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I assumed you got hit by the Armos in order to make the end-of-segment savewarp a bit easier? (Otherwise, it just doesn't look as good in a TAS to take damage when you don't have to, e.g. when damage-boosting.) Yes, you're doing the jumpslash correctly in the room with the Anubis. And your plan sounds good. By the way, I forgot the red rupee you got from bombing one of the boulders on DM Trail on your way to see the Great Fairy. So you only need to get two red rupees from the Anubis, which should hopefully make things somewhat easier. Rupees +40 Anubis (2 red rupees) -20 Fishing +20 Boulder on DM Trail -30 Bombchu Bowling ----- 10 left
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Here's the rest of Spirit Temple: In the room with the Anubis, do this to cross the gap and manipulate your luck to get 60 rupees from the defeated monster. Iron Knuckle battle. Notice how I never pull out a stick. Simply begin with crouch stabbing. Yes, I know my keyboard-controlled battle could have been better. >_> Everything else in the temple can be done as you did in your previous run. Check for desynchs often and good luck.
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Use your slingshot on the Keeses as you did last time. Or you can kill some of them first (but not so many as to delay your time in that room, since the Armos needs time to explode.) In a nutshell, do whatever works for you, as long as (1) you do not do a sword swipe after the Deku stick attack (but feel free to use your slingshot) (2) you are next to the door when the lock opens
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Hit the Armos with the stick like you did last time. In fact, do everything as you did last time until you get to the room with the Anubis. I'll give further instructions then and make a video if you need help.
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Yeah, I was planning on asking you that. It looks like those ground jumps will be a good idea. Guano, here's the download: 50 frames on the requiem again. I've included the short backwalk to Spirit as well, but record over what I did after entering. I was really hoping you'd make it to Spirit before sunrise, though. If it's not possible, oh well. :P EDIT - No desynchs for me running this .m64 from the very beginning. Can anyone else confirm?
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The subscreen delay, for one, is nonexistent in Proj64.
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Sorry if I was unclear. 1. You jumpslash the Armos with the Deku Stick and preserve the attack power all the way until the Iron Knuckle. 2. Remember how you jumpslashed with your sword to cross a gap in the room with the Anubis? You have to pull out your Deku Stick with C-Left and use that to make it across. Doing this prevents the preserved attack power from being overwritten by a sword jumpslash, which is 2x weaker. 3. When you arrive at the Iron Knuckle, do eight crouching stabs to defeat him. Since the attack power has been preserved since the Armos, you should NOT even need to pull out a Deku Stick or do a "missed jumpslash." Only ONE stick is consumed in the entire Spirit Temple. If any of this is not clear, please let me know.
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Sorry, I don't think I can do Haunted Wasteland. :( I've made it through once without the lens, but that was after some fifty frustrating tries. I really suck at certain parts of the game. If the Wolfos doesn't howl, then it would still be day during the Requiem cutscene. No desynchs this time. Good. Others can confirm. * Raw data under Input Settings must be checked * Movie file must be loaded as "Read-Only" EDIT Confirmed: AKA was correct. The attack power of the Deku stick jumpslash can be preserved from the Armos all the way until the Iron Knuckle. You have to take out (but not consume) a Deku Stick to jumpslash across the pit in the room with the Anubis. EDIT 2 Spirit Temple route up: Not much of a difference except preserving the jumpslash attack power. You also need to manipulate luck so that the Anubis drops three easily-obtainable red rupees.
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Please post a new .m64 (no save); I'd like to verify that there are no desynchs before you spend a lot of time in the Wasteland.
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Its funny though, last time I entered the DC, the wolf howled 200 frames earlier when I went in like 60 frames faster. So I wanted to see if it howled at a different location I went in and he does. I dont know how to manipulate the longest to go without the howl but the one I had posted was the longest wait for the howl I had.
Gosh, I hope you're not serious. -______________-
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I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that this is all due to our error and not faulty programming. It cannot be a coincidence that EVERYONE in that topic reported a desynch at the same location. Early on in the OoT topic, the proper plugins were posted and the ROM (v1.0 U) agreed upon. Do a search for "desync" under subforum "N64 Games" and you'll find the desynching problem brought up in every single N64 WIP. It's not just an OoT thing.
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I can only assume it's because he's using the "raw input" option which I said beforehand not to use because it could cause desyncs
If raw data is unchecked, the movie desynchs at the player name input. So that can't be it.
Also, there might be an actual desync in the movie file caused by loading savestates incorrectly or changing video plugins, or confusion over the ROM version or video plugin settings or other input settings.
No, it's none of these.
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Good luck.
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I tried using frame advance. It looks like you don't get to play a note every frame. Do you want to try it, Yautja? Oh, and as frustrating as it is, the new video still desynchs at the chicken when played from the very beginning. Is anyone here able to play it from the very beginning to the requiem just fine?
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Well, this is the best I can do: I played the song in 50 frames, a 30-frame improvement from what you did in your previous run. And it's not really a blur. I don't know. I was a bit exaggerating when I used that word, but it also seems that I can't play songs as quickly in Mupen as I can in Proj64 (by about 10 frames max. depending on the song), even using the same key assignments. I used the keyboard for inputs and assigned * Down arrow for C-down (F) * Left arrow for C-left (B) * Right arrow for C-right (A) * Up arrow for C-up (high D) * NumPad-1 for the A button (low D). To play this song I moved the A-button to left arrow so that I had easy access to all keys.
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You still don't know how to load a movie properly using a savestate? Delete all .m64's and .st's in your Mupen dir. Redownload from Guano. Load up the ROM and wait for the N64 logo to appear. Go to Utilities -> Movie -> Start Movie Playback (or Ctrl+Shift+P) Check the "Open Read-Only" box at the top. Wait for the N64 logo to appear. Go to Run -> Load As... (or Ctrl+L) and select the .st file you wish to load.
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There is a MAJOR problem with desynchronizations in the production of the OoT TAS.
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When I load the movie from the start of the Gohma battle using the save state, it plays until the Haunted Wasteland with no desynchs. However, when I play from the very beginning, the movie desynchs when you grab the chicken in Gerudo Valley (around frame 80,700 or so.) You fall into the river and get carried off to Lake Hylia, where the tektites kill you.
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I don't know; I never bothered to verify it. But keys don't carry across dungeons and that is a definite fact.
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What the hell? No, you cannot do that. The number of small keys you have is stored as a separate variable for each dungeon. Besides, I think someone has mentioned that entering the Thieve's Hideout as a child will cause your game to freeze.
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Oh, and before I forget, find a good place to get 50 Rupees (20 for fishing and 30 for bombchu bowling.) If you could somehow get all three red rupees from the Anubis in Spirit to appear outside the fire, that would be great. Has anyone figured out what to do to get rid of the long pause in loading the status screens? Copy framebuffer to RAM or something?
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Post WIP + save, please >_>
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No, it doesn't. :) Guano, where are you right now?
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Brilliant, isn't it? The updated route is up, and there are no changes until segment three. You learn the Requiem and collect the Silver Gauntlets as usual. In segment three, you skip Saria's Song entirely as a child and backflip over Mido in the Lost Woods as an adult. Look here for details: (Thanks, Yautja. Didn't notice that :P)
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Whoa there...why are you restarting this far back? If this is a testrun, just continue onwards to Segment 3. You don't need to get everything perfect the first time around, and you want to find out if anything doesn't go as planned in the remainder of the route. This is particularly important. I'm currently leaning towards keeping the route as is. Quite frankly I don't see how skipping th SG will save any time. You need to get bombs in DC and that is another 5' diversion. Unless someone can offer a convincing explanation for why getting bombs and skipping SG is faster, I'll keep the current route.
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