Posts for michael_flatley

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I'm amazed at how the time is flying by. Recently got engaged and I'm just not gaming anymore. Sorry for the total lack of updates guys. Will do my best to find some free time.
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I haven't played the game since my last update. I haven't lost interest, I honestly just don't have the time. I may have a small update posted on Thursday or perhaps before the end of the week. Sorry :O/
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I'm still way too busy with work and my new fiancee to make progress on this run. I'll need at least a week before I post an update. Sorry guys. I do, however, have a hilarious situation that I must tell everyone. At work today my boss was having some problems with the software we use. Before I continue I must make it known that my boss is a single, well-to-do man in his 40's who consistently goes on cruises with his "friends". In the break room he's always watching some show about drapes and even though he's still in the closet it's rather obvious what type of lifestyle he has chosen for himself. Anyway, today his application crashed due to a buffer overflow and as always the buffer was dumped to a txt file. I swear on my life that the following actually happened. He walked right over to me (I'm the computer expert...) and exclaimed "I'm trying to help a customer but something just buffed my dumper".
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Being sick sucks... Work sucks... I may be able to start working on this run again within a week.
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I've been glued to my bed now for almost a week. Finally recovering from this virus. Working 52 hours this week and have some big plans so no updates for a little while :O/
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I love smv's but I hate how new emulator versions cause problems. I also hate the lack of random access. Anyway, thanks for the kind comments!
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We'll see, I haven't planned that far ahead yet.
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Thank you. No, I don't know of any areas earlier in the game. Passing through a ceiling requires a precise separation between the ceiling and the floor you are ducking on. So far that is the only place in the game I've found you can do that. You can freeze enemies and sometimes get out of certain rooms. So far nobody has found a trick of this sort that saves time in a speedrun, though.
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Gorling, as far as I know there are only three options here. 1) Fall, land on platform, jump over spark. 2) Turn into a ball and morph out right at the spark. This enables you to pass through the spark without the knockback. 3) Do as I've done and take the knockback. The third way is the fastest as far as I'm concerned. You do get knocked to the right but you also get knocked down. I tried all three methods and the third had the lowest frame count. It may not look optimal but it's a screwy area that requires a not-so-fluid trick. Truncated, this is another example of a maneuver that looks slow but is surprisingly faster. If I start from farther back I can gain more momentum before I jump. I make up the lost time while falling. Originally I had planned to recoil from that spark but it doesn't spawn fast enough to save me time. If anyone could actually take a savestate from my smv and show a certain method is faster I'd definitely appreciate it.
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I pause so that the items spawned will be exactly what I want and where I want them. I needed power bombs and that exact amount of health so I found the frame to unpause that would give me those. Pausing doesn't add to the in-game time.
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Here is an update. I was planning on releasing my progress after I finished the wrecked ship but there is so much new material here and I didn't want to overwhelm everyone :O) Instead of explaining everything I'll just answer any questions you guys might have. Things to look for in the smv (slow motion recommended): 1) Waterball - New technique to travel through water fast. 2) Anti-treadmill - Cancel the effects of the treadmills. 3) Ghost Samus - Pass through solid enemies and ceilings.
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I haven't worked on the run since my last upload. I've been very busy. I'll work on the run over the next three days. This is a very crucial segment and I'm forced to abuse the 'random' nature of items a lot. Getting 5+ enemies to die at the same time and give you what you want is quite a chore...
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Oh, you are correct. I would have enough energy. What bugs me is the several second pause after a shinespark, though. This move would be so much more useful and would probably save time in this scenario were it not for the pause.
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I've tried it, doesn't work. If you analyze my smv closely you will see I'm on the last frame of my turnaround when I get the item. So I'm immediately able to head the other direction. If you jump you have to be fairly high off the ground to collect the item. When coming out of the jump it takes time to get your feet set on the ground. In short, jumping is actually slower...
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My favorite thing about tricking games is that there is ALWAYS room for improvement. Some game obscurities take 10+ years before surfacing despite their daily play by thousands of people. I love playing games but I truly have fun when watching and performing gaming works of art. Anyway, back to work!
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THANK YOU ALL FOR THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK!!! This run is a large investment of the little free time I have and I only want to continue if people are entertained. Comments like these really make a difference and give me an incentive to get the run completed quickly! Gorling: If I speedboost at this point in the game I won't have enough energy for a boost coming up after Phantoon. So any time saved there is a wash. Furthermore, coming back to that room later on will prove beneficial.
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196 frames between the earliest allowable rocket hit and the super that finishes him. The user-input portion of the battle is over in 3.25 seconds :O) Does everyone now see how it works? Phantoon is stunned for a certain period of time after a rocket hit. This amount of time is less than your rate of fire. However, if you consider Samus' rate of fire as a wave you can produce a doppler effect if you run towards Phantoon. The increased frequency from Phantoon's POV is enough to keep him stunned. There is, however, one further catch. If you run or even walk towards Phantoon you will reach him before you're ready for the finishing super. To remedy this you repeatedly tap forward. This allows you to move towards him at a slower rate and send off more rockets. Luckily this reduced rate is still enough to produce the desired doppler effect.
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I COMPLETED THE RUN JUST IN TIME! Here it is guys, hope you enjoy it. I'm off to eat dinner.
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Work + girlfriend + backtracking = finish smv by 2AM desync = no smv tonight :'O( Sorry guys, won't have this ready by the time I go to bed. I finished it but on playback Phantoon spawns in a different location...
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I will have an updated run posted tonight ending with the one-round defeat of Phantoon. I've basically doubled the frame count since my last post so there will be a lot of new material to watch. I've come up with a FLOOD of new material in the wrecked ship that comes post-Phantoon so expect another release within a week that will be sure to please. Highness, I have a P4C800. There is also a P4C800-Deluxe, P4P800, and P4P800-Deluxe. I downloaded the bios and internal sound card drivers for the P4C800 but they did not install. I have a feeling that the download link was mislabeled. I then had doubts on which board I had so I proceded to download and install software for all of these different boards. After screwing with this for a while I had renewed faith that I did in fact have a P4C800 and confirmed this with my purchase receipt. So I downloaded the software for this board again. It still wouldn't install. I then posted my frustration on this board. The final solution? I tried installing the P4C800-Deluxe software again. It took... The best part was the hilarious 'restart your computer' message that Asus prompted. I wish I had written it down, it was such poor English.
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I'm up and running again. Took some time to reconfigure my joystick. I also had to backtrack a ways to save half a second. I *may* beat Phantoon tonight if I can stay awake another hour.
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Was planning on defeating Phantoon tonight but an OS setback forced me to reformat my hard drive. I've been here for 5+ hours trying to install Asus motherboard software but to no avail. Apparently Asus drivers do not recognize Asus hardware. Imagine that. "Your model P4C800 does not match model P4C800". Whatever... If the problem persists I suppose I can make due without sound on my computer.
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Not good. I had to backtrack many times and spent a while recording on a desynched smv. I'm about to get the high jump and head for the Wrecked Ship. I'm cutting things very close, by my calculations I'll run out of rockets when I defeat Phantoon. Hopefully I won't find time saving maneuvers along the way that require additional rockets.
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Yes, there are different levels of completion. I'm going for 100% items. This is the bare-minimum 100% run. I don't want to add something in my run that is interesting yet slower. I want to see how low I can get that clock! :O)
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I won't be saving the animals. Furthermore, I won't be going for 100% map access. That would take twice as long to complete. 100% in the shortest time, that is what I'm shooting for.
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