Posts for marzojr

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New WIP up to Sandopolis 2. Note: the WIP is on MediaFire because MicroStorage is down; I will change the link when it is back up. Once again: requires one of the following savestates: Savestate for Gens 11a Savestate for Gens 11b Sandopolis 1 sees a forced early Tails spawn to save a few frames; moving left allows me to get more speed and get topside without losing frames, and the extra speed gives a few frames. When coming back, the jump after the slide finally worked without loss of speed -- a slightly different position would make Sonic lose all speed when hitting the ground. Finally, the extremelly obvious route right before the pyramid is responsible for the rest of the improvement. I lost 1 frame (real time) in the transition because otherwise Tails would either be too forward and hit the first timed object on the next level or facing the wrong direction and lose one frame in in-game time because of this. I also do not keep control of Sonic for the score tally to manipulate Tails' grab timer for the next act. The result: 1:27::04, an improvement of 47 frames over the published run. Sandopolis 2 has Tails starting with a zeroed-out grab timer, so he can grab Sonic without delay, giving a few frames. I also finally managed to get enough vertical speed on the handle to go through the floor and land on Knuckles' route (instead of landing beneath it losing time) without having to use the sandfall, which saves more frames. Improved precision saves enough time that the last timed object before the boss would be in the way; so I glitch into Knuckles' route, glitch under it and zip into the boss arena. The camera locks too low at the boss because of this, but not low enough that I can't hit the capsule afterwards. The boss fight is as fast as I could make it under the circumstances, which includes managing Tails' respawn to an optimal time. The result: 0:44::56, an improving of 236 frames over the published run. At this point, this act is the most improved level in terms of in-game time. At this point, were I to paste the remainder of the published run (and if it synched), the run would be 107940 frames long (real time), or 29:59::00 -- sub-30 minutes, even with the Doomsday zone! I don't know if it is possible to improve Lava Reef 1 (I know Lava Reef 2 can't be improved by more than a couple frames, if that), Sky Sanctuary, Death Egg 1 or the Doomsday; but I know of 59 frames of improvement for Hidden Palace and at least 20 seconds of improvement on Death Egg 2. So in all likelyhood, normal Sonic will have a shorter run than Hyper Sonic in real time (because of the Doomsday and because of 1200 frames "lost" to extra score tallies in 3 levels). In in-game time, however, normal Sonic doesn't stand a chance.
Marzo Junior
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Dacicus wrote:
Where did you get that 30,000, and how do you know how "wildly different" the interpretations are? In other words, please provide references for those claims.
It is from the World Christian Encyclopedia, and the number is closer to 38,000 today (see url=]this[/url] for an elaboration and partial breakdown).
Marzo Junior
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ais523 wrote:
Is there any way to zip past the bottom of the screen and overflow onto the top?
No; the bottom of the screen (0x7ff = 2047) is nowhere near to the value needed for an overflow to occur (0xffff = 65535). There is no way to get vertical speeds extreme enough to travel all that distance in a single frame -- and it has to be in a single frame as anything more would result in Sonic being killed due to crossing the bottom of the screen. Moreover, the downward speed required is so extreme that it cannot be represented in a 16-bit integer (which the game uses for speeds); this causes the speed to change direction and "bounce back" from 32768 -- meaning that to overflow the vertical position, we are need to generate a high vertical speed upward. Which is our problem anyway.
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
Ok, one more question: do you have a repository (svn, git, etc) for this project? It will be much easier to me and others to keep the code up to date.
No, but I can see about setting one up.
Marzo Junior
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My first exposure to TAS was Nitsuja's S3&K run, shown to me by a friend at college. After that, I found the website through google.
Marzo Junior
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You can't collect rings while offscreen (unless they are 8 pixels from the left or right edges of the screen or on the same vertical slice as the screen); so even if you could zip, it would not help. A better zip (and just as impossible, I am afraid) would be in the slope below the rings: Sonic and Tails might then get enough height to grab the rings. And regarding the level layouts: it is possible that the impossible-to-grab rings were once possible to grab in an earlier version of the levels; but after the layout changes, the devs forgot to remove the rings (which is not all that unreasonable, given how hard is to see most of the unreachable rings in the first place).
Marzo Junior
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I say all Chuck/Goal Sphere glitches that can be managed while avoiding as much backtracking as possible -- maybe using a restriction that only allows entering a level to take new exits. I suppose this would be equivalent to disallowing Start + Select and death abuse (as these are not exits -- not as far as the game is concerned), but it seems more palatable.
Marzo Junior
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ais523 is correct in all accounts. From my tries, I can attest that grabbing these rings takes one of the following is required for grabbing these rings: (a) S3&K's Hyper Sonic (preferably with a S3&K lightning shield); (b) Tails with S3&K-style flight; (c) Sonic with S3&K's lightning shield (I am not sure if Super Sonic can do it even with a lightning shield); (d) Knuckles. All but (d) require a hack, such as mine, that has all of these; (d) requires Knuckles in Sonic 2 (or a hack with Knuckles), and will feature things such as ARZ2 not having a perfect because of no Tails.
Marzo Junior
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The issue is not speed, but vertical speed; and I can't see any way (that works) to get a higher speed (as bouncing off of bumpers or the shield badnik cap your upwards velocity).
Marzo Junior
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skychase wrote:
Edit: With Super Sonic, it's possible to see them all, can Tail appear there ?
He can, but it does not help -- Tails can only grab rings when he is controllable by a human player. When he spawns, he can't be controlled until he drops from this spawning flight, which, in S2, means at most a very small distance from solid ground.
Marzo Junior
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I updated the script to support Amy in Sonic 2 version 1.5. As is my practice, I deprecated support for the older version (which was still 1.3, since I hadn't updated to 1.4 yet). edit: And regarding what you ask: the emulators can show Tails while he is offscreen, and you can use multi-track recording to record Sonic and Tails separately.
Marzo Junior
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Felipe wrote:
¿? Is it true what I see?, How I can take those rings if they are too high? I thought that this area would bring me no such problems.
It is true. As it stands, it takes Tails with S3&K flight (i.t., a hack in which he flies) to reach those rings. So another level without a perfect...
Marzo Junior
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Posting a bug report there would also be useful :-p
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
I have to run gens-rerecording in wine. It takes all available CPU time and runs not so smooth as the native version. Same wish, it would be great to be able to run gens-rerecording natively under Linux (and other UNIX systems too!)
Part of the issue is a rather recent bug on Wine, which was recently fixed; the newest versions of Wine should have Gens running much closer to native version. But due to another bug still in the process of being fixed, you may have to turn off audio or Gens might crash (depends on your sound card).
Marzo Junior
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Bobo the King wrote:
I'm of the opinion that a 96 exit or 100% run should show the game more completely than a shorter, more glitched run would.
Even the most glitched 96-exit run possible would show more of the game than a completely glitch-free any% run would by the simple fact that it involves showing all maps and all levels at least once (and most levels multiple times), so this isn't a good argument for making it low glitch.
Marzo Junior
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No WIPs this post, just a mention: I already have a total of 654 frames (10 seconds, 54 frames) in improvements spread over AIZ1 (49), HCZ1 (55), HCZ2 (4), MGZ2 (98), CNZ2 (34) and SOZ1 (6 seconds, 54 frames); and I know of a new DEZ2 zip which may save 30-40 seconds (don't know for certain yet) which is also going to be used in the newgame+ run. If I can find some more improvements in the other levels, and depending on exactly how much is saved by the DEZ2 zip, the any% run may even become sub-29 (but I am not hopeful). Edit: I also forgot to mention about an improvement of ~2 seconds in CNZ1 by Qwerty (although to be honest, I had actually forgotten about the improvement itself, not about mentioning it).
Marzo Junior
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I would much prefer a run with all glitches except those that cause the game to end prematurely (null-spit on a platform has been mentioned as being off-limits). The restriction on 96 original exits is eminently sensible, but it would be nice to use the Japanese ROM and get 99 exits; perhaps an add-on/companion run could do it. I think that the rule to avoid Start + Select and death abuse is iffy, but I can understand it if the movie is more entertaining with it.
Marzo Junior
Post subject: Re: sonic 3+k hyper sonic wip3: youtube
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antd wrote:
[on YouTube description]boss input by Sonikkustar
FYI, Sonikkustar only did the Angel Island bosses.
Marzo Junior
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WST wrote:
Btw, defeating bosses with both Sonic and Tails looks much more impressive than using Sonic alone, even if it takes the same time.
I have been trying to do that whenever it doesn't lose time; but sometimes (as in IceCap), it takes too long for Tails to spawn (even with forced spawn) and I have to do it as Sonic alone.
WST wrote:
But I did not like how you killed Tails in FBZ2 (was there a reason to do that?) :)
That was a weird emulator glitch -- there was whole set of stuff that Tails was supposed to be doing in that area other than stand idly and then spastically jump when the CPU took over. I was recording Sonic first, then Tails, using multi-track recording, each a few seconds at a time. I did the whole scene, as well as the boss fight. Then, when I went to play, nothing I had recorded for Tails between 0:28 and 0:51 was saved. Due to sheer luck, he ended up synching afterwards until the end of the boss. Since Tails was scheduled to die anyway (by jumping at the spikes when they were offscreen, so he got pushed into the wall and got killed), I decided to leave it as it is -- especially since it helped illustrate how close to being crushed Sonic actually was.
Marzo Junior
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New WIP, up to Flying Battery 2. Mushroom Hill Zone 1 has Hyper Sonic being pissed that normal Sonic had beaten him, then showing who is boss. I "waste" 11 frames before the boss to set up the loops for the next act; this saves 24 frames in act 2 and 139 frames in real time in the transition to the next level. The result: 0:32::30, an improvement of 225 frames over the published run, and of 20 frames over the any% run. Trivia: I have tried this "new" zip point before the one used in the published run, but I never could get it to work despite dozens of tries because of the curve the terrain does. When I was trying out to see if turning hyper was faster (even at the same zip point), I used a downwards hyper launch to spindash after, and ended up entering the wall in the right way. On the first try. And now I can't not enter the wall after a few tries. Go figure... Mushroom Hill Zone 2 starts faster because of the loops are broken the "right" way; I can thus start inside the ring room (if I didn't setup the loops right, I would have to start from the left of the ring room, or I could not exit to the right), while jumping makes the screen scroll up faster: I turn hyper 24 frames faster. From there, better positioning gives a much higher speed, and some optimizations on the route save the rest. The result: 0:30::18, a 32-frame improvement over the published run. Flying Battery 1 sees improved precision; and I can't believe how sloppy I was before! I also did a brand new boss fight, which I guess people will like (and yes, I did not waste a single frame on it). The result: 0:54::43, a whooping 93 frames of improvement over the published run! Flying Battery 2 also sees improved precision; both characters can reach the handle faster than in the published run, and I manipulated Tails' grab timer to be zero at the start of the level. I also managed to be faster after the handle and right up to the zip. A tidbit of information: not even Hyper Sonic can kill the boss faster -- only Super Tails can (because of the flickies). The result: 1:10::30, an improvement of 51 frames over the published run.
Marzo Junior
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TheKDX7 wrote:
April 19th
And so I found my birthday buddy.
Marzo Junior
Post subject: Re: on-screen + compat. error
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Bobo the King wrote:
I also could use the byte range for Genesis's RAM.
Genesis RAM goes from 0xFF0000 to 0xFFFFFF. With Sega CD, there is also "program RAM" at 0x20000 to 0x3FFFF and "work RAM" at 0x200000 to 0x23FFFF. I have no idea about the 32X.
Marzo Junior
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New WIP, up to the end of Launch Base 2. See savestate links in the other post. Carnival Night 2 got a new zip at the start (but you all saw that coming from the other WIP) and improved precision further on. The result: 0:38::37, or 107 frames faster than the published run. I recommend watching the start in frame advance, especially the part where Hyper Sonic grabs the 3 monitors. The starting zip can also be used in the any% run, depositing Sonic in the upper path, where he can grab the bubble shield; using a similar trick with Tails cuts speed loss up to the balloon. IceCap 1 gains an improvement in precision; also, it also uses a new method to trigger the anti-gravity glitch that DMTM discovered with Knuckles (but which Hyper Sonic can also use). I also make the transition to LBZ1 1 frame faster with better positioning at the capsule. The result: 0:58::05, an improvement of 112 frames over the published run (plus an improvement of 1 frame in "IceCap 2"). Launch Base 1 gets a better start (20 frames faster to the big ring), an optimized zip, better positioning resulting from the zip allows me to enter the boss arena faster, a much faster boss fight and a faster death after that. There is another zip by DMTM using the crusher, but as it turns out, the boss spawns slightly later than my new zip trick. The result: 0:30::39, or 99 frames faster than the published run. Launch Base 2 uses the any% route. This means a nominal time of 0:26::26, or 32 frames faster than the published run; it also means a longer cutscene at the end (wasting 0:11::29 -- 689 frames -- in in-game time), but no Knuckles cutscene. The resulting real-time improvements on this level amount to 0:38::17, or 2297 frames. At the very beginning of Mushroom Hill, total in-game improvements are 377 frames (0:06::17), including the longer Death Egg cutscene. Total real-time improvements so far are 3813 frames (1:03::33), of which more than half are due to the Launch Base 2 cutscene skip.
Marzo Junior
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marzojr wrote:
using a variant of DMTM's Super Fly Tails trick (saves 3 frames in this case)
Sorry for being annoying, but why was mr. mmarks banned here? Just wondering.[/quote] FYI, DMTM != MMarks; DMTM is the IRC alias of Mr Sweed. As for MMarks: read this.
Marzo Junior
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What is this, I don't even Requires one of the following savestates: Savestate for Gens 11a Savestate for Gens 11b This shows many things in the previous WIPs, but it has been so long that I am going to talk about them anyway. Angel Island 1 benefits from forced early Tails spawn, the fact that that you can jump if Tails is carrying you (even if you shouldn't, as shown), and the fact that you can jump from Tails' grip in any direction you want. This moves an annoying swinging handle out of the way further on. The end-of-act miniboss fight was done by Sonikkustar. Result: 0:34::58, an improvement of 35 frames over the published run. The trick with Tails at the start can be done in the any% run too, as I have shown in another post. Angel Island 2 uses a new zip which DMTMMMarks found; I improved it after by bouncing off of the bubble shield to lose less speed. I tried to chain it to the next zip, but it doesn't seem possible... A bit of improved precision helps up to the flying bomber ship, while I setup the cutscene skip with Tails offscreen. Sonikkustar did the bomber cutscene and the boss fight. The cutscene skip has a slightly slower start due to bubble shield instead of fire shield, but it is much faster overall than in the any% run. Result: 1:04::37, an improvement of 92 frames over the published run. Hydrocity 1 is improved by managing Tails' grab timer and by using a variant of DMTM's Super Fly Tails trick (saves 3 frames in this case). Result: 0:29::31, an improvement of 175 frames over the published run, and of 55 frames over the any% run. Also, sub-30 for the win! Hydrocity 2 uses an improved entrance from mike89's 2p coop run at SDA. The different subpixels led Tails to be 3 pixels higher at the start of the boss, which also improved the fight a bit. I also optimized the capsule hit -- it was 20 frames slower than it should. Result: 0:23::33, or 111 frames of improvement over the published run (and 4 frames over the any% run). Marble Garden 1: Tracking Tail's grab timer gives a good bit of the improvement. Better precision, including faster Hyper, account for the rest. Result: 0:25::17, or 36 frames of improvement over the published run. Marble Garden 2: The new Tails trick is courtesy of mike89 in his SDA 2p coop run; initially, I did not think it would save time, but decided to try it anyway. It saved quite some time. I also managed to improve the zip by landing one floor above (128 pixels), in a single pixel. Result: 0:33::58, an improvement of 98 frames over the published run. Carnival Night 1: Brand new route featuring Hyper and new zip. At the end, I setup an improvement for the next act -- DMTM found it, but his method of entry used the bubble shield, which I didn't have; so Tails came for the rescue. Result: 0:32::02, or 168 frames of improvement over the published run. Edit: fixed attribution error.
Marzo Junior