you got all the enemies at 1.29 was pretty epic, you cleared house there. Circumstantial damage perhaps? dunno tbh, can't be sure since you wrecked the big guy at the end of you're video without even a scratch, that was equally epic. Nice work anyway
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Mega-yes!! 02:54 of pure domination, nuff said.
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I didn't wanna blink incase i missed something. Haha, hitman level glitches, pure legend this, i played this back in its day, and i never saw anything close to what i just saw, the game just got raped. nicely done, yes vote
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Definite yes vote, utter eye candy
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I agree with you, very valid points guys. Firstly i'm agreed with spikestuff, 41 frames that could have been improved is rather small in terms of how long the game/movie is, but still leaves a place to be improved upon, evidence is right there. Secondly i'm agreed with PCachu, this game isn't exactly a blue ribbon title, so it was always bound to cause that ambiguous response, i thought that this game was presented very poorly. Moving on. Frankly, i didn't think the menu parts were all that huge in TASing, more the gameplay elements i figured, so it wasn't really prioritized, was my understanding of the rules initially. I don't know about anyone else, but i couldn't fathom getting through this whole game normally without getting hit and with that finishing time, still counts i would have said when it comes down to the crunch. There it is anyway and with room for improvements, thanks for the feedback.
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thanks for the heads up, i figured it might have been done, always good to know where the bar is.
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I know this ones mentioned and i had my doubts if it can be done due to that awful lag when using remotes, might have been wrong quite a bit. This one is gonna take quite a bit as i'm still studying the best routes to take, got the first few levels done, if you guys can think of anything to improve, i'm all ears. Here's a vid of the first couple of stages i got done anyway, can be done.
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No doubt i said yep, these s3k run are nothing short of spectacular, The game is literally broken to pieces on this one, total masterpiece.
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Figured it out, see above *facepalm Its the .cfg file changes that messed it up, first i thought it was the wrong rom.
Nothing to fear but fear itself - Franklin D. Roosevelt