Posts for sixofour

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The Creator gave everyone the logical utilities. A set of rules that people know about the world. When you throw them away, you are throwing away any form of a standard to judge the world around you. This thread does have a habit of going off-topic.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I didn't observe that. Its intuition. A thing cannot produce the very thing that made it. Thing X cannot build the thing that built Thing X, This statement is true because a thing that does not exist, cannot do. So by implication, a thing that doesn't exist, cannot build the thing that gives it existance. There was no observation required to come to this conclusion. Besides that, you cannot observe a thing that cannot be.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Usualy, if something isn't true, there is a logical way to explain it. You can prove and disprove things with logic. Just as with science. And with logic, and science aswell, you have people who don't understand how they work. And come to wrong conclusions. But when logic dictates that X must be, then it must be. And no amount of science will ever change that fact. For instance. -- Thing X cannot build the thing that built Thing X. -- That fact will not ever change. So if someone tries to use science and they come to a different conclusion, then their method is wrong, without any need to investigate. Logic is [should be] the first phase of verification for a claim. Unfortinatly, this is hardly the case.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Sounds like a problem with your understanding.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Logic is intuition. It requires no observation. No exprience or previous expiriment or evidence.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Ive not said an erroneous statement since I have been here. Broad, sure, but your supposed to be intelligent enough to know that and take it as is. Not that broad statements are negative anyways. But its a good scapegoat for people to write off someone elses statement without actually having to confront it. Of course, trends still point to what I have said. So I don't know what statements of mine you are refering to, but it certainly isn't my assesment of archive format usage.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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What do you meqan define an event? You don't know what an event is? Any change that happens in anything. Infinite regression shows there can't be an infinite number of them before now. And a thing that does not exist cannot do. Therefor the Universe has a start, and was started by one not related to it. Anyone who disagrees, is denying logic. And their word is worth shit. To flagitous Time is a measurement, like celcius or faranhiet. Its not a thing in an of itself. I am saying that there was a first change. And many changes after that, and since we are still changing, an infinite number of changes have no occured. Because there isn't an infinite number of things that exist. An infinite number of changes cannot occur at once. This isn't a theory. Set theory is. Anyways, to finish up, yes its a catagoricly black and white issue. You will probably say you don't believe in absolutes, And I will say that its your problem not mine. And I think that covers the basics. If anyone wants to continue, PM me. [Sorry for going OT again]
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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It means exactly as it says, an infinite number of events cannot have occured before June 16th 2009.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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What is .Rar competeing with? Only fringe users use .zip or 7zip. The small minority who give a shit. When it comes to big companies, I am fairly certain they don't use zip 7zip or rar, and when it comes to basic users, ive hardly seen a zip in the past 20 years. Its pretty much deprecated. And a few groups in the open source community have anattachment to 7zip for some dumb reason. .Rar is like Toyota, they don't compete with anything, they are already on top, anything else is just a gesture by other auto companies.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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DarkKobold wrote:
Actually, as a student of the field of neuroscience, thought is quite the observable phenomenon - take your pick - fMRI, extracellular network recordings via penetrating micro-electrodes, Surface EEG, Intracranial Electrocortiography grids, New photo-voltaic measurements, Magnetoencephalography, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting. We simply don't have the ability to understand what we record, yet. I'm sure one day, humanity will have figured out the network dynamics that allowed you to understand the content of this sentence.
So basiclly, its just as I said. You can't. What you observe in the brain is its reaction to thought. Not the thought itself. Because those things you see, are not the same for every person, despite the fact that they are all told to think about the same thing.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Not really. But what ever helps you sleep at night.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Those aren't the things that are damaging. When there is an issue that is science vs religion, each side will go with what they 'feel' is right. Its the subtle stuff that is damageing, such as denying intuition. blurr logic [or outright rejecting it]. Simple example. There cannot be an infinite number of changes before this one. That is a logical, undebatable fact. But of course, no one promotes or even agrees with it, throwing all logic out of the window. And people do so only for one reason, to try to deny the need for a Creator. Because if changes before right now are not infinite, then they had to have a start, by one that doesn't change. A Creator. But because of the implication, and only because of it, this fact is denied, and grey philosophy terms are implanted, which is mostly utter bullshit, but it avoids the need for them to recognize that there is a Creator.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Except that they all probably hate the idea of being the property of the Creator. Or the idea that you can aquire information without data crunching, or using the scientific method.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Science doesn't even acknowledge the mind. The scientific method cannot account for thought. It cannot account for anything that isn't observable. Intuition isn also not accounted with the scientific method. There are many flaws with the western method itself. Besides all that, you just said it yourself. Peer review. When people are paid to say certain things, then only certain views will be published and others will be black-listed. Or when people just out-right lie. Considering most of modern science not related to engineering, has been purely an atempt to discredit religion, or more specificly christianity [most of the scienctist in this field consider all religion to be a flavor of christianity anyways]. So you can expect that they will say what sounds best and more importantly achives their goal. Claiming scientists are for the most part sincere in their reports, is like saying american pharmecutical companies sincerely only want to help you. Science in Ameirca and Europe is pretty much reduced to the same status western universitiews have, they are institutions that exist only to promote certain views by certain groups. That's it.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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If logical deduction was used, people wouldn't believe in evolution, human rights, global warming, and a whole host of other utter bullshit. People seem to pull shit out of their asses and everyone believes it. Not very scientific. The way "science" works these days when it comes to things that can't be applied to engineering, is that if the person went to school, then their word is accepted as truth, unless it conflicts with the general flow of society.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Step 6 and 7.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Scientific evidence is about as subjective as beauty.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Epic Fail. I think this is a certain someone from the IRC channel.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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On linux you just use Ark.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I am suprised 7zip isn't depredcated yet lol.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I know what it means, but I also don't believe "just because its not open" is a reason to avoid using something supriour. In this case, being non-free doesn't help or damage us.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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You actually pays for a license? Are you not using .rar on thart little tidbit alone?
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
So is .zip.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*