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Man, this game sucks. Not gonna say ur job on the game is bad, but the game sucks so mutch it doesn't deserve to be published. Vote NO (Just cause the game sucks). For referance: youtube the game and look for the angry video game nerd.
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a clear yes vote on an outstanding run. this quirkfest maybe even better at quirking then nitsujas sonic 3 run (although the sonic 3 run is better overall). kinda missed kintaro fatality, but that's the only negative that I can see in this run. You had me when you started to dodge like 5-6 shooting attacks from CPU. How about a star? YES, PLAESE!
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The run looks great. Still PSS in a standstill camera is not really entertaining IMO
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I expected improvements, but this is just beyond any expectasion. I didn't know monkies could beat up a croc as badly as this. Clear yes, and let's bring out a star
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You should rename the game to "bears humpin" xD. and yes to a most entertaining run
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Clear yes vote from me. your wall jumping and creative ways of getting through levels with usually require a cap simply amazes me. gratz on your "baby" :D
Post subject: Re: NES "100%" Metroid (USA) in 41:43.33 by AP (aka. Zoizite
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rollingface wrote:
Hi, I apologize if this has been covered but this topic is way to long to search through. I can't seem to get the .fmv for the run called NES "100%" Metroid (USA) in 41:43.33 by AP (aka. Zoizite) to work. The run is fine until just after getting the ice beam. At this point Samus can't get out of the shaft leading back to the main area. I have the latest version of Famtasia and the lastest version of the .fmv. I am using the exact rom listed on the submission page. Is this a known issue? And can anyone help me see this run?
you should download the .avi instead.
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do i need to say it? YES! YES! YES! and put a star on it as well
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how many stars is possible to do this cccless run? you have to take coins in 2 stars per stage, and you have to take coins in cap zones and bowser zones. If i'm not mistaken thats 36 stars that can't be taken. So 84 stars is the maximum number of stars I'm a cccless run (correct me if I'm wrong). And there is proberby some stars were you can't avoid coins. I talk about the 2 stars in world 3 (Slip slide away and big pinguin race). But it'll surely be entertaining if you can pull it off. good luck to you
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aquatic ruin zone, act 2 in 0:39 Check it out. At the end something happens that saves some seconds in game time. It proberbly saves about 3 seconds or so. Best way to explain it is that eggman doesen't use about 3 seconds to blow up. Maybe this can be done on other stages as well?
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YES vote, and let there be a super mario 64 war as there was a monopoly war earlier :)
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If you are going to make a run of this game just remember input was missing in this testrun. A highscore name has to be typed in.
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If there is to be made a sf2turbo tas there has to be a 10 star code used. It will be far more entertaining then regular turbo mode. I personally think that a 10 star turbo mode would be even more entertaining then ssf2.
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I wish I had more hands, so I could give this run 4 thumbs up. YES and a star on the demand
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This run was alot better then the previous run, a simple yes answer. Better fights and more entertaining the way you prepare the glitched fatalities. the friendship "fatality" was simply hilarious. As said by Dromiceius: more of the good, and less of the bad
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very well performed run. I'd say it would be nice to ad this as a concept run and not replace the already existing one
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How big is phil's improvement over pom's published run? and just as Mukki asked: why is it not published?
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a simple choise: YES!
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what are u waiting for? SUBMITT THE RUN!!!! forgot to say in my last post that I tried to make a savestate, but it desynced. looks like once more I have to fast forward :(. Congratulations to you comical. Hope that you improve even more with your v9 :)
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I think you lose about 60 frames (1 sec) to switch between diddy and dixie. Just a little thing... A savestate would be nice so we don't need too fast forward over an hour of play. Beginning to be a little tired of fast forwarding, that's all :) Just watched it, and it looks very good. if there is frames to gain they are minimal. Unless you have a good reason for not using it, you should use the goal-switch trick before the final boss. You would save some frames there
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xoinx wrote:
Obsoleting of a concept demo, has it ever happened before?
Yes. JXQ has obsoleted his super demo world run 2 times I think, and that is a concept demo. A fairly pointless run I think. Funny april fools though :) meh
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Having some playback problems here. Witch rom are you using? Anything else I should know about the playback of this movie? Using gens-movie-9j. Any help most welcome.
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I'm just gonna say that your v8 run looks very good. And your v9 looks even better. just a reminder that if you can save this many frames on only one level you could save many seconds in a complete run. maybe even a half a minute. Do as you wish, but this run will be beaten if you use v8. don't know when or by who, but it will.
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A+++++ grade and a BIG YES with Star on the demand
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Adebis wrote:
16 seconds (964 frames) faster than previous version. Should i submit this?
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