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Post subject: Mupen64Plus 1.4 Released - #mupen64plus
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Joined: 6/22/2007
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Location: Eastern Michigan University wrote:
We could have waited even longer and packed even more features into the new Mupen64Plus v1.4 release, but I thought that it was time to get another one out the door for people to play. There are some big new features, and major contributions were written for this release by: slougi, DarkJezter, ebenblues, Tillin9, Richard42, nmn, and okaygo. A summary of the changes: Major New Features
  • Graphical debugger for R4300 core (build with 'make DBG=1')
  • On Screen Display
  • KDE4 GUI (experimental, compile from source)
  • Cheat system with Gameshark codes
Minor New Features
  • Single frame advance
  • Emulator playback speed up or down in 5% increments
  • Rumble Pak support with force feedback
  • Map emulator functions (fullscreen, stop emulation, etc) to joystick buttons or axis movements.
  • Volume up/down
  • Blight Input: Individually configure each direction of X and Y axis, which allows inverting the axis
  • JTTL_Audio: libsamplerate support for high quality audio resampling
  • GTK GUI: Search/filter box
  • GTK GUI: Accelerator keys
  • GTK GUI: numerous small changes and fixes
  • Overhaul of rom handling functions; numerous small fixes
Bug fixes
  • NoMemoryExpansion parameter to emulate 4MB console; fixes some games
  • Removed NoAudioDelay core option to resolve issue #48
  • Fix unresponsive emulator when game gets stuck in loop
  • GTK GUI: #6 - if a ROM is selected in the ROM browser and 'play' is pressed, emulation will start
  • GTK GUI: #62 - ROM browser column sorting works
  • Rice Video: Support hi-res textures with different scale factors for X and Y
  • Blight Input: don't use 100% CPU in configuration dialog
Mupen64Plus has a [URL=""]Home Page[/URL] over at Google Code, with lots of useful information, screenshots, a bug tracker, a discussion forum, etc. To download Mupen64Plus v1.4, just grab the package that you want: [URL=][/URL] [URL=][/URL] [URL=][/URL]
Enjoy this guys, this is one step closer to ReRecording, what we could really use now is some of the programmers to help port the code to Windows. You could also join us in IRC on FreeNode at #mupen64plus
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Location: Eastern Michigan University
The 4th of July is crazy in NYC.
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Oh Maria! Oh Maria! How I long to be with you! Oh my hero, so far away now. Will I ever see your smile? Love goes away, like night into day. It's just a fading dream. I'm the darkness, you're the stars. Our love is brighter than the sun. For eternity, for me there can be, Only you, my chosen one... Must I forget you? Our solemn promise? Will autumn take the place of spring? What shall I do? I'm lost without you. Speak to me once more! We must part now, my life goes on. But my heart won't give you up. Ere I walk away, let me hear you say I meant as much to you.... So gently, you touched my heart. I will be forever yours. Come what may, I won't age a day, I'll wait for you, always...
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Looks tasty.
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Hey guys, a once in a lifetime chance to drink a beer with Bisqwit ;)
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Bisqwit, do you intend to meet anyone from the forums? If no, then why not?
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I got BT booting again on Mupen64, seemed to be a problem with the ini settings as I suspected. I wonder where the fireegg thing occurs.
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Yes that will most likely be an option, after we finish off a few of our branches... I will get to reworking recording. Hopefully nmn will have solved some of the Win32 issues. I don't want to start doing recording until I have all the necessary things done for this project.
Post subject: Re: 1-2 months.. Sure about that?
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Raiscan wrote:
okaygo wrote:
This means about 1-2 months or sooner (hopefully).
Are you really that certain it will be done in such a short space of time? I'll of course take your word for it, I'm just under the impression that both a working win32 version and rerecording is a somewhat distant goal compared to current versions..
Well once the RCS (Rom Cache System) is done, my next branch is the re-recording branch. That will be my branch, nmn handles the windows branch, so I can't really speak for him. As long as I don't get sidetracked....
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Just a heads up, the OOT Pause bug is fixed on my local copy of Mupen64Plus, it should be included the 1.4 version, or a few revisions after the release as a database thing. Rerecording should be done around version 1.5, and so should a stable Windows port. This means about 1-2 months or sooner (hopefully).
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Dear Bisqwit, What is your favorite Pokemon? Mine is Mudkip, how about you?
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Raiscan wrote:
okaygo wrote:
<pointlessbinary>Dear Bisqwit, What programming languages are you good at? Which are your favorites?</pointlessbinary>
This was already asked, in a far simpler manner :)
I felt like being naughty.
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01000100011001010110000101110010001000000100001001101001011100110111000101110111 01101001011101000010110000100000010101110110100001100001011101000010000001110000 01110010011011110110011101110010011000010110110101101101011010010110111001100111 00100000011011000110000101101110011001110111010101100001011001110110010101110011 00100000011000010111001001100101001000000111100101101111011101010010000001100111 01101111011011110110010000100000011000010111010000111111001000000101011101101000 01101001011000110110100000100000011000010111001001100101001000000111100101101111 01110101011100100010000001100110011000010111011001101111011100100110100101110100 011001010111001100111111
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RT-55J wrote:
Seeing as how this thread is an inescapable black hole of suck, I formally petition Bisqwit to ban everybody that has ever posted in it. That'll certainly make it so that the TASers here spend more time TASing than pointlessly arguing. Everybody wins in this case.
Let's start with you! ;)
Post subject: Re: mushadv .cards .cards .cards
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Bisqwit wrote:
okaygo wrote:
What does your voice sound like? Could you provide an mp3 of you speaking <...> sentence in English
A voice sample by me can be found at . The same sentence in Finnish can be found at .
That works too. Thanks.
Post subject: mushadv .cards .cards .cards
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Location: Eastern Michigan University
Bisqwit, What does your voice sound like? Could you provide an mp3 of you speaking the following sentence in English, then in your native language. "I am Bisqwit, Joel Yliluoma, the creator of the TASVideos website."
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Just so everyone knows, I've been really sarcastic in every post I've made here.
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Comicalflop wrote:
Tonski wrote:
But still I would like to tell everyone that the quote from JQX I posted should be followed. Like he said, it's no use.
Wrong. Ignoring the problem is never a solution. If a Leech is sucking on your arm, and is very stubborn and has a vice like grip, ignoring it is not going to make it go away. A more permanent solution is needed, because Saturn has been given two warnings from Bisqwit, both of which have been ignored. Going beyond that, Saturn has made easily more than 1,000 offenses in this thread alone. There is not a single SM TASer who has benefited from his arrogance and bullying. I hereby make an official request for Saturn to be banned from This site is a community, and Saturn has absolutely zero understanding of how to function in a community, and his presence does more harm than good.
Then how will we ever see his any% run? He obviously knows some really neat tricks, maybe if we keep him around he will share them in a WIP. Don't you understand ComicalFlop?!
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Also keep in mind that the Windows version is still in it's early stages... it should get progressively better.
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DarkKobold wrote:
okaygo wrote:
Fabian wrote:
1 frame compared to the current frame counts that have been released or compared to the secret adjusted frame counts no one knows about just yet?
Obvious troll, trying to say that my method isn't real, when infact I have been spending countless hours reversing the game. My private any% run is currently dominating the published run, and all the public WIP's. I have used a modified version of SNES to achieve this accuracy, testing nearly every combination possible for a room at a time on my dedicated quad core, 64bit cpu with 8 gigs of ram. You should see some of the interesting things it came up with... and I'm not done searching. So please, don't troll me...
Okaygo: Your quad core computer is nothing compared to my personal Beowulf cluster of 10,000 highly trained monkeys well versed in super metroid tasing, given bananas only when they save a frame. I have no intention of posting the result, however, and instead will simply claim I invented the word 'strawberries' when ever a new Super Metroid TAS is submitted. I will wax on about moozoohs being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. I actually completed Super Metroid in negative 3 frames. It happens before I even start the emulator.
WIP or GTFO jk: I habeeb you.
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I'm going to complete Mupen64Plus and do a Starfox64 run using it. :P
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Fabian wrote:
1 frame compared to the current frame counts that have been released or compared to the secret adjusted frame counts no one knows about just yet?
Obvious troll, trying to say that my method isn't real, when infact I have been spending countless hours reversing the game. My private any% run is currently dominating the published run, and all the public WIP's. I have used a modified version of SNES to achieve this accuracy, testing nearly every combination possible for a room at a time on my dedicated quad core, 64bit cpu with 8 gigs of ram. You should see some of the interesting things it came up with... and I'm not done searching. So please, don't troll me...
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Saturn, I found a glitch involving a special combination of movements, it really optimizes subpixel movements, so far I've saved 1 frame for every room... talk about crazy... I might release a WIP, but I'd rather you figure this one out for yourself.
Post subject: Windows Port
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Windows port has been released for all those waiting, now is the time to start testing for bugs... You can also get more help in IRC #mupen64plus Download link: (same server as #nesvideos)
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