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Я расстроился что ты ничего не написал почему ты в последнем уровне на боссе просто едешь задом наперёд, а потом он умирает очень быстро. Специально для этого читал описание (. Не нашел то что искал (. Там что, босс умирает по КД?)
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fsvgm777 wrote:
Gens is a highly inaccurate emulator (the re-recording versions are based on a version that was released in 2002).
Its inaccuracy doesn't affect most of the games. In few games you may have wrong sound (bad sound emulation) like comix zone for example. In few games you may have wrong visuals - I don't have example on top of my head. But what I really don't know is: is there any game where game mechanics affected by its inaccuracy? If no, then I don't care about VDP FIFO tests. It's not so important for superplay showcase.
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Finally, it's done! Well done! Archanfel! Finally, easy yes vote.
EZGames69 wrote:
Also not exactly related to the movie itself, but is there any reason you used Gens rather than BizHawk?
Just a way to remind you that Gens has buggy sound. :)
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feos wrote:
Другой вариант - переезд хока на .netcore, это убирает нужду в моно и дает возможность без потерь функционала работать на линуксе нативно.
Мы вроде обсуждали этот вариант, и оказалось что это не вариант, потому что в .netcore нету winforms на котором сейчас весь бизхок :)
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Well done Turner! Only single question: why do you jump to drop dinamite?
Post subject: Re: Limit on framerate for PC games
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feos wrote:
Video cards support theoretically unlimited framerates, it just depends on complexity of a given game and what processing it involves. For high resolutions, high settings, and modern games, framerates GPUs can output don't go above 300.
It's limit for swapping buffers. But real hardware always has connectors for display. And this hardware outputs are limited.
feos wrote:
If we can't display the video of a movie accurately, it breaks the encoding principles I linked above.
Sometimes you should update your principles by adding some exceptions for example. My opinion: 1) Don't restrict TAS-ers, because TAS is art, and artist should not be restricted :) 2) Don't require encoders to be supermans who should make video closest to real playback of movie. Let them just make encode as best as they think, and leave decision of what encode setting and methods to use to they own choice.
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Very nice improvement! You gained 238 frames, but lost 1060 coins. Guess where? :) If you don't have a problem with that, then move forward :)
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For me, it's not "technically-not-an-emulator", it's more like black and white picture is not colored one. Just because we want to call colored ones to be those with something other than gray. I just want to mention that Wine doesn't only "translate" API, it also implements windows components like registry, edit box, combo box and etc. It's more like windows API implementation - which is basically simulation (or pick any word you like) of windows API. So, "API translator" is only partial truth. Edit: something wrong below. I just don't know how win32 works under wine. Also some old wine can run 16 bit code, like 32 bit XP can. Also, it has x86 x32 implementation for x86 x64 machines. Isn't it then "technically-not-an-emulator-with-an-emulator-inside" then?
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I like it very much too
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In published run there is often used bug for fast movement. For example first two screens of 1-2. Can you reproduce it? Isn't it useful for any room in first page?
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Archanfel wrote:
r57shell wrote:
надеюсь не генс? просто с ним будут места с глючной музыкой...
Может мне конечно медведь на ухо наступил, но особых проблем с музыкой я не замечаю, специально еще раз пересмотрел старый пробег, и вроде с музыкой там все ок.
2:04 5:36 - куски с корявым дзыньканьем.
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воистину брутфорс! надеюсь не генс? просто с ним будут места с глючной музыкой...
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Archanfel wrote:
Единственное, что заметил два значения образуются значительно чаще других: 1111 и 0. Еще иногда попадаются близкие и кратные к 1111: 1110, 1116, 2222, 4444... Все остальные значения рандомно мусорные и полностью лишены логики, не вижу никакой системы за что можно зацепится.
Сейчас не так важно что туда попадает, важнее понять что на это влияет. То есть, как можно поменять последние фреймы до появления клетки чтобы это значение было другим.
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каждый раз разное место. и место известно только когда она появится. и по значению можно посмотреть раньше, так как крыса можно посмотреть немного позже. как минимум можешь поискать что ты можешь сделать чтоб повлиять на значение.
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Language: Lua

cage = {} gui.register(function() camx = memory.readwordsigned(0xffc000) camy = memory.readwordsigned(0xffc002) base = 0xffbec0 while true do this = memory.readlong(base) if this == 0 then break end this = this - 0xff000000 x, y = nil,nil if this ~= 0 and this ~= 0xff6298 then -- and this == 0xff633c or this == 0xff654e then x = memory.readwordsigned(this+0x1a)-camx y = memory.readwordsigned(this+0x1c)-camy --gui.drawtext(x,y,string.format("%X",this)) end base = this end for i,v in ipairs(cage) do gui.drawtext(0,i*8,string.format("%X",memory.readwordunsigned(v+0x2A))) end end) gens.registerbefore(function() cage = {} end) memory.registerexec(0x1DEB62,function() table.insert(cage,AND(memory.getregister('a6'),0xFFFFFF)) end)
на экране в левом верхнем углу кажет значение когда есть клетка.
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По адресу 1DEB84 есть проверка $2A(A6) на 1, и если это не так, то пропускает проверку $26(A6) на меньше $F6 Так вот $26(A6) в обоих мувиках в том месте имеет значение EE. (по адресам FF69CA, FF65C6 в публикации и бажном соответственно) Но вот в публикации на эту вторую проверку он не попадает, потому что $2A(A6) не 1 а точнее $1D1, и поэтому попадает на другую, по которой уходит на код который обнуляет вертикальную скорость падения мыши - то есть она не падает. А в бажном $2A(A6) равна как раз 1, и он на проверке на меньше $F6 сразу прыгает на путь "ничего не делать", поэтому скорость не обновляет, а она растёт. Что интереснее, этот $2A в обоих случаях часто переписывается мусором. В публикации именно каким-то мусором там получается $1D1. Аналогично в бажном мувике каким-то мусором получается $1. Может кому получится найти как заставить там оказаться мусору, или кто-то поймёт что за мусор. Но судя по коду, в бажной версии туда попадает распакованный кусок архива.
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I'm not familiar with this game Increased numbers of rescue, collectables, obstacles, health of bosses, increased length of autoscroller - I doubt there is anything brand new there. So, only two bullets left in list: 1) Adds the puzzle-based level "Maze of Stone" - really good 2) Doesn't have any RTA competition - good to see how fast hard might be completed, drawback: you can't compare with normal mode RTA.
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I didn't publish it here just because I was a bit lazy. But for sake of completeness, here it is: Use it as kind of template.
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Just amazing! That coins farm in 3-1 wow! woW! That 3-1 boss crab kill from single orb WOW! I never been able to. That 3-2 boss phase 2 in one cycle yet again wow! And 1-2 boss golem is also O_o. I don't wanna disappoint you, but here are few notes. Red pill in 3-2 - you could either open it while comming from left side through wall using critical swing. Or avoid picking it and use hidden blue pill at boss 1-1 screen while he is falling or spawning. Anyway you need hp there only for lava hit in 1-2. And I'm unsure is it faster to pick red pill than wait for platform. Other note is: you could grab more coins under ceil in 3-2 while you have time. But here I'm unsure just because I don't know how it is if you use lava for speed advantage. Anyway, it's way too tiny improvement for redoing 3-1 boss and 3-2 boss manipulation and you don't know for sure that it won't end up worse.
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easy Yes vote :) Ektor Engine is just awesome! That under train walks :D I don't like zip explanation, but may be precise info is not so important. Anyway, here is my. Collision detection is based mainly on current action: drill/jump/fall/walk/run Optionally, depending on the action it checks speed. Action for me is word at FF0174. Main idea is following: if you don't allow to move from valid spot into invalid spot - you'll never make unexpected move. So, if you move to the right, from valid spot (under assumption) then you don't need to check what is behind, because you're in valid spot (under assumtion), and you only need to check what is in front. Similarly, if you jump (moving up), you only need to check what is above, if you fall - what is below. Why based on action? If you diagonally drill upwards - you need to check what is up in front, and no need to check speeds because they are fixed! When collision appears, all pushes are done in opposite direction: if you check what is above then push downwards, if you check what is below then push upwards. That's why for zips up you drill down, and for zips down you drill up. Also, if you very deep in the wall then simple jump will push you down. And main reason why vertical down drill is bugged: it resets speed (and action?) before collision detection. So, you had speed but it vanished before collision detection, and all logic above falls apart. Also, normal falling does check for a floor aside, to be able to stay on a corner with animation that you're unbalanced and going to fall. This prevents you from falling right next to the wall. Vertical down drill doesn't do that, so it allows us to fall right next to the wall. One point in this explanation is missing: why you're not pushed sideways from wall using diagonal drill when doing zip? According to explanation, it should check what is in front of you, and because you're in wall, it should push you back. Yes, idea is like this. But it's not how it is implemented. AFAIR instead of pushing, it just reset position to appropriate side of wall. There can be other reason: may be it just don't check horizontal collision as far as vertical is triggered. I'm not sure why it doesn't constantly push sideways during zips.
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Just stumbled across this topic
Aqfaq wrote:
The fastest strategy is to play with the magician and die in the boss fights to regain all magic power.
I didn't thought about that.
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There is no "monsters' loot table" in simple understanding. There are hell of a lot of rules where you can easily be buried. That's why I'm saying that there is a lot of human factor. Because human may make plenty of mistakes in those rules evaluation, to figure out which item may or may not drop here and there. And yes Mothrayas nice catch. Variety of RNG is not so large. AFAIR RNG seed of drop is only 64 bits comparing to variety of potential drops.
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igloosPat wrote:
This is a heavily (ASTRONOMICALLY) luck manipulated run, meaning the run takes full advantage of the game's theoretical limits and parameters.
I doubt in legitimacy in this spot. There is a lot of human factor here, unless you have made a lot of work to actually manipulate RNG. I know d2 internals a lot, belive me or not :)
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NICE. At last! Short setup zips are awesome. Middle time setup zips looks fine too. My subjective feeling of long time setups: Fort Redstar 3 Disco Fever 3 (two of them) Dis Industries 1, 2, 3 - all of them looks long For me, 13 shifts is long for sure.
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I know this kind of poll: Vote yes here: Yes. No.
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