Posts for spezzafer

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The movie record option is under Utilities > Movie (make sure the controller doesn't have 'Raw' checked under the input configuration box) The Jabo plugin runs the game fine, but it still crashes when trying to record. I set all of the plugins to what was included in the rerecording version's folder (just the Jabo ones) but still couldn't get the emulator to start recording without crashing. What are the exact settings I should have for movie recording? Or is the feature expected to crash since you are still in the primary testing stages? If so, just disregard my questions. (btw I was testing this with the Super Mario 64 (U) [!].z64 rom)
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good luck with it, I'm sure with enough work it should definitely be a possibility; what you've done with snes9x and VBA has been very impressive so far, so I'm sure this is in good hands so I offer my support and encouragement
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The Lucky Hammer was bought in Seaside Town and used only in the Shogun fights. Afterwards I switched back to the Masher. The Lucky Hammer just appears as 'Hammer' in the inventory but the description calls it a 'lucky hammer'. When timed it activates luck in the same fashion as the jewel and flowers. This was to save uses of the Lucky Jewel for later battles, which is sort of redundant in this run due to my poor strategy with the jewel (I actually had one or two uses left at the end). I'm sure the next revision will fix this and the Lucky Hammer usage will be more justified. Thanks for the comments!
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I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss all weapons as unnecessary time-wasting detours. I remember saving over 3 minutes in the Moleville Mines in my 2nd revision (the published one) compared to the first run through because I bought the Work Pants and Weapons before entering the mines, and it shortened the boss fights considerably.
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You're right about Bowyer. I could've saved a turn, but I guess I wasn't thinking there. Power Boost also raises Rock Candy/Bomb damage by 50% (300 damage for Rock Candies). I believe 16 flowers is the maximum number you can achieve in Booster Hill, and I tried different timing with the Snifits/Barrels but couldn't reach it. It worked a few times, but I couldn't ever get above 16 flowers. First time through I only got 15, so I had to do the whole thing over. I've already mentioned my poor strategy regarding the Lucky Jewel usage in my earlier post. I should've used it at every opportunity (save for the lower XP fights). Regarding the Shogun question: are you referring to the Lucky Hammer I equipped? Not sure I get what you're asking here. MM Yaridovich has a very strong Magic Defense, so the Ultra Jump hardly did enough cumulative damage to save as much time as just doing enough damage to add to the 500 damage from the next two Rock Candies. Same goes for the Director and Manager. I defended in the Hammer battle because Bowser could use the Ice Bomb (which is a second faster than the Rock Candy) and kill them. Bowser had the Troopa Pin so the Ice Bomb would kill them straight off (Mario using it would have not dealt enough damage to kill).
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Thanks! TEST: The battle rooms are terribly slow, and I didn't even make it to the third room without falling behind the time of the longest room I had done up to that point (the puzzle room with the barrel-counting). I didn't calculate the exact difference but I imagine it would probably be about 1 minute slower. Also, through another test I found that fighting Booster is 18 seconds faster than the curtain game. I wouldn't get the amulet, but I decided later on that it didn't affect any battle strategies anyways, and to add to the discrepancies it lowers speed by 5.
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I've never been sure about how much time the battle doors would take. Choosing them over another door would certainly benefit later, with the potential level-ups and accumulation of the two ultimate weapons. I've also never been sure about Booster's Curtain game, whether it would have been faster to fight Booster (which would have been easy with the Rock Candy) rather than play through avoiding the Snifits behind the curtains. The untimed Thunderbolt with Mack was to save the extra frames. I didn't need to time it, since I had to keep only one Bodyguard alive to keep them from regenerating and to keep Mack from jumping out of battle (he will jump out if two or more Bodyguards are alive). Even timed it wouldn't have killed all four of them, but the last move is a second untimed Thunderbolt which kills both Mack and the Bodyguard. Errors in this run: FP increments are unnecessary following the Belome fight (this excludes the flower in Rose Way and the three flowers in Rose Town) and, in fact, I may have been able to skip one or two before. Booster Hill provides all the flowers I'll ever need for the rest of the game (which is very little anyways). Lucky Jewel should have been used in more battles following its purchase. Bundt, King Calamari, Bandana Red, and Yaridovich should have had a use. Most of the fights afterwards, with the exception of a couple, hardly give rightly due experience (especially the Axem Rangers) so it's probably futile to try and save it for later, and I need to gain levels as fast as possible and as soon as possible. Considerations: Skip the Exp.Booster altogether. It doesn't seem to do much good in the long run and gathering Frog Coins is too much trouble. It also takes up an accessory slot which could be used for something more effective in battle. If anyone didn't notice, 90% of the time after Seaside Town Geno had the Exp.Booster on. Test the Booster fight to compare the number of frames saved/lost to the Curtain Game. Test the Battle Doors to the Quiz Room (and one of the action rooms, with the slow moving revolving platforms, is quite slow too). I might append to this if anyone suggests better strategies. Thanks for the questions so far; keep asking!
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Spoony_Bard wrote:
Or are all the powerful weapons which really matter behind doors with puzzles that are skipped because they take too long?
Unfortunately both the Star Gun and the Drill Claw are behind both the Battle Doors, which I skip because yes they take too long. You can bet I would have gotten them had I been given the opportunity.
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Yep, it's impossible to avoid them the first time around. I myself had tried many ways around it, tool assisted, but to no avail. The waits in the Mack and Czar Dragon fights were to manipulate luck. The thing was, for Mack I needed to manipulate both the Shyster AND Mack to do exactly what they did (Mack attacks, Shyster does nothing) which took a lot of rerecords. If you'll notice what happens right after Geno's attack on Czar Dragon you'll understand (Boulder was manipulated into missing both Bowser and Geno, both of whom would've died had they been hit and I absolutely needed both of them alive for the next couple of rounds). I didn't mention this in the description, but because of this collection of monster battlescripts I was able to determine exactly what they would've done (Zombone always uses Boulder first off no matter what) and it helped in decreasing the amount of work I might have went through trying to interpret things. On Bowyer: according to his battlescript, every time he is attacked a variable increases by +4, using a special increases it +2, and item (i.e. damage item, which I never use) +1. These are cumulative to determine every two rounds what button he will lock. The defending was to keep him locking Y every time, and using the much faster arrow shot. If he locks the A button (which I use most of the time) he will always follow with a spell. Plus, the Geno beam is a rather long animation but I use it in the beginning because I needed to deal as much damage as possible with specials before he locked them. FYI this Bowyer fight was nearly a minute faster than the published run's. Thanks for the comments so far, if you have any more questions please ask!
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update: just finished Birdo, now at a record time 11 mintues faster than the published run skipped a few things, including the Lazy Shells and the needless cut scene with Goomba at Monstro Town (Hurly Gloves instead of Spiked Link will be Bowser's weapon until the end of the game) had to wait until after the Sunken Ship to buy the Exp.Booster because of Frog Coin shortage, and in the long run I only end up being 1 level behind my previous run (luckily there was a nice bunch of these at the Sunken Ship) question: should I have the 'sync sound samples with cpu' option set? I've just rerecorded with it enabled, and have watched the entire movie through (on turbo) and it hasn't desynched or affected the gameplay at all. The reason I ask is because the sound seems to be out of synchronization with the game at some points, and this fixes it I presume.
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I've started a 3rd revision of this game. Up to the defeat of Punchinello it's 6 minutes 51 seconds faster than the published run. no Shyster fights in Mushroom Kingdom - Mario runs straight to Mack with no diversions bought the Power Blast in Tadpole pond for faster boss fights skipped two Wigglers (you know for the Frog Coins) in the Forest Maze never bought any armor or weapons except at Moleville I'm skipping Culex and the Lazy Shells which will probably save over 10 minutes total.
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The Mupen64 recording engine works perfectly with Mario 64 (or from what I've tested). First test on Kirby 64 had no problems either. movie test up to some mistake in Chomp's Fortress starting outside the castle put the .st and .rec files in your n64 rom directory the only advantage so far is that you can pause the emulation during recording, which is very tedious since there is no frame advance option I'm sure many people are aware of this, but just for proof here's the movie. In regards to the emulator settings used for my test recording, everything is defaulted. since it's open source it's probably best to start with this emulator, if a rerecord feature is considered I can only imagine how sublime it would look if ANY of these great games can be recorded tool-assisted.
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the block in 1-4 just happened to be in the way of a ricocheting egg that eventually hit a flower under the platform I recommend turning the sound on for this (100%) game to be able to hear some items (flowers hit w/an egg) because it may be a little confusing otherwise if one just sees Yoshi pitch an egg into the open. there was no other way of getting the cloud to appear in 1-7 in the any% run for 1-4 I couldn't run all the way to the pipe because the very next block is right above it, and I'd lose a good 20 frames just falling straight down to the pipe instead of keeping a full foward momentum right to the point of entering it for 4-7, I had to destroy the flower because it was in the way; the 'flipper' doors had to be opened from an egg coming from the other side so I wouldn't have to pass through all of those individual walls where the game pauses if you enter them thank you for the appreciative remarks!
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I've decided to do the extras last, but how many people would prefer the order of 1-E to 6-E (first to last) or vice versa? I ask because playing the extras backwards is the fastest way to do it. When exiting Bowser's Castle using that pause/start+select trick the cursor will be at 6-8 right next to 6-E, and I won't have to return to World 6 map (contrary to doing them in the more practical order of 1-E to 6-E). However, it looks better to do them in the order they were intended, although I would lose a couple of seconds. I hope it won't be required that I repeat Bowser's Castle to officially beat the game, because of that autoscrolling crap right before the fight. I suppose I could attempt to hex it in there but with the odds of a desync happening I don't see the possibility.
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thanks to all for the inspirational comments I think I'll wait until after the final Bowser fight to do the extras because, like Spoony_Bard said, I won't have to switch back and forth between maps as much if I just choose a straight path from map to map. The order will be 6-E to 1-E, first to last.
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100%: World 1 + 1-E this game is really wearing me out this is honestly the best I could do with what little supply of eggs I had at times...I actually had to restort to the middle rings two times because there either there weren't enough enemies to hit for stars, there weren't enough eggs to hit them with or it was just faster to use the rings rather than run the extra distance to grab a star cloud (1-7) notice the lack (zero) of eggs at the end...THAT'S how difficult it is to mantain an adequate supply; 95% of the items are too out of reach to just grab on the fly so goes another precious egg I even started 1-6 with a full load and that ended up being one of the hardest levels. I guess this is what I get for trying too much to minimize the time it takes to finish.
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continue rings have a weird set of coordinates...the full ring itself is not the actual area of effect; in fact you can be completely outside of it and still get caught I assure you I avoided every ring I could...some were either too high to jump over or not enough space to get around.
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yeah I didn't expect so many because the last full run was only but 60,000...most of those rerecords are attributed to levels like... 4-4 : that colored block room 6-3 : those spinning logs...this was probably the worst, they spin so fast and very rarely actually boosted me foward instead of backward 6-6 : that key that I tried many many times but failed to grab through the wall AT the locked door and the second Bowser fight; the eggs can only be thrown so far with so little effort, but with a lot of practice they can reach great distances a lot of the tips and tricks I used are explained in the description field of the submission...but if you have any specific questions about it over anything not in the notes, I'd be happy to answer
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Grabbing back baby Mario freezes everything on the screen for well over 10 frames (even in autoscrolling levels), so any score less than 10 would be inconceivable. It's a good suggestion and I briefly gave it consideration but realized it just wouldn't fly. Yoshi gets a short but substantial speed boost when he jumps off of moving platforms (considering the platform is moving the direction he is going)...which is why I jumped off of them so much. I'll admit there was one error near the end of the 1st area of 5-7 where I didn't get a boost off of the fast red platform so that the 'fast moving' effect would continue a little after jumping off. It's kind of tricky to plan these things because in order to actually get a jump boost, Yoshi has to jump once to gain a little momentum and then the next jump will catapult him off the platform at considerable velocity...however there's a lot of weird (but cool) physics involved in this that is kind of hard to figure out to work with. The level intro titles are all set differently so that a few even have no way of skipping them at all (2-2 and 6-6 for example). I held down A and B turbo (alternating) the whole time through every intro and some were faster than others.
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your comments are greatly appreciated; thanks! yeah the fuzzies would have been nice to run into, but touching them pauses everything on the screen for about 100 frames or so, approximately the same time it takes to grab back baby Mario when you lose him also, as long as it doesn't waste any more than 30 frames (because that's the extra time it takes to tally up a single flower/red coin), I actually go out of my way to avoid red coins and flowers; so if you see me doing something presumptuous, like floating over a single red coin (e.g. in 4-7) check the final score...if it is 10, then it was worth it to save like 10 frames also, please give your thanks to David "Marshmallow" Gibbons who recorded those well done runs at SDA which revealed the quick kill trick with the piranha plant in 3-8 to me; when I first saw that I shook my head a few times and was like 'what the...?' I actually tried doing this to the other bosses, and even some that were in plain view (i.e.Sluggy the Unshaven) could be hit head on with an egg to no effect once again, thanks for the positive feedback! here are some save states for each world by the way I guess it was just pure coincidence but I somehow managed to grab exactly 49 lives and 99 coins by the end of the game!
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You could have started attacking Ganon immediately when he changes into his staff-wielding form, instead of waiting several seconds. Just for reference, check the last post in the Link's Awakening topic for an example that is 13 seconds faster than this (many thanks to Bladegash for supplying the backup archive which I stupidly deleted all trace of from my hard drive). Use the "Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (V1.2) (U) [!]" rom. You did find a faster and better way of saving time when getting the sword, and it looked to me the path to the staircase at the end was reached sooner, so good job on that. The biggest problem is the needless wait before attacking Ganon...fix that and it will surely be faster than mine!
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Concerning the mapping of joypad buttons with the 'customize hotkeys' windows, I thought it might be possible to pause or do whatever hotkey action to two emulators running two games simulataneously (if the 'pause when inactive' option is unchecked) if assigned a joypad button to something like 'pause' or 'frame advance'. I'll explain: Joypad input for some reason works on all open and running emulators so I can literally play two games at once...unfortunately I noticed this didn't apply to the hotkeys, just joypad buttons. Joypad input works on both the active and inactive emulator, whereas hotkey input only works on the active. It would be very convenient and pretty cool if I could pause/frame advance two different runs of the same game to compare the differences in speed, pausing here and there to see which strategy is faster. Would it be possible to have the 'pause' and 'frame advance' keys set to have effect if the window is inactive? EDIT: on second thought, scratch that; it might be more trouble than it's worth, plus one probably wouldn't want too much interference with their emulation and movie-making with several emulators being run at the same time...sorry if I came off sounding kinda insolent =/
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I seemed to have also blindly and unconsciously removed it from my hard drive as well. I guess we can only hope someone else downloaded it before I changed it. Goddamn I am stupid.
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There was a point where I was about to start 1-4 but realized I was one egg short if I was to have enough to get the desired number of stars (to hit the star cloud). I had to look as far back as 1-2 to look for a missed opportunity for an egg but I also realized an instance in 1-1 where I could have JUST AS EASILY made an egg right at the beginning instead of jumping on the shyguy. So I started back there to get the egg in the hopes that it wouldn't desync (so much for that) when I tried to hex the rest in. Didn't work, and it desynced right before one of the hardest parts in the level at the large crevice with the giant flower and the star clouds. So that really put a damper on my day and pretty much killed any motivation to continue. I'm also sick of this game...sorry, but I'll probably have to wait a little longer before I get back the ambition. I figured maybe working on other games might help. Thanks for the feedback though! I wouldn't say it's completely out of the question just yet but don't expect anything soon, because 100% is extremely difficult and very tactful. I took an entire day just to finish the first level, and it's the shortest level in the game. If there's anyone else willing to take it up, I give them my full support! I don't go by that 'claim to fame' crap so don't worry about how I feel. I do, however, strongly admonish anyone to carelessly rush through it and advise them to carefully look over these mechanics I've cultivated over the months and months of playing this game before taking it on: edit: got my connotations mixed up
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finished the 1st dungeon click here to get the movie