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Just watched the movie. What a great discovery!! This would save a lot of time I think especially concerning (mid-)boss fights. I hope someone is willing to do a run of this game because I'm already very impressed by the speedruns on SDA
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Dodongo Cavern Complete! Save state at beginning of DC. The last 2 bombs are going to blow up the boulders right? Then in bomb bowling, they will supply me with them correct? Here ya go!
Always desynchs when you want to climb the first ladder. Instead you're walking directly into the lava. Same settings and Read-Only is toggled...any advice?
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xebra wrote:
Your response isn't really related at all to my previous comment, but that's ok.
Well, you're right ;) My apologies! But you can't only blame the refs. They just execute what they were told... Icehockey is incredible fast, but I always have problems to follow the puck because of its size...I remembered once an experiment in the NHL with a glowing puck. I liked that :) B2T: Poor, poor Aussies...
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It works fine for me, too and I'm really impressed. Hope you keep up the good work!
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Baxter wrote:
spockybiemmichab wrote:
I think the game wouldn't have escalated if the referee had shown Bouhlarouz the red card in the 8th minute.
Perhaps, but you could say the same for Figo after hitting his head into another player. If he had gotten red for that, the first red card for the netherlands wouldn't have been given, since it was given because of Figo's acting.
Just another example for a lack of self-control which happened a lot too often in this game...(personally, I think a red card would have been right, but that headknock wasn't that least it was unnecessary that the dutch player walked (not tumbled) back two steps and then fell to the ground) @xebra Everyone has his own opinion. In my eyes, the typical american sports like (american) football or baseball are just boring because there is no "flow" in the game. Always interruptions...(basketball is nice to watch)
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AngerFist wrote:
Unfortunately for the game, this referee had 0% control over the game.
I think the game wouldn't have escalated if the referee had shown Bouhlarouz the red card in the 8th minute. This is football/soccer and not some kind of martial arts... Furthermore: I can't understand why a highly-paid professional player is not able to behave rationally (e.g. Deco). These are just stupid actions that weaken the own team for the actual and the following game... But was a really entertaining game :)
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Rodriguez' goal was just insane! Can't wait until the match vs. Germany...
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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch Brazil... But I was really impressed by the performance of my nation today! I really would like to booze myself up to the moon, but I have to learn for university :(
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An ego-shooter deathmatch when all players are drunk (LAN of course) is extremely funny! Even a 1on1 is very entertaining and we laughed our asses of because of so many silly situations and actions. In my case we played Half-Life and Quake 3. Especially Quake is a good thing to play drunk because it's very fast and colorful. :) I just can recommend this!
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I'd like to see a jewels run since I was never able to beat the boss... A 100% jewels, powers and stats run would also be nice. You don't have a favourite?
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I've never been so nervous and afterwards so damn happy! It's been the deserved reward for pushing forward for a long time! My conclusion until now: - the African teams are stronger than I thought although they all lost - France was just a disappointment...they are comparable to Germany 1998 - England: another disappointment...let it rain for their next game - Brazil...hmm...I think Croatia derserved the win! But on the other hand it's not that easy with one less: you can't count Ronaldo as he was just watching the game and maybe did some WALKing. But I expected MUCH more from a team with so much potential! - the only teams I was impressed by:
    The Netherlands (awesome Robben) Czech Republic (superior victory) Spain (never expected such an obvious win)
I have to sleep now although I wanna party until I die... Sleep tight!
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This is more than interesting. Do you have some more ideas? For example which levels you will do first? Do you consider to die (I think this will open more ways to make this project possible)?
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I don't know the game, but the graphics looked cute and the music was somehow weird ;) And I liked your movie, so one more Yes!
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Voting Yes, because everyone's pretending to vote No. I think the old run is indeed a bit more entertaining (especially the ghost house), but 4 seconds is a lot. Congratulations!
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Well, it also desynched for me in the space auto scroll level. Until then I had some "WTF?"-moments, but also some "That looked sloppy"-moments. Maybe you can redo it considering Twisted Eyes's suggestions and using the right rom. I don't think, any movie will be accepted if it uses a beta rom although there is a normal rom available. But keep up the work and maybe try posting WIPs in the SNES Forum.
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What the hell... :-O I really have no idea what's happening, except that the orb is becoming thinner in a ridiculous amount of time. And I like movies, in which I don't know what's going on :) This is a clear yes and I hope there will finally be a second movie in the N64 section.
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Well done! It looked damn fast! I recommend to enable the "Input Display". There are some nice little "dances" after a boss fight. :) So a clear Yes!
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Yes! That looks really nice! The constant jumping/bouncing of enemies and re-using these enemies is awesome. Really looking forward to see some more stuff!
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I liked the run. It's really sad that there's been so much lag, but many times you just can't avoid it. Maybe you can improve the lag reduction... But I really enjoyed watching this run, so you got a 'yes'!
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Do you plan to feed the faery in the southern lake with rubies so you can carry more bombs/arrows or is the definition of your 100% just to collect all items/swords/shields/armors/bottles? If you're nitpicking visiting this faery would belong to the run, but it would also be damn boring. And what about heart pieces?
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Glad to hear this. :) Can't wait to see the finished run!
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Keep calm guys, I was just joking! ;)
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Phallosvogel wrote:
S001 SCRT Secret Aquarium............... 01:15 02:03 0:48 0:46 X this might be the only slower one - but I cant believe that a normal gameplay should be faster then a TAS :-/
This has been discussed before and I think the main reason was, that FODA didn't know about the perfect timing for pressing A. Since this is the first star in his run, he didn't want to remake the whole run. It looks flawless anyway ;) @ FODA: Stop posting WIPs! I don't want to see any more until the run is finished but I just can't resist if you offer one! ;)
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Oh my god, I'ver never seen such a infantile behaviour... We're just giving ideas about how you could make the run more interesting, but that doesn't mean at all that you must do it this way... Your reactions are just ridiculous!
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Thank you Frigz. I think I knew this once, but it's been a really long time since I beat this game. I hope this run will be finished somewhen!
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