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Wasn't there a rule/guideline that required using S3&K for speedruns of the game?
Marzo Junior
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Patashu wrote:
The SMS and Genesis are completely different hardware and architectures, there's no sense in making one emulator do both
Actually... the Genesis can play SMS games: it has all the SMS chips and the VDP supports the SMS video mode. The SMS cartridges did not fit in the Genesis cartridge slot, but this is why Sega released the Power Base Converter -- this was a simple pass-through component that allowed the SMS cartridge to be used in the Genesis.
Marzo Junior
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TheYogWog wrote:
I just finished revising Act 2. All the major errors from before should be corrected now, and I found a way to get the last 3 rings at the end which means 100% collection of rings in Angel Island Zone.
That ground entrance; nice work, as far as I know, you are the first one to find out Knuckles can go through regular floors by gliding at the right frame. In some quick tests, it seems that the ground must not be very thick (except if you gather some very high vertical speed), which limits applicability; I couldn't find any spots by looking at maps that would be helpful in a speedrun, but I am sure there are many that are useful for ring runs. Anyway, nice work.
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
What the hell happens at 29:58?
There are hidden static monitors all over Scrap Brain 2; these hidden monitors have the same role that invisible solid objects do in other levels. It is probable that either the level designers for SBZ2 didn't know about the invisible solid objects or that they didn't exist when objects were placed in SBZ2.
Marzo Junior
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Regen is not open source, no. Regen also has a number of issues -- it does not save SRAM on savestates, it byte-swaps SRAM on load but sometimes not on save (leading to corrupt SRAM), it crashes if you look at it hard enough (slight hyperbole) and so on. Regen can't rerecord. Kega Fusion is slightly less accurate and more stable, but also is not open source. I am unsure how it handles SRAM on savestates. Like Regen, Kega can't rerecord. Another emulator in the works is Exodus -- it is the bsnes/higan of Genesis, and is the result of years of research by Nemesis. In theory, it will be open-sourced on version 1.1, but so far, it is still closed source and still on version 1.0. Version 1.0 is enormously resource-hungry (even more than bsnes/higan), and version 1.1 will come with a slower but far more accurate emulation core for the M68K (emulation will be accurate down to the micro-opcode level). Hopefully, Exodus can either be forked to a rerecording emulator or it can be used as a basis to improve on Gens -- the latter due to the extremely high hardware specs of Exodus.
Marzo Junior
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Derakon wrote:
I don't really see the point in duplicating information that's already available on Sonic Retro, but a link to their resources wouldn't be unreasonable.
The information in question is on code form (68k assembly); I have been figuring it out and describing it in a more accessible form.
Marzo Junior
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GhostSonic wrote: These two are the only "complete" runs I've ever sucessfully verified and the first one required modifications to resync. I don't have much faith in many other Genesis games until a much more accurate emulator is suddenly created and adapted.
Out of idle curiosity: when you tried to verify the Genesis movies, did you try passing the movies through a script of one sort of another to remove lag frames from the input file? I ask because the GMV keeps input in lag frames, and this could cause additional problems when trying to verify the run. Something tells me you were already aware of this and had already dealt with it, but it doesn't hurt to ask to be sure...
Marzo Junior
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Just to be clear, the stream is today, October 4. Edit: it is live now. Edit 2: Stream now over.
Marzo Junior
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I believe feykomylce is feos, but I could be wrong. I would also like to volunteer to help with Gens-rr, even though I will probably not have much time to do anything for it in the coming weeks.
Marzo Junior
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GMV2 (actually, GM2) is a completely new text-based format that has been proposed (see here); older versions of Gens can't work with it at all. Moreover, due to how it is implemented in Gens, the same is true for any extension to GMV.
Marzo Junior
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There are 2 ways in which the GMV format could be extended: (1) new version number, new format; (2) there are 5 unused bits in the 'special flags' bit. Truth be told, the major hurdle would be going through all the files looking for all the places where hard-coded GMV stuff is used and modifying them -- but since this would be required for GMV2, it might be better to implement GMV2 instead. But as has been mentioned, it is not known exactly how accurate is the reset emulation.
Marzo Junior
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And he did it again; guess he wants to be perma-banned... which he just was.
Marzo Junior
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It is fixed now; the moron had vandalized another page too. I talked to the wiki sysops and he has been given his one and only warning, and will be banned if he tries this again.
Marzo Junior
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It can still be optimized a lot. I know lots of improvements for this level, but you will have to wait until the run Aglar and I are making makes it to the workbench (it loses the surprise value otherwise).
Marzo Junior
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MZ1 is clearly suboptimal by more than 2 seconds; LZ3 seems pretty suboptimal at the start (why not just zip through the badniks?); SBZ2 has a level wrap which was not used; the pause trick at FZ was not used to improve in-game time at the expense of real time, violating one of the goals of the tun; too many badniks were killed for this to qualify as a pacifist run. Unless the author addresses these points, I can only vote 'no'. Edit: also:
is a hack of Sonic The Hedgehog which replace the main caracter (Sonic) with a suboptimal one (Knuckles) with new movements and abilities.
(emphasis added) O>o. "Suboptimal" does not mean what you think it means; in Sonic 1, Knuckles is faster than Sonic and has lots of abilities Sonic does not; that is the opposite of "suboptimal".
Marzo Junior
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A tiny bit of effort (63 rerecords) leads to this, a time of 0:11:08 in GHZ1. It is probably possible to reduce further by optimizing the signpost, all I was trying to prove was that you don't even need a wall to use the glitch.
Marzo Junior
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Vector was originally supposed to be part of a band which Sonic belonged to, having been created at the time of Sonic 1 was being developed. He really debuted in Knuckles' Chaotix, were he has the abilities this hack implements. This is by far the easiest "no" for me in any non-joke movie -- it is plain to see that the run is unoptimized, even without WST's demonstration of it, and the abuse of a game-breaking bug introduced by accident by E-122-Psi is simply not entertaining.
Marzo Junior
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It is a Knuckles-only trick -- he glides into the wall to climb it. Since the check to start climbing is done before the sprite collision check, he starts to climb the wall and overlaps the sprite; he can then climb down enough to trigger sprite ejection to push him into the wall.
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
Btw, it’s very visible that the game is made by a TASer — the score countdown is made much faster and the displayed in-game timer is more accurate :)
I made a lot of things good for TASing and a lot of things bad for TASing: the score countdown is faster, as you mention; and I worked hard (and still am working hard) on reducing lag and loading times; and I will port the S3&K camera manager for higher camera speeds, which will allow me to make the game faster. But there are many, many bugs from the originals which I fixed, with more bugfixes intended, that eliminate possible TAS strategies and tricks.
Marzo Junior
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LTRP wrote:
This will surprise a few; I'm continuing where I left off on Sonic Classic Heroes NewGame+.
Just a heads up: in future versions, the all-emeralds cheat will simply give the emeralds, and the starting as super/hyper behavior will be moved to two new teams, Team Super and Team Hyper. They will also start with much fewer rings and die when the count reaches zero.
Marzo Junior
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The object responsible for the bonus countdown is also responsible for taking you to the next level. When it finishes counting down, it changes the level to the next and marks a flag that exits the main game loop at the end of the frame. The bonus countdown object also uses a predefined RAM address to do the bonus countdown (instead of using a segment of its OST). By spawning multiple bonus countdown objects, they will keep reseting the bonus countdown as they begin to countdown, so that all of them will finish the countdown on the same frame; technically, only one of them will finish it in one frame, the other ones will "inherit" the finished bonus. After this, there is a delay (which will go in synch for all of them) and then they all will execute the piece for 'get next level then set flag to exit main game loop'. The first object moves me to CPZ1; the second, to CPZ2; the third; to ARZ1 and the fourth to ARZ2. There is a catch in that the bonus countdown object spawns several auxiliary objects using the OST entries that come right after it if it is either unused or used by another bonus countdown object; so the bonus countdowns have to be generated sequentially (i.e., the 2nd cannot be in a slot before the 1st) and with enough space in-between the main bonus countdown and its auxiliary objects that fits all the other bonus countdown objects I plan to spawn. I use Tails to keep generating braking dust to ensure that. Also note that the score ticks faster and faster because there are multiple objects doing the countdown; this puts a limit to how many bonus countdown objects can be spawned. I think that better optimization of the braking patterns before returning to the capsule may allow another object to tick down, making it possible to skip ARZ2 too; I doubt it is possible to also skip CNZ1 using this method. In theory, it is usable in HTZ2 too; but since it is not possible to spindash from the capsule there, it is probable that only a couple of acts can be skipped at most.
Marzo Junior
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So I saw Qwerty's TAS of Sonic 2: Hold Right to Win Edition and I remembered that I had done a run of it back when it was released, thinking about making an April Fools submission; but I ended up changing my mind and didn't do it. Now I am releasing it for your enjoyment; up to the end of ARZ2: Link to video GMV
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I released a new version of the HUD script; download link at first post (basically, go to Google Code). Changes are: Jun 28/2013:
  • Fixed horizontal scroll delay for non-S3/S&K/S3&K.
  • Better object-oriented model including: class/extends syntax to declare a class/declare that it is derived from another class; automatically created <classname>.new method that allocates a new instance and calls the constructor you define (<classname>:constructor); Java-like super method to call the next constructor up on the class hierarchy; widget abstract class will throw an informative error if used.
  • Error handling code to check that (1) UI widgets only accept widgets as children and that (2) functions are supplied for callbacks.
  • ROM checker no longer caches the return value of s1tails_check -- it is only ever called once per ROM anyway.
  • Fixed two of Hyper Sonic's icons.
  • Icons are dynamically loaded as needed, instead of all at once at startup.
Marzo Junior
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After I posted this comment on the video:
> I DID NOT STEAL THE TOOL ASSISTED SPEEDRUN! Liar. This video is identical to mine to a degree that is impossible unless you copied and re-encoded it. Either take it down or stop lying about it. If you don't, I will take appropriate legal measures.
the video suddenly went away. I wonder why.
Marzo Junior
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This is a very nice work indeed. Out of curiosity: did you try the MZ2 technique in MZ3? It seems like it could work: (but not necessarily save time) Edit 2: Now that I watched it in frame advance it seems that it won't work, so nevermind. Edit:
Hikaruon wrote:
Yes vote, but I think is possible in Final Zone do 2hit attack, sometimes I did this, but is hard to do.
This is only possible to do on the last hit: on all other hits, Eggman keeps flashing far longer than he needs to in order to get back into the ground (or would, except that he stops flashing once he is safe).
Marzo Junior