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I'd most definitely like to see a 2p run. I'm curious, though; are there any differences between the NES, SNES, and Genesis versions?
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*bows and worships*
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Yeah, killing 5 QB's is faster than killing the entire defensive team save one. Granted, the offensive line is immortal (since they don't show up in Reserves) but still.
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Yeah, it seems most people exposed to Nethack don't even realize that yes, the dungeon does eventually end. I was actually thinking of doing a Fatal Labyrinth (Genesis) run. It's like a graphical Nethack, but less... feature-heavy (read: less confusing).
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1) What is your name? Where do you live? Stephen Kalb, in Ohio 2) How did you first hear of/get into timeattack videos? I first heard of the site back when it got Slashdotted. I first started doing vids when Gens got rerecording (I was a Genesis fanboy back then, and in some ways I still am) 3) What about timeattack videos captivates you? What makes it worth spending many many hours creating them? They're fun to watch, especially when you know how bloody hard some of those games are. 4) What is the process you use to start, plan, and complete a timeattack video? I do games I already know pretty well, and plan as much as I feel the need to. Typically, it just takes a few versions of a movie to get good results. 5) Which timeattack video that you've created are you most proud of? Why? I haven't decided. I only have two pubished movies, Quackshot and Flashback, and multiple submissions that weren't all that impressive. Quackshot went through something like four different iterations (Three full versions, plus I had to redo the first and second halves of the game for the third and first versions, respectively), so I'd call it the one I've put the most work into. Really, I'm most proud for having inspired some things Truncated is using in his Kid Chameleon run. 6) There seems to be some criticism/antagonism directed at the creators of timeattack videos. How do you explain this? Does this represent competing philosophies about how video games should be played? I've stopped caring. Towards the end of my Genesis's life I played most of my games with a Game Genie so I could explore the games without getting myself killed in the first few minutes of play. I don't really care if someone criticizes me for it since I consider it my game (in the sense that I'm the one playing it) and I'll do what I want with it. 7) Do you consider yourself a film maker? Only in the sense that the end result of my works are put up for everyone to see.
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Funny, the full completion of a Mario game is having it's longest movie record broken by the full completion of another Mario game. (edit: Josh beat me to it. Curse my inability to post quickly!)
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Nope. There's a Sega SATURN version, with pretty good voices and somewhat better graphics....
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When you go to resume your movie, you hit "play movie/resume record from savestate," select your movie, the savestate, uncheck the "read only" box, check "start from savestate," and then hit the "resume from savestate" button.
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Truncated wrote:
That's what I thought, but those times just seemed too unrealistic to fit that.
Well, you also get "waypoints" that, once activated, let that character warp back to and from town at will, in any game they're in. So you can start a "new game" and warp straight to the third level of the final dungeon, if you've activated it in a previous game with that same character.
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Truncated wrote:
What's the difference between creation and new game in this case? Does any of them refer to creating a new character?
From creation means starting at level 1, new game starts from whatever level you want with uber equipment. See, when you play DII online on, you either make a new game or join an existing game, and you keep your character across games. You can have multiple characters, but you can't play them at the same time. In single-player, loading up the game is like making a new game; all the bosses, monsters, etc, respawn, ready to be harvested for exp and items.
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In the order that I thought of them: Smash Bros (N64) Columns (Genesis) Boulderdash 2 (C64) Landstalker (Genesis) Dragon Force (Saturn) (needs multiplayer capability, damnit) SSX series (PS2) Tony Hawk 3 (PS2) (according to my sister's BF, "SSX is Tony Hawk on snow") Intelligent Qube (PSX) Bust a Move/Puzzle Bobble (PSX) Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (PSX/Saturn)
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Just so y'all know, I am not dead, and I started v2 of my run, about halfway through and half a minute shorter so far. A doorless run should follow, although it'll be a while before that happens.
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Typically it's better to play on the hardest difficulty.
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I just noticed, on Phil's profile page, Sword of Vermilion is mentioned. Now, this is an interesting one for a couple of reasons. One, it's a mix of genres; you've got a top-down view for (very slow) towns and (awful) random battles, a first-person look (with minimap) in wilderness and dungeons, and (awful awful) side-view bosses. Two, a dungeon can be done with the first-person and minmap views completely black, if you have neither light nor map. Whether we *want* dungeons to be a mostly black screen with events dispersed throughout is another matter entirely. It's faster, and moving through dungeons is fast enough for it not to be excessively long, but at the same time it doesn't look at all impressive. In fact, it doesn't look like anything at all. Me, I'm all for taking a side trip to give the viewers some light. It'd make the movie one helluva lot easier to make, too.
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Funny, I never have any desync problems in Gens (at least, after v.6 or so was released) that aren't my own fault (i.e. loading a far back save, then loading a near-back save).
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Or just play as Shang Tsung.
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Highness wrote:
What I really don't know if it saves time to just skip enemies by jumping higher over them, instead of making a tiny jump and kill them. Any help on this would be great.
I think you move at the same rate either in the air or on the ground, so it doesn't matter either way. I'd jump over them simply because I think it's more impressive that way.
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Wow, I'm amazed someone else even knows this game exists. I take it one hand is the speed ring at pretty much all times?
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Hit f4 to increase the speed, and f2 to return it to normal.
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Ditto. Shaving another second off the game clock is all well and good, but if it looks bad it looks bad.
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If you "kinda messed up" then you're not doing well enough (at least, not well enough to be submitted).
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
Unlike the gmv file which pauses at the 8th hit of Eggman's Escape Pod in Death Egg 2
That's a Gens problem, not a problem with the .gmv. Make sure you have the latest version.
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It's a limit.
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Just because I canceled it doesn't mean it's been wiped from the face of the earth; you can still get the .gmv here. I just don't think it would have passed, even before Kyrsimys decided our standards needed a little raising.
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Oooo, I knew my ego wasn't going to like this when I saw it was faster than my own run *and* did the bonus stages. In an attempt to retain my dignity, I note there is one definitive improvement that could be made (the opening of Lava Powerhouse: see my run for details) and a couple other things that might be faster.
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